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Video: BANNED: How To Create an Angry American

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posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:25 AM
Wow terte that was ruthless. Sadly, it is somewhat true and something definitely has to be done. What that something is I do not know. Protesting in LARGE numbers seems like the most logical option. The South Korean government folded after huge protests were organised and carried out around the country. I realise South Korea isn't the USA but what other options are
Trying to explain the dire situation to the uninformed doesn't seem to be working fast enough. These elitist scum have their agenda running at top speed, all greased up with trillions in illegal taxes. Letting this ultimate hoax slip by under our noses is unacceptable.

I heard something about a 4th of July march??? whats cracking with that???


posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:42 AM
Ron Paul initiated the revolution march.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:56 AM
Some people will not wake up because some people can not admit when they are wrong. If you listen very closely you would not think that any one in this country voted for Bush.You would think he was re-elected by magic.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by vehemes terra eternus

Contradiction is a way of life for every politician. i haven't heard of one yet that has not contradicted himself. I can tell I am outnumbered here and you all shout for me to wake up. However, I am already awake. I don't need you or Bush to tell me what we should do. I knew from the day I left the Desert Storm arena that one day the US would have to go back and get rid of Saddam. Why? Because Saddam didn't care about anybody but Saddam. Saddam performed the biggest poker bluff in history. Even his arch enemy Iran believed him. Don't you think Iran would have gotten rid of Saddam and made Iraq its puppet state if it had not been for this bluff? Have you never contradicted yourself in some issue? Should that be used to call you a liar?
In addition, I am not here to defend Bush. He can defend himself. All I know is that America elected him to make tough decisions Based on what he and other elected officials felt was necessary to protect America from future attacks. He and Congress have done that. Now everybody wants to judge people like me who believe in the cause. You talk about all this money that is being spent but you don't worry about the money our government misspend on a daily basis. Money that far exceeds the money spent on the war.
As far as safer, that is best defined person by person. My view is that I can walk in a mall without the fear of some idiot trying to blow us to pieces just for being Americans.
Furthermore, I am not here to change your opinion or your belief. I respect what you are saying. I am merely here to give my point of view. I am sure other people got views different from both of us. However it surprises me how quick people can call a person names just for having a different view point. Name calling is really uncalled for.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:39 AM
George Bush wasn't elected at all. The citizens of the USA have been disenfranchised through massive, systemic corruption of every--EVERY-- institution. Terte is absolutely correct; I hate myself for the fears he or she so candidly confronts us with. But I don't know what to do. My friends, family, co-workers--they cannot hear. I tell them what is happening and how they have been sold out. I tell them frankly that they are chattel slaves. And for this I am rewarded with the patient smiles one heaps on a retarded child who has spilt his ice cream. How can any remedy be effected when one is surrounded by TOTAL ZOMBIES? I've gone beyond frightened and entered into Terrified Territory. Wake up! WAKE UP!!!!!

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by vehemes terra eternus

Contradiction is a way of life for every politician. i haven't heard of one yet that has not contradicted himself. I can tell I am outnumbered here and you all shout for me to wake up. However, I am already awake. I don't need you or Bush to tell me what we should do. I knew from the day I left the Desert Storm arena that one day the US would have to go back and get rid of Saddam. Why? Because Saddam didn't care about anybody but Saddam. Saddam performed the biggest poker bluff in history. Even his arch enemy Iran believed him. Don't you think Iran would have gotten rid of Saddam and made Iraq its puppet state if it had not been for this bluff? Have you never contradicted yourself in some issue? Should that be used to call you a liar?
In addition, I am not here to defend Bush. He can defend himself. All I know is that America elected him to make tough decisions Based on what he and other elected officials felt was necessary to protect America from future attacks. He and Congress have done that. Now everybody wants to judge people like me who believe in the cause. You talk about all this money that is being spent but you don't worry about the money our government misspend on a daily basis. Money that far exceeds the money spent on the war.
As far as safer, that is best defined person by person. My view is that I can walk in a mall without the fear of some idiot trying to blow us to pieces just for being Americans.
Furthermore, I am not here to change your opinion or your belief. I respect what you are saying. I am merely here to give my point of view. I am sure other people got views different from both of us. However it surprises me how quick people can call a person names just for having a different view point. Name calling is really uncalled for.

You've contratdicted yourself too.
Here I'll show you.

fear of some idiot trying to blow us to pieces just for being Americans

Here is the other one.

Name calling is really uncalled for.

