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9/11; what are we gonna do?

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posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by tgambill

it scares the hell out of me!! we cant just sit here and take this.
if we know this information already, surely thats to our advantage, right?
any suggestions on some positive steps we can take?

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by v4vendetta

V4Vendetta I already told you how to start the revolution on page 2 of this thread. My post was completely ignored, which does not surprise me. Take advantage of your freedom of speech if you care to start the revolution, if you don't care to somebody else will. Just be very mindful of what you say. Don't say anything incriminating. You made a very good point about the internet. It is the most important tool that you have. Use it.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:25 PM
Sadly, some people will continue to believe only what they want to believe. No more, no less.

We can beat our heads against the wall [or thiers] for days on end and nothing would be accomplished because the forest has way to many trees for them to see thru.

For some, postive RATIONAL constructive thinking somehow eludes their thought process allowing the MSM drivel to take complete control and we are left with "believers" of the propoganda machine.

At this point in time, given all the information avaliable both online and via other sources all anyone with the remotest bit of curiosity or slightest, smallest doubt of the "official" tale has the ability to research it and come away feeling to say the least, curious.

How anyone who has seen, listened, watched, heard, read, googled, yahooed, looked at or viewed any or all you tube videos, bothered reading the travisty best selling piece of fiction called the 9/11 commission report and come away STILL a believer, well, what can or should be said.

Don't forget we still have an idiot in chief with the lowest approval rating of any person to have ever held that office BUT there is still a percentile of people out there who still think "he's doing a hell of a job bushie". So perhaps that is who these believers are.

These too will in all probability if they have their way deliever a Mcsame to the oval office later in the year.

The only way out of this mess that i can think of since anything worthwhile is off the table is this:

Have Pelosi's position as speaker Vacated and have her replaced by someone who is not afraid to uphold their oath of office to "protect and defend the constitution against all eneimies foreign and DOMESTIC". She has failed to do this by her own personal standards, by her own personal choice as evidenced by the first words she uttered after gaveling in "impeachment is off the table". She does not have the authority to unilaterly make this decision. period.

Declare and have charges brought against Conyers and Waxman for:
Contempt of Congress
They are both in charge of the Judiciary Committees of the House.
They ared both responsible for SITTING on the impeachment bill presented legally by Kusinich last year against Cheney and have allowed it to sit on a shelf ignored except for the effort of Wexler which have gone nowhere.

Now Kusinich has struck another strike for Democracy with his 35 count impeachment decree against the idiot, but sadly this will or already has wound up on the same dusty shelf alongside of cheney's.

It is my belief that if enough pressure was brought to bare on Conyers and Waxman, letting them know just how pissed off and outraged the majority of the public felt that the idiot an company were going to pardon themselves as they snuck out of the back door on their last day and that once they were gone they [conyers and waxman]would be held accountable.

When the war crimes trials began, they WILL be among the frist ones [along with pelosi] to be charged. It has been with their cooperation that this war has been allowed to go on as long as it has, and each additional death that occurs has and should be credited to them.

These are of coursed my thoughts, sorry this is so long.
Want to get their attention? 866-220-0044 capital switchboard

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by v4vendetta

May I ask, why do you think only radio stations "on the left" would be open to 9/11/01 type issues? or rather, their listeners?

The matter of insiders (our military and CIA) and their "foreign national" allies (MOSSAD, MI-5 and 6, along with Paki ISI) attacking us with a false flag scheme is not restricted to "right" or "left."

I know good folks, some that consider themselves "conservative" and some that consider themselves "liberal", but both equally patriotic in their growing concern for the obvious evidence on Controlled Demolitions of the Towers and WTC 7.

Perhaps the PTB and their msm mouthpieces would love us to remain apart, unallied, but let's fool'em, and all be GOOD Americans, shall we?

TOGETHER, we can not be beaten.

posted on Jun, 16 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by Griff

all of this so far is useless chatter to the original question.

please go to the last page of respones, i think so far i have posed at least a thought.


posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:43 AM
There was a parallel reality, close to this one, yet so far.
In it was The Newknighed States of Animosity.
They had a similar problem over yonder that is faced here today, though there were crucial differences.

They solved their problem.

1. Those who cared enough totally ignored moles, operatives that were paid to spread divisiveness, false logics, embroil in energy sapping word nets.

2. Linked up with like spirits, souls.

3. Came to GRIPS with what it had, would, and always will REALLY TAKE to change it over in that far-flung parsec of the multiverse.

4. Realized that some would suffer and perish in getting the job done, but that it WOULD be done for their kids, grandkids.

5. Realized it was a numbers game. That the Powers that Be were far, far fewer than the populace, and that nullifying their influence was simple enough.

