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Video: BANNED: How To Create an Angry American

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posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

In the 1960's, those who opposed the crimes of the administration and their wars for profit protested in the streets, on the campuses and brought the issues to view before the entire nation.

Today, those who are opposed of the crimes and wars for profit committed by this administration, protest on YouTube, in a Computer chair, in their house, alone, drinking a pop and rattling off anything that comes to mind.

Action breeds more action, a lack of action breeds complacency.

America is complacent because of this lack of action.

You hit it on the head. As long as Brittany Spears is having problems and keep our attention on her this will keep happen. keep the sheeple at bay. Im personally running for congress in 2012 that is how Im going to fight back. Debating on the state to make my main habitat either Iowa or here in Florida. Im scoping out the competition

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 09:12 PM
Bravo! Starred and flagged! Nothing will ever change until we root out all the evil Demostooges and Republistooges from Washington. Each one is worse than the next. These creeps have totally forgotten who they are working for. It is time we had a man in Washington who has sweat on his brow and calluses on his hands from doing an honest days work. The "Washington Millionaires Club" needs to go because they sure are not working for WE THE PEOPLE.

[edit on 6-21-2008 by groingrinder]

[edit on 6-21-2008 by groingrinder]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:31 PM
My bigunit, use the term "domicile"

To the previous poster. I think Dennis should be left out of your good for nothing Congress people.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa
My bigunit, use the term "domicile"

To the previous poster. I think Dennis should be left out of your good for nothing Congress people.

Sigh or I can use home, residence, pad, among others. i used habitat because I figured it was a funny terminology to use. Sorry if it didnt sound intelligent enough

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:39 PM
wasn't trying to be an arse, but if you are going to run for office I thought it might be useful to use the correct terminology.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

As we see with Bush you don't have to have a high vocabulary to run for office

Trust me when I tell you I know the definition of habitat I just didn't realize I would be tested or I would of used the word home. Domicile isnt a word I usually use but I will add it

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Res Ipsa

I voted for Reagan. I voted for Clinton twice. I also voted for Jesse Ventura as Governor. So who am I?

[edit on 21-6-2008 by Res Ipsa]

I'd say you're someone who really cant make up his mind.
Clinton and Reagan? Seriously?

Did a conservative screw you over so badly that you veered from Reagan to Clinton? I ca see going from Clinton to Jesse, though...

Honestly, the guys who all come out and say the were "rushies" and Oreilly fans and now are fans of Olberman are either lying or have had something traumatic happen.

I have to agree with a few of the respones here the OP has issues, he posts the same unproven dribble all the time, youtube hatchet jobs are not "truth" bro..

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

BTW Just so you know I agree with a lot of what you said on the first page. The problem is when you vote for the one who lies the least you still vote for a liar. I like you have played both sides. I used to be a big Oreilly fan and recently went to Olberman even though I by far dont agree with everything he says he does seem to me to be more realistic about certain issues. Yes he is partisan.

The fact is Im having an issue under which party I would run under. I want to get rid of the 2 party dictatorship and would rather run as a libertarian. I just have a feeling that I will not get the same exposure as I would get if I ran as a Barry Goldwater or Ron Paul Republican.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:08 PM
oooooh, out of the blue.
No nothing tramatic ever happened to me. Reagan, I was 18, what the hell did I know. ummmmm, bush......what the hell did I know.....But then Clinton, Clinton, Gore, ........ummmm Kerry....what choice did I have?

I was a ditto head when I was driving a delivery van. I was a Moore fan after watching his Detroit Auto movie. I loved George Carlen until I saw him as a grumpy old fart. I loved Dennis Miller until he sold out. I loved and still love Jon Stewart. and Colbert. I once was a fan of Howard Sterns when he was on DC 101. Back before most people had ever heard of him. Now he appears to me to be some pervert. I was a huge Fox "fair and balanced" fan....until I realized that they were anything but fair and balanced. I was a huge Tim Russert fan....he is gone.
I am and still remain an Olbermann fan because even though he leans left, he doesn't say anything that I have an issue with.
My perfect example of how we need to adapt our positions. How many people still think McCain is the same guy he was not that long ago? How many people support him because he is THE Republican for this election?

Do you still think that I am lying about any of this? or was raped by one of Rush's friends?

I am also not a "strict" Catholic nor Lutheran because when I get new information I adapt. I deny ignorance on every level.

I don't live in a world that expects "truth" from every statement someone makes. The Right lies. The left lies. The Christians lie and the Muslims lie. You need experience and exposure to learn "when" the truth is being offered.

At my age, I try and listen to the people that lie the least. Then I go and find people or sources to either support or debunk. If they support then I listen more to the original source, if they debunk, well then I move on. That is how I went from Rush, to Moore, to O'Reilly, to Hannity, to Franken,(Air America) to Ventura, to Ron Paul, to Kennedy, to Russert, to Matthews, and now to Olbermann. My only alligence is to the truth. I will move from right to left as the truth moves.

