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Video: BANNED: How To Create an Angry American

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posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

So you want me to prove something with only my words and nothing to substantiate why I see what I see? Just as soon as I try to put things in my own words your going to quickly ask for evidence are you not?

I would really like to know why you think the way you do, show me some evidence that contradicts this video.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by AnOldFriend
I am wondering what exactly you don't get about this video? They say one thing and then back step saying either they never said what they did in fact say or they twist what they said into something different. Are you seriously suggesting that this video is a fake somehow or that it is out of context? If it is in fact out of context or somehow bull hoowey then please lead us to the facts.

Look, its thrown together with pieces of chopped up video. We don't know the context of the video or what questions were asked regarding the answers. Anybody can throw a video together to make anyone look bad.
My point is, if you want to debate this then please give me an example using YOUR own words and not somebody else's video or words.
Simple, give me ONE example of what this video is talking about in your own words so we can have a debate on whether it's warranted. I know its difficult for some to use their own brains and think for themselves, but let's give it a try.

Bush says in one clip that Iraq helped Osama attack the USA. Then in the next clip he is asked by a reporterm more than once, what Iraq had to do with 9/11 and he says "NOTHING"...wth are you talking about context? These are not vague comments or quotes being spun. These are things they actually said, they repeadidly contradicted themselves on numerous occasions.

They are lying on top of the lies that are spinning the lies about their original lies.

If some one has time...they should organise multiple COMPLETE videos of the goons lying. Starting with Bush's "with us or against us" speech where he talked about mushrooms clouds to the US right after 9/11. Just to show people how much these subhuman slime are lying to us all. Maybe, point out all the contradictions between them while your at it.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by emptee]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by AnOldFriend
reply to post by WhatTheory

So you want me to prove something with only my words and nothing to substantiate why I see what I see? Just as soon as I try to put things in my own words your going to quickly ask for evidence are you not?

I would really like to know why you think the way you do, show me some evidence that contradicts this video.

Yup I see lots of video of Bush contradicting himself. Why not show me a video of Bush apologizing to the nation for sending the nation into war for oil. Apologize to all the people for all the money we have wasted over there. How bout apologizing to the families of the dead and not telling them they died for a noble cause they died for oil. Or at least acknowledging he messed up. Give me one of those videos and Ill be happy but there is way to much video and this video is a good video of Bush and all of them contradicting themselves. Now that we are there lets at least get the oil but we dont need 150k troops there to do that. We just need special forces. Get the oil and get the hell out. Also the democrats that aid and abed this crap needs to be tried also. They need to hang right next to Bush. Throw Pelosi in there first please.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by AnOldFriend
So you want me to prove something with only my words and nothing to substantiate why I see what I see? Just as soon as I try to put things in my own words your going to quickly ask for evidence are you not?

You are not getting it. Let me try and explain it so even you can understand. Let's try and stick to one issue or point where you believe Bush lied. Not a montage of all sorts of misc. videos covering numerous quotes.
By all means, back up your statement with a link to a article or video showing or printing the entire quote in context. All I am asking is to take one comment at a time.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
reply to post by TheObjectReport

Haha, the funniest part about that is these people's embarrassingly pathetic attempts to say, "they're twisting their words"...


When the lies are right in the open, exposed in their full glory with anyone who has eyes and ears to see and hear them, these same people STILL refuse to accept the reality that stares them right in the face. And notice that they always resort to name calling and personal attacks, rather than trying to refute the irrefutable. Because no matter how hard they try, they can't. It's right there. You either accept that you were played for a fool and preyed upon, or you continue to live in denial.

But how many more thousands will have to die for these same pathological liars next agenda in IRAN? As we can see, they are passing out the kool-aid by the gallons, and these same folks will be drinking it up and asking for seconds...


part of me wishes that werent true, but deep down I know better.

the following just reinforces it..

Originally posted by WhatTheory
Look, its thrown together with pieces of chopped up video. We don't know the context of the video or what questions were asked regarding the answers. Anybody can throw a video together to make anyone look bad.
My point is, if you want to debate this then please give me an example using YOUR own words and not somebody else's video or words.
Simple, give me ONE example of what this video is talking about in your own words so we can have a debate on whether it's warranted. I know its difficult for some to use their own brains and think for themselves, but let's give it a try.

we are so doomed

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:20 PM

I am all for a debate with you considering you yourself said you are against many things in this administration.

