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Where is Al Sharptons Rage against Racism for this?

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posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by PlayeR87



you are right, there is no double standard, they just screw over everybody while we sit here and debate and sucker punch!!!

this is awesome... there is no system, only fantasy and fairytales (LIKE JESUS/GOD/SATAN/LUCIFER), so very real.


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by jfj123

that statement makes me a racist because you say so? i'm all for that - hahaha. one minute you a for freedom, equality, pissed at the gov. and the next you cry racism over a sucker punch. you aren't sure what you want to the thread for the crap you said was not true, it was already responded to a couple times. even the mod chimed in and sent you the links to info on this site (which you obviously haven't read).
so if it can be proven that the gov. if full of crap, and the gov. controls the money and the media, why in the heck would you believe ANYTHING they put in front of you? makes no sense to me... you would have to trust that all the portray is for a specific reason or response. it works all the time because there are those of you who still hold on to the american dream. we know it's not real and you believe it is. they use rasicm and jesus on the african and patriotism on the euro. it's no diff. now lets talk about what can be done to fix all this. it's time for a revolution - we need to have the gov produce the laws that say we have to pay taxes. we need to take back our natural resources and setup a real gov for the people. we need to control the resources and education and the media. it's only a few families in control of this entire corporation! that's ashame... we are sheep to the slaughter and we argue over a suckerpunch. no wonder they are in control! when a man like gary webb can just be killed like that, we have to know something is wrong. pearl harbor, 9/11, nixon, saddam, osama, oklahoma, koresh, all the univ/and school shootings, the drugs, television/internet - they feed the masses w/bull crap and it works while they kick back and screw up the housing market, the gas/oil, and pump gold up to almost 1,000 bucks and ounce. What's that about? who can afford any of this? we have the worst education system on the planet. They have collected billions on and california schools are garbage and the teachers are underpaid! this is by design, don't get it twisted.
if you didn't know, mexico and canada are now a part of the us with a highway being built to connect. NAU is the new corp, no longer will we be known as america the corp. you mean to tell me with all the technology we have in america the corp. that they could never build a divider well enough to separate america the corp from mexico? that's amazing or it's by design. man has built pyramids that has stood for 1,000's of years and we can build a simple wall? Also, what is that sign when you are heading down with the mexican parents pulling their kids across the highway - slander? i'm shocked no one has protested to take that down!!! hogwash.
yeah, let's argue over a suckerpunch and let the real criminals off the hook while they bully their way across the planet sucking up all the oil, diamonds and drugs they want to and we sit back and pay them untold amounts to wear and use and eat this crap! check and see what they do with corn syrup and how bad it is for the human and find out why it's in all we eat!why have they outlawed hemp, but you can buy all the alcohol in the world??? yeah, it's not by design that there is a liquor store in the poor neighborhoods and guns and drugs and euro police everywhere. read the stories of ricky ross and the others who were a part of bringing drugs in america - bladone, the columbian cartels, etc... you will find the cia/fbi in every facet of that. do we need to talk about the coc aine laws? how the african is sent up the river for crack and the euro gets a slap on the wrist? cancer,hiv/aids,morgellons,Anthrax, plague, botulism, bse, tse, the list goes on and on. and guess what, there isn't a medicine used in the medical industry that can HEAL a person. medicines are use to mask pain and symptoms, you know, like the hpv shots they were trying to give lil girls? now girls are sick and dying! getreal