Firstly you said alot of false facts about Iran and Iraq, there are only probabilties of the future that could of happened. The fact is the Bush admin took the situation into their own hands. This was wrong. The other fact you should learn, is mind your own business. What Iran and Iraq do is really not your business to get involved in, especially since America has created a more dangerous situation in the middleast. It has made oil prices skyrocketed. It has made middleast relations with your own country at it's all time low. It has shown no respect for your country. The peace in the world is right now is non-existant. Its demonic what America is doing tbh. Where is the proper behaviour of your country too? since you've just pointed fingers elsewhere.

So you think Bush is making USA safer by going to OTHER countries and blowing people up? Even though the countries he intends to blow up, I.e Iran and Iraq has nothing to do with the false "war on terror". Or the silly quote, which quoted from you above: "about a terrorist blowing up a shopping mall". USA are threatning every nation they walk into and doing just that. Your leader is threatneing you every day, with words to trigger fear in you. He and his administration create more fear and war which ultimately and succesfully creates more wars. They know this and It's working sadly, as I've just seen in your post. Wake up? you decide. You can't see this which is why the Bush Administration are again confident that you follow another false war. It's shocking how unaware America has gotten over the years. How unaware the havok that they are creating themselves, How unaware that with the actions of their own has repucussions, retaliation, and reaction. How does everyone not understand this?

If I was Iranian, I'be making Nucs, as logic would agree with it, not that I'm suggesting I would in reality. But if your country has been threats to Iran since Jan 2007 constantly. Then logic for any human being would act to defend themselves. If America has the right to Nucs, why can't another? BUSH ADMINISTRATION ARE EVIL AND TRICKING YOU ALL AGAIN TO GO TO ANOTHER WAR. This is absurd.


I say wake up. How is Bush making good decisions? Is anyone mature enough to understand that violence, war and fear mongering their own people does not make peace or make the world safe or your own country safer. Seriously is it really me thats going "insane" here

[edit on 24-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

[edit on 24-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Just the same old jargon as usual. The fact is that the US has nukes but has not used them except in time of war. A country like Iran would use them to terrorize its neighbors and beyond. We as Americans have to be cautious about dictators who sole purpose is to terrorize the world. This is the reason Iraq and Iran is my business. Is wake up the only words used around here?
Also, oil prices have not skyrocketed because of the US involvement in Iraq. If this was the case it would have been the scenario since day one. Look and see how much oil the US imports from the middle East and while your at it look up the high demand of oil that China and India are using up.
As far as relationship, the fact is that they haven't liked us since the word go. History has a lot to do with this. The other reason is that they despise our way of life. Their way is based on religion and ours is based on freedom. I am not knocking their way. They have a right to live as they please. They tolerate us because of the money.
One last thing, I am not in favor of going to war with Iran. Finding ways to stop their nuke program is different. I also don't agree with everything Bush or any other president says or does. i get informed and make my own decision on what to believe or not. I also want to remind you that our president can mainly suggest things. It is up to congress to approve those suggestions and ultimately they did.
The only finger I point is at terrorist. If you want to call the US action demonic, so be it. Maybe we should just protect ourselves and let the terrorist do their deeds in all the other countries. Only then will you realize who's action is really demonic.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by mind is the universe

Just the same old jargon as usual. The fact is that the US has nukes but has not used them except in time of war. A country like Iran would use them to terrorize its neighbors and beyond. We as Americans have to be cautious about dictators who sole purpose is to terrorize the world. This is the reason Iraq and Iran is my business. Is wake up the only words used around here?

Yes its your nations jargon everywhere. Well if you stick your business in to other nations affairs, well then expect people and nations not to like it. Expect more chaos. Expect to get no respect from any nation hence after. At the moment, not one nation in the world respects anything you have just said. Why? Sort out that attitude sir. Start to think outside yourself. Are able to start asking yourself questions on the reflections in the world. Btw there are Hundreds of Dictators throughtout the world. Why is the Dictators always the focus here in Middleast
Your nation trade weapons to Dictators all over the world. Wake up and smell the coffee.....

So you can point the fingers at other nations just for retaliating your nation's absurd policy. They have every damn right to do so.
Israel used Nucs and will use them whenever they wish too. Why can't America blow them up? I mean this policy works right? Why isn't Bush announcing war there? America which has been killing more people than any nation since WW2. Does your country deserve to have Nucs? Why does America derserves to have nucs and not another nation?? So when America does actually use Nucs its ok, and its ok for you to keep them... There is something seriously dysfunctional with people who cannot see reality, and leaving insane post like you've done. What is wrong with your country! Why can't you understand something that you see in front of you. I'd say its the America T'V you listen too
Is it any wonder.

