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9/11; what are we gonna do?

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posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 01:03 PM
I am just getting sick and tired of hearing and reading more and more evidence in support of the 9/11 attacks being orchestrated by the US government. I personally agree 1000% that george bush and his gang were completely to blame, and i feel so dumb when i think that i even considered the 'official' version. Its been way too long that i have been clued up on events, and i somehow thought that justice will prevail or that enough people will get a petition going or something would get done.
Many years have passed, and still nothing...
What grinds my gears is that it seems 'they' are getting away with it.
If anybody has any suggestions on what can be done, please share.
Maybe, we can set up some sort of networking petition, using sites like this, with like minded people. What radio stations in america are truly on the 'left'? Maybe we can focus our energies on getting more coverage.
I know that all ideas must already be exhausted by now but something dead serious has to be done. Any suggestions are welcome...

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:43 PM
I dont believe for one instant that the govt was behind it.Its my belief that a massive psychological warfare is being waged between radical Islam,Al qaeda and other terrorist organizations,against the West.Just because someone provides you with what seems like a valid link does not make it real people.Cmon for once THINK and double check with Western intelligence agencies about suspect websites.Any website that encourages "rebellion"should pose a red flag to you.

George Bush and Dick Cheney are patriots FOR americans.Anyone living inside the US will be well advised to remember that.We are up against an enemy that will not hesitate to kill you if they have a chance.Dont give them that chance.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 02:58 PM
listen bruv!! When two MASSIVE scyscapers COLLAPSE just because they were burning for not even an hour, something stinks. The conspiracy sounds so much more plausible than the "truth", and you expect me to believe that all those bodies were disintergrated BUT the passport of an alleged terrorist happens to fall from the sky????!!!
How would this terrorist attack benefit Islam? They know for a fact that they dont stand a chance against the mighty USA, so why would they declare war if they cant really back it up.
if they did, then where was they're secondary attack? where were they planning to attack from? if you say iraq, you're really stupid!!
how small is your brain?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 03:11 PM
By the way to answer the OP thread title,We are going to hit AL qaeda hard for they have done to America and all their allies too for supporting them.So listed enemies that the people know are;
Al qaeda
Islamic Jihad

This list will be expanded if more groups prove to be troublesome to Western Allied Forces.

AL-QAEDA attacked the WTC on sept 11,2001

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
listen bruv!! When two MASSIVE scyscapers COLLAPSE just because they were burning for not even an hour, something stinks. The conspiracy sounds so much more plausible than the "truth", and you expect me to believe that all those bodies were disintergrated BUT the passport of an alleged terrorist happens to fall from the sky????!!!
How would this terrorist attack benefit Islam? They know for a fact that they dont stand a chance against the mighty USA, so why would they declare war if they cant really back it up.
if they did, then where was they're secondary attack? where were they planning to attack from? if you say iraq, you're really stupid!!
how small is your brain?

First off your attacking one of the posters which i assume is me atm.Secondly Iraq was indirectly responsible because it was Saddam who said he pay 20k to any family for suicide bombing.Well the attack on America was indeed a suicide bombing.He had WMD in the form of chemical weapons.Those ARE weapons of mass destruction and god knows what else he had.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 03:23 PM
what WMD'S????!!! where do you live? in a cave or something?!! doesnt america have even more chemical weapons than anybody?!!! those are wmd's... so if saddam was responsible why not go after him first?!!! and not falsify a story for an excuse to attack iraq. if he was responsible for the attack, why make up stories about wmd's? (which still HAVEN'T BEEN FOUND). wake up son, you country hates you...
please do not confuse me with an anti american, i am just anti george bush government...

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:43 PM
Just picked up a MUST-READ!!! It's called Touching History: The Untold Stories of the Drama that Unfolded in the Skies over America on 9-11. It's written by an airline pilot and you will not put it down. It will go a LONG way in disspelling a lot of the conspiracy theories.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 05:55 PM
whats the link? or where do i get this book?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
whats the link? or where do i get this book?

Ok sweetie let me take you through this. Copy "Touching History", go to a new site called Paste it on the search box, it will be the first book to pop up. Voila!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Justice11

Why not add Pakistan, North Korea, China and Russia?
Crap, might as well blow up the whole world, while we are at it.
Before we do that, don't you think it might be a good idea to investigate our own selves?
Just in case 9-11 was helped and guided by people under control of certain persons holding the highest offices of government?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 06:16 PM
to the OP.

pretty much the only thing you can do is what we all have been doing

sit down in the most comfy position you can find, and (while 'they' are all in office, or even if 'they' arent, since its all controlled)

bend over and kiss it goodbye.

or you can also do what others of us have been doing, and just ride it out man, like a totally tubular wave, this too shall pass.

those are pretty much your only 2 options, since nothing else is an option on the table.