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Either way, whether or not there is a case of racism in this film, there is clearly a double standard in this country. Imus gets reprimanded for saying what he said about the Rutger's basketball team... yet, I hear VERY few black people talking about the very popular (top 40 in the country) Rap music that denounces just about everything, promotes drugs, violence, sex, and uses racials slurs in many instances.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by el_madmaster

who created the standard to being with? Your gov (the corp)! don't blame society for abiding by the rules they put in place. instead, fight to change the system not sit online and cry about a sucker punch because I surely don't see no one standing up for the black panthers families, abu jamal, tookie, ricky ross - these any many, many more are clear injustices carried out by the corp and as usual, everyone wants to sweep everything under the rug. well, there is no clean slate and the scales have always been unbalanced. the corp loved it when mlk was around to allow them to spit, shoot, water, bomb, curse, hit with bricks - it's a new day in the corp, that's all it is.
what was the repriman? for him to move to another station and make just as much money as he was before - ouch! i'll take that punishment anyday.
how would you what rap music denounces? what is denouncement anyway? yeah, krs1 denounces your jesus, gov, police, etc...
your kids by most of the rap anyway! look at your television; sex and violence. country music with its sly overtones of sex, drugs and money. rock and roll with whatever it is you call it. each has its own to deal with, but as usual, you want to spout about some info you received from the tele and think it's how it is.
look at the porn industry - who controls that and why? the euro bud - talk about how gross that is! strip clubs near schools and churches, porn shops everywhere. come on now -when are we going to have some real talk.
the euro with it sick minded molestors hiding under the bible. it doesn't end!
jealous of the rappers? well, think about who owns the distributing and production. because for master p to make 500 mil, how much more are the euros makin. what about the nba, nfl, etc... they push this stuff on the community and a few who didn't make it get mad and talk about how bad it is. you aren't out banning rock n roll, or country, what about latin music or their tv shows - it's all t&a... ban that too? or just the brothers? gotcha...
whats wrong with hemp? no diff than the drug comps pushin their non-working drugs on society. it's all about the money, right?
the military promotoes violence.
internet, tv, etc... promotes sex.
name one song where there is a racial slur from an African.
were you mad about imus? did you do something about it? of course not except feel sorry for a rich man on his way to gettin richer.
where was the double standard in NO?
and turn around and send help immediately to florida when the hurricane hit there - double standard? nah, couldn't be!!!
no double standard - racial profiling
no double standard - crack coc aine vs. powder (white vs black/hispanic)
no double standard - black/hispanic gangs vs kkk, aryan bhood, police
no double standard - employment
no double standard - welfare
no double standard - justice system (no 1 oj case - please)
no double standard - us consitution
no double standard - red-lining
no double standard - politics
no double standard - hemp (most of the euros i know smoke it, but the law says it's illegal)
on and on and on and on...
america by definition means: DOUBLE STANDARD!
no double standard - slavery, religion
no double standard - black panther party, malcolm x, mlk, move9, tookie, ricky ross, abu jamal
no double standard - rock n roll/country vs hip hop
no double standard - education
everyone is crying racism on this video, but not on any other injustices that happen here. i guess its all you media babies that can't stretch mental past the tube in order to get a real take on the goings on of the corp! this is nothing new. lets get upset about social injustices and the continual removal of our freedoms.
lets take down the corp!!!!
stop paying taxes!!!!
find out whose behind all the banks in the us and who the fed really is!
who owns your mortg? Chase - who owns them?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

"You disrespect me, I will punch you dead in the mouth."

This is the kind of attitude that makes people vote for more police and more jails. I hate seeing the creation of the police state, but I don't want to be around someone who thinks they have a right to physically attack me because they feel that I insulted them. This is a dog mentality, and and not the mentality of a human being that deserves to walk around society freely. Yours is the attitude the creates the police state. You aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Your's is the attitude that so many young people want to adopt, "don't be disrespecting me", and all you are doing is playing right into the hands of the people who want to take away your rights. How smart is that?

If African Americans are what created the success in the U.S., why isn't South America even more successful than the U.S. being that so many more slaves went to S. America. If you ever bothered to read history, you would notice that Europeans throughout most of their history have been a fairly egalitarian people, that until the Roman Catholic church took over north western Europe, the social structures were very loose. They didn't have Kings unless in times of war when a King was elected. What allowed Europeans to advance beyond all other civilizations on Earth is that they broke free from the chains of tyranny created by the advance of Catholicism and the divine rights of Kings concept, while the rest of the world remained mired in feudalism. It is the social institutions created by the Europeans that enabled then to advance in science and industry far beyond the rest of the world. While Europeans society and culture is not perfect, it it has proven itself far superior than other cultures around the world, and if you don't want to recognize that, then too bad for you.

