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Video: BANNED: How To Create an Angry American

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posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:58 PM

Feed the troll????

Than you say "WhatTheory, since you ask for ONE LIE told by Bush I think even you can agree that he said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we would find them.

OKAY...............Where are they??? That constitutes a lie.

Happy, are you full now?"

Its fine that you have a point of view but please don't contradict yourself............

Anyway, I usually don't respond to threads unless there is a reason. Most of those reasons involve outing someone of ignorance.

The point of this thread is two fold: The video that is presented here shows outright lies by AMERICAS leaders, you know the ones that the MAJORITY of Americans voted for??

The second point of the thread is those that say: "This video is edited as to show our Administration in a bad context."

So, the bottom line is who is telling the lie??? The ADMINISTRATION or those in this thread who are trying to be "Conspiracy theorist"???

I know the answer..............

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
reply to post by mind is the universe

There will always be wars and rumors of wars friend, your kids will grow up in a cruel deceptive world, America is just like any other country, rotten to the core.

The problem is people, when you give people power they will crave more power and they will do anything to get it, people are inherently evil and the more power you give someone, anyone, the more evil and corrupt they will become.
These are undisputible facts.


I've always known that, I totally agree with you. Power to one man over many is a disease.

Yes, but we can minimise the wars that we create, by learning to be aware of our actions onto each other. Learning from our mistakes. Taking responsiblity for our behaviour.

I don't accept it. My life is here on this planet and I'm not going to blindly accept just because this was the pattern for humanity over the last 50,000 years.

We have to change. Humanity has made huge improvment since cave man. The lesson is here, in front of us. This pattern has gone on and on, with war. Why stagnate another 50,000 years.

if I can change so can you. I don't give my power to those people who play havok with humanity. I will use my voice, my awarness and personal pwer. I continue to change. I see changes in my own circle. My own life to reflect on acheievments. People do follow good patterns. The world can change.

Some people are evolved, Humanity is evolving. so I don't agree that every human is inherently evil either. The majority that do become evil. Its because they think they can get away with it and they are allowed to. Just like the spoilt child syndrome. People are now not accepting it anymore.

Like the 20 year old, who leaves old patterns as a child, time to grow up and change. Old behaviours from the past have to go. New patterns to start.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:10 PM
mind is the universe:

Just a little side note I am curious about your feelings towards Ireland going against the EU??

I as a Irish-American am truly happy that our "Fighting" roots still reign....

Also, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield (Ringleader), and Rice should all go down.............

Look up the history of Rumsfield for why I think he is the Ringleader in this group.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by hoochymama]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Hmm... Well in retrospect, the only changes that have been made are more and better ways to destroy each other. We've gone from rocks, to spears, to guns, to nukes. We still fight over the same things, for the same reasons. One man cannot change the mind or control another man, that other man will still do what ever his choice is, even if you threaten him he will still do what he chooses and so war and violence starts.


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
I'd really like to know why you are a part of this forum. I'm not saying you don't belong here or that you should leave or anything, but why in the world would someone who believes there is no conspiracy in the gov or anything else, why would someone like that join a forum like this?

Who said that I don't believe in any conspiracies?
Having said that, not everything is a conspiracy.

However, when it comes to political issues, I find there are a lot of anti-American threads which are nothing but troll threads started by brainwashed individuals who cannot think for themselves. Because of this, I always try to add my two cents in order to counter these sort of threads.

This forum in general is more than political and I rather enjoy reading threads about UFO's, secret government projects, ancient civilizations and other similar topics.

I'd rally like to know your stance on, well, what your religious beliefs are, what your gavermental beliefs are all that really, I kinda want to know who I'm talking to instead of jumping to conclusions about what you believe and what kinda person you are.

I would be happy to tell you but you need to be a little more specific. Religious and government beliefs in what areas? These two topics are very large.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:22 PM

Looks like you kind of side stepped the issue at hand.


According to your responses in this thread, except this most recent one, you seem to believe that all WE are doing is attacking the Administration with nothing but a CHOPPED UP VIDEO???

[edit on 22-6-2008 by hoochymama]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by hoochymama
mind is the universe:

Just a little side note I am curious about your feelings towards Ireland going against the EU??

I as a Irish-American am truly happy that our "Fighting" roots still reign....

Also, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield (Ringleader), and Rice should all go down.............

Look up the history of Rumsfield for why I think he is the Ringleader in this group.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by hoochymama]

I'm so glad you asked. Its being boggling my mind over the last few days.
First of all, I didn't vote
I got the days mixed up. I was one of the yes voters. Mainly because Europe has done alot for Ireland. Which we always note to our fellow Europeans. We have always felt part of Europe.

I'm completey swinging for NO. The treaty to me is a farce. The referendum, was given for the people to a nation to decide YES or NO. The people of Ireland said NO. I have to respect this, the people spoke out. Europe has disrespected this, and publicaly embarressed the nation to the world. Our own Leader even made it more redicoulous by apologising to Europe for voting No. Our leader allowed to be bullied into doing what they want us to do, the people to vote yes. WHAT'S the point? of any of it.

