posted on Jul, 30 2009 @ 10:30 PM
How does one define breaking, ie, breaking news?
If we were to see an event happen, an event related to previous discussions on ATS... a documented event... would it not stand to reason that the
event would be breaking news? Or do we have to wait so that other news medias can cover the event? By time we post the "breaking news" on ATS, it
isn't "breaking news" anymore!
Case in point... I started a thread in the Breaking News forum, reporting how an event has escalated to the point where, well... property damage,
infringement of the Bill of Rights, and theft was apparently not enough. I posted a thread mere moments after I had witnessed an activity where the
event was brought beyond the next level.
It was breaking news.
But now? It is gone, moved to the trashbin because I did not link a source, because I did not include a snippet of the story.
How is this justifiable?
Breaking news is news that is occurring at that moment... not about an event that happened within a 36 hour time frame.
So please, on this, the ATS Issue Thread... if someone could explain this in a manner that makes sense, that justifies the removal of a breaking news
event, I would be much obliged.
[edit: changed "me" to "be" in last sentence]
[edit on 2009/7/30 by The Soothsayer]