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Video: BANNED: How To Create an Angry American

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+30 more 
posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 01:28 PM

And there are STILL people here defending these PATHOLOGICAL LIARS!!! It does not get any clearer than this! The lies are RIGHT IN OUR FACES, RIGHT HERE!!!

What the hell is it going to take to wake some of these people up?!?

They are doing it all over again, as we speak, with IRAN!!

[edit on 21-6-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I'm sorry to say this (and hope it doesn't come off as sacrilegious to some or horrible, but...) It would take an act of God to wake some people up.

I mean we have people in the white house using God to further there motive, and most people probably see that as being "A-Okay" As long as good 'ol "G" is in there it doesn't seem like much of a problem to most Americans.

-Storms headed this way, I am currently unable to type all that I wish to type, but I figure that should sum up a bit of what I wanted to see. I will also look for a link later to hopefully back up what I said about people in the white house using God to further there motive. I know bush did it a couple of times and that is mainly what I was aiming at.-

Eh forget the storm, here are a few starting ones. The article is back from 2003, I figured I'd start from when he first tried to run for president and then work my way up to the Iraq war.

President Bush's war plans are risky, but Mr. Bush is no gambler. In fact he denies the very existence of chance. ''Events aren't moved by blind change and chance'' he has said, but by ''the hand of a just and faithful God.'' From the outset he has been convinced that his presidency is part of a divine plan, even telling a friend while he was governor of Texas, ''I believe God wants me to run for president.''

This conviction that he is doing God's will has surfaced more openly since 9/11. In his State of the Union addresses and other public forums, he has presented himself as the leader of a global war against evil. As for a war in Iraq, ''we do not claim to know all the ways of Providence, yet we can trust in them.'' God is at work in world affairs, he says, calling for the United States to lead a liberating crusade in the Middle East, and ''this call of history has come to the right country.''

I think we got us a tyrant on our hands
. All in favor of running him out say Aye.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Leviatano]

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Leviatano]

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Leviatano]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Its a common idea that most people won't wake up, as if everything is set and there is nothing anyone can do about it. This video is a prime example of the how erroneous that apathy is. Did you not notice that those men cannot even drive in public, or face the people in question periods without a backlash. They drive through lines of protest.

Critical mass is beginning to build, and that is occurring without mass-media exposure to the truth. However, the only reason, the the vast majority has not awkened fully to the massive hijacking of their democratic nation by a small corporate elite, is DUE TO MEDIA CONTROL. Anyone who begins to question at first one issue, and then discovers that there is an alternate media fighting for democracy and justice, they begin to inundate themselves with every source available. The question to ask is this. Is it beyond possible human effort for the 2-5% of the population who have awoken (and believe me that is a significant overall number of people, ranking in millions in North America alone) to attack the media control issue en-mass? What would a think-tank of citizen strategists think of, covering as many bases from easy to manage low cost efforts to major ones? I havn't discovered a good source of such a group yet. I have thought on this issue for years. On the bottom grass roots level, I have thought of organized groups in every town an city, and there must be an awakened group in every region, creating small groups who could hand out pamphlets and flyers showing key major stories that are irrefuted (IE. OKLAHOMA DECLARES SOVEREIGNTY) and the has a downloadable document from governement website, that are major stories, and yet their media has SURPRISE SURPRISE not reported it, and then give websites with numerous other such stories to AWAKEN THEM. This could be well done, and continued until the mass has tipped.

Another element is to actually bring reporters who are not likely to have tickets out of dodge, into it. Why isn't a dedicated group of people continually writing to all the names of every staff reporter asking them to group up and create a new paper(s) together. In other words, new media must be created. Printing presses are very costly. So this would take a large group, or a wealthy benefactor. Guilt must be present in some of these people, think of what constant pressure asking the right questions and support might bring. I can't think of others but a think tank could cover all grounds.

The problem is: that we simply aren't organizing ourselves enough, probably due to the fact that many who spend considerable time online, even for research are introverts. But now is the time to get such a presence, a think tank and even form groups in each community.

I just read a thread on someone willing to kill for the survival of his family, not defensively, but offensively, say to steal his neighbours vehicle. It horrified me. This is what the mentality of so many may be due to living in a country that doesn't look after its own, and that doesn't throw up a few leaders in every community to get cohesive groups together. Traumatized people with few services, and without media are helpless unless groups form. So not only do we need to form these groups, but I also suggest emergency planning of civilians, including everyone such as the poor and elderly. When you leave people out, you will create gangs of murderers.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Think tanks would require a web presence. But in communities theres a cool little tool for finding like-minded people called meet-ups. Maybe there are already groups in our areas. I confess myself to being somewhat introverted.
. So perhaps its time to take a look. The cost is relatively low to set up something on that program though.