So Europe disrespects this and force the nation of Ireland to vote AGAIN. How is this democrazy? How is the progress? Can civilised nations not come to some compromise like civilized nation should be.

Therefore I wil not give my respect to Europe. I will be voting NO next year

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

Thats how you see it, Fair enough. Which is true, but there has being progress. But is that what you want to envision for the future, be powerless and see the negative to further strengthen the view of resisting to change.

We are responsible for the universe we create.

I'm changing. don't know about the rest of humanity.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by hoochymama

Of course they did not lie. Do you know the difference between intentionally lying and being wrong?

If you were the President and your intelligence agencies are telling you Iraq had WMD, plus the British intelligence services saying the same thing, what are you going to do? Are you going to ignore them and say you are wrong? Of course NOT!
How is it lying when Bush actually believed there were WMD because of the info he received from multiple sources?
Another point is that there is some evidence that Iraq did have WMD but transported them out of the country to Syria before the war.
So, no, I don't believe intentionally lied.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:38 PM
yeah dont believe the former press secretary when he comes out and testifies before the house saying that they intentionally lied and started a propaganda campaign to sway public opinion to get us into Iraq.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by hoochymama

Of course they did not lie. Do you know the difference between intentionally lying and being wrong?

If you were the President and your intelligence agencies are telling you Iraq had WMD, plus the British intelligence services saying the same thing, what are you going to do? Are you going to ignore them and say you are wrong? Of course NOT!
How is it lying when Bush actually believed there were WMD because of the info he received from multiple sources?
Another point is that there is some evidence that Iraq did have WMD but transported them out of the country to Syria before the war.
So, no, I don't believe intentionally lied.

LOL. So you KNOW for a fact this is the case. That Bush believed this, How did your conversation go with him, when he revealed that he fell for it... In a big way, I mean look at the devastation its has provoked.. So Bush was really not lieing because the advisers told him it was the truth? lol. So the other advisers are liars?, is this official from you, or they got told lies from the guy before them and they other guys over there. Point being but Bush fell for it, oops so he then lied to the nation. kept lieing, and still lieing.. EVEN now hes still lieing, oops. But its not his fault like how could it be, in fact sure it was all just a joke maybe. Maybe it was a script.. Bush lie NEVER.

This is comedy.......

Do you know Bush's war used WMDs to get rid of 650,000 people in Iraq

What are you trying to prove here anyway.

Your points are like, defending a child that stole a lollipop from the girl beside him, and EVERYONE saw the kid do it, but you didn't so your saying that we are all making it up or we are only see that minute, and didn't see the full picture.

Comedy I tell ya.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Ah but you see, just because someone believes the american government is corrupt or evil does not mean that they hate america. I love America, I love my country/nation, however, I donot love it's government, I can't stand what this government has done, despite whatever administration it has been it has been corrupt, wheather it be Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Nixon, whoever, it has been corrupt.

Concerning my inquiry into your beliefs on religion, I'll start by giving an example with my beliefs.
I believe that Yeshua is God in flesh and came to the earth and died for our sins so we can live with Him forever. I believe that the Arabs are not all evil people who want to destroy the US and Israel, in fact in the book of Revelation it talks about them helping people that had the mark of God in the middle east escape into the wilderness, escape from satan. The Arabs are not the ones the children of Israel fought agianst either, so using the old testiment to defend the war on the Arabs holds no water. I believe that we have a new covonent and that our battle is not agianst flesh and blood, but aginst pricipalities and fallen angels. I believe that any true Christian must believe in what I like to call "The Great Conspiracy" which is Stans conspiracy to rule over us and overthrow God. I believe that all this stuff that we see going on here that is talked about on ATS is a poart of this Great Conspiracy, a One World Government (AKA The Beast with seven head and ten horns on each head and a crown on that horn), I believe the video posted by DD shows more evidence of this.

My religious belifs reflect my beliefs concerning what is going on with the government too.


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
LOL. So you KNOW for a fact this is the case.

Yes, it's well documented.
LOL. So you KNOW for a fact to the contrary?

Bush was really not lieing because the advisers told him it was the truth. So the other advisers are liars?, is this official, or they got told lies from the guy before them and they other guys over there, point being but Bush fell for it, oops so he then lied to the nation.

Good Lord man, do you comprehend what you are reading or are you intentionally being disingenuous? Which is it?
Again, Nobody intentionally lied. If you believe the WMD were not moved to Syria before the war then the intelligence was wrong. How is that lying?
There is a difference between intentionally lying and getting it wrong.

This is comedy.......
Do you know Bush's war used WMDs to get rid of 650,000 people in Iraq

You are right, your thought and figures is pure comedy.

What are you trying to prove here anyway.

I am not trying to prove anything. Just stating fact which you choose to ignore. Perhaps you have Bush derangement syndrome.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
However, when it comes to political issues, I find there are a lot of anti-American threads which are nothing but troll threads started by brainwashed individuals who cannot think for themselves. Because of this, I always try to add my two cents in order to counter these sort of threads.

