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9/11; what are we gonna do?

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

i know, i know. BUT how patient can you get? its been 7 years already! i know what your saying though, patience is indeed a virtue.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Grock
to the OP.

pretty much the only thing you can do is what we all have been doing

sit down in the most comfy position you can find, and (while 'they' are all in office, or even if 'they' arent, since its all controlled)

bend over and kiss it goodbye.

or you can also do what others of us have been doing, and just ride it out man, like a totally tubular wave, this too shall pass.

those are pretty much your only 2 options, since nothing else is an option on the table.

I disagree with this. If you want the Republicans to screw you up front, while the Democrats are screwing you in the rear, then follow the above advice. If you are sick and tired of those who are supposed to represent YOU, but who are instead representing BIG OIL, get rid of them. Who are THEM? They are the Democrats and Republicans. These two parties are so corrupt that keeping them in power for one moment longer is not an option for intelligent, peace loving peoples. We need to vote UNTAINTED people to represent us in the Senate and House and be our top executive. That means no more Demostooges or Republistooges. They have ALL WHITE WASHED 9-11 AND APPROVED THE OUTCOME!! Get rid of all the bums and start fresh with honest representation for America.

Everytime there is an election you always hear. "Democrats win." Or you hear "Republicans win." For a change I would love to hear "AMERICA WINS!!" Just once in my lifetime, I would love to hear that following an election. The problem is that when Democrats and Republicans win, America loses BIG TIME!!!

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:35 AM
It seems that the steam is running out on the suggestion front.
Still people are squabbling. Very valid points ARE being made but is thread is only about ways we can spread the word POSITIVELY.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Justice11

Bush and Cheney are patriotic?? They have thumbed they're nose at the constitution throughout they're corrupt administration, we have watched our national debt climb to record levels, we have watched our world status decline from both economic and political positions. Why have there not been any articles of impeachment drafted over the misappropriation of about$750 million dollars of the afghan war budget (proven and never denied by the GOP) to plan a war in Iraq that was "not being planned".
Clear violations of privacy laws as a result of thousands of unauthorized wiretaps. Private contractors and mercenaries being paid with our tax dollars, and then allowed to operate without any rules other than don't get caught. I could go on all day, thats just the tip.

I mean no offense to you, but you are either terribly misguided and actually believe what you wrote, or you are just someone trying to put some more disinformation out there. It is incredibly hard for me to believe, but at this point, there still are some people out there that staunchly support the GOP. (about 22% these days?) I believe that some are ignorant to the facts, while the others are profiting from they're actions.

I would say our opinion of what a patriot is differs greatly. I would consider a patriot to be one who truely looks out for, and is greatly concerned with the well being of they're country and countrymen. Very few people are that selfless anymore.

Albeit off topic, I saw a poll this morning showing that if Obama and McCain ran today, that there would be a dead heat. How is that even possible? Doesn't anyone remember the bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran thing McCain was singing at a meeting of veterans? How about Bush telling us to keep buying SUV's and that there was plenty of oil out there. blah blah blah, they make me sick. The GOP is as extreme if not more so, than any of the extremist groups I am currently aware of, and I am aware of a few.

I implore any hardcore republicans out there, rethink your stance. Realize that the world is changing, and realize that our only hope is to change with it. We can not have another administration that causes further seperation and isolation. The world does not belong to us, (the US) We are not its master, and I personally want no part of any country that prefers empire to republic.

Thanks, jim

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 01:15 PM
Just say no .... And Mean It~!
its all a show ... for your consumption, if you believe what the US Gov't is saying what happend then I would want more information to support their case that AL-quaida did 911...
currently: The facts suggest -- ISIS-RA-EL conducted 911 with our gov't's blessing... not just bush but our GOVT conducted 911 with Mossad, so they would not be guilty of murdering their own countrymen...
the only way - is the way our founders have laid out for us to follow.
No Justice -- No Peace -- violate our rights and get a civil war --
that has been our strength thoughout the years... so, if they want to confiscate all weapons -- make sure you unload them first ...

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 02:55 PM
i just want to direct your attention to this;

this caused quite a few stirs over in England. With the right backing, it could of gotten further. still can, maybe.

in a bit...

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:19 PM

know, i know. BUT how patient can you get? its been 7 years already! i know what your saying though, patience is indeed a virtue.

Its been almost 100 years since Titanic sank - yet still haven' t figured
out exactly how or why it sank in 2 hours! marine engineers/historians
are still arguing things like: did the ship break up before sinking?,
was the ships bottom damaged or pierced by iceberg? How extensive
was damage? How big were the holes ripped in side by iceberg?

Given that I'd say NIST investigation is right on schedule!!

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 05:59 PM
9/11 is absolutely an Illuminati job -- ie a Jesuit and Bloodline (Banker) rich.

The question of what we do is an impossible one. I personally think that the future is going to be more about genuine humility than anything else. 9/11 is just the tip of the iceberg. You have 100s, if not 1000s of years of the worst mass murderers, pedophiles, etc.. running the world as the super rich. I think people will be confronted with the awful truth about how much they believe and live by is nothing but a lie. That includes just about everything including their fantasy of freedom, love falsely portrait as sex, fake holocausts, cold wars, space races, drug wars, material existence, etc.,etc.. Hopefully the result will not be a strengthening in the lie that the world is home but awakening to the realization that is is a foreign land we only inhabit temporarily. That we are spirit, destined to return to the purely spiritual worlds which operate the opposite of the worlds of matter. That this world is nothing but a world of lies and will never really be any different. It is a rock polisher and we are the rocks.