Now, Jon Stewart is an exception. That guy is consistent and I have always and still remain a huge fan of his.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 11:25 PM
My bad guys, I was wondering where you two were coming at me from, I forgot that I posted anything on this thread and just went to the most recent page.

I too am thinking about running for office sometime after law school but "who" am "I"? Am I a democrat? I would like to be Independent.
But, how do we get elected?

I am also a bit of a federalist. I believe in the 10th amendment.

I thought Ross Perot was something......until of course all of the diagrams and "can I finish....uh, can I finish" stuff.

Even Anderson back in the day. Ron Paul. I voted for Huckabee in the primary because he wanted to take out the IRS. Now I am stuck with voting for Obama. What am I?

McCain once, when he was trying to stay alive in New Hampshire. Now.... are you kidding me?? I even wanted Mit Romney to run for President a while back.....he did....and once again I was like....WTF?

I don't know how so many people are able to stick with someone after they find out they are whacked. There are still people that support Bush, think that he never lied, think that he is a great or good President. Now aint that some sheet?

Do people really fear that if they change a position or admit that they were wrong or misled, that they are wishy washy? I know we do that to the candidates.

I for one wanted us to blow Iraq off the planet after 9/11. I got conned, I got suckered, I believed Powell, I bought the hype and I feel foolish for it. But how retarded would I be at this point to "stay the course" just to not admit I was wrong? I was wrong.

If I was a member of Congress and someone gave me "erronous" or lied to me and I spouted off that it was the truth. The moment I found out that it was a lie, I would make sure that those people that gave me that information never worked for more than minimum wage again in their lives.

The people can handle the truth and they deserve the truth. I am so damn tired of lies and working to sift through it.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by Azathoth
The presidency can no longer be in the hands of one person anymore. There needs to be a council position with elected members of the three parties representing the seats. This would cause a fairer, balanced executive seat.

Originally posted by Leviatano
I mean we have people in the white house using God to further there motive, and most people probably see that as being "A-Okay" As long as good 'ol "G" is in there it doesn't seem like much of a problem to most Americans.

Yeah, and this is how any national "leader" has caused the most trouble, down throughout history..."God is on our side." Biggest load of dreck I've ever heard, because who, in their right mind, would say that a God that commands us not to murder each other is going to side with a mass-murderer?

Besides that, the Constitution (that all Government Officers in all three branches & at State & Federal levels must swear/affirm an Oath to obey) separates Church & State by making it illegal (if it's Unconstitutional, it's also illegal) to deprive Citizens from worshiping freely, forbids any test of Faith to qualify for any Office and/or to give any form of superior regard to any single religion. BTW, since Bush so stoutly confirms himself as a Christian, what does he really think about the Patriot Act as naming Christians as "potential terrorists?"

Originally posted by mystiq
However, the only reason, the the vast majority has not awkened fully to the massive hijacking of their democratic nation by a small corporate elite, is DUE TO MEDIA CONTROL.

This & other similar statements I've seen in this thread all boil down to one thing:
Free Press (there are others out there, this is only one).

Originally posted by mystiq
I also believe relying on one person at the top is ridiculous. Proportional Representation is a much more democratic and responsible system.

The problem with a council instead of a single President is that you were right that time-critical issues would take forever to be answered. However, the government was never designed by the Constitution to have any one man at the top of anything...The three branches of government were designed to hold checks & balances against too much power being taken by any one branch. The problem came, not in just this administration alone, when the Executive Branch was being allowed to steal Constitutionally-delegated Powers from the other two branches & to step beyond the Constitutional limitations of the designated Powers.

Besides that, the USA was never meant to be a Democracy in the first place...By allowing the government to start declaring & professing a Democracy in the USA is when we started on the road to political hell. The Founding Forefathers abhorred a Democracy as much as Cold War Era America abhorred Communism...For the simple fact that the Founding Forefathers knew from history that Democracies always degenerate into tyranny or fascism. The USA was meant to be a Republican form of government, under a Constitution of Laws...Which the government has been violating for well over 100 years.

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Today, those who are opposed of the crimes and wars for profit committed by this administration, protest on YouTube, in a Computer chair, in their house, alone, drinking a pop and rattling off anything that comes to mind.

Action breeds more action, a lack of action breeds complacency.

America is complacent because of this lack of action.

Ummm...Not everybody. There's already well organized & peaceful protests & well-constructed petitions flying all over the government's face. The problem is that it seems that mostly the less peaceful & not well-organized people are getting more press-coverage than those who are doing it the right (Constitutional) way. Since the press seems to favor covering those who did it wrong tends to put a damper on the ideas of people who've already woken up & want to do something, but see only the idiots on MSM...And I don't think it's really any coincidence that it works out this way. Another way is commonly known as "wagging the dog," in which superfluous news about which rap-star gets jailed this week becomes more commonly broadcast than the important events.