+4 more 
posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:44 PM
What a load of rubbish!

Some people are so blind or perhaps brainwashed by the liberal propaganda that they cannot think for themselves.
DD, all of your posts are exactly the same. They are all anti-Bush, anti-America or something similar. Your posts are getting quite old, tired and boring because you keep repeating yourself with the same propaganda which of course has no proof involved. You do realize Utube videos with chopped up half sentences uploaded by anonymous people does not equal proof right?

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Mark my words, Civil unrest is on its way. Possibly even civil war.
I am betting they know this and have prepared for it. The whole 911 thing is far too big not to be uncovered for what it really was. There are far too many experts in the field and far too many facts to be ignored. It WILL
WILL WILL WILL come out, that much I promise you.

The problem is that WHEN it does there will be an uprising the likes of which this country has never seen.

There will be a massive clamp down on the citizens dur to all of the violence. Anyone taking part in the civil unrest/civil war will be declared an enemy of the state and quickly whisked away to a labor camp where they will never see the light of day again due to the good 'ol patriot act being signed into law and habeus corpus being null and void.

So, the question is not if, but when.
And when the time comes what we all need to ask ourseves is,
"Will I fight for my freedom". You will all have your day to shine believe me.
Will you suit up and go die for your country? Are you willing to die for your
freedom? Because you will. We will be fighting the GD DAMN United states military/National gaurd/secret police force. They will have weapos that don't even officially exist. It will be an up-hill fight the whole way.

There is probly little chance of success. Let go of your love of life right now. Stop clinging to it like a blankey.
There are worse things than dieing,
like living in a perpetual Police State and being a slave for the rest of your life.
We will not die for OUR freedoms, but for the freedoms of our children and grandchildren.
We may never know what it is like to live without oppression and tyranny. We may never know the joys of living in true freedom. But GD DAMNIT MY CHILDREN WILL!!!!!

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:23 PM
Wake up?
Since when has any movement happen over night? (figuratively speaking)
How long did most of America know that segregation was retarded before doing anything about it?
Wake up.
What is needed is organization and leaders. This takes time to find and develop both. Yeah, it sucks to have a front row seat and know that we can't speed things up.
Ok. some of you blame the media. What media? are we talking about MSM? Do we even know what that is anymore? is it NBC, CBS, ABC? is Fox? MSNBC? is it include print media that hardly anyone takes the time to read anymore unless it has been posted on the net?
Obermann gets watched by a ton of people and he has plastered Bush over and over again. Jon Stewart has a huge audience. The point is that there is plenty of media coverage exposing the truth for anyone that is interested in learning it. Ahhhh, but there are people that are NOT interested. There is no wake up call for them. They don't care. Tough to comprehend but that is the way it is and always will be.

So stop blaming the media. Where are our leaders? Where is our MLK or Bobby Kennedy.

Finally, lets play leader of the free world.....

Who do I get to prosecute these war criminals? SCOTUS? Important enough case but not appropriate for the Supreme "appellate" court.
How many Americans would feel that convicting these people would send a message of guilt and culpability to the rest of the world, that we are weak, and divided. What kind of shame would this bring us?
(admitting we were wrong is an admirable virtue but the rest of the world wouldn't see it that way) they would want compensation.
While we are at it, why don't we expose every unconstitutional thing and act done by this would have to come out during the trial anyways....then once we pull that string, we can never turn back, one thing after another until the whole thing unravels and people are dazed and confused and their conception of the world is too much for them, the market responds all crazy like because people think the government is colapsing in on itself. Chaos.

I know some of you think it is about time something so radical happens to shake up our mundane existence. Me, I would rather that calmer heads work to undo the evils that Bush and his people did, under the table and like true patriots they will suffer the slings and arrows from people like Dimentional that accuse them of doing nothing, while working to save our Country.