You live in the most advanced nation on Earth in the lap of luxury, and if you are at least of middle class economic status you do live in the lap of luxury by world standards. This country was created by Europeans, European technology, and European social institutions. Sure African Americans have contributed, but essentially the U.S. is a nation built primarily by the British and North Western Europeans, and the success of the U.S. primarily comes from the culture it shares with its Europeans founders. If you don't want to face this reality, that is your choice.

Our liberty and our freedom, and our cushy life styles depends on our ability to constantly work to maintain our liberty, by keeping a military police state from forming. When people like you decide you have the right to attack someone because you feel like you were insulted, all you do is feed the power of those who want to take our liberty away.

If you really want to act on behalf of freedom, to maintain your freedom, you should be an advocate in your community against un-necessary violence. You should speak out against those who think they have a right to physically attack someone just because they think they were insulted, because first of all that is just wrong, secondly it is only feeding the fire of oppression, and thirdly it is only inciting violence. It is as ignorant to teach the youth that violence is the proper response to an insult as it is to teach someone that you can judge another by the color of their skin.

If this isn't your country, honestly, why don't you find a better place to live? Do you think that is possible?

Did you watch the story on Jack Johnson on PBS? After all the racism Johnson had to endure, he was still willing to spend a year in jail to return to the U.S.. For all our problems, this still is the best country in the world. You might want to consider that European culture had something to do with this.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by poet1b


My mother always said to never argue with a fool. People won't know the difference. It took me a few posts to figure it out. It is like wrestling a pig in the mud. You think you are doing something until you realize the pig likes it.



posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by poet1b

it's not - what does the military do? the police? the gov? Someone attacks and you fight back or beat them to the punch. get a grip. let me pop you in the chops or spit on you or your kids and see what you do! plz!
the cry for more police and more jails is so more euros can be employed and the elite can make more money. has nothing to do with hitting someone in the mouth. how many folks are in jail for hitting someone in the mouth -hahaha
its respect - keep your dumb, racist comments to yourself and you won't get popped. america was built off of violence and since the African is now fighting back, its whats causing all this. you guys sound so stupid. its not even rational to think that a man would not defend himself. if we are basing it off this one video, its very sad because you have no idea what happened before that... maybe the euro was with his posse prior and said somethin... you think you can just go around and insult people and no one has the right to handle the situation? so why is the military in business? why is the police in business? crime is worse than it's ever been and they haven't changed crap! it's a money thing, not a mentality.
if you read history, you will not that euros haven't advanced crap. A small place like cuba is continually recognized for its medical advances that the euro adopts - just like the sciences. they only stole them, not developed them. what history book? the catholic church still owns euro and the us-euro has always had kings which is a system they adopted from the greek, egyptian and the which all came from the original African. if you read your history. how in the hell have the euro proven themselves advanced as anyone? their owners - catholic church are molestors and thieves. no a genuine idea comes from them. read american history and inventions... they are not a unique group of folk at all. they are excellent thieves and writers for the most part. open the anals of the catholic churches books and you will find that they are the ones who profit the most from all this and in fact are the ones in control of it all. how many slaves made it or remained is s.america? how many were brought here - 20 mil or so died just gettin to the us. s. america was a totally diff gov. the euro wanted america and that's the issue and the concern. why would s.america be more profitable if the slave was sent to the us corp to work?
advanced in what way? you have got to be kidding me... reality is the euro wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for the African. we built their industries, we allowed them to rake in the dough and build establishments, the same establishments that employ most euro today and that allows them to live comfortably living off their ancestors slave earnings. if it wasn't for the African, the euro would still be wondering up and down the side of mountains and in caves. their only original idea was theivery as they were too lazy to come up with any of what you know as tech, sciences, astrology, etc... today.
believing is surely my choice!
what liberty are you freakin talking about?
you sound so stupid with this comment about police state. the gov don't need my attitude to form a police state - it's already one. and again, the ways of the euro, your gov is to fight back. in fact, that's why most vote for a particular pres because they feel if something were to happen tothe us corp. he wouldn't hesitate to fight back. so how is the mentaility wrong if that's what we deal with in our gov (the corp).
are we in iraq/afghanistan to steal or defend ourselves against an enemy? if we are there for defense, then man they must be causing a police state too. keep dreaming!
i dont consider crap about you or the euro or your sheepish comments. have an original thought - sheep.
im African, Euro, and Indian. hahahaha - you go back to where you came, the circus is here.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

