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Where is Al Sharptons Rage against Racism for this?

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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by ShiftTrio

I actually grew up like you did, in a place where I, as a Caucasian, was the minority by far. And I agree, that what is known as "reverse discrimination" is nothing more than blatant racism itself.

I cannot actually comment on the incident you bring up as an example, because without knowing what preceded that attack it is impossible to legitimately attribute racism as a motive.

I am writing a piece called "The Myth of the White Devil" however, in which I look at racism, period, and examine the myth that racism is a "white problem."

I think the real issue your thread touches upon is that racism is not limited to whites, and a lot of the "backlash" or "reaction" to historical inequities are themselves racist. Treating ALL whites as if they were guilty of some crime is pure rubbish. It demonstrates an incredibly poor understanding of history, of individual responsibility, and of what being "white" means. We didnt all come from the same place, at the same time, and we certainly are not all guilty of the crimes that were admittedly committed against some people in the past.

I think a lot of people are reaching a saturation point in their ability to tolerate being held "accountable" for crimes they never committed, and in many cases, their ancestors never committed either, and the racist thinking that allows that sort of a generalization to occur in the first place. The majority of white immigrants to this country (even during the time of slavery) were NOT slave owners, and never had been, as in many cases they were the poorest of the poor in their home countries and many were indentured servants upon arrival here themselves.

Anyway, good subject. It needs to come up. If we are to progress as a country, racism needs to stop. Period. No matter who is perpetrating it. People should be judged on their own choices, their own actions, and not those of some members of their "race."

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:32 AM
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posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by poet1b

this is the euro:

lets do some numbers shall we:

total americans: 303,000,000
73% euro
12% African
15% Hispanic and all other

6% of euro imprisoned
32% African
17% Hispanic and all other

so, if we do the math

221,190,000 euro
36,360,000 African
45,450,000 Hispanic and all other


13,271,400 euro - still leading the pack!!!
11,635,200 African
7,726,500 Hispanic and all other

i'm sure the welfare and unemployment numbers are the same also. so whose outdoing who?

do your numbers lie or don't they? these are the facts and pretty much go towards what I was saying; i don't know who is doing all these crimes in the African community. i'm sure it's happening, but not at a greater rate than other sectors. we can break it down by criminal activity and i'm sure you will get a kick out of why the euro is imprisoned.
the bottom line is the gov don't give a crap as long as folks are fighting and going for their crap.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

the book would be better if it was written by someone who knows what racism is. it's not you i'm talking about, but the system that is in place that taught you to look at things a certain way. the twists were put in place long before you, but the establishment still exists. why don't you and the other euros who 'claim' to care about equality start working on re-writing the constitution. you can help there, but not sure you can tell anyone about this racism because you seriously haven't experienced it.
your gov drew a line in the sand, erase the line because you won't do it by spouting your tainted history and views. your 'scholars' changed history like they changed the bible. so again, your opinion means nothing to me unless you learn to grasp the real historical facts - which you obviously have not.
there have surely been euros who contributed to the cause. however, the establishment has managed to remain alive and it needs to be killed! the same with your mentality. you remind me of a christian calling someone an atheist. i don't believe in the manufactured concepts of the jesus/god because of the historical record - does that make me an atheist or in the words of someone else a REALIST? jesus/god have never visited me, racism has. i know it's real just like it's real to believe it is a formed system of gov to oppress sectors of society.
you describe the sheepish mentality to a T!!!! you down have a stake in the establishment but you will progress their ideas and methodologies! nice..
not just people should be judged, but the media and the gov! remove the gov and its establishment and you will see a change in people.
you could never have grown up they way i did and where i did. i didn't accept that minority crap - EVER! that's a weak mentality, but I do know that the establishment exists.
blatant racism? reverse racism? that's to say that racism exists. if so, it was a creation of your ancestors and this establishment so deal with it like you have all this time. admit that the policies and gov are racist or impose racism and we can move forward. change the gov and it's policies and that would be a great start in lieu of arguing to the African that he is this or that. because we still deal with this crap and more on a daily basis, so until the system is changed, mentalities are changed, the constitution, etc... guess what you are going to have.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
reply to post by poet1b

tyranny and slavery - wow. you know history well. euro missionaries go into countries bringing christianity (tyranny, genocide, slavery) while the military strategically moves into place for the coup of their gov and bringing in this democracy and the next thing you know they are sucking all the natural resources and claiming that particular place to be a 3rd world country.

