posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Well it all depends on what your definition of is is....sorry it was just begging to be said
Survey results are indeed skewed due to the sample taken.
Open relationships "just work" for some people, for others they do not. One time I had a nurse that was a friend that was really down and I gave her
a long heart-filled hug to cheer her up. At the end she pulled back a little and said "I don't have an open marriage and I love my husband very
much." I said "Good, because as a friend I would hate to have to whip your butt for trying to pull anything." I answered her puzzled look with a
smile and explained the difference between a friend and lover.
As for myself, never been married because I dont believe in divorce. But to clear that statement up: I will only share my life with one person and she
has to be the right one for me. It is something that I will know in my heart, soul and every fiber of being. So far that have been two that were very
very close to that...neither worked out when the time was right. One I knew from the moment I was introduced to her that we would one day be together.
Timing and circumstances were solidly against us because she hated me with a purple passion from the word go. It took several years and an isolation
from her friends before I could talk her into spending a weekend with me that nothing but walking and talking and getting know me. As for the other,
well long story short...she had a different idea of what love meant to her and it was more about what I could do to her than what I could show and
share exeriences with her. No, not even close to right in the end but I still always have a love for her, just not of her.
For me, it is sharing in a lifetime's of exeriences with someone that you truely want to share them with that is the key. Funny how at 37 I can sound
like a sage to some but honestly those were my exact thoughts at 17 as well.
And since the celeb thing came about...yeah, I could hardly get a true honest "hello" out of Carmen Electra today, but 20 years ago when she was
just Tara Patrick she did ask me out once. But as my luck would have it I was seeing someone at the time who happened to be standing beside me when
she asked. The temptation level would have been the same had I been alone though, quick but rapidly fleeting as I politely turned her down.
Some would say that makes me a chump, but despite being alone I am really never lonely. And although I do think that there is still someone out there
I still do not let my desire for a relationship allow me to just "settle" on a pretty face that isn't the person I would really want to be with for
more than a one night stand or friends with benefits. I have had plenty of those in the past and quite frankly they are a boring waste of time to me
edit to add for Duneknight: Despite what I have implied. I have had greater relationships with the normal women over the super-hot babe arm trophy
types...always it boils down to a depth of character, and they tend not to let their looks make up for other things if you catch my drift.
[edit on 12-5-2008 by Ahabstar]