The call should not be to "Wake up" it should be to get those of us that are interested to organize and apply pressure and develop or find good leaders and not give those criminals another peaceful night of sleep in this life time. We should measure our success every time a secret service agent requests a transfer from Bush duty. We shouldn't let Rove or Rice or Wolfiwitz or Rumsfield go out in public without verbally abusing them into submission. We should have a whole group of ...."anti poparatzi" (spelling sucks) you know instead of following around a celebrity we have a couple 100 people follow these criminals in public just to remind them on a constant consistent day in and day out basis that they are criminals and how much they are loathed by America. This would be a better punishment then enjoying some white collar prison.
Who would hire these people if they knew that a mob of angry people would be a huge headache and publicity nightmare. Maybe this activist group would gather enough support that they would boycott any product or service provided by anyone who hires these guys.
focusing on these individuals is far more doable then trying to hold the entire government accountable, and far more effective. Members of Congress and the new administration would be thinking "oh sheet, I don't want that happening to me!"
You could have as little as 50 people at a time per person pull this off. They would work in 8 hour shifts. The headache of constantly going to court for restraining orders, the court costs.
So you see, there are enough people that are "awake" or care that you could pull this change off. Without going after the entire government in a head on futile mission.
No coup required. No civil war. Nothing illegal (misdemeanors here and there) Just no peace for these criminals until they beg for a trial.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
Obermann gets watched by a ton of people and he has plastered Bush over and over again.

So what? He still does not get the most viewers. His ratings are low relatively speaking. O'Reilly kicks his ass in ratings so I guess by using your logic, since more people are watching Reilly, he must be speaking the truth and not Oberdouche.

Ratings: O'reilly vs Olbermann

The point is that there is plenty of media coverage exposing the truth for anyone that is interested in learning it.

That is your view of events which in reality does not equal truth.
Just because you THINK he speaks the truth, does not mean he actually is speaking the truth. Olberstink is one the biggest leftist who only spews the typical liberal talking points. Again, using your logic, since more people watch O'Reilly, he must be speaking the truth and not the other guy.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:30 PM
What fascinates me is that even though the President has a low approval rating, the Congress which has a majority of Democrats has an even lower approval rating. I'm not saying Bush is the best president in the world,but I find that both parties have some serious corruption issues. The presidency can no longer be in the hands of one person anymore. There needs to be a council position with elected members of the three parties representing the seats. This would cause a fairer, balanced executive seat. But it would also cause time critical problems to waffle around. But its the only way around the leftist / right wing spins. And yeah the poor independant would be in the middle. Good Luck guy!!
BTW I'm not a very politcal person so please take my thoughts with a grain of salt. Or pepper if you wish.


posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Oh, did I hit a nerve with you pal concerning Olberman?
I for one have watched years of O'Reilly before finding a more credible person in Olbermann. You do realize that both of these guys are partisian right? Olbermann doesn't lie about being "fair and balanced" I also don't believe your ratings info is up to date.
Did you omit mentioning Jon Stewart by accident or do you admit that he is spot on about issues as well?
Before you go labeling me some brainless liberal; I once was a ditto head(Rush) in my youth, then I was a Moore fan because of his Detroit movie. Then I was a fox news junky with O'Reilly being my guy and then I moved to MSNBC to my man Olbermann because he alone was raging for me and saying all that I wanted to say. I have been a fan of Jon Stewart since he started his show and then of course Colbert.
So who am I? What can you tell me about any of these people that I don't know more about than you?
We recently lost one of the best media people we had in Tim Russert.
Who do we have left? phuck Fox for any useful information. The big three main network news is just a bunch of sound bytes that inform us of just enough information to make most ignorant people dangerous.

I voted for Reagan. I voted for Clinton twice. I also voted for Jesse Ventura as Governor. So who am I?

I heard it all from the Right and I have heard it all from the Left. Now I know when either side is lying, I know both sides tactics and same old tired ass rhetorics. Olbermann is more credible than O'Reilly and I know this better than you, because I have watched both of them longer than you. (oh yeah, I threw down that gauntlet! You got game? You older than me? Have you watched or listened to all of these people longer than me? I also was a big fan and listener of Howard Sterns on DC101 (I throw that in as a hint of my age)
or is O'Reilly your first foray into the world of media manipulation? That is my guess.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Res Ipsa]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Waking up isn't the same as staging a coup on the government. It really isn't true that everyone is aware of alternate media sources, because really they don't . The most common thing I hear is, "I never knew that. Why wasn't that on the news?" How can any populous even make legitimate choices, or decide none are worthy of their support and form new parties and gain support, without honest media that presents breaking stories and human interest artices? My father has 3 papers delivered to his house, and despite a basic understanding of media censorship, still clings to what he reads nonstop. Most people who are living the middle class dream, shrinking more and more each day, are so busy that they watch their favorite mainstream channel, and read their favorite paper.
We need free presses!
I agree with most of what you've said though. Following corrupt politicians around in core groups seems very worthy. Further I believe there are people of various rank in position working for to ensure the constitution prevails.
But with the possibilities before us of a new fourth reicht emerging, public involvement is necessary. Democracy is founded upon involvement. Divorcing people from freedom of the press divorces them from critical thinking.
I also believe relying on one person at the top is ridiculous. Proportional Representation is a much more democratic and responsible system.
Actually making changes in the system itself is also only possible with a well-informed, politically intelligent populous.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
Oh, did I hit a nerve with you pal concerning Olberman?

