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Where is Al Sharptons Rage against Racism for this?

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posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 07:08 PM
Anyone who thinks that this guy would have been attacked and robbed if he was black is in a state of denial. The double standard that the media displays in regards to interracial incidents like this is self evident. I admit that it’s possible that this person got mouthy and brought it on himself, but that would require immense stupidity. The simple fact is that racism is endemic to the human condition, and tends to reveal itself among those with the least to lose.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:20 PM
I would like to chime in; what is racism? How is rasicm brought about?

The word is so mangled and confused that people on both sides see anything criminal as racism.

Racism has many definitions, the most common and widely accepted being that members of one race are intrinsically superior or inferior to members of other races.

If we take this definition, we will find that racism doesn't apply. Seriously, in most cases it doesn't. I don't care which color. However, being an African in America, I can say that everything American is about racism.

What is seen here is not racism, it's violence! Plain and simple. So let's all stop hiding behind words and deal with things for what they are.

We as Africans know about racism - I cannot say the European does. If so, it's from the standpoint of imposing racism on the world. With it's inferior existence. Anyone who has to degrade, enslave, hate a person for the color of skin is purely ignorant. Plain and simple. If that's you, i'm talking to you on either side of the fence.

But let's not lose the point of why there is this thing called racism. It's been used so that the European can set themselves up to live better than everyone else. Smart? Wiley? Perhaps - but, it all comes back my friend. And slowly but surely we see things moving in a different direction. The sleeping are waking up and this inferior/superior bull crap just won't cut it anymore. You have to have a better argument than that.

You disrespect me, I will punch you dead in the mouth. I don't care what jesus/satan/government/lucifer/buddah/mohammed/mlk or anyone else says. That's more of that inferior/superior teaching. They can run throughout this world, imposing their will on any country with a natural resource while they have taught the African not to fight back. Just pray to sweet little ol' jesus and it will be alright. This 'jesus' dude ain't never shown up to help me out, so what you see in that tape, might just be a reaction to some smartbutt person who picked the wrong person to mess with.

I'm sure if you scour the internet, you could find about a million of these if not more. So what's so special about this tape? I'm sure if you scour the internet, you could find many Africans being harassed by the government, police, store owners, business owners, etc... it's like a disease that just won't go away. But I don't sit around crying asking the European to help me, I get up and go to work and I don't deal with that pacifying bull crap.

We should all do the same. Have your own ideas and imaginations. Racism, religion, worship, all that crap is someone else's idea. It's all in the mind, so therefore, you can make it a better place. Dare to be different. If you don't want to get punched in the chin, have something nice to say. If you want to have a debate, have something valid to say.

A European crying racism just doesn't sound right. Not with all the occupations you all have throughout the world. You want your cake and eat it to, but it falls on deaf ears my friend. As much as the African holds on to racism, the European holds on to patriotism. Falsely believing that America belongs to him. As much as the African should go back to Africa, so should the European head back to Europe. America will never be right because it is a business. Doesn't care who get hurts or slaughtered. Look at the content on this site alone - this place isn't about you or me, it's about what they can get out of us before they try to do away with us, all of us who do not have millions and billions of dollars. They want this planet for themselves and it's very clear they will do what it takes to get it. Racism is small talk like religion; just something to throw us off the scent. It's the government we should be attacking and changing, not each other.

Read a book and turn off the television! Do some research and quit relying on others for your way of life!!!

What's your destiny?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

You my friend are filled with so much hate it isn't funny. You want the definition of racism. All you have to do is look in the mirror.

So tell me what part of Africa are you from, because I have a hard time believing you are who you say you are, and you just signed up as well. I think your just trying to stir the pot. But just in case you are who you say you are, I wont bite.

[edit on 25-2-2008 by ShiftTrio]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 02:24 PM
When were the irish enslaved and by whom? Classic ragedy argument.

Africa selling it's people??? Who told you that story? The same missionaries that claimed to arrive in the name of some BS jesus and proceed to rape the women and the land?

The folks who brought you that story also brought you the story of freedom in america and religion.