Originally posted by mybigunit
Im personally running for congress in 2012 that is how Im going to fight back.

You're too late, but you're welcome to join the bandwagon...

You'll find out the same problem I've run into is that to get the votes, you'll need press coverage on a wide scale.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Great VID.
Im quite speechless...

Bro, just wanna ak;


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Great VID.
Im quite speechless...

Bro, just wanna ask;


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I have noticed that on ATS, it isn't about truth. It isn't about facts. Its about emotion. People want to feel angry, they want to feel arrogant, they want to feel as though they have it all figured out.

The best way to do that is to start endless and pointless threads bashing Bush, and everyone piles on and screams at how angry they are, how Bush or someone in his administration sucks, and how everyone who disagrees is sleeping/stupid/a sheeple. The Bush bashers randomly throw out the word "constitution" even though it doesn't usually have any context - usually trying to infer all who disagree don't support the constitution - even though they are usually completely wrong.

Then, people come out of the blue, professing that they used to support X conservative or conservative politician, but then they've "seen the light" and MIRACULOUSLY have switched to a known radical left-wing liberal or liberal politician.

Much hand wringing is done, people talk about how horrible everything is and how the end is nigh due to Bush and the "neocons" and no one else sees it coming even through of course ATSers do, then the thread dies. Then someone posts the exact same propaganda - from a different angle - and it starts all over again.

If it wasn't such a disturbing pattern of propaganda in post after post after post, it might be amusing. I sense a conspiracy, or at the very least, a posting gang.

At this rate, the majority of threads on ATS are becoming the newest mouthpiece of the Democrat National Committee. I had hoped for a while libertarianism would have a chance here, but I had to start laughing when self-proclaimed libertarians started spouting talking points straight from the DNC (bigger government, punishing corporations, etc.). I still have hope though, there are a true few libertarians left..they just don't seem to be posting as much - which is understandable.

I should note before I get attacked that I don't think the OP is doing this. While from what I can tell the OP generally posts only things which are anti-US and anti-government, he at least posts things that critique both sides of the aisle.

Now, watch the DNCbots roll out and flame me. Don't bother, I'm not going to respond.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by ALightinDarkness]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by WhatTheory
What a load of rubbish!

Some people are so blind or perhaps brainwashed by the liberal propaganda that they cannot think for themselves.
DD, all of your posts are exactly the same. They are all anti-Bush, anti-America or something similar. Your posts are getting quite old, tired and boring because you keep repeating yourself with the same propaganda which of course has no proof involved. You do realize Utube videos with chopped up half sentences uploaded by anonymous people does not equal proof right?

I am so tired of hearing from people like you, every time some one questions or disagrees with the government you automatically call them Anti-American. See some of us realised that we have the ability to think for our selves and not follow the government like a flock of sheeple. I would fight and die for our country if need be for the right reason. Allot of us don't want to blindly fallow our government ware ever they want to take us, see we believe in freedom and we still believe in our Constitution. So take your Anti-American BS and stick it ware the sun don't shine.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:45 AM
god is raging in the prophet's words.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:48 AM
to the asleep, the question that should be ever radiant in the back of your mind is: "If it came down to a struggle for my some control over my own individuality, would I die standing, or live kneeling?"

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:02 AM
I like Bush, So they lied, it's about oil and economy and regime change and a pipeline for China. You know everyone is ridiculous...

Hasn't anyone ever heard of Good Cop, Bad Cop... so it's our turn... big deal. But it's all in cahoots, wake up Iraq and afganastan and then Iran from both sides... hrrrrmmm what do you get? a Pipeline under US control that runs from the mediteranean EU to China through the Oil fields.... Duhr... so will Iran be ww3 hahaha No!!!

Frankly it is all smoke and mirrors and even within the Sunni Shiite issue plenty of Islamics are happy to see the Ayatollah leave, Saddam gone and crazy Afghanastan no life for anyone out of the way...All politicians are liars, but in taking sides, don't be fooled by Good Cop Bad Cop is all...

Did they let the towers happen like we did in ww2? (pearl harbor)Sure they did don't be naive, but really, who was in charge of Afghan? Taliban? LOL, come on...these are really nutty regimes, we have all had nukes for decades, no one is blazing them it's counter productive.+, saddam, Ayatollah... yeah, we all know they would get used

Did Iraq have any wmd's... how the heck would we ever know, convoy after convoy of crud drove and flew over the border to Iran the second we invaded... Is Saddam a loss to mourn?