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Justice11
I dont believe for one instant that the govt was behind it.Its my belief that a massive psychological warfare is being waged between radical Islam,Al qaeda and other terrorist organizations,against the West.Just because someone provides you with what seems like a valid link does not make it real people.Cmon for once THINK and double check with Western intelligence agencies about suspect websites.

There's massive psychological warfare being waged all right, but it's against YOU, by your own massively corrupt, murderous government.

I laugh at the notion of someone who obviously hasn't done any independent investigation into 9/11, blindly accepting what the lying neocons and corporate media frighten him into believing about "radical Islam" and al-CIAduh, and telling ME to THINK. What nerve.

BTW Justice11, your post about John McCain in the political news section is equally ludicrous.

How brainwashed can you get?

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 07:47 PM
alright bro, no need to get shirty! i thought that it was one of those online link thingys...

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
alright bro, no need to get shirty! i thought that it was one of those online link thingys...

I think it's spelled "thingies".

Just being sillie!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:04 PM
dont be a defeatist, please. I feel like that sometimes but i gave up a few years ago thinking, its gonna pass. but it hasn't. you've probably seen this video;

If we wait for it to blow over, this crap will continue... and i cant take it!!! everyday its a new travesty... for how long? i've been there bruv! its a waste of time!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

i just googled that book. looks like some sort of entertainment medium. if its even true, why is it for sale and not on the news or something, it should be available to the public because it concerns the public. why has it been translated into some sort of drama, just so they can emotionally engage you into thinking 'they're' way? blackmail. looks like propaganda to me...

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Justice11
I dont believe for one instant that the govt was behind it.Its my belief that a massive psychological warfare is being waged between radical Islam,Al qaeda and other terrorist organizations,against the West.

Who do you consider to be the "West"? That's a very broad brush stroke. Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Romania, Slovakia can be considered "Western" because they are members of the EU, yet they haven't had any threats or terrorist attacks committed on them by Al Qaeda.

When this all started, and the propoganda machine was in full effect, Bush was saying Al Qaeda hated any freedom and didn't like any democratic country. Really, there's a very long list of democratic countries in this world that haven't had a peep from Al Qaeda, no threats, attacks or even a whiff of a potential attack. Al Qaeda is not against the "West", or the free world.

ust because someone provides you with what seems like a valid link does not make it real people.Cmon for once THINK and double check with Western intelligence agencies about suspect websites.

Would that be the same Western "Intelligence" that said there were WMDs in Iraq in the weeks and months prior to invasion? That Saddam could deploy these WMDs against the Western world in 45 mins? Do you believe these statements by your government were true? That it was solid "Western Intelligence".

Is that the same Western intelligence that had a report prior to 9/11 that Al Qaeda was planning an imminent attack inside the US and yet ignored it and didn't follow it up?

George Bush and Dick Cheney are patriots FOR americans.Anyone living inside the US will be well advised to remember that.We are up against an enemy that will not hesitate to kill you if they have a chance. Dont give them that chance.

FOR Americans? Is that what you consider the patriot act to be? You have no problems with US agencies wire tapping your phone and going through your email accounts without seeking prior court approval? Without first establishing that you may have a case to answer? Do you agree with that? Do you really think that is in line with the constitution and Thomas Jefferson's idea for a truly free country?

Terrorists will not hesitate to kill you, but don't go duck hunting with Cheney, cause you're just as likely to get shot by him as you are a "terrorist". Only thing is, the terrorist won't try and gag you from telling your story, or stop a police investigation into the incident.

[edit on 14-6-2008 by Alethia]

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 08:29 PM
bravo! well said! 'justice11' has got some issues... clearly he's been brainwashed or he's just dumb!

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Here it is almost seven years later and people cant just accept the fact that it was what it is,ocums razor...terrorist hijacked the planes cause they were ordered to and crashed into the towers.Why does it have to be more then this???

posted on Jun, 14 2008 @ 09:46 PM
because there IS more to it than that! sadly. why were the 'terrorists' told to do this? dont it bother you?

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