Egyptians meaning the African? Remember this while you come up with trite responses; an African working its people is much different than slavery. You are an american, you work in america no matter what you have to do. Are you a slave in that respect?

Also, the crap imposed upon the African whether sold into slavery, walking into slavery or otherwise does not release the euro from its misdeads. Does not release them from the shabby form of government in american nor the lies told daily about your existence in america.

They birthed racism and get upset when someone does it back? I don't care who was or wasn't enslaved - be man enough to deal with the consequences. I know you all wish it was back in slavery times so you could pick on and abuse the African. But those days are long gone my friend. Hate to disappoint you and whomever else believes like you do.

I am African, White and Indian... when I look in the mirror I see it all. I hate the fact that my great-grandfather had is foot ax'd off by a white man. I hate the fact that my ancestors on the white side overran my ancestors on my indian side and killed millions of my African ancestors. Oh yeah, when I look in the mirror I see all sorts of things. I see a grandfather (white) who died with millions of dollars that was all swindled by the white relatives. I see my African family doesn't associate with the white nor the indian. I see that I am told I am African in american when I am all of the above.

Hate - hmmm... I hate the fact that people who haven't been through anything can speak on a topic such as this. I hate the fact that we live in a country where it's tolerated. Yeah, I could move to African, but the missionaries will come there and pull all the diamonds, oil and natural resources out and leave it a mess then call it a 3rd world country, start a civil war so that they can come in and test new weapons and chemicals on the american military and send them home sick and dead only to use the coffins to transport more drugs and blame the poor for turning to alcohol and drugs and using weapons and being in gangs and not having a job or considered irresponsible by a government who is charging us nearly 4.00 for a gallon of gas, 4.00 for a gallon of milk, they tax everything from real estate to clothes, spend trillions of garbage technologies only to reduce your freedoms even futher and allow some out of control european to be over all of it - junior While the queen sits back and gives her orders from her royal command center. Sitting back watching people drink diseased water and eat contaminated food and use technology that can locate anyone anywhere at anytime.

I hate the fact that people are so stupid and believe anything such as the government, religion, the media, etc... and want to sit around and have a debate so they can call someone who doesn't agree with them names and waste time talking about nothing only arguing getting riled up ready to fight. When we should all be looking at the constitution and really look at why USA was created - it's a business and we are the employees! Find out why europe owns america and find out what the agenda truly is.

Yeah, i'm hate in it's purest form. You are so right you must be a prophect or someone with a very high intellect to be able to conjure up such an adjective.

I'm impressed by you - really.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 04:54 PM
Again, You speak only with hate and you are the embodiment OF racism, you sound exactly as the White Supremacists do and you are no better. You judge what happened to your ancestors by a skin color. And yes Africans sold Africans it was about money not skin color. Just because you do not believe it does not make it so. You can rant all you want, you ARE racism pure and simple.

ALL Cultures have oppressed other cultures. Romans, enslaved most of Europe, the Gauls, Germania etc. Africans enslaved Africans. This is fact, there is nothing you can say to change that. Your scope of history is so narrow minded and selfish, you cannot possibly learn from the mistakes of the past. I truly suggest you get your facts straight before you end up passing this hatred to another person and spread your cancer. Just because your immediate ancestors have been through hell, and I do agree it must have been hell, does not mean you have the market cornered on racism. Before your ancestors someone else were enslaved, killed, kicked out of their country had their land exploited. White, Black, brown have ALL had it done to them. This has NOTHING to do with color. its all about money and human nature.

Personally I think the Jews have had it worse then anyone.

I truly wish you peace in your heart and hope you find a way to heal yourself. Because your way of thinking is bad for yourself and everyone around you.

so what have YOU been through. You think I have not been on the end of extreme racism you are incorrect. I lived as a minority in my community for many years. I know all about it. Your story is no different then mine. My irish ancestors, where pictured as Monkeys, drunks hooligans not given jobs, handed a gun and told to fight when they got off a boat if they wanted in this country. The Irish never enslaved anyone.