Lets start with you, what have you seen from this administration that has helped the American people (which includes YOU since you have the American flag in your Avatar)??

Second question. What are you against in this administration??

We can go from here...............

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

It boggles my mind that whatheory is on this website defending the people who run this country...yeah it was a chopped up video but the overall message rings true. The current administration has been caught lying numerous times and you like to defend them...seriously i ask you again, who do you work for?

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:19 PM
Whattheory please answer hoochmamas questions, I too am wondering what on earth could be running through your head. Did you hear those contradictions?

Another great thread DD keep em coming amigo, respect.


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by bringthelight

I am not passing judgement on him but I am beginning to wonder the same thing from reading his posts. You (WhatTheory) seem to always jump straight to the defense of these criminals immediately when you see things that do not fit what you believe. This is most curious to me.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:30 PM
WhatTheory, I'd apreciete it if you would respond to my comment and question directed to you, I guess you missed it, it was on the first page, so here it is agian:

"WhatTheroy, I'd really like to know why you are a part of this forum. I'm not saying you don't belong here or that you should leave or anything, but why in the world would someone who believes there is no conspiracy in the gov or anything else, why would someone like that join a forum like this? It boggles my mind and plaese don't spin/dodge that question, it's legit and heart felt. I'd rally like to know your stance on, well, what your religious beliefs are, what your gavermental beliefs are all that really, I kinda want to know who I'm talking to instead of jumping to conclusions about what you believe and what kinda person you are.

Also, it's not about "Republican vs. Democrat", "Conservative vs. Liberal" or any of that hooy, it's about the truth, many of us here are niether left or right, we want the truth, that's what this is about, I don't believe DD is a liberal or that the person who made that vid is a liberal either, they are simply just people who see something that isn't right, that there are inconsistancies, that there is at least some sort of conspiracy going on, that something is'nt right here. These are people who want the truth, who are not "rooting for a team". "

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:16 PM
I love how right wingers win their debates by just writing off people as left wing fools. Show me one right winger who isnt stuck in the illusion of white and black, right/wrong duality.

Now i dont think liberalism is the answer, if u disagree with republicans they just revert to their dualistic monkey brain and call u a liberal.

The illusion of separation is powerful. Only when we move past this can we stop this favoritism, rascism, nationalism, yadda yadda.

Its embarrasing traveling in the world trying to defend the brilliance of many american minds when we have these clowns putting american flag tattoos on their arm rolling up their sleeves. Preaching this pride nonsense. Pride is part of the deadly sins cuz it perpetuates the illusion of seperation.

america is 4% of world population. Go travel with these attitudes and watch people laugh at you or kick your face in.

Its is the answer. Its so obvious. If u have sex only caring about getting your own pleasure -it sucks. Only when i care about her first does sex become amazing.
giving is a win-win situation.

Everyone for themselves american attitude is going to destroy us....stay tuned.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

I can tell you why WhatTheory is here, because someone he/she knows more than likely told him/her about this website, I don't know if WT is male or female, so don't assume that was an attack, I'm just not bothering to look it up, because it's unnecessary to do so, as WT is someone who only wants to see one side of the coin.

There are always two sides to a coin, as well as two sides to every story, and unfortuanately, some people within Government are holding the coin and only showing the wrong side to us, by not fully opening their hand which has within it the whole truth.

It's truly sad, that the U.S. Government used to be an honorable entity, and when it came to WWII it came head to head with Nazi Germany and began using propaganda in retaliation.

Unfortuanately, it got hooked on it like a crack-baby, and never gave up its bad habits.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:16 PM
What do you know. Suddenly I have a new found respect for Sean Penn

I couldn't agree more.

Great video DD. Just remember that you can only lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink....even if they are dehydrated and teetering perilously close to brain failure.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:19 PM
You guys don't feed the trolls.

Notice how this entire thread has been diverted from the video to a certain members agenda to begin a "debate"?

We have debate forums or threads, this is not one.

WhatTheory, since you ask for ONE LIE told by Bush I think even you can agree that he said that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we would find them.

OKAY...............Where are they??? That constitutes a lie.

Happy, are you full now?

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Are yopu saying WhatTheory is a disinfo agent?
Hmm... I have often entertained this idea about him/her, but I will not accuse him/her (most likely a him considering the wording he/she uses) of being a disinfo agent until I see dfinite proof of such.