There was a tripartate system over there, though it bore little resemblance to what we have here.
They had:
Council of Incongruity.
Judges of Obscene Illogic.
Executors of Ill Will.

There were some civilian Amalgamations that had people in positions of power and influence over the tripartate, through the exchange of favors and control for Pebbles (pebbles being coin of the realm over dere...).

The sweep was made, clean it was, and a new reality was born.
Just HOW the sweep was made, WHAT constituted cleansing in that alternate universe so far away, is a matter of record.... over there.
If we were to attempt to Read It over here, it would make Zero Sense to us.

They did what had to be done... For Them.

Back to us, as in U.S., as in The United States of America.
We are far, far different from those folks way over there in that alternate reality.
Fear of Death is what cows All where we live.
As a populace, we have:

*****, as in 5 star statement:

Unless the Powers that Be tell you, you have to to protect US.
They are expert in manipulating the five star statement above so they are, "safe," while short-circuiting it to their own advantage in winding you up and sending you marching off to kill, maim, cripple.... Others.

The powers that be, here where we live, know this very well.
Hence, we are living in what is increasingly becoming a living hell with more on the way.

IF you REALLY believe you and yours are being destroyed, are going to be destroyed, by chemtrails, GM foods, microwaves/rf zipping through cell structures of you and your loved ones, and on and on.... what has stopped you from stopping it all?

See the 5 star statement above.

But there is also something else operative over here.
And it is the Real Culprit, The Real Reason, for the Dismal State of Affairs.
An Inherent Corruption.
A Moral, Ethical Weakness that is the Kiss Of Death.

You allowed people in other countries to be brutalized in Your Name with Your Money.
You looked the other way.
You allowed people of conscience in this country to brutalized and marginalized.
You looked the other way.
As the manufacturing base was shipped out of the country and lives were trashed, you looked the other way... it wasn't YOU.

Now, at this Very Late Date, you squawk?

No, America has no guts, no soul, no heart.
It is finished.

Everybody has already been tested.
There is now zero need for any more, "litmus tests."
The results are in and known.

The prayers of the Saints who have counted it torturous to be in this country of zombies, who have done what was given of them to do, of those who have prayed for death to be delivered from this crud, have reached the ears of the Creator.

This is Mystery Babylon, and it is going to be laid waste, destroyed as a pertinent, relevant entity, in the space of One Hour.

Yep, you are reading the words of the present day version of a boni-fy-dee Old Testament Prophet, New Testament come with a Sword revelator.

Don't look at the flash.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by v4vendetta

Join a 911Truth group if there's one near you. I belong to the UK 911Truth campaign and the London 911Truth campaign. I don't live in London but about 20 miles from it and about 25minutes by train. As you live in the US, and if there isn't a local group near you, I realise it's much more difficult. Answer: advertise for like-minded people in your local newspaper (I'm sure there are many, many folks who feel like you) and start one in your area. The groups in the UK are making themselves heard. The issue of 911 and "911 was an inside job" are being mentioned in the national press now, whereas for nearly seven years it has been studiously ignored. I wish you success.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Justice11
dear Justice 11 : Gonzales is gone , Rumsfeld is gone , Ashcroft is gone ,Mueller is an old friend of Kissinger and GHWB ,just check out the BCCI scandal ,Gates and Negroponte were leaders in GHWB's Iran/Contra affair. Larry King ,KIng of the Pedophiles in Omaha ,Nebraska,donated to Iran/ Contra from money embezzeled from The Franklin County Credit Union ,SEE John DeCamps book by the same name . Fred Fielding on the 911 Commission is the Lawyer that won the 2000 Election for Bush in FL. should never have been on the Commission . Tenet was at War with Al-Qaeda since 1998 ,so what happened after he was retained by GHWB for his son GWB,?They knew he was strictly a politician not an investigator or James Bond, Tommy Franks told Senator Bob Graham in 2002 ,February that he was being pulled out of Afghanistan to go Manhunting in Iraq, He then told the Senator he would prefer to go to Yeman or Somalia. Barbara Bodine ,worked for GHWB in Iraq ,under April Glaspie ,who told Saddam before the war in Kuwait ,"I don't care if Arabs kill Arabs .Oh ,did i mention that Larry King sang the National Anthem at the Repuplcan National Conventions in 1984 and 1988 ,,(Reagan and Bush ) Are you aware of the Bush's connection with Hitler (Thyssen )prior to WW 2 ;Prescott Bush was their banker and OIL provider .Chertoff is hald Israeli and less than half American ... Prince Bandar and Wolfowitz were the only 2 Civilians involved in planning both Iraq wars ..Wolfowitz is connected to Judy Miller ,NYT,MIlroie ? Victoria Clarke (Tory) and Hill KNowlton with dirty tricks in both wars , Powell lied about Tanks from Iraq in 1991 ?war and lied about Iraq in 2003 at UN. about WMD . and you think they collected enough evidence to show 911 was perpertrated by 19 (non pilots ) esp at Pentagon?.When there is a crine scene does anyone go to gather evidence ,esp. Mass Murder ...I don't have to stop here but i have to go speak to newspapers and TV stations to see why nothing was put out by the media regarding Bush Impeachmenbt vote in Congress the other day with 24 or 26 Republicans voting for Impeachment .Pelosi and Stoyer are next Bellinhand