Sounds to me like what happened when the Romans marched up through Europe. Christianity may have been adopted by the Europeans, but it certainly wasnt originated there. Since one of your arguments is that other people should "learn some history" I would like to respectfully suggest you do some research as well. Find out what Europe was like before that religion was imported.

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
we have to stop them from killing each other and having civil wars. we do these places get weaponry? it's funny because there are many stories on how the corp was issuing weapons on both sides, funding both sides and keeping the crap going. sup with that?

I hope you arent suggesting that Africa was war free in the time before Europeans traveled there. Nor North America for that matter. Tribal war is war. And the last time I checked, there is no ethnic group that has been exempt from waging war, oppression of the weak, and exploitation of whatever group they were able to overpower.

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
talking about the African and the hispanic? abusing them, imprisoning them, sicking them on one another, pumping drugs, weapons, alchohol, bad housing, bad loans, etc... into their communities?

Perhaps you should read up a bit on the history of the Spanish, since you exempt them from being "Euro's" as you rather insultingly put it. It is hard to argue based on the facts that the Spanish somehow were not involved in slavery, or wiping our indigenous peoples, or "stealing land."

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
what did the koren and the japanese learn from you? their cultures and civilizations have been around 1,000s of years over the lyin euro! what are you talking about? they still aren't down with the euro bs! they didn't adopt your religions or your sickening cultures so you bomb them and you test chemicals on them. get your facts straight.

I think the Japanese bombed us prior to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I am pretty sure of it in fact, having grown up in Hawaii. The Japanese werent bombed because they rejected our culture. It was a war, they were fighting on the side of the Germans, and they committed quite a few atrocities themselves upon other Asians, they arent so loved in many parts of Asia. You cannot just read the history that supports your viewpoint if you want to make valid argument.

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
and no way in hell would i attempt to emulate a euro - i know the real. you all have gotten over on slave money, drug money, prison money, pretty much piggy backing every society on the face of the earth. middle eastern folks didn't adopt the euro bs either.

Ummm. Last time I checked, slavery was very much a part of middle eastern culture until VERY recently. And the middle east was the starting point of Christianity and its associated religions. And middle easterners are involved in the oil industry. Slavery was also, and still is according to many groups keeping track, a huge part of African culture. And Asian culture. Really.

What makes your position racist is that you attribute the actions of SOME to ALL. And if that logic was used on you, you would find it offensive. It is offensive. It is offensive when white racists do it, and it is offensive when black racists do it. And really, saying that all technology that is attributed to a caucasian developer was stolen, even you cannot honestly believe that.

Clearly you are upset over historical wrongs. And perhaps you yourself as an individual have suffered at the hands of Caucasian racists. But dont assume that no white person can know what that is like. Some of us grew up in areas where we were the minority, and had to put up with name calling, spitting, physical violence for no other crime than being white. Simply having someone behave in a racist way towards you does not justify or make right you then becoming a racist yourself. PEOPLE behave that way. Individual people. Of any ethnicity. And some of the worst violence has been perpetuated by one "race" upon members of that same "race" (where race is defined by skin color.) Both in Africa, and Europe.

Noam Chomsky said it best, and I paraphrase, I cant locate the actual quote;

"It is the rich against the poor. It always has been."

Fighting amongst ourselves, those of us who grew up poor, is really the stupidest thing we can do. It prevents us from using our natural majority to ensure that our rights and interests are not trampled on by the rich and powerful minority. (of whatever color) The poor, of every ethnicity, have been exploited, and oppressed throughout history. And you really should read up a bit on European history not to please me, or any other white person, but to put in perspective your own history. Not in order that you "forgive" the individuals that committed crimes against your ancestors, and perhaps you personally, but so that you arent carrying all that hatred around. It harms YOU. It limits YOU. It solves nothing. And it separates you from people, of many ethnicities, who today share your concerns and interests and who could, SHOULD, be your allies.

The end of slavery was not brought about by a black rebellion. It was brought about by PEOPLE of many ethnicities who thought it was wrong and said it had to stop. The civil rights movement was not won by black people. It was won by PEOPLE of many genders and ethnicities working together to put an end to institutionalized discrimination. We have a lot at stake right now, with globalization, and environmental issues, and we need solidarity more than ever. Allowing yourself to be baited into fighting with people who are essentially in the same boat you are in is foolish.

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

the book would be better if it was written by someone who knows what racism is. it's not you i'm talking about, but the system that is in place that taught you to look at things a certain way.