Well alot of people have died in this war, lately. Including fellow americans. Who are the trolls? be specific please. It is only your opinion afterall. What were they trolling of? since its only your opinion. From my observation alot of fellow americans have expressed their views on these threads, and are they trolls too, I await to hear your response, since you've failed to answer any previous post's of mine.

You think people are not allowed talk about this war, as in realtime, the war that is killing right now? Not allowed to express it on this website, why not?

Are you been for real?

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Uhhh, Mr WhatTheory::

Have you ever heard of George Tennant?? He happened to be the head of the CIA who gave BUSH the so called evidence you support in your THEORY (coincidence since your name is "WhatTheory") about the Lie....

Didn't Bush get his info that you support from George Tennant?? If so, now that George Tennant wrote a book saying that the Bush administration LIED to the American people, are you doing to retract your statement and actually SEE THE LIGHT???

I am not here to lambaste you because you don't know all the facts. But, look up George Tannant, come back, than state what you believe...........

If you actually do the research and come back with a statement after you read a little about what George Tennant says than I will actually respond to you..........

Until than.............................

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
Perhaps you have Bush derangement syndrome.

So your a psychriatrist? I've never heard of that syndrome before. What does the side effects involve? i'm curious to know where you come up with these facinating stuff.

I'm now officially not changing the channel. This is funny. turns up the volume.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
Ah but you see, just because someone believes the american government is corrupt or evil does not mean that they hate america.

I agree and never stated that all people who find the government corrupt also hate America. Hell, I believe some aspects of the government is corrupt.

I love America, I love my country/nation

That is good but not everyone thinks like you. There are a lot of people who purposefully start anti-American threads because they actually hate America and what it stands for.

Concerning my inquiry into your beliefs on religion, I'll start by giving an example with my beliefs.

I was raised a Catholic but unfortunately I am not currently real big into religion. I might go occassionally to Church on Sunday after my wife nags me about, so I guess I'm not a good Christian.

I believe that the Arabs are not all evil people who want to destroy the US and Israel, in fact in the book of Revelation it talks about them helping people that had the mark of God in the middle east escape into the wilderness, escape from satan.

I don't know anyone including myself who thinks all Arabs are evil who wish to destroy the U.S. In fact, I don't put any religious overtones into the current war on terror except for the fact that there are some Muslim extremists who are crazy and want to kill you.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by mind is the universe
Well alot of people have died in this war, lately. Including fellow americans. Who are the trolls?

What the hell does people dying have to do with trolls?
Are you drunk or something?

From my observation alot of fellow americans have expressed their views on these threads, and are they trolls too, I await to hear your response, since you've failed to answer any previous post's of mine.

Just as I thought, you are not reading the posts or are intentionally being disingenuous because I have answered all your stupid posts.
Again, what does people expressing their views have to do with trolls?
You are confusing some issues here.
You do realize that being against the war does not mean you hate America right?

You think people are not allowed talk about this war, as in realtime, the war that is killing right now? Not allowed to express it on this website, why not?
Are you been for real?

The question should be are you for real because you are making no sense.
Where did I say people are not allowed to talk about the war?
Apparently you are reading what you want to see and NOT what I am actually posting because judging by your responses, you are clueless.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Of course they did not lie. Do you know the difference between intentionally lying and being wrong?

If you were the President and your intelligence agencies are telling you Iraq had WMD, plus the British intelligence services saying the same thing, what are you going to do? Are you going to ignore them and say you are wrong? Of course NOT!
How is it lying when Bush actually believed there were WMD because of the info he received from multiple sources?
Another point is that there is some evidence that Iraq did have WMD but transported them out of the country to Syria before the war.
So, no, I don't believe intentionally lied.

Bush was also told by a lot of intelligence sources that he didnt have weapons. Look at Valerie Plames husband. Look at the IAEA who were doing inspections and coming up with the same thing no weapons. Also although Im not a fan of him but Jaque Chirac of France told Bush also there was no weapons and also told him that invading would start a civil war there. Bush ignored that also. There was plenty of evidence just like there was plenty of evidence before hand on 911 but people just kind of blocked it all out. Bush had and agenda and he was going to get it done so he took any intelligence he had to make the case and blocked out everything else. You can call that lying or you can call it lying but those are the facts. He may not of lied per se but he DID have an agenda and that agenda was oil, making cronies rich, and avenging his father who Sadam tried to kill. Those my friend are not spin facts.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

What the hell does people dying have to do with trolls?
Are you drunk or something?

You said earlier that there has being anti american threads that lead to trolling etc. I said, that there is a war out there that the world and the country of America did not want. They are expressing this on ATS.
That's my point.

I don't hate America, I hate the behaviour, The last 8 years was horrendus. It was out of control, the war was trickery and brought on because the fear and lies created majorly by your government.

I feel your saying the people who agree with me our trolls.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

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