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 08:11 AM
It doesn't matter WHO did it , just remember the 3000 plus innocent people of all nationalities and religions who died for whatever belief. If it was the government seeking new funds to start an oil grabbing war, or a terrorist cell that hates democracy, who remembers the fallen? . We're all too busy trying to find someone to blame.


There are various trains of thought as to WHO did it But according to the UK gov, The 7/7 London bombers where known to the authorities for months before it happened but it still happened, 50 people lost their lives and yes I was in London on the day it happened, there was a sense of apprehension and worry, there wasn't widespread fear because thats what the the terrorists want. The government wants the same from you, fear , if the government isn't in control then you'll be living in fear . The only reason the 21/7 bombers failed is because the equipment failed.
The same must go for the US government, they have more funds available for watching these groups so why didn't they stop it? They could have done.

So my opinion is this and this is all it is an opinion. The government knows whats happening but because it doesn't suit it's purposes it won't interfere.
The 9/11 situation is one of these times when the gov. knew about it and they knew who was in control, who was helping and who was funding they could use that info in the future, Saddam 'paid' for suicide bombers or at least suggested therefore must be in collusion with them, and hey! as a bonus he has a country full of oil .
It wan't that fact that his 'human rights' record was dire. Zimbabawe anyone? Even worse 'human rights violations' going on but no resources so no need to invade and put the dictator down.
Before anyone flames me I live in the UK and am a born and bred Englishman.
I don't like governments in whatever country that say's vote for me and I'll make your lives better in some way then does a u-turn and doesn't do anything except line their or their friends pockets or doesn't do anything incase they hurt someones feelings or breaches their 'human rights'. What rights do the victims have? I'd rather live in a country that says "hey , he's preaching hatred and violence and mass murder, tell you what we'll slot him and his friends who want the same thing instead of letting him and his cronies kill the innocent thousands".
That like they say in 'star trek' - " the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one".
So come on all 'democratic governments' get rid of the hate filled preachers of death and let us start believing in you again instead of pandering to the noncy freedom of speech.
Of course now that I've said that My speech will be censored in case I offend someone, but Hey! I can preach killing men, women and children and be left alone.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

real sorry bruv! its not that i ignored you, you made an excellent point, its just i got carried away with this thread. I will definately start another one properly.
I've tried to make sure that i havent said anything that can get me into trouble and not because im trying to.

BRO, starting a revolution is probably getting a bit ahead of ourselves, i just want more ways to spread the word EFFECTIVELY.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Hey, V4Vendetta, people like you REALLY need to check yourselves. You come on this forum, ask for suggestions to "solve" this situation, denounce suggestions that don't fit your paradigm as "defeatist" and continue to beg for more ideas. Do you even know WHY you posted this thread? Of course you don't because you seem to be as aware of yourself and the world around you as a paper sack. You admitted you "gave up" then decided enough was enough. You posted this hoping others in the goodie-two-shoed naive "no violence love everything until it gets better" crowd will post suggestions to make you start screaming "YEAH!!" as loudly as Bombastic Jones. You want hope so you can feel better, false hope. Yes, you need to take it like a man and understand the situation in which you live. The government will NOT listen to you or you supporters, it will do whatever it needs to complete it's goals, including kill people like you. Educating yourself and others is a great step and I commend you for it, HOWEVER, it is only part of the process. When the time comes, violence in defense of yourself and those you care about WILL be required. It is part of life, DEAL WITH IT! You think some judge in the pocket of some corp. is going to put these people in jail? NO! Of course they are getting away with it and they WILL until examples can be of some of them. ANd even then, they have superior technology and firepower not to mention a large mass of armored and armed ignoramuses just waiting to be told to haul your peaceful ass off to a work camp. Do what you feel you must...but DO NOT come on here asking for suggestions then calling some one a "defeatist" just because your limited perspective doesn't understand. And other thing, people like me are FULLY capable and willing to use and manipulate people like you as we please due to your nature. The difference between me and those that ARE manipulating you is that I recognize my nature and am able to channel it to better uses. The dark government just loves to hear people that say "non violent of course" It is signal to them that you'll just lay there and take it. On the flip side, they are waiting for some hot head to shot first so they can justify aggression. Violent revolution has it's time and place but only after enough people have been informed and have TRUELY had enough, which you clearly have not else you display a greater level of understanding. Good luck to you sir, you'll need it.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by alupang

good point. its true, whats the point of "left" stations agreeing with us, its kind of a waste of time.
any suggestions on ANY stations which will listen?