I think that, in time, from the top down, the Illuminati will collapse as it's key people realize just how stupid and ignorant they really are. The creation isn't broken. If the Supreme Being did not find the current circumstances as the most beneficial it would be change in an instant. It would take nothing to drop the top leaders of the Illuminati off the planet or infuse a high spiritual competency in the power structure. What is happening is necessary and for the best. This world is not our true home.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by ReelView

Bro, no disrespect to your flow or anything but this thread is about what (non violent) actions we can take to create awareness.

This site is full of very talented philosophers, with very beautiful pearls of wisdom and very skilled writing.
Only a few have actually answered this threads basis...

people, what can you suggest?

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
reply to post by ReelView

Bro, no disrespect to your flow or anything but this thread is about what (non violent) actions we can take to create awareness.

This site is full of very talented philosophers, with very beautiful pearls of wisdom and very skilled writing.
Only a few have actually answered this threads basis...

people, what can you suggest?

Why thank you V,
Right back at you and your impeccable taste.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

alright, alright. dont start showing off...

its true though. The amount of talent is surprising.
I just hope these people are using their skills properly and professionally, and not just wasting it on these threads...
theres so much potential... we should think of ways to channel it...

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Justice11
By the way to answer the OP thread title,We are going to hit AL qaeda hard for they have done to America and all their allies too for supporting them.So listed enemies that the people know are;
Al qaeda
Islamic Jihad

This list will be expanded if more groups prove to be troublesome to Western Allied Forces.

AL-QAEDA attacked the WTC on sept 11,2001

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Justice11

Explain Building 7.

2 planes hit 2 buildings..

1 plane went down.. (was shot down)

1 building was [NOT HIT].....

think about it...

google larry silverstein...

now wake up your neighborhood..

google video: scott ritter, michael chertoff, AIPAC, clinton chronicles

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by organeer

what is your point? you havent answered the thread..

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Justice11
By the way to answer the OP thread title,We are going to hit AL qaeda hard for they have done to America and all their allies too for supporting them.So listed enemies that the people know are;
Al qaeda
Islamic Jihad

This list will be expanded if more groups prove to be troublesome to Western Allied Forces.

AL-QAEDA attacked the WTC on sept 11,2001

To the person responsible for this post...i don't want to start abusing you because its unprofessional and shows a lack of ability to use words in order to bring someone round to seeing the truth. But Ive come across so many idiots (like your self) who regardless of factual info still maintain this ludicrous belief. That's up to you, God gave us free will to believe what we chose (he obviously held back giving intelligence to some) with every single aspect of 9/11 there are serious discrepancies and contradictions, ie the pentagon, the meeting between G.B Sn and The Binladen family on the day of 9/11, the collapse of 3 buildings...i mean its just endless. But you continue to believe the official story! well for fools like yourself who are so blind and dumb i hope you get whats coming to you and i hope you live long enough(in pain of course) to read your own papers when the truth comes out....which causes you a slow but extremely painful heart attack. you keep waving your flag, and munching your only the misinformed and the stupid vote for a president who's grandfather financed Adolf Hitler (Prescott S Bush) try researching some facts ...or read a book you chump

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by organeer

HOLD ON A MINUTE!! who are you directing this at? Justice11?

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:21 PM
Some post here are very narrow minded putting it nicely. I lost a cousin in 9-11 and two weekends before the so called attack which he worked every weekend he called to say he was going to play golf. He also said the power was down in the buildings to do some work and is why he had two weekends off. So this was plenty of time to set charges or whatever brought down the buildings, power down equals no security cameras and so on. And for all the people who think our goverment would never do a thing like this to its own citizens, start doing research on all the false flags our goverment uses, from secret experiments on its own people to its own military it has experimented on. I would rather not believe this to be true but look it up in our own national acrchives. I could write and tell you so much more but I get so mad when people refused to see whats in front of them. Back in 2001 it was near impossible to make phone calls on a plane with a cell phone. I tried two months later flying into New York, but as my uncle explained( a mechanic with one of the involed airline) you are passing by the towers to fast for the cell tower to pick up the signal. Now or the past few years there are chips in new phones that help enable this. Please wake up and lets make the true people accoutable. Not in 50 or 60 years when they will release Freedom of information act papers and they will still be mostly black out as the JFK documents are...........

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
i just want to direct your attention to this;

this caused quite a few stirs over in England. With the right backing, it could of gotten further. still can, maybe.

in a bit...

that was brillant!
We need MORE!!!!

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by realshanti

apparently RIZ MC (who is also a respected actor in England, in dramas including "road to guantanamo" and "brits", their worth watching) was detained at an airport under terrorist laws because of the colour of his skin, anyway, thats what inspired him to make that song.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:32 PM
I"m a former Marine....reference a thesis by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, "War is a Racket". 911 being orchestrated by the Illuminati and the US insiders is only scratching the surface. Wall Street funded Lenin, Bolsheviks, and in 1928 fully funded and supported Materially Hitler and the Nazi party. In essence, we have orchestrated and set up every single war longer than you really want to know. The major goal is a New World Order that has been the agenda all along. This us supported by Irrefutable historical facts by unbiased Historians, congressional records, documents, and testimony. Stories that never made the history books......

I can offer the evidence while we still the inner government (CFR) along with the Trilateral commission, Bilderbergers, and many others has definite plans to have the US to orchestrate another incident that will result in Bush or IF we have the election the next president (assuming Obama isn't assassinated in Denver), to declare Martial law, it overrides the constitution, and then enact the Gold confication Act of 1933 and here we go.....

reply to post by v4vendetta

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