Thats where your assumption is wrong. I grew up in Hawaii, and personally grew up with racism directed towards me. Almost daily. A lot. Trust me on that. AND I was a foster child, so my "parents" were not "white." I think I am in a unique position to argue the point. And the school system in Hawaii is not as "white biased" as you assume.

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

Yes, you have certainly been proven right. It is like listening to the ranting of some homeless guy whose wits have long departed him. I can never read more than a few posts of cmptwz's long rants.

posted on Mar, 2 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

Of course you want to blame all Euro's/whites for the crimes of a few, which is the tactic of the racist. What a surprise, you have no respect for MLK, no doubt you are a much superior person.

Who is the Euro? The people who developed democracy and the largest bulk of technology. Every time you go to bathroom indoors, you can thank a white man of European decent. The institutions of justice that you take for granted all the result of European civilization, including physics, engineering, modern medical technology, all developed in Europe as a part of recorded history.

Anyone can play the who gets the credit for civilization game.

Who were the Egyptians?

"Ramesses II was 90 years-old when he died, and his hair had turned white. Ceccaldi determined that the reddish-yellow colour of the mummy’s hair had been brought about by its being dyed with a dilute henna solution; it proved to be an example of the cosmetic attentions of the embalmers. However, traces of the hair’s original colour (in youth), remain in the roots, even into advanced old age. Microscopic examinations proved that the hair roots contained traces of natural red pigments, and that therefore, during his youth, Ramses II had been red-haired."

"These facts have not only anthropological interest however, but also great symbolic importance. In ancient Egypt, the god Seth was said to have been red-haired, and redheads were claimed to have worshipped the god devoutly. [Wainwright (1938) 31, 33, 53.] ... She concluded that the Ramessides believed themselves to be divine descendants of Seth, with their red hair as proof of their lineage; they may even have used this peculiar physical feature to propel themselves out of obscurity, and onto the throne of the Pharaohs."

The Greeks were White Europeans, like I said look at their statues.

The Greeks invented Democracy, the Romans invented The Republic, the Libraries at Alexandria were built after Alexander conquered Egypt.

As archeology advances, the dates when civilization began begin to be continually pushed back.

"A copper pendant was found in what is now northern Iraq that dates to 8700 BC, a time when the inquisitive Neolithic humans, first started noticing the curious lumps of native copper, probably scarce and precious. The earliest known artifacts made from smelted metal were copper, and excavations at Catal Huyuk near Konya (the first Neolithic settlement) in Southern Anatolia (now central Turkey), showing slags derived from the smelting of copper, have been dated to as early as 7,000 BC."

This is the region near where the first Euro's/white people were first believed to have originated. A copper ax was found on the Ice Man of the Alps dating back to 3,300BC, around the time that Egyptian civilization was just beginning, proving that metallurgy had already been developed and spread across Europe.

Here is another very interesting site on European history and ancient history in general for those truly interested in history, and aren't interested in pursuing a race agenda.

How funny is it that all the African civilizations that evolved were on the borders of Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa was found by Europeans to be extremely primitive, more primitive than most of the American civilizations, not only when compared to the Aztecs and the Incas, but even when compared to the agriculturally advanced civilizations in N. America. The most likely explanation of the development of civilization is that it was due to environmental challenges, and had nothing to do with race. The Tribes of the Amazon were of comparatively the same genetic make up as the Incas and the Aztecs, and yet they remained in a very primitive state similar to African Sub-Sahara. This pretty much takes races as the reason out of the picture.

If you want to attack a particular group as being a prime example of injustice, you would be better off going after the Muslims. Islam brings violence and conflict where ever they go, Asia, India, Indonesia, Europe, and Africa where Arabs are busy practicing genocide against Africans.

Islam is more of a cult of pedophiles than a real religion, where 12 and 13 year old girls are regularly married to old men for political favors.

Could you imagine being a 12 year old boy and being married to a friend of your Grandma's and forced to repeatedly have sex with a fifty year old woman, kissing and comforting her aging sagging old body? What a horror for these young girls forced into these marriages. Even Mohammad himself bedded a nine year old girl.

Here is an article on the current situation in Germany.

If anything, the current Politically Correct environment where white Euro's are supposed to stand back and not defend themselves because our ancestors conquered the world is more likely to lead to the end of the progress that mankind has made since the Renaissance. We won, and while we should be graceful in our victory, the losers should also learn to be graceful in their loss. Do we really want a re-emergence of the dark ages and a stagnation of civilization, especially with all of the recently invented weapons of mass destruction.