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by observer28

bro, who's talking about violent action? not me.
This thread is about MEDIA ACTION.
To somehow, release highly opinionated people (like those in these threads) out there!!! and not on these underground, quiet sites just regurgitating information over and over...

i am not trying to be a "goody two shoes", i believe we've got to play by their rules because they expect otherwise.

POSITIVE MEDIA ACTION!!!! is that so hard to understand??!!!
we might not overthrow anybody but our results might benefit future generations.

Please, i have loads of respect for your views but please dont sabotage me just yet. I aint even started...

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by observer28

and another thing, i just dont agree with being told to "lie down and take it like a man", who are you? the government?
"take it like a man"???? sorry, but it does sound defeatist...

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
reply to post by observer28

bro, who's talking about violent action? not me.
This thread is about MEDIA ACTION.
To somehow, release highly opinionated people (like those in these threads) out there!!! and not on these underground, quiet sites just regurgitating information over and over...

Media action? It has been done-- time and time again. The results? Either NO ONE CARES anymore or NO ONE BELIEVES the "Street Carney" shell game that is 9/11 truth anymore. ( except in a few quiet underground sites that regurgitate the same fallacy and misconceptions over and over again)

Look, here is the reach of the four most popular 9/11 Truth sites compared to HOT -- as you can see by this graph, Hot wheels are more popular than all the main truther sites-- COMBINED.

Yeah the 9/11 truth propagandists TRY to brainwash you into thinking this movement is some giant cause all swelling in popularity, but actually it is just a feeble attempt to separate you from your cash...It is like Amway without the cleaning products.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

WOW! cheers bro, thanks for the knowledge.
Well, i kinda knew that we weren't that popular.


How can we improve this?
how can we INFILTRATE the mainstream media?

Also, it doesn't necessarily have to ALL be about 9/11, we can be spreading Peace & Love along the way...

suggestions please...

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Justice11
I dont believe for one instant that the govt was behind it.Its my belief that a massive psychological warfare is being waged between radical Islam,Al qaeda and other terrorist organizations,against the West.Just because someone provides you with what seems like a valid link does not make it real people.Cmon for once THINK and double check with Western intelligence agencies about suspect websites.Any website that encourages "rebellion"should pose a red flag to you.

George Bush and Dick Cheney are patriots FOR americans.Anyone living inside the US will be well advised to remember that.We are up against an enemy that will not hesitate to kill you if they have a chance.Dont give them that chance.

George Bush and Dick Cheney are murderers and they will be tried for treason sooner or later you must must be brain washed American to believe in this official story crap, sorry

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Justice11
I dont believe for one instant that the govt was behind it.Its my belief that a massive psychological warfare is being waged between radical Islam,Al qaeda and other terrorist organizations,against the West.Just because someone provides you with what seems like a valid link does not make it real people.Cmon for once THINK and double check with Western intelligence agencies about suspect websites.Any website that encourages "rebellion"should pose a red flag to you.

George Bush and Dick Cheney are patriots FOR americans.Anyone living inside the US will be well advised to remember that.We are up against an enemy that will not hesitate to kill you if they have a chance.Dont give them that chance.
i have two words for "operation northwoods" if you read it it'll give all the evidence you need that the power at bay could have and did orcastraite this type of event. make a time line starting with the u.s.s cole all the way to 9/11.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:04 AM
Thats it!!!
"justice11" has messed up my thread.
People obviously agree that the government is way too shady, and that something needs to be done.
But all im hearing is;
"your government lied, wake up" or
" i got proof that they lied" or
"here's my essay on why they lied" or
"heres my essay on how they lied" or
"NWO blah blah blah" (i wont continue)...
OK, we know this.

WHAT CAN BE DONE? please, im going bald already...

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Taxi-Driver
Yeah the 9/11 truth propagandists TRY to brainwash you into thinking this movement is some giant cause all swelling in popularity, but actually it is just a feeble attempt to separate you from your cash...It is like Amway without the cleaning products.

If I can't get cleaning products, I'm going back to believing the government.

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