[edit on 25-2-2008 by ShiftTrio]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 05:28 PM
There isn't a race on this planet NOT EVEN THE JEWS who can compare their plight with that of the African. Not a single one! The JEWS - who were originally euro have everything to do with all the garbage that goes on today. They control the media and the money. So who are they? The rockerfellers? Rothchilds? Who - are they the ones who created the holocaust story as well?

You only speak with ignorance and you wish to be heard. But the name calling doesn't work here and when it comes to hate the euro is the father of it.

You lived as a minority - what a crock of crap!!! A euro living in euro cannot be a minority. WOW!!!

And to compare that to African slavery, you are truly misguided and I certainly see why you would confuse someone getting sucker punched as a racist act. You are sharp.

I can say plenty to the historical records. Just like religion. your forefathers re-wrote everything on record. White folks have never suffered and bondage only in the history books. Irish chose to come to america and they got jacked - that's all. You call slavery - more crock! African sold themselves and you all ran blindly to america to do what?

Slavery was about skin color and then money. the euro hate the fact that women love these fat penis' we have. That's all it was about - you know, they made us look like savages while their women craved to know what it was like. So you need to surpress that in some form or fashion; make them look dumb, make them act dumb, tell bs stories about them, etc... while they African had already delivered to the world what is known as civilization. I will agree, quite silly of the African to fall for the okeedoke - hook, line and sinker and we are still paying for it. But you have to truly be a sick individual to kill the number of Africans america has slaughtered and still slaughters in some form or fashion.

You mean to tell me that every race on this planet is smarter and wiser than the African and thats why they have succeeded in the way they have? Or, is this wonderful system designed to do just what it's doing and that's to surpress the original man? It's easy to do when you control the resources. But the funny part is, we are all being controlled. We can argue this black and white crap, slavery, til we are blue in the face. All the while, your government is eating away at your freedoms and there is nothing you will do about it except sit on the internet and make names like some little kid.

Classic for you to compare irish 'slavery' to what has happened to the African. Read your lil excerpt and note that your ancestors were GIVEN A CHOICE - that's not slavery. When you work 16-20 hours a day for nothing, that's slavery. When your boss screws your wife, makes her have his kids and still keep them as slaves, that's slavery. When you support a nation of euros and get nothing in return except to be told you are 1/4th of a man, that's slavery. When you have a constitution written AGAINST you, that's slavery. When you are basically removed from the historical record and taught about everything else, that's slavery.

So since you realize it's all about money, why in the hell would you cry about racism? The folks that emphasize these social divisions are the same ones who sit back and cry about it once something happens. Same thing with war - you keep the spoils of war. Most of what you referred to in terms of others enslaved came about because of war. Not because some jackoff came and pulled them out of their homeland and made them work and have their babies for free and then have to sit and listen to someone with a choice say that we were all the same and have the nerve to ask me what i have been through.

I wish I would answer some internet clown with regards to my experiences. Doesn't matter what i've been through. What matters is that I am hate in it's very essence... because I don't like the fact that people cry racism, I am hate! HAHAHAHA - you are a comic. No doubt about it.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
Again, You speak only with hate and you are the embodiment OF racism, you sound exactly as the White Supremacists do and you are no better. You judge what happened to your ancestors by a skin color. And yes Africans sold Africans it was about money not skin color. Just because you do not believe it does not make it so. You can rant all you want, you ARE racism pure and simple.

ALL Cultures have oppressed other cultures. Romans, enslaved most of Europe, the Gauls, Germania etc. Africans enslaved Africans. This is fact, there is nothing you can say to change that. Your scope of history is so narrow minded and selfish, you cannot possibly learn from the mistakes of the past. I truly suggest you get your facts straight before you end up passing this hatred to another person and spread your cancer. Just because your immediate ancestors have been through hell, and I do agree it must have been hell, does not mean you have the market cornered on racism. Before your ancestors someone else were enslaved, killed, kicked out of their country had their land exploited. White, Black, brown have ALL had it done to them. This has NOTHING to do with color. its all about money and human nature.