It isn't all that difficult to recognize that many cultures and races will use what ever means available to justify their actions, and their refusal to act in a manner that is not decent or fair while clinging to the cloak of victimhood.

Those who defend violent acts as acceptable responses to insults are only working to undermine society for their selfish and egocentric interests. We need to start pushing for the black community to do more to denounce violence as a legitimate response to verbal insults or verbal attacks. Just because some idiot shoots off his mouth does not give some one else the right to physically attack the person. If the person is disturbing the peace, call the police and have him hauled off. One moronic act does not justify another.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

euros were cave dwellers - is that historically correct?
again, read the post and see that i am pointing out that the EURO brought about racism and brought out their 'christianity' ONLY to control the masses and ALL the natural resources.
again, read the post, i never excluded them from anything - was Bartolomé de las Casas (who they now claim was a fighter against racism and slavery but he enacted it when it was shut down) euro or spanish? i know the deal, was just working on a common thread here, but like the african, the spanish were used and abused as well by the euro. they took on their religions and different forms of gov. being ruled by the queen!
i can actually read whatever i like, but i read just about anything. you say it was war, well, what was accomplished by this 'war'?
euro was the start of christianity - middle east, being in close relation to Africa has belief systems and not christianity! that is a total farce and you do well trying to speak as if you are clear on these issues, but you use phrases such as ' i think' which means you aren't very sure of what you have read.
your 'wars' have never accomplished anything except to make the rich richer and progress whatever tech or weaponry it is they needed to test. WW1, WW2, etc... they are all one big joke, just like your christianity. and to say middle eastern folks would create that bs is laughable. oh, maybe they were one step ahead of the euro and said we know he will take this story from us and run with it - lets tell him a man came from heaven, doves, fires, etc... he came from the dead, they will surely make something of this!
who was the name of the author of christianity? Abraham? is this the same mythical figure (brahma) from india? Asia? who wrote the torah? come on man, get a real grip.
the logic is used or at least it's attempted on the African; babies out of wedlock, ignorance, savages, inferior, 40oz, drugs, crime, prison, you can just read this post and read how society thinks about the African. if i believed any of it, i wouldn't be where i am and i wouldn't sit here and have this laughable conversation with you all. you all believe what you are saying is fact and i say it's not fact because of the group of individuals who have/had been in charge of depicting the historical record. they were criminals, liars, cheats and people follow that and believe it. the catholic church wrote or at least hired writers to re-write ancient texts into scripture and that became whatever they made it. the euro and the greek hired their writers and artists to develop a thought through words and pictures that their cultures were forever above any- that's strong because the bill of goods that have been sold for the last 2,000 years is that these 2 civilizations had EVERYTHING to do with life/society/gov as we know it. you all don't stand up and say that's wrong because all civilization started in African, but when i speak it, my facts are off! logic - who needs it in this scenario? we all take what we call our facts and make them work!
no euro knows what its like! PERIOD! being a minority and suffering racism is 2 totally different things. you could never understand that - that would be akin to a man having a baby.
the chomsky quote - DUH!
after all that rambling, you mix in some intelligence? if you understand the quote, you understand that wars, 9/11, racism, drugs are a part of the 'rich' plan to keep people fighting over nothing while they suck up your HUMAN RIGHTS on this planet. don't argue w/me, go change your gov and it's nasty ways! send your odd history facts to them and tell them about their atrocities and misdealings. in fact, you should all start sending info to the gov and see if they will change the historical records, education, etc...

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by poet1b

also, we need to remove the euro from working on, holding on to, re-writing, editing and speaking on the historical record. they have been proven and shown to lie and cheat and we would like to make a notion to have the historical record(S) put in the hands of trust worthy, civilized, honest, truthful, globally aware individuals who can at least formulate an agreed upon timeline for the historical record.
bathroom doors?
oh, and you forgot their other invention: storytelling!
hahaha - plz!
so close to euro and they euro is now supposed to be the oldest group on the planet? that's like saying the dinosaurs are real, you know, like jesus and god and satan and santa the easter bunny the usa has enemies pearl harbor was bombed 9/11 the fed patriotism... you see what i mean - awesome storytellers.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by poet1b

keep riding on the wingtips, coat tails and jockstrap - you pawn you!

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

How much time do they allow you on the computer in prison?

If Europeans hadn't invented the printing press, you would still be relying of the words of the priests who would still have a monopoly on knowledge. Keep telling yourself your lies, some people choose to remain ignorant like you. I have never known why.

Fortunately there are better people than you among all the races who have the backbone to face the realities of this world.