quit riding peoples jock strap. you keep reading because you are interested. why even comment? you are a fool - mr. casino man. hahaha
are we arguing or are you all trying to prove some point? i'm not arguing only stating the facts. if you don't like it, so what! hahaha
who coined the phrase you used? sounds like the old don't question god trick to me. to you believe in jesus/god/satan/lucifer/heaven/hell? if so, where did that come from?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

You can't tell the difference between a verbal assault and a physical assault?

If Africans developed all the technology, then why isn't Africa the model of advanced nations instead of the Euro? the ancient Greeks and Romans were Euros, look at the statues. The ancient Persians were also Euros, and the Egyptians were both Black and white. Try going to a museum and having a look for yourself.

Plenty of people are in jail for hitting someone in the mouth. It is called assault, and it is illegal. Did you apy any attention to the video that started this thread?

The ignorance you spout is amazing, I suspect that you are a white person posing as an ignorant black man, but I have met blacks as ignorant as you. You are the problem, not the solution. You are a tool of the oppressors, not a force against them. You are the sheople.

You are a sad example of reverse racism, and you attitude only feeds the fire of hatred. They are building jails in your honor to cage ever larger numbers of your people. Congratulations on your failure.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

OK here's the deal, you may have something important to say but there is a right and wrong way to present it. I think you'll find that many people here believe as you do that the government is no longer "of the people, by the people, and for the people" and it is not serving the peoples best interests in many ways. In affect, you are screaming at and attacking the quire.

Please understand that the louder one talks is not directly proportional to the importance of their message.

May I respectfully suggest that your points may be valid but your delivery destroys the message. I don't want you to think I am attacking you in any way and I do wish to hear what you have to say but not at the expense of others. I have no intention of complaining to a mod but they do review these threads and if you don't change your approach, they will ban you. Being banned will prevent you from getting your message out-is that what you want? To let your own attitude silence the importance of your message?

Thanks for taking the time to read and consider my post.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by jfj123

wow - very nice and considering.

if most here agree with regards to the gov, then what i am saying and have said can't be as far fetched as other who have chimed in have tried to make it. every culture of people have suffered at the hand of many, mostly at the hand and sword of the euro. their sickening policies, missionaries, religions/worship, and anti-human laws and ways continue to cause division and strife and make for a curious existence.

there have been mysteries since the beginning and only now do we, all of us, have some ability to read beyond what the elite have always handed down as truth. case in point; jesus/god/devil - this is but a myth, but people have given their lives for the cause. in lieu of doing research and proving these things, people carry the stories generation after generation. take santa clause, easter, halloween - these are riturals at the very root, but have been covered up by sweet little stories where parents lie to their kids about the times and who does what! that's sad to me because they do the same with their information about society and history. it's slanted and it slights.

it's enough already. people want the double standard to go away, i say what are individuals doing in the respective communities to stop it? i enjoy being able to come here and yap my lips, but it accomplishes nothing. it allows me to see the attitude of society STILL in 2008 and i think its sad.

as much as the African holds on to its history, the more everyone wants to forget it. it can't be done. and since we know the gov is whack, do something about it. these clowns running for prez don't give a crap about us because they have to answer to DuPont, GE, Gates, the Queen, etc... we are lil money so we get the scraps. yeah, we can sit here and argue black and white, and victims all day long but all it's doing is allowing their crap to survive for another day.