A nerve? No, why would you think that? Just because I responded to your inaccurate post? So no, I am just pointing out your errors or perhaps you already knew this and you are just being disingenuous.

You do realize that both of these guys are partisian right? Olbermann doesn't lie about being "fair and balanced"

That's exactly my point!
Olbermann is mental if he believes he is 'fair and balanced'. He is obviously and clearly a leftist liberal hack. It is just the opposite of 'fair and balanced'. So either he is lying or deranged.

On the other hand, O'reilly admits he leans to the right and is not deluding himself and the viewers like Olbermann. Plus O'reilly always has on leftist and liberals to counter his point. That actually is fair and balanced.

I also don't believe your ratings info is up to date.

Then I guess you did not read the charts because the first chart clearly shows the ratings up to last week of this month of this year. The second chart goes back to last year up to the current month of this year. I don't know what to say, either you did not read it or purposefully chose to ignore the facts.

Did you omit mentioning Jon Stewart by accident or do you admit that he is spot on about issues as well?

No, it was not by accident. I just don't have any figures on him. I would assume he is wrong and liberal bent just like Olbermann though. Although I will see if I can find some info.

So who am I? What can you tell me about any of these people that I don't know more about than you?

Who are you? I have no idea but you obviously don't know as much as you think.

Olbermann is more credible than O'Reilly and I know this better than you, because I have watched both of them longer than you. (oh yeah, I threw down that gauntlet! You got game? You older than me?

I don't know if I am older than you or not. You do realize that age does not necessarily equate to being smarter or more intelligent right? There are old dumb people out there.

or is O'Reilly your first foray into the world of media manipulation? That is my guess.

Then again and what seems like the norm, you are wrong. I am by no means young but I am not a senior citizen either.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:25 PM
I guess I should have pointed out that the ratings arguement is useless, I can pull or find figures that show the weeks and days that Olbermann crushed O'Reilly.

Who said Olbermann was "fair and balanced?" not me. I told you that both are partisan. Yeah, O'spasky has a liberal on from time to time to go ape sheet on them. So help me if you bring up that wet noodle Colmes.

Olbermann is an Obama supporter, he is liberal. He rages through his masterful "special comments" and puts my thoughts to words.

O'orally does not invoke anything and is too lazy or dumb to get his facts straight half of the time. He is a political hack.

Who said that age has anything to do with intelligence? I said that I am more "informed" than you. You even gave me an example when you know next to nothing about Jon Stewart.

I never challenged you on intelligence. Just knowledge concerning the media hacks from both the left and the right.

You have played for only one team here. I have been on both teams.

Olbermann is better and more accurate than O'Reilly.

Oh, and before you beat me to it, Dennis Miller is the worst kind of sell out there is, so don't throw him into the argument. ( I do sound left leaning but I lean to the side that "lies" the "least")

WTF? I just read your response again to make sure I didn't miss anything.
I clearly explained to you about both of these guys as being "partisan" what part of that did you gloss over? That means Olberman goes left and O'Reilly goes right. I also explained that the liberals O'Reilly has on his show just exposes O'Reillys lose grip on his self control. Some times the "liberal" guests just look stupified as Billo loses his mind.

I'll do it live! That has to be one of the best all time youtube videos, don't you agree?

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:31 PM
To the free press issue poster,
Your preaching to the choir here sister. Jon Stewart has been the only real vocal person I hear talking about it.
I have yet to hear a word out of Jon that I don't agree with.

There couldn't be a "single" more important change than to establish a true free press. I just thought that was a given so I didn't say anything about it before. I just assumed that we are stuck with the corporate bullsheet we have now.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
I guess I should have pointed out that the ratings arguement is useless, I can pull or find figures that show the weeks and days that Olbermann crushed O'Reilly.

Well, you were the one who brought up the point about Olbermann's supposedly high ratings as being a reason why he supposedly tells the 'truth'. I guess you want to move on since his ratings really are quite poor.

Who said Olbermann was "fair and balanced?" not me.

Yes, you did.
Then please explain what you meant when you said, "Olbermann doesn't lie about being "fair and balanced" I also don't believe your ratings info is up to date."
That sounds like you are saying he is 'fair and balanced'. But I see what you are trying to say now. It was worded poorly. I take it you meant to say Olbermann doesn't lie about being a liberal or NOT being 'fair and balanced'. Got it.