You have chosen to live your life as a victim, and those who maintain control by manipulating people like you are grateful for your choices. Your lack of reason or logic is why we have so many prisons, and The Man is able to maintain control over those of us intelligent enough to recognize the true realities of this world, by manipulating people like you.

and I really don't want to hear about your jockstrap fantasies.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by poet1b

where did your molesting priests get their words and stories from? they are the best fabricators in the world and if you really believe they invented the printing press - think again!

it's hard for you to stop your fabricating, but give it a go.

again, ive said 1,000 times - no victim here. there will be no abuse this way. however, with regards to my people, hell yeah they were victims and i won't let your incorrect passages cover that up.

don't like it, too bad!

backbone - hahaha. backbone meaning i am afraid to confront a dummy - not so. or the backbone that has carried your lazy ancestors throughout history and have their kids living off of slave money - that backbone? or the backbone that has lived, survived and over-achieved your ancestors abuse, laws, racism, gov, lies, torture - that backbone? or the one they used to whip, hang, sick dogs on, water hoses - that backbone? or the backbone that built the pyramids? or the backbone that created astrology? computing/computers? mathematics?

not sure which backbone you are referring to.

jockstrap fantasies - wow! left field all the way. playing for the wrong team bud. your insult are infantile at best. too bad your facts are younger that that!


posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 12:07 PM

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

LOL, your grasp of basic realities is amazing. Many people attempted to make a workable press, in Europe and throughout the world, but Gutenberg was the first to pull the whole thing off. Just follow the links from your own source.

"Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (c. 1400 – February 3, 1468) was a German goldsmith and printer, who is credited with inventing movable type printing in Europe (c. 1439) and mechanical printing globally. His major work, the Gutenberg Bible, also known as the 42-line bible, has been acclaimed for its high aesthetic and technical quality."

"Among the specific contributions to printing that are attributed to Gutenberg are the design of metal movable type, the invention of a process for making such type in quantity (mass production), the use of oil-based ink, and the use of a wooden printing press similar to the screw olive and wine presses of the period. His truly epochal invention was the combination of these elements into a practical system. "

Where others tried, Gutenberg succeeded.

You prove yourself to be a victim by constantly and repeatedly pointing your finger at Euros and crying, "they did it, they did it!!" It is utterly pathetic how you can not own up to your own failures. Your need to physically attack those who you consider to be insulting you, is a failure in your own self confidence and lack of ability to control your emotions. You claim the right to become violent at your own whim, and then blame others for your lack of self control. By blaming others for your own actions, you couldn't be more of a victim if you tried. "The white devil made me do it!" Rather than take responsibility for your own anger, you must constantly claim that you are the victim of the Euro.

Also, maybe if you would stop talking about your private parts, you might not come off as being obsessed about them, and most likely those of others.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 12:42 PM
The OP was making a point about what'a perceived as a racial double standard. That is an attack on a lone black male by a group of whites would have had a very vocal and vigorous response from many quarters decrying the inherent racism that exists in white society, even before the motive behind the attack had been established, whereas five black guys doing a similar thing to a lone white male is veiwed with a caution bordering on denial. Not only that but any poster offering the veiw that it could be racial is branded the worst type of bigot with an agenda.

Why? Why is saying that poor black males can display as much ignorance, brutality and territorialism as poor white males such a terrible thing. Why can't you criticise ignorant and destructive attitudes within the black community the way you can amongst the white. It happens, black people can be real nasty b***ards too and their racism will only become far more overt because no one challenges it.

This ridiculous avoidance of the issue is patronising to those who are decent and good of either colourand that in itself is pretty racist at heart. No one is above being questioned and for the record, based on my own experience I think the fact he was white probably played a large part in it. It was probably a racist attack.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by poet1b

its a good thing i don't value your opinions!!!

an invention is the start of something - read the part where you said euros invented it. they only had the time to work and improve or add something to it. they didn't invent nada! sorry bud.

who were the others? the other germans? because it sounds to me that the ancients were just fine with what they created. i didn't read where the failed at anything. should i 'infer'???

oh, because i point out something is wrong, i am a victim. so you mean to tell me, the news which is a representation of the euro, since they point out everything, you all are victims? gotcha!!!

again, no victim here, you just don't like hearing it. i will be the daily news for you all that way, the playing field can be leveled. you say i ramble on and tell unthruths, well this is your media, i'm just holding the mirror up. hahaha

no crying either - nothing to cry about. telling you and crying are two different things. i can't say it any clearer. this is that same ol double standard - we can tell you about yourself, but you can't tell us about ours. JUST-US!!! america - the corp!