so if i have offened anyone on this site, you have my deepest sincere apologies. A kind word goes a long way, that's clear.

when it is said that violence accomplishes nothing, lets ponder this:

how do governments get what they get; land, riches, art, sciences? they say war, i say bullying - like they are doing in iraq/afghanistan and all over Africa.

if violences accomplishes nothing, then why do cops carry guns in lieu of a bible? who is pumping out all those guns? and how in the hell do you get military weaponry in poor neighborhoods? all that coc aine and meth - pure speculation on my part, but i think... wait, come close. I think your gov has something to do with it.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:05 PM

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 07:12 PM
In my life experience I have seen more Black people do things like that than white, in shops and takeaway food stores. Hardly are they reported and people seem too scared to do much about it. It's not racism if I have experienced or witnesed a larger percentage of Black youths behave in this manor. Where I come from there are not that many black people compared to different parts of America but the ratio of these similar actions is quite high. Am I racist or a realist?

In another part of the world White people could be picking on blacks like South Africa did once or still do.

When there is a racist attack on a Black person in Britain it goes on for years in the papers. You won't get if it was the other way round, plenty of Black people kill in the UK but it's not racism. But because racism is involved it trys to make out the whole of Britain is guilty, we should all be guilty for not tackling the problem as whole in society message.

I am not sure about this video my self, I don't see the problem, I think American Dumbist Criminal's TV series probably show a mixture of races.
Why are people hung up on this report? Do you feel guilty inside?

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

When you say this;

"there have been mysteries since the beginning and only now do we, all of us, have some ability to read beyond what the elite have always handed down as truth."

I suspect that you must be a young man. No, this is not the first time that we have been able to read beyond what the elite have handed down to us. The Man, Martin Luther, who the man, Martin Luther King was named after, did that in the sixteenth century, leading to the Renaissance and the age of enlightenment. There is also the American Revolution. If you learn how to move beyond your racism, you might begin to see those who have gone before you and learn from how they succeeded.

When you say

"every culture of people have suffered at the hand of many, mostly at the hand and sword of the euro. their sickening policies, missionaries, religions/worship, and anti-human laws and ways continue to cause division and strife and make for a curious existence."

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. The people of the world have suffered at the hand of their own elites and tyrants more than any other. While the Europeans were creating the institutions of democracy and establishing rights for the common man, all the other civilizations around the globe were continuing to concentrate on tyranny and slavery. Us Europeans succeeded over everyone else, because we were the first to throw off tyranny and oppression.

What you don't seem to realize is that the average white guy, the euro, continues to have to fight to hold onto his liberty. Rather than hating us and looking for ways to physically assault us every time you find a reason, you should be studying us to learn how it is that we have succeed for so long were all other civilizations have failed, how it is that we have obtained and maintained our liberty for so long. Except for the Japanese and the S. Koreans who learned from us, no other civilization has succeeded like us white Europeans. Why do you think people from all around the world are willing to sacrifice so much to come to the U.S.? You would be better off swallowing your pride and admitting that white Europeans have played a better game, beaten back their elites, and succeeded in living better more secure lives by doing so, and give some credit where credit is due.

""all that coc aine and meth"

Now you are catching on. How many times have the powers that be pulled this game, this con?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by mrmajestyk6309