One last thing, I am not in favor of going to war with Iran. Finding ways to stop their nuke program is different. I also don't agree with everything Bush or any other president says or does. i get informed and make my own decision on what to believe or not. I also want to remind you that our president can mainly suggest things. It is up to congress to approve those suggestions and ultimately they did.

I was listening to the US congress yesterday on youtube dating back to the 18th of April 2008. Can't remember the lady's name who spoke on Iran. But she went to talk about the threats US has being making, and the nucs threat was another excuse for bush to go in and make sushi out of Iran, Bush contradicts himself on many occaisions, Iran is not a threat to the USA. It never declared war on the USA, Your leader did. USA is constantly treathening nations for the last 50 years. Second, up till last year the Iraninan have suspended their nucs program. Russia and the UN have stated so. But it doesn't matter regardless, bush wants sushi out of Iran, so your willing to believe him anywho. I think Iran should be allowed to defend itself from insane countries attacking like USA. Iran has never made any signs of attacking America. In fact no nation in the middleast has ever threatnened America. America threatnes its own people just as well.

The only finger I point is at terrorist. If you want to call the US action demonic, so be it. Maybe we should just protect ourselves and let the terrorist do their deeds in all the other countries. Only then will you realize who's action is really demonic.

Lol your not familar with awaremess. Whos the terrrorist? Are you aware of the behaviour of your country since world war 2 till now in present tense. Who at the moment is terrorising nations right now? This will explain, why America is in a lot of trouble right now. So please stop blaming other nations for not agreeing with your nations ignorant and inappropriate behaviour in world affairs. America is the terrorist. it has always terrorised the middleast from day one. Oil is the attraction from the beginning. America cannot do business like other nations and are allegic to respectable human beings about anything that they want. The insationable need to take recourses from countries goes beyond evil, Evil in the point that your nation will KILL to get OIL. The Middleast cannot defend themselves. They are not as powerful as you, because you take from them, you take their wealth, your nation kills the familes tha the present people are left to grieve. They have no life, Your nations leaders are responsible for the massercre, they are responsible for creating the chaos and danger in the World today. They are responsbilie for creating your enemies. Please start to look to the world that you don't see'. You haven't a clue on how to deal with conflict, you even fail to see that the Amercian foriegn policy provokes war only. You have't a slightest idea what the horror is going on right now in Iran. You have no idea at all it actualy disturbs me.

Peope should try and learn to be human again. People are forgetting what it means to be human. The powers of be, are not human they never will be.

[edit on 24-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Here we go again. Once again if we are so willing to kill for oil, why didn't we just stay in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait during the first Gulf war. We didn't and we don't intend to take over Iraq either. As far as wealth, the emirs and royals of the middle east are some of the richest men in the world. If your theory was true wouldn't they be in line collecting welfare right now. Obviously you don't know that my country only gets a limited percentage of our oil from the middle East.

Once again, is wake up the only words you use? I am awake and I do see reality. The reality is that we live in a dangerous world and we just can't sit back and smell your coffee as the world deteriorates around us. Sometimes, people have to take a proactive stance in order to prevent a future war of greater disaster. WWII could have been avoided if certain nations would have reacted to Hitler sooner. However they chose to take a reactive stand and we all know how that played out. According to your theory we should just butt out and let another Hitler rise to power. Then what? Do we continue to sit back while this person reeks havoc throughout the world.

Do you have proof Iran suspended their program? Korea stated the same thing, as Iran and Russia, during the Clinton years and it turned out to be a lie. Why don't they allow the UN watchdogs if this is so the case. And if your so worried about me minding my own business what are you doing in America's business. Have we done injustices in the past? I will be the first to admit that we probably have. I'm sure even during the IRA days bad things were committed. However that doesn't make us bad guys just because America wants to be a world leader and attempts to correct issues before they get out of hand.

We are one of the most generous and caring nation in the world and have helped many more than we have killed throughout the century. We have spilled American blood to save other nations, have helped rebuild the nations we went to war with, fed the starving, helped in the times of disasters, and have asked little in return. Must I remind you that we got attacked on 9/11. We did not go out and attack someone first.