Personally I think the Jews have had it worse then anyone.

I truly wish you peace in your heart and hope you find a way to heal yourself. Because your way of thinking is bad for yourself and everyone around you.

so what have YOU been through. You think I have not been on the end of extreme racism you are incorrect. I lived as a minority in my community for many years. I know all about it. Your story is no different then mine. My irish ancestors, where pictured as Monkeys, drunks hooligans not given jobs, handed a gun and told to fight when they got off a boat if they wanted in this country. The Irish never enslaved anyone.

[edit on 25-2-2008 by ShiftTrio]

I think you've pretty well summed it all up.

That post sounds like a platform for hate-mongering.

"poor me, nobody has suffered like the black man".

Nor will SOME people EVER let go of past injustices. That's so very sad.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

No Worries man, I summed up my feelings so you could understand them, never have I said anything hateful nor was I really crying racism, I was mentioning the lack of media support for such crimes and what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. I never said anyone was better then anyone else etc.

You think your scars are special, but they are not, perhaps in the last 300 years Africa has been exploited more then most, but again its money. Pure and simple. But before then it was another country another culture what has happened to your ancestors is nothing special in the terms of world history. Africans have enslaved their fare share. Egyptians, Nubians etc. and to be honest, no reason would give a good explanation to the horrors the African people are doing to each other right now. Now white boogy man makes you rape, mutilate, and torture millions of women and children. These are Africans doing this to each other. How is this explained? I cant imagine to be honest. Perhaps greed, perhaps greed of their leader who have exploited their people and resources. Is there some corporation some where buying these resources. Yep, but other countries have resources and you do not see the pure carnage that goes on their anywhere else in the world. Still no reason for the genocide going on over there right now. Do I blame that on the color of their skin. Not in the least, its upbringing, perhaps lack of education. Brain washing? Who knows, I can't even imagine.

Again I asked what have YOU been through. The past is the past. You live for the future, for a better tomorrow for your children. Not create the same cycle of hate and violence.

This will be my last reply to you. I wish you well and hope you see the error of your ways.


[edit on 25-2-2008 by ShiftTrio]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

Does your family live on a reservation? Were your people hunted down and killed on sight? Was your culture completely wiped off of the face of the earth? Was your land taken away from you and never restored. Were your people starved because your main food supply was slaughtered? Were diseases intentionally given to you to kill you? Were whole cultures anialated? I still have family on the reservation. I cannot find my native language. I have no history of my people at all. I have no native lands to return to. Don't even cry to me and tell me about your plight. We did not sell our own people into slavery. We did not have a country split and have brother fight brother in a civil war to give us freedom. We still do not have the freedoms that you have. We do not use affirmative action or discrimination as an excuse. Our men stay with their wives. Our people do not kill one another over drugs. We do not complain every time something happens to one of ours. We do not blame every one for the woes that befall our people. Your people need to realize that you have been given opportunity after opportunity and you have done nothing with it. You are what you make yourselves to be not what someone did to you over 100 years ago. GROW UP AND GET A LIFE.


posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:02 AM
Below you will find only a few, lesser known examples of slavery throughout history and in many regions. The slavery of any population is completely abhorent and the number of individuals enslaved should be irrelevant as one person is too many.

There are simply too many examples to post. Isn't that sad?
Africans...Native Americans...Chinese... on and on and on

Female slaves were long traded to the Middle Eastern countries and kingdoms by Arab traders and sold into sexual slavery to work as concubines or prostitutes. Typically, females were sold at a lower price than their male counterparts, with one exception being when (predominantly) Irish women captured in Viking raids were sold to the Middle East in the 800-1200 period.

A US Government report published in 2003, estimates that 800,000-900,000 people worldwide are trafficked across borders each year. Lets read the last part again.

Almost 1 million EVERY YEAR and it's happening RIGHT NOW!

The institution of slavery condemned a majority of slaves to agricultural or industrial labour and they lived hard lives. In some of the city-states of Greece and in the Roman Empire, slaves formed a very large part of the economy, and the Roman Empire built a large part of its wealth on slaves acquired through conquest. In Ancient Rome, probably over 25% of the population was enslaved

Some estimate that the slave population in the 1st century consisted of approximately 1/3 of the total.