somethin like: we gotta get more oil, so lets create an enemy because you know how gung-ho the euro is about patriotism. we can send their kids to slaughter people so we can hog the oil and test our new technology on them, AND THEN, we will charge their parents tons of money to use the oil. that's gangster!!!
you send yourself or your kids to go fight a fakeazz war and you cling to the bully that set your kids up to be killed. that's euro, oops i mean gangster!!!
the euro (bush, the corp) even killed 5,000 or so of you on 9/11 and you did nothing about it. what a joke - and you will cry over a sucker punch?
kind of like the guy the euro dragged in Texas until his body fell apart - yeah, just another African. were you up in arms about that? maybe he was taking to long and the euros lil pee pee was getting smaller? hahaha
tar babies (that is...) - have you called an African that to his face? I bet not or it would be you on the video and then you sitting on the internet crying because you got socked in your foul mouth. you see, this makes my point; i would surely bomb on a clown like you for this reason alone. it would make no sense for me to have some other standard for dealing with you. you are a disrespect and like any child that remains out of line, the rod of correction is necessary. but i surely don't think you are the kind of woman who would say those things directly to an Africans face and presume he/she wouldn't responsd.
this attitude is what has lingered throughout time and is taught to each generation, but it is the African who should change and not the euro. what do you know about a tar baby? what do you know about a cave dwellers?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by The time lord

in your experience which would be what? how many EYEWITNESS accounts have you seen versus what someone has shown you in the news?
how many bank robberies, shootouts, white/blue collar crime, gov scandals and coverups, rapists, serial killers, school shootings, molestors, have you witnessed and if any what color/nationality were they?

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

Look we will have to agree to disagree on a lot of issues, but I think you should understand that the powers in charge want us to fight amongst ourselves so that they can continue to take advantage of ALL. It does not matter what color you are. We must unite against the common enemy. Most here will not dispute a lot of your claims about them. However you also need to calm down and realize that your railing against all people needs to be cut back. Loose some of the chip on your shoulder and you may find that you have more friends here than you think. To say that there is no racism from the black man is not something that can be said by you for all of your people. Just as you seem to be convinced that I live on a reservation and work for the casino. Neither is true. My heritage is red by I am still an american and so are you. Be bigger than those that wish to suppress you and throw off the blinders of color and unite under the banner of the oppressed american people. I too apologize for the tone I used earlier, but you seemed hellbent on blaming everyone for the predicament that only those that have power have placed many of us. It is not the euro people that have caused this it is those that wish to rule ALL of us.


posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by poet1b

what did mlk represent? he didn't represent me or anything i stand for. I would never bend over and let some man do me slowly, spit or sick dogs on me, blow up lil kids - this is the euro. i wouldn't care who mlk was named after. he played along side the same euro who was killing his people and abusing him. he took checks from the man too... i'm not in agreement with civil rights and all that crap. i wish i would beg another man for what's naturally mine. that just gave the euro more power over this situation and it's why it's so bad today.
what institution did the euro create? what civilization? should read more dog and find out the real. not a unique culture at all. america is surely indicitive of who and how they are. a lil from here, a lil from there and lets re-write the history books to make it look like we made it all. hahaha
DEMOCRACY - what is that? you like how george bush came into office? hahaha, this is some funny stuff. a democracy means you have a say -you don't. if so, stop paying taxes and tell all your friends there is no law and therefore not necessary. democracy as in the people decide.. well, i have decided gas, electricity, water, food, is all too much. i'm tired of this cancerous stuff and would like to grow hemp. i would like to gov to stop bringing in drugs and weapons and to stop flying planes into buildings sayin we have an enemy and he's chillin with us. can i change any of that - HELL NO so how democratic is this situation?
tyranny and slavery - wow. you know history well. euro missionaries go into countries bringing christianity (tyranny, genocide, slavery) while the military strategically moves into place for the coup of their gov and bringing in this democracy and the next thing you know they are sucking all the natural resources and claiming that particular place to be a 3rd world country. we have to stop them from killing each other and having civil wars. we do these places get weaponry? it's funny because there are many stories on how the corp was issuing weapons on both sides, funding both sides and keeping the crap going. sup with that?
euro is oppressed by the catholic church and the queen.
what do you mean by the average euro is fighting to hold on to his liberty? what the >>>>? you mean, you cant survive in a system you created? the same folks who are phasing out the poor are phasing out the average euro? who are you having this particular fight with? and what's being done about it? talking about the African and the hispanic? abusing them, imprisoning them, sicking them on one another, pumping drugs, weapons, alchohol, bad housing, bad loans, etc... into their communities? stealing all the social security money, screwing over their retirement money, screwing with real estate, gold and the stock market? Who are you having this fight with?
what did the koren and the japanese learn from you? their cultures and civilizations have been around 1,000s of years over the lyin euro! what are you talking about? they still aren't down with the euro bs! they didn't adopt your religions or your sickening cultures so you bomb them and you test chemicals on them. get your facts straight.
and no way in hell would i attempt to emulate a euro - i know the real. you all have gotten over on slave money, drug money, prison money, pretty much piggy backing every society on the face of the earth. middle eastern folks didn't adopt the euro bs either. there are many cultures that didn't fall for the okeedoke. yes, the African did and i forever am saddened by that. i even heard of a story that the euro came up on acres and acres of land in African - the place is one of the largest vineyards in the world and all the did was offer the African a mirror. and now, the euros will be taken care of for life. i can agree with some stupidity, not all.
credit: euro is a good thief. the best ever!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