Did Iraq have Wmd's...sure they Did, a Wmd isn't just a bomb, it can be a philosophy that says... "all people must be Islamic" it can involve immigration and culture change... to me that's a wmd and my culture is, kind of retarded, way too legally uptight for sure, way to much fast food and tv... it could use some fixing. But seriously lol, lol, lol I have beautiful women in bikinis and I like my retarded life in my retarded home thank you, it took a long time for the western world to get sensible and have the right to Laugh out loud at religous fanatics, no one is taking away religion, just letting us read harry potter and have sex and allowing women to be free... a little too much especially pc, but, it can be fixed... I need Islam having authority politically or financially like I need a tumor in my chest.

And lastly, Oil, oil, oil sorry Oil matters 27 Trillion to refit+ for hydrogen and lol it's always higher then predicted right?

China and India Gets it's pipeline, Gas breaks 5.00 a Gallon at the pump...

Do any of you geniuses bashing the US know what that means?

It means Bio diesel becomes the standard Jatropha is about 5.10 at the pump to conver, Corn around 5.65 Hello... Where is the bread basket of the world? North America The good ol future manifest destiny NAU supplier of the worlds oil for decades to come... no1 in the world... 7 Trillion debt, depression for a few years... Small price to pay for being the worlds leading oil supplier and what did we do to make it that way? bomb out a pipeline through a dictator a group of murderous fanatics and in Iran a Govt that's religous fanatic and the 3 places where a true Muslim world agenda is being pushed...

so raise your hands! who want's to lead the Islamic lifestye?

raise your hands who want's the war to be with China over that Oil? can you spell "end of the world" if that happens?

Will America supply the worlds Oil, yeah we will. It will be nice to have The EU and and Russa and the USA and China holding the worlds energy needs... the UN security council lol... Hello.

Lets just be raped by small regimes run by true dictators instead... I love when the Saudis called us Slaves, others think of my culture as Satan...

LOL no ww3 this way... Bush and Cheeny and thier masters are brilliant... I don't know what to think of UN agendas and globalism, it will be... annoying sometimes and change things here but... it's not the frackin anti christ behind it LOL (nut jobs! this is Why religous fanatic should be expelled) It's just the powers that be, taking control and... they don't want the end of the world, no money in that

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mopusvindictus]

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:27 AM
And if I am wrong... How Come lil Kim over in NK is no longer a worry... LOL since his long train ride to China? Why is the US somewhat supportive of Taiwan being part of China?

China and India gets it's pipeline for the oil, Ruissia has it's North Pole and Siberia, The EU gets the other end of the pipe out of the Israeli end and the US is the worlds supplier of Bio Diesel thanks to Gas capping off above 5.00 a Gallon in the States...

You don't need to be a genius to see the truth here...

War stinks, but really think about how many lives it saves... everyone hates the "globalist agenda"

Stuff I don't like about the
"globalist Agednda" too... but know which way the world has peace and security, k, they aren't all that interested in our daily lives guys, not much changes... sure they have the right to probe my internets lol, so what look at my pron. These things are annoying, somethings are sacrificed...

The nations that comprise the UN security council and thier allies... at peace and in cahoots is a Good thing, a very good thing

Who should be in charge Africans and Middle Easterners? that would be fantastic look at those places would you guys... Mc Donalds sucks, yeah I know and social issues, socialism and pc is anoying but... kind of fair I guess

my life hasn't changed much, hate to say it but... mostly annoyances... can't imagine a middle east continuing a power hold on oil and internal law of my country via oil extortion much longer... not my way of life, can't take it.. don't want it, no one does, come on... be real

lol the Un controls some Parks... wtf, who cares, on paper, what does it change? NAU or USA... Big Deal, mexicans are cool, I like them mostly.. LOL the reqonquista types move to La and go to prison pttttttthhh bye guys lol, the other 90 million Mexicans work hard and share the judeo/chrisstian faith a extremely similar language and... lol, leave em alone... Like I want to pick oranges? give me a break...

NWO, Globalists... so Go to Darfur haha or Lybia or Afghanastan tell me about your new leaders...

I'll take the NWO any day of the week over Islam... the people from these countries are are most Americans (dumb enough to play bad cop and soldier for China and Europe) but whatever...

just stop thinking that NWO = USA it doesn't, the security council is in cahoots, England France EU, Russa, China, USA... and our pals... India, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Australia...

Sorry but... theres your UN, theres your global elite... Bash us all you want, last "Bad Cop" was Russia, we made a mint selling weapons we developed in the "cold (BS) war"

It's your leaders too... even within Islam, many nations are a part of this... lol sit and debate Bush for being Chief of the bad Cops for this round...

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:47 AM
I share the same feelings as DimensionalDetective, The people need to awaken. Think about it the small handful of us that are more aware are over powered by those who are dominate and sadly the dominate ones are the ones who are dont care or side with the governement.

Its sad almost.

Not to worry though they will soon awaken into the REAL world, and they will see the truth.

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