Historians can trace slavery in Egypt from an early date.[citation needed] Private ownership of slaves, captured in war and given by the king to their captor, certainly occurred at the beginning of the Eighteenth Dynasty (1550 - 1295 BCE).

The Hittite texts discovered by archaeologists since the 19th Century include laws regulating the institution of slavery.

On June 20, 1631, in an event known as the Sack of Baltimore, the village of Baltimore in County Cork, Ireland was attacked by Algerian pirates from the North African Barbary Coast. The pirates killed two villagers and captured almost the whole population of over 100 people, who were put in irons and taken to a life of slavery in North Africa.

The two principal groups of prisoners in the camps, both numbering in the millions, were Jews and Soviet prisoners of war (POWs). Large numbers of Roma (or Gypsies), Poles, political prisoners, homosexuals, people with disabilities, Jehovah's Witnesses and others. Approximately 6 million of these people died.

As an aside, I am part Roma and part Polish and I'm not spewing hate here and claiming that my ancestors pain was more then anyone elses.

Approximately 12 million black Africans were shipped to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th centuries.[13][14] Of these, an estimated 645,000 (5.4% of the total) were brought to what is now the United States. The overwhelming majority were shiped to Brazil.

So I ask those who wish to spew hate-Which one is worse? Or does it even matter? Isn't one single person that experienced slavery, too much? Do we really need to keep a running tab or can we simply condemn all slavery?

Source: WIKI

[edit on 26-2-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:38 AM
How un-original these posts remain. I never once said poor me to whomever posted the remark. I do quite well, take care of my family and children, never on drugs, in prison or otherwise. Never needed the euros assistance. In fact, I made it through the tangled web that's always woven against the African to make it in this wonderful corporation. So that's one thing you will never hear from me-i'm not like the slaves that were taken out of their homeland and brought over here to work for the disease ridden, lazy, shiftless, fornicating, sickening euro. Or mlk who allowed the euro to spit, sick dogs, kill, mame, blow up lil' girl in church, drag men from the back of trucks til their bodies fall into so many pieces, hang them from trees, cut off limbs if they try to escape, brand them as cattle, keep all the earning from their labor and raise of a nation of ragedy bastards who keep the system going by building these large corps and fake justice while continually raking in all the dough. It's hard to image that you all could be satisfied with the scraps america gives you. That's the mind conditioning. You are a slave and don't know it - hahaha.
The indian is as much of a slave and has been punked just as much as the African. They drugged them, raped them, put geonocide on them and diseased them nearly to extinction. And you want to sit here and say YOU made it out on your own. How funny-the gov hands you land and money. Look how they portray your sad little faces on television - looks similar to the images they always portray the African children in the little commercials and what not. And just like the jap and the jew, they felt SORRY ENOUGH for you all to give you something in return for the abuse they place upon your ancestors. If the past is going to be the past, since the abuse didn't happen to you, give the money back! It had nothing to do with you. Same with the jap and the jew and anyone else the corp of american has paid restitution to - including the different branches of euro ancestry.
Never once has the branch been extended to the African; they deny slavery, they remove affirmative action and want to start from ground zero when they have supported generation after generation of euro on the money the African made them. yeah - that's starting the race off right. What a joke!!!
Someone eluded to drugs and leaving their women and crime, etc... I could post on this site how much crime takes place in every facet of society. then we could all have a sit down, watch your news and see how many stories actually are shown with regards to other segments of society OTHER than in African neighborhoods. You would want to believe that euro, mexicans, indians, etc... do not leave their women, have kids out of wedlock, commit crimes, YEAH RIGHT! Don't tell me about crap you see on the news and television programs. Do your own research, look at your own lives and do the numbers. You don't hang with Africans and I am certain you know someone who is either committing a crime or who has, used drugs or has, cheated on his/her mate or will/is, come on dummy, that makes no sense. don't give me that crap from media, give me some real info.
African genocide - where do you get your information??? I bet you believe in terrorists and that america has enemies as well right? The corp of america blew up towers right in your face and you didnt' do anything about it. You believe it was some hijacker - hahaha!!! you clowns are easy to fool that's why you believe so whole heartedly in the system, in the news, the gov and politicians and american justice.
What about ollie north and rick ross? Why is one in jail and the other free?
What about the black panther party? Ron Brown? MLK? Malcolm X? Rodney King?
We could do this all day. But again, as usual, you want to dismiss the fact that what was shown had nothing to do with nothing except the media playing a game with your lil heads. And you jump online and cry racism - big difference dummies.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
How un-original these posts remain.

