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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:27 PM
The world has not turned its eye onto Ronald Weinland.

It has not noticed him, or the silent witness - his wife.

In a court of law, a witness does not remain silent, they testify.

Otherwise they are of no use.

(literal translation)
Zec 4:14 And he saith, `These are the TWO SONS of the oil, who are standing by the Lord of the whole earth.

Despite arguments to the contrary, these two witnesses will clearly be men. The bible is very clear and specific about that.

I find it hard to believe that many will accept the claim that his wife is the second witness. People are waiting on the 2nd Trumpet's fulfillment or lack of fulfillment to decide....but while that is o.k., you really should not have to wait for it (to not come) to decide.

Less than 30 days left.

So far absolutely nothing. No 1st trumpet, no 2nd trumpet in sight.

It should be noted...

Rev 8:9
And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

The 2nd Trumpet plague =
1) 1/3 sea creatures die.
2) 1/3 ships destroyed

Do not just accept any ole nuking as a sign, make sure it matches.
(not that it will come in the next 30 or so days, but it's worth mentioning this aspect of it)

[edit on 18-6-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 06:36 PM
as interesting as all of this has been with RW and other ATSers on his side and his following

I just cant take to read or post about this anymore

it is just over to me and Im done

so Im not gonna do the whole told you so thing or prove him wrong, im comfortable knowing that he is wrong, i only feel bad for his church if they keep following him

but who am I? just a man like he is

the end will come, we all just need to be ready and study what jesus was all about and put faith in him

and Im not trying to force belief on anyone of christ, everyone has their own mind to live

its been a great post too

wether he admits he was wrong or not will not be a concern anymore

just wanted to put that out there, thanks

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by theodorej

I do believe we are in the end times,and RW is just another sinner who has boldly predicted things that God will perform in his own good time....In closing RW is one of many watchmen whose commission is to warn the faithfull less their spiritual demise will be on his head....

The problem that RW takes (upon himself) no such "lowly title" of being 'just a watchman'. He claims a much more grandiose title of being one of THE two witnesses of Revelation. Furthermore, he says his proof is in the accuracy of his timing. (I'm paraphrasing him)

His "timing-proof" is wrong and he is free to be ignored as nothing more that a self-absorbed nutcase.

I've exchanged emails about 2 years ago with another self-proclaimed "one of the two witnesses"...again...his doctrine (as well as RW's) was vacant of any truth. They both...excuse me...all of them...preach doctrine that is contrary to Orthodox Christianity.

As an aside: I wonder how many nutcases there are in the world today proclaiming THEY are one of the "two witnesses"? 100? 1000?

Oddly enough, this seems to be prophesied by Jesus, Himself, in a few places. Here is one:

Matt 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

...and another:

Matt 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:00 PM
I think one guy with a COG background met 23 of the Two Witnesses.

There'll probably be more.

(ps. One guy was BOTH of the Two Witnesses, I wonder what the logic was behind that)

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Greetings Anonomos.... How could the thesis on which the science of astrology is based be insignificant,when it is totally wrong....And we have no proof that the so called advanced civilizations even had the ability to study interplanetary forces with respect to the earth....The is another example of bad education with a deliberate attempt to rewrite history so a certain theory can claim legitamacy....

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 03:49 PM
I posted this yesterday another COG pastor talking about special prophecies from God concerning end times and dream about prophecy..
At least he isn't saying he is one of two witnesses of revelation or that we are somehwo in tribulation period.

Are other pastors making these claims?

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:36 PM
Anyone checked out his website. His update says it all. Even RW doesn't believe anything will happen by 16th July. ........ I AM SURPRISED. That definately is a humble man, that took a lot of guts.

So folks it's all over, anything he says cannot be taken literally and now he says we will have to wait till December... what! and go through all this again.

He says he will reveal more in future sermons. Sermons? they have nothing to do with the Word of God. The worst preaching I've ever heard. His people need to get out and find a real Kingdom man to teach them Kingdom prinicples and one who has real fruit. Sad but true.

I'm sorry Doctorex if your trust in him is depleted but you'll probably soak in his new words and keep beleiving, and hoping and you really need to let go. There's some good spiritual councellers locally that you cn go to.

As for me, I'm over it! I never beleived his words, I stated clearly NOTHING (yes I'm raising my voice) would happen. With RW recanting his dates and events it PROVES beyond doubt he is not hearing. No end time prophet could ever get it so wrong.

I'm going to stay with ATS though, there are some more interesting things to read like aliens and flying saucers and stuff.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:47 AM
I hope the Ronald Weinland supporters will finally see the light.

I hope they will post what they will do, in regards to staying with RW or leaving RW. It's not an issue of "rubbing one's nose into it", I think all those who opposed RW wanted to help those who followed him, escape this man.

While the remainder of time for the 90 days is not up, it should be abundantly clear, these first 2 trumpets will not be blown at this time.