dude, i'm not hellbent on anything except facts. again ive stated, i don't go around begging and asking anyone for anything. i am a capable man and i take care of my family well. but, if folks are going to call a spade a spade and point out things about the African that they feel is right, then I have the right to do the same.
all races have been taught and still believe they are better or superior to the African - your tone follows that script and for the most part everyone here as well.
again, i apologized for any names, but it needs to be made clear that at the very least, your people have been given reparations from this gov. that allows your people to be in better situations (which implies guilt on their part). that's all this is about. a little help is help indeed.
for instance, if the euro didn't have all that slave money to live off of, where would they be now? that slave money helped them develop the ideas they stole from other cultures and rewrite the history books.
blame - hmmm, is that like calling it for what it is or are you insinuating that i am making excuses for the situation of the African?
An excuse, not even because I don't excuse the people on drugs or sell drugs, guns, or whatever means they use to enslave the African. in fact, they give it to the dummies. it's always been funny to me how the gov know just how many drugs are in a given community. how the hell would they know that? i mean it's clear they pump them in (IRAN CONTRA, OLLIE, RICKY). why would your gov do that to begin with or is that a conspiracy? you all want this little teenie tiny picture, but leave out all the facts. tell them to push the drugs in their own communities and see how many of their family members get hooked on drugs.
i feel as if we keep going down the same road again and again without you gov accepting responsibility for it's actions.
ok, how about this; remember a couple months ago the big cia video tape scandal with the gov with the abuse and guantanmo bay? what was your take on that?
if you agree that they are full of crap, then what i keep layin out over and over again with regards to this system of gov should be clear. if you lay a trap, eventually you will catch something. that's all they do. they move in, setup crack houses - there you go.
i mean, look at how they disassembled the black panther party; they found guys they had something on (setup), made them join the party, wear wires, etc... i mean, this is no conspiracy dog, it's the real. move9....
the list is long where it shows how crappy they are - fbi, cia just go down the list of tresspasses over time; assassinations. I don't understand if all this is believed, then why it's so farfetched to believe that this system is designed for the African to fail. the consititution was written BY SLAVEOWNERS!!!
get real. but you all take the medias numbers and run with that as if it's true. again, i think i have 1 partner out of work right now out of i don't know how many. none are on drugs, none are in jail, none have kids out of wedlock. none are alcoholics. none have gambling addictions. all are in excellent health. could this be? A group of African men who don't have issues? Who haven't fallen into the snares of the gov? can't be - gotta be something out of line here...
my man made a reference to 40oz and lottery - how many of you drink and play lotto or worse? i guarantee there is someone in the group who drinks, smokes weed, probably been to jail or done drugs. whats the diff between you and the African? im sure some of yall have cheated on your girls have a kid or 2 out of wedlock, poor, broke, unemployed, been on welfare, make less that 40k a year, drive a beater, wear ragedy clothes, don't own property... yeah, it's an African problem surely!

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 11:31 AM

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