Could you provide me with the transcript or video where Bush said he wanted to make sushi out of Iran? I must have missed that one. Once again, I nor any other American is in favor of everything our government says or does. Personally, i think we should be helping Africa more but you don't here that from my government or any other government for that fact. And I done told you that i am not in favor of going to war with Iran no matter what president says otherwise. So why do you think we Americans are puppets on a string? We are not, never have been, and never will be. This forum is full of issues that we have against our own government and some of them are legit reasons.
And if you want to know why we are in the middle East, I can only tell you my opinion. I am not privilege to the classified info my government receives. The reason we are so involved is because just about every country is dependent on oil from that region of the world. If that oil dries up this world will see chaos like never before. We cannot let it get to that point. If we butt out and chaos erupt, we will still be affected. Ultimately, all nations are dependent on one another. No exports or imports=no jobs=no money=no food=chaos.
Been nice debating with ya. I truly wish this was an idea world in which everyone could just get along. We wouldn't have no need for guns, nukes, or wars.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by jam321

Yeah you keep telling yourself that.

But hey. America does seem to be in a right mess right now. Oh it must be someone's elses fault.

Like seeing two people fighting in a shopping mall, your danceing around them trying to prove that fighter A is right for smacking person B for whatever reason and you will go the ends of the earth to defend Fighter A for doing that. Person B has to sit and take it all the time. Then just one day Person B is so sick of it, she constantly tries to deal with it Diplomatically, shes ends up retaliating because Person A thinks she can do what she likes. When she retalitates person B is then percieved to be the "BAD GUY" this goes on and on and ON. When you just get the reality of this war.

Person A can be percieved as USA
Person B can be any country that can't really defend itself.

This is what the middleast wants to do retaliate. You just will not accept that America has caused all of this from the beginnning. America is not the peace loving country you protray it to be

Now you can post all day, you can sing all day about it. The policy of America is wrong and not working. America will do what America wants. It will invade any country it wants. It will threaten any country it wants. It will kill innocents in any country if it wants. And no matter what the worlds says America is right.

But who is really doing all the provoking and invading and mudering right now. FOR OUL.

Thats the fact. The world is not a playground that we play the rest of lives in. The world is a crazy place. Well where the wealth is mostly.

[edit on 24-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by mind is the universe

every country is dependent on oil from that region of the world

I applaud this perception you've just admitted. You have leaders of your country in there behaving like my pack of wolves snatching oil like its the last meal.

So yes your right its chaos now and when the oil dries up.

What a sad sad world we live in. You can relate the World, a nation, a hosr of nations to behaviour that goes on at home and around you at a personal level. If you open your eyes.

You will understand its about which country can get most of the pie and basically plague like animals to get it. Killing each other for the pie.

it really is sad the world we live in.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Your right. Neither yours nor my view will change regardless of what we state here. You are quick to condemn the US for eveything that is wrong with the world when in reality many things that the US does benefits the world. So I leave you my good friend to ponder this last question. What good deeds has Ireland done for the world? Nuff said. Till we meet again in another topic.

By the way, I have never been to Ireland but would one day like to. I hear it is a place full of beauty and rich history.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

Oh yea, I just about forgot. You took my words out of context or should I say you misquoted me. I said just about every country depens on oil from that region.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by mind is the universe

Your right. Neither yours nor my view will change regardless of what we state here. You are quick to condemn the US for eveything that is wrong with the world when in reality many things that the US does benefits the world. So I leave you my good friend to ponder this last question. What good deeds has Ireland done for the world? Nuff said. Till we meet again in another topic.

By the way, I have never been to Ireland but would one day like to. I hear it is a place full of beauty and rich history.

I hear that. My point is on provoking a war that was never warrented, a war that was lies. How can you compare Ireland's problems to that. Ireland is much different problem. Beside Ireland has never being so peaceful. Northern Ireland peace process is one of my proudest moments in my life, as in its in my lifetime in front of me.

I'm talking about American policy and the war that your government created. I'm not attacking you or anyone in a America personally. Bush and his team deserve the end of the stick ttf.

You have got to understand the core of things, not just one side, or its thei fault, or they made me do it etc... or Ireland is a problem, or half of what the administrations is ok, and the other half is a little wrong.

The fact is this war is wrong. America is involved in it. America has not stopped interfereing and has not done conflicts diplomatically.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 07:31 PM
In a lot of ways it pains me to say this but my fellow countrymen are no longer overly concerned with our elected officials. The founding fathers of our country would rolll over in their effing grave if they were alive today.

There was a time when if you wanted change you rallied together and took a stand on one side or the other. Most people today dont give a flying F-bomb. Its sad, because now is the time for action, i've been saying this to people since the end of bush's first term, its time for action! Its time for protest! Its time for some answers from our government.

People seem to be content to listen to the lies they are fed every day by our government, Examples: the economy is just fine, oil prices will drop, the war is Iraq has been succesful, you need more??? i think every one knows where i'm going with this. While some of us are ready for an armed battle to take back our country from the money hungry, power mongers in office, others dont know the name of their Vice President. While some believe its patriotic to listen to every word that you hear from the mouth of those in power Others (like myself) call themselves patriots for questioning every word of it to find the right answers for the good of our countymen.