Since these timings were proofs of Ronald Weinlands claim, this too, must be thrown out the window.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:30 AM
This is absolutely pathetic. Ronald Weinland is absolutely pathetic. I wonder if he realizes just how much he has made a mockery of God and, will continue to do so. Ronald Weinland will go the way of Herbert W. Armstrong, following the same pattern, speaking, nothing coming to pass and people still following him, tithing to the church and remaining faithful to a doctrine, which roots itself in pure deceitfulness and heresy.

Should it be any wonder there are other Church of God spokesmen who think of themselves as something from God, speaking great words of prophecy? No. Like I have said before, corrupt seed does not produce sound doctrine and, both Herbert W. Armstrong and Ronald Weinland, as well as all other Church of God off shoots, will continue to preach and drain the monetary resources of their followers. The sad thing is, these faithful followers will assume they have been faithful to God the entire time when in fact they have been financing and advocating the very deception that Jesus warned us to avoid concerning the end times.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:18 PM
Greetings JD....I agree with you in principle,however,one is able to gleen some truth from all the various COG preachers....To this day I have not been able to find one COG that Iam comfortable with....perhaps you can add some direction to my quest....

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by theodorej

My advice to you, stay away from any form of Church of God doctrine. It was founded by a man and has flourished at the hands of the same men who were taught by its founder, a false prophet himself, Herbert W. Armstrong.

How anyone can believe there is any amount of truth in the Church of God doctrine is beyond me.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:36 PM
i couldnt resist

i read his website

he is acknowleding he is wrong but says god is still gonna do it at a later date and he (RW) has the answers for it.

the sad thing is he is not gonna stop preaching as he promised

it was nice to see a futile attempt at saying he was wrong but not really

as of now I dont care but i do feel he should keep his word about not preaching and seek forgiveness not repentance

no hes just a prophet, not a false per his words

he made no claims of him being a "witness" either, wonder if he believes that too?

ok im done maybe

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 04:12 PM
I totally agree its bull that he said if nothing happened that he would claim himself as a false prophet now hes saying we have to wait for another 3-4 trumpets wtf is up with that.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:07 PM

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by jdposey

Greetings JD....I guess I find myself having gone beyond you...In the interests of plain speaking and clear understanding,are you saying that "there is no truth in any of the doctrine espoused by any of the COGs"
At this point Iam in no position to comment on the teachings of the founder or whether he was a false prophet or teacher....Somehow I cannot dismiss all the teachings,with respect to the sabbath and holy days,and I believe one might be able to prove historically the seperation of the tribes as well as the blessings on the seed of Abraham....Having said that,I do have a problem with the level of arogance some of the leaders of various splinter groups display....proclaiming themselves to be prophets of God....

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by theodorej
reply to post by jdposey

At this point Iam in no position to comment on the teachings of the founder or whether he was a false prophet or teacher....Somehow I cannot dismiss all the teachings,with respect to the sabbath and holy days,and I believe one might be able to prove historically the seperation of the tribes as well as the blessings on the seed of Abraham...

Yes, I would agree, as they say, don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

To reject a Church just because it does not agree with Orthodox Christianity. would be jumping the gun. It should be noted that Jesus's teachings were not orthodox in his day by any means.

One should expect the true church to be rather UN-orthodox in certain respects. Since the whole world is now blindly following the Babylonish system that is the Catholic Church, a church which for many represents what is considered "orthodox", one should pause when considering an whether "un-orthodox" church is a good thing or a bad thing.

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by daggyzI'm sorry Doctorex if your trust in him is depleted but you'll probably soak in his new words and keep beleiving, and hoping and you really need to let go. There's some good spiritual councellers locally that you cn go to.

There are certain things yet unknown, watch this space....

posted on Jun, 24 2008 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by doctorex

Thats what Ron Weinland been saying since 2007!!

...or do you mean your getting help?

posted on Jun, 25 2008 @ 06:12 AM
Yes, Ronald Weinland clearly does not know a lot of things.

The level of double-think required to believe he is one of the Two Witnesses at this point in time, is rather astounding.

We are not talking about just getting speculation and timing wrong. If we were talking about just speculation, then quite frankly it wouldn't be a problem (he still would be completely botched up about it all, and completely wrong).

We are talking about one in the office of one of the Two Witnesses, speaking on the authority as one of those Two Witnesses, and how his prophecy on the timing of not one but TWO TRUMPETS is completely and utterly wrong. Not only is it wrong in the eyes of "outsiders", but it is completely botched and wrong in the eyes of the man Ronald Weinland himself (you know, the guy who's the SPOKESMAN for the Two).

I hope other Ronald Weinland supporters will chime in, and state their cases, whether they will continue or not.

I think if they decide not to, that it would be very helpful for others who are undecided, they can provide an example of escaping a false prophet.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by jdposey

Errr.......the Church of God "doctorine" is the faith of Jesus Christ and follows the commandments, holydays, and sabbaths of the Lord GOD. RW notwithstanding as a "withness"......he's not...........whatever has happened to him, he is leading many astray............and not following the original teachings of HWA...............I may stand corrected, but, his book seem to be garbage to me............but we are in the very end days.......

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