Olbermann is an Obama supporter, he is liberal. He rages through his masterful "special comments" and puts my thoughts to words.

Masterful??....Now that is funny. More like a retarded rant. But hey, at least you admit he is a leftist liberal political hack.

You even gave me an example when you know next to nothing about Jon Stewart.

Okay, so what? Jon Stewart is a nobody. He has some late night TV entertainment show. Big deal.

You have played for only one team here. I have been on both teams.

Thats because you are easily swayed by rhetoric and not facts.

Olbermann is better and more accurate than O'Reilly.

You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
What a load of rubbish!

Some people are so blind or perhaps brainwashed by the liberal propaganda that they cannot think for themselves.
DD, all of your posts are exactly the same. They are all anti-Bush, anti-America or something similar. Your posts are getting quite old, tired and boring because you keep repeating yourself with the same propaganda which of course has no proof involved. You do realize Utube videos with chopped up half sentences uploaded by anonymous people does not equal proof right?

Whattheory you seriously have to wake up my friend. What proof? watch the video to see the lies and contradictions. The thing is though its not just Bush its the dems also. they too are profiting off this war and that is why you do not see anything done. I think its a great video compiling the contradictions and the one I hate the most when Bush is joking about finding the weapons meanwhile people are fighting and dying over there. The fact is we are over there for oil there is no denying this. Im glad we the people get all the benefits....oh wait we dont it all goes to the oil execs. The 2 party mafia needs to come to an end and will I just hope it ends before something bad really happens.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Great vid DD.

WhatTheroy, I'd really like to know why you are a part of this forum. I'm not saying you don't belong here or that you should leave or anything, but why in the world would someone who believes there is no conspiracy in the gov or anything else, why would someone like that join a forum like this? It boggles my mind and plaese don't spin/dodge that question, it's legit and heart felt. I'd rally like to know your stance on, well, what your religious beliefs are, what your gavermental beliefs are all that really, I kinda want to know who I'm talking to instead of jumping to conclusions about what you believe and what kinda person you are.

Also, it's not about "Republican vs. Democrat", "Conservative vs. Liberal" or any of that hooy, it's about the truth, many of us here are niether left or right, we want the truth, that's what this is about, I don't believe DD is a liberal or that the person who made that vid is a liberal either, they are simply just people who see something that isn't right, that there are inconsistancies, that there is at least some sort of conspiracy going on, that something is'nt right here. These are people who want the truth, who are not "rooting for a team".

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Who said Olbermann was "fair and balanced?" not me.

Yes, you did.
Then please explain what you meant when you said, "Olbermann doesn't lie about being "fair and balanced" I also don't believe your ratings info is up to date."

He's saying that Fox New's claims to be fair and balanced while Olbermann does not claim he is either fair or balanced.

[edit on 6/21/2008 by Velyx]

[edit on 6/21/2008 by Velyx]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:43 PM
Thanks for getting my back Velyx, but whattheory was right, I worded it poorly, and he too acknowledged that.

But it appears I have to explain a bit more to him. Did I say Olberman's ratings means that he is more credible? I really hope I didn't. I could care less about ratings, I don't judge credibility by fracking ratings. I say he is because of my experience.

You really think his "special comments" are retarded rants? Have you even listened to one? Did you see how he went after Hillary? uh, Hillary is a democrat by the way, and they are viewed as liberal, or leftist, right?

Do you see O'Reilly doing that? Do you see O'Reilly giving a rats arse about us "poor" American's? Even my die hard Republican father has fallen off the O'Reilly band wagon. (not that he would say it)

You haven't watched Keith have you? You haven't heard a single one of his special comments, have you? Why do I know this? Because if you had, you could not or would not say that it is a retarded rant. You may disagree with every word he said (if you understood every word) but you would not say he is inarticulate.

Jon Stewart has a late night show? When did that come on?

No, I don't believe Olberman is a political hack.....yet. I am hoping the death of Russert is going to motivate him to be more like him. He hinted at that several times when......why am I explaining this to you??? You are as closed minded as any other radical left or right person.

Now Mr. WhatTheory, did you watch the O'Reilly "I'll do it live" video?? If you respond to this post then don't forget to answer this question.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

In the 1960's, those who opposed the crimes of the administration and their wars for profit protested in the streets, on the campuses and brought the issues to view before the entire nation.

Today, those who are opposed of the crimes and wars for profit committed by this administration, protest on YouTube, in a Computer chair, in their house, alone, drinking a pop and rattling off anything that comes to mind.

Action breeds more action, a lack of action breeds complacency.

America is complacent because of this lack of action.

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