The bottom line is, its not OK anymore, Americans are dying everyday for a cause thats not justifiable and the general public seems not to notice. While most of us are content to go through our daily routine as creatures of habbit Its going to take more people to break routine, take time from work to take your country back. Its free Americans that should matter most to the government. We should be concerned with whats going on in other sovergn nations while our own is in shambles. If you guys want change than its time to unite and get something done.... blogging on an internet site isnt gonna do much but taking it to the streets of your home towns might....

Its cheesy but its true folks: People shouldnt fear their governments, governments should fear thier people..... And in a true Democracy, this would be the case. Its our right as free Americans and as patriots to decide how our country should be run and who it should be led by.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

well said. I think I saw a similar post the other day. something about how we let the government control us. People don't care because they expect government to solve all their problem.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 10:01 PM
I reluctantly put this on the Womens movement of the 70's. As soon as Father and Mother go to work for 8 hrs a day, we let 1st: Day Care raise our kids 2nd: The School raise our kids. I don't mean disrespect but as soon as both parents are working 8-10 hrs a day trying to keep up, include the stress of this 8-10 hr day the parents don't have time or the patience to sit down with there kids and TEACH THEM THE WAY OF LIFE.

I am lucky in that my wife can stay home and HELP me teach my kids. Right now because of the Mortgage situation it is real hard and trust me there have been sacrifices made. The problem isn't Womens lib, Womens Rights, Womens equality....its that Women have always been the "soothing soul" to the Male stress level. If you have two people stressed out in a relationship and there is no middle ground because they have to deal with the same crap in the Corporate world, who is there to pick up the pieces??

I WISH there were some way that at least one parent was able to stay home and be with there kids to TEACH THE TRUE MEANING OF LIFE AND HISTORY. I have a Wife who is able to teach the TRUE HISTORY OF THE U.S. at home, free of outside influence and FALSE STATE HISTORY BOOKS which only show the kids in school now a days what is politically correct.

[edit on 24-6-2008 by hoochymama]

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 11:43 PM
I'm sorry I just usually read the posts on here and chime in occasionally. Anyway I couldn't read past the first page of this nonsense. I'm sure there are great ideas and arguments posted in this forum but, I saw enough to make me sick. For those of you who believe that we are a democracy or were intended to be one, you are as asleep and blind as the next person. Education of the American people is the very first step in taking by our nation. Do yourselves a favor and study the difference between a "Democracy" and a "Republic". Then study how the founding fathers intended for power to be distributed throughout our nation. Everyone needs to get the idea of democracy out of their heads. I believe our Republic has been twisted into something it should not be. Get involved at the local level. Until we all get involved at the local level politically the balance of power will never shift back towards us the people.
The Lurker

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory
my man ... you are spewing the craziest BS I think I have ever heard on ATS.

you can`t actually believe what you are saying...can you?
if you do......then....thats ok....go do some good online research..
and mabey you will see whats going on.
if this is not the case and you have already researched.. crazy man....

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 03:30 PM
I think a perfect explanation is that people's lives are boring, so they look for reasons. Refusing to look within them selves they look at the rich and yes powerful to throw the blame at, in fact there is a bunch of other people already doing it, so they join the crowd. Then they come to ATS and through temper tantrums

I have a couple questions: Does blaming the government help? If you SCREEEM load enough do you get money? Have you changed anything?

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

And there are STILL people here defending these PATHOLOGICAL LIARS!!! It does not get any clearer than this! The lies are RIGHT IN OUR FACES, RIGHT HERE!!!

What the hell is it going to take to wake some of these people up?!?

They are doing it all over again, as we speak, with IRAN!!

[edit on 21-6-2008 by DimensionalDetective]

I have a couple questions: Does blaming the government help? If you SCREEEM load enough do you get money? Have you changed anything?

You want to know about angry Americans, how about the veteran that is told his work is a joke, and his sacrifice is in vain. How about the American that watch people burn our flag and call themselves patriots without offering any solutions. Or maybe the person who snaps out of the socialist malaise and finds that the only way to get a head is to do it you’re self.

I don’t listen to the news, I do original research. I encourage others to question the media or government line.

You know what, because of this when people see me coming they don’t cross the street or find work to do, they listen to my well reason discussions; that is how you change minds...


makes people scroll faster.

So if you want to see angry Americans keep telling them that party A is full of BS and only party B has the answers.

Let’s encourage people to think. Not follow.

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