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President Bush's war plans are risky, but Mr. Bush is no gambler. In fact he denies the very existence of chance. ''Events aren't moved by blind change and chance'' he has said, but by ''the hand of a just and faithful God.'' From the outset he has been convinced that his presidency is part of a divine plan, even telling a friend while he was governor of Texas, ''I believe God wants me to run for president.''
This conviction that he is doing God's will has surfaced more openly since 9/11. In his State of the Union addresses and other public forums, he has presented himself as the leader of a global war against evil. As for a war in Iraq, ''we do not claim to know all the ways of Providence, yet we can trust in them.'' God is at work in world affairs, he says, calling for the United States to lead a liberating crusade in the Middle East, and ''this call of history has come to the right country.''
Originally posted by Res Ipsa
Obermann gets watched by a ton of people and he has plastered Bush over and over again.
The point is that there is plenty of media coverage exposing the truth for anyone that is interested in learning it.
Originally posted by Res Ipsa
Oh, did I hit a nerve with you pal concerning Olberman?
You do realize that both of these guys are partisian right? Olbermann doesn't lie about being "fair and balanced"
I also don't believe your ratings info is up to date.
Did you omit mentioning Jon Stewart by accident or do you admit that he is spot on about issues as well?
So who am I? What can you tell me about any of these people that I don't know more about than you?
Olbermann is more credible than O'Reilly and I know this better than you, because I have watched both of them longer than you. (oh yeah, I threw down that gauntlet! You got game? You older than me?
or is O'Reilly your first foray into the world of media manipulation? That is my guess.
Originally posted by Res Ipsa
I guess I should have pointed out that the ratings arguement is useless, I can pull or find figures that show the weeks and days that Olbermann crushed O'Reilly.
Who said Olbermann was "fair and balanced?" not me.
Olbermann is an Obama supporter, he is liberal. He rages through his masterful "special comments" and puts my thoughts to words.
You even gave me an example when you know next to nothing about Jon Stewart.
You have played for only one team here. I have been on both teams.
Olbermann is better and more accurate than O'Reilly.
Originally posted by WhatTheory
What a load of rubbish!
Some people are so blind or perhaps brainwashed by the liberal propaganda that they cannot think for themselves.
DD, all of your posts are exactly the same. They are all anti-Bush, anti-America or something similar. Your posts are getting quite old, tired and boring because you keep repeating yourself with the same propaganda which of course has no proof involved. You do realize Utube videos with chopped up half sentences uploaded by anonymous people does not equal proof right?
Who said Olbermann was "fair and balanced?" not me.
Yes, you did.
Then please explain what you meant when you said, "Olbermann doesn't lie about being "fair and balanced" I also don't believe your ratings info is up to date."