WhatTheory, I'm still waiting for that reply. I will send you a U2U requesting that you read my comment.


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:35 PM
Instead of getting angry about it.

I actually find it quite upsetting. I actually feel it run throught my bones its that sad. The lies is horrific. The level of it is just disgusting. That humans could potentially lie to THAT extent for a profitable war >



There is no way you can reason with these people. The line has gone to way to far. Its embarressing to have world leaders like this in this world today.

I'm only 22 and I would not want my future kids to see this or ever have to see this havok in this world, under these sinister people, I don't want my kids living in a deceptive world that we are living in right now.


[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by mind is the universe

There will always be wars and rumors of wars friend, your kids will grow up in a cruel deceptive world, America is just like any other country, rotten to the core.

The problem is people, when you give people power they will crave more power and they will do anything to get it, people are inherently evil and the more power you give someone, anyone, the more evil and corrupt they will become.
These are undisputible facts.


posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

I don't personally believe that all people are inherently evil.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by AnOldFriend
I am wondering what exactly you don't get about this video? They say one thing and then back step saying either they never said what they did in fact say or they twist what they said into something different. Are you seriously suggesting that this video is a fake somehow or that it is out of context? If it is in fact out of context or somehow bull hoowey then please lead us to the facts.

Look, its thrown together with pieces of chopped up video. We don't know the context of the video or what questions were asked regarding the answers. Anybody can throw a video together to make anyone look bad.
My point is, if you want to debate this then please give me an example using YOUR own words and not somebody else's video or words.
Simple, give me ONE example of what this video is talking about in your own words so we can have a debate on whether it's warranted. I know its difficult for some to use their own brains and think for themselves, but let's give it a try.

This highlight I quote specially

its thrown together with pieces of chopped video

This is exactly what the bush admin have being doing ALL along, showing you what they want you to believe and see in their view. The bits they want you to follow. Everything they say is nonsense. which nonsense do you want us to reflect on? Stick to the nonsense, or spot the deception?

So what do you want? What debate do you want? You want the full re run of every speech over and over again and the re run of every war again over the last 8 years.

Will you get it then. Or will still need to the ifs but's and the credits too.

Give what a try??? Please explain what your bottom line point is?

[edit on 22-6-2008 by mind is the universe]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Are yopu saying WhatTheory is a disinfo agent?
Hmm... I have often entertained this idea about him/her, but I will not accuse him/her (most likely a him considering the wording he/she uses) of being a disinfo agent until I see dfinite proof of such.

WhatTheory, I'm still waiting for that reply. I will send you a U2U requesting that you read my comment.


I'm not necessarrily stating WhatTheory is a disinformation agent, that would be an accusation, and I'd be pinged for points eventually going in that direction. What I am stating however, is there are people, who are so enamored with Bush and his lies, as to willingly believe anything he says, just because it fits with their ideal version of how the world should work.

It's like the story of The Emperor's New Clothes where two swindlers come to the Kingdom telling the Emperor what fine threads they can weave for him, and this Emperor being such a pompous horses behind and being stupid enough to believe their lies in that the cloth they will fit him with is invisible.

They state to the Emperor that anyone who can not see the cloth is quite simply too stupid or not worthy of his position of power, and instead of questioning them on this, the Emperor instead questions his own worth and in conjunction with this listens to their play on his vanity as well. Then the Emperor goes on procession and all of the citizens and courtesan's of the Kingdom begin to whisper among themselves, and because they are in essence "yes men" to their ruler, instead of telling him the truth, add to the lies of the swindlers while lavishing praises on him.

One small child sees the Emperor, and instead of lieing, screams out,..."The Emperor has no clothes on, he's completely nude" and the spell of the lieing swindlers is broken.

The lesson here, is never listen to someone, just because you are afraid to question them.

You might be very right.

Bush is wearing no clothes, and no one has the brass to tell him to his face.

The problem is, he is a puppet at the whim of other people who are pulling his strings, and they are making him dance the little dance of a fool.

Check out this thread I began and you will see the puppetmaster who are pulling his strings :

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group : Daniel Estulin

Then of course please come back here as I would not wish to derail this thread, but there are various sources of the information, as well as people who see things through different facets of light within the world.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

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