the day i cry is the day i die! this ain't that day.

my emotion is to smack the crap out of someone being insulting - that's stops them from being insulting. in lieu of sitting up arguing like lil kids and calling names and wha wha wha, just slap the dummy and keep it moving. why even argue and get mad if you aren't going to scrap - its a waste of time and energy. oh wait, im euro, i will out argue you! hahaha how funny is that?

violent like the gov (america the corp)? or like cops? which type of violence are you referring to?

blame others for self-control? who did that? you are creative that's for sure...

jealous of the private parts euro? That's how all this started. don't you read history? they were beatin them slaves and workin them slaves and one day it was too hot in the field and the slave said massa, it sho is hot out here undah dis sun, massa mind ifn i take off these under garments whilest i works in da fields?
massa say sho nuff boy, drop dems draws and get back out in dem der fields.
so brother man, drops draws and proceeds to the fields. a young back, strapped, nothing but muscles from head to toe with sweat hugging to every inch of skin. while over yonder in the window, massas wife and daughter and aunt and all the other females jaws were gaped wide open with wonder.
from the back to the front, this was a creation from the heavens. a buck for sure.
massa gets mad because he ain't quite built like that - we gotta kill these men. look at the African, we can't physically compete with something built like that. look how he runs, jumps, works - 20 hours straight and still goin. can you image what he does in the bedroom - well, we can't have that. we have to ensure he never ever gets a sniff.

hahahaha - incredible, insecure, lazy, shiftless. the 'n' word fits the euro so perfectly.

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Cantwara

the funny part is that you are all under the guise that the playing field is level. it's so far from level and that's why situations like this; al sharpton and every other African politician should be there. we don't have a justice system, police system like you do. how in the hell can we trust in that? so yeah, each time something like this happens, we need to remind you of the damage and hurt and pain you have inflicted on society and civilization. you want to walk away scott-free, well give back the slave money, you start from the gound up, you work out in the fields for nothing and have these slave masters making love to your wives and daughters and then sendin them back to you to raise the child - he worked us down and we had to watch that money go to work. sendin your lil euro butts to the best schools and they had the best jobs - those who didn't screwed up because the system was made for you.

so deal with it. you had a 500 year head-start and about 1,000,000,000,000 that had compound interest!!! you have tried it all.

stop pushing your drugs, alcohol and drugs into the areas considered 'ghetto' and put them in these better neighborhoods and see what happens. the facts are the facts. you push your drugs on these folks because you have made no way out for them. by putting the crack there, you keep your finger on the dealer and the user. you get money going and coming. you bust the dealer and get him a record and keep him out of the employment game and the politic game. so yeah, 30% of the African males being in prison gonna screw up a whole hell of alot and leave alot of the African women to have to depend on the ways to survive.
yeah, don't push drugs even though we aren't going to put any jobs you can get in your neighborhood where you can raise your family. we will ensure a sub-par education and then on top of it all, throw jesus on your butts so you feel even more guilty about whatever it is you do.

its all made up and make believe like the post i sent earlier with regards to them planting drugs... how many stories like that are there? or, is that just a fantasy?

i went to see if you all were on that post crying out about the injustice and i didn't see your names anywhere. i kind of figured that would be the case... i figured one of you would have sack to do it, but you are stuck on this one guy getting punch by thugs than you are a citizen getting punked by the law!

Sad sad sad...

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 04:43 PM

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by asublimeguy27

what a dumb comment - go back and look at the stats i broke down already. euro makes up the largest pop in prison. try again.

white on black crime - they don't allow that to happen. your numbers are smudged like doo doo on toilet paper. plz stop it.

hispanic classified as white people - nooooooooooooooooo!

um again, read my posts about MLK, Al and the rest. it's a money thang and even the gov (america the corp) is in it for the cash. we, the dummies argue over race and class and think we are better than one another while the gov (america the corp) steals away with all the cash and natural resources.

you aren't impressive at all.

read plz read.. this has all been hashed out already. except, i will correct your dumbness (similar to numbness) one time; fbi, mlk, communism. what is communism? mlk was not that. but, what he was being wiretapped for was the ensure he didn't change tactics. what changed prior to him being assassinated? do some reading and you will find the 'truth'. they threw you off the scent with the communism slant and you fell for it hook line and sinker. but, you can learn of the gov's agenda (which included the assassinations of: jfk, rfk, malcolm x and many others). mlk was just one in the line of a controlled agenda.

give it a go...

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