Facts don't need to be original, only true.

I never once said poor me to whomever posted the remark.

Thats just about all your remarks say.

In fact, I made it through the tangled web that's always woven against the African to make it in this wonderful corporation.

You seem to think there is a massive conspiracy against black people. There is but only in your mind. You see, there are many people of every color and ethnic background that have the same challenges. I see it every day.

So that's one thing you will never hear from me-i'm not like the slaves that were taken out of their homeland and brought over here to work for the disease ridden, lazy, shiftless, fornicating, sickening euro. Or mlk who allowed the euro to spit, sick dogs, kill, mame, blow up lil' girl in church, drag men from the back of trucks til their bodies fall into so many pieces, hang them from trees, cut off limbs if they try to escape, brand them as cattle, keep all the earning from their labor and raise of a nation of ragedy bastards who keep the system going by building these large corps and fake justice while continually raking in all the dough.

Yes no hate there !

It's hard to image that you all could be satisfied with the scraps america gives you. That's the mind conditioning. You are a slave and don't know it - hahaha.

But you do and so now you are automatically free?

The indian is as much of a slave and has been punked just as much as the African.

There are many, many, many ethnic groups that have been enslaved and discriminated against throughout history.

They drugged them, raped them, put geonocide

Genocide? You mean like in nazi germany?

on them and diseased them nearly to extinction.

Extinction...Interesting word. You mean like Hitlers "final solution"?

And you want to sit here and say YOU made it out on your own. How funny-the gov hands you land and money. Look how they portray your sad little faces on television - looks similar to the images they always portray the African children in the little commercials and what not. And just like the jap and the jew,

Just so you know, calling japanese individuals "japs" is a racist term. The equivalent racist term for black individuals would be the infamous "N" word.

they felt SORRY ENOUGH for you all to give you something in return for the abuse they place upon your ancestors. If the past is going to be the past, since the abuse didn't happen to you, give the money back! It had nothing to do with you. Same with the jap and the jew and anyone else the corp of american has paid restitution to - including the different branches of euro ancestry.

I tend to agree in that reperations do nothing to fix the problems and reperations should never be paid out except to the actual injured party.

African genocide - where do you get your information??? I bet you believe in terrorists and that america has enemies as well right? The corp of america blew up towers right in your face and you didnt' do anything about it. You believe it was some hijacker - hahaha!!! you clowns are easy to fool that's why you believe so whole heartedly in the system, in the news, the gov and politicians and american justice.

This is not the thread for discussing 9/11 OPINIONS such as yours. The fact that you feel necessary to call people names to prove your point, proves theirs. Good job ruining your credibility!

What about ollie north and rick ross? Why is one in jail and the other free?

Because one has money and power?

Why does Al Sharpton have followers and money?

We could do this all day. But again, as usual, you want to dismiss the fact that what was shown had nothing to do with nothing except the media playing a game with your lil heads. And you jump online and cry racism - big difference dummies.

Nice way to some up a rant. You've presented no evidence to suggest anyone was wrong and you are right. You've chosen to personally attack/insult people at every turn. So why come here? Why not use logic and facts to change peoples minds instead of insulting them by calling them childish names?

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by cmptrwhiz

i rest my case. You have said all that I cannot. Your own bigotry blinds you. Do you really want to look at the statistics? Can we start with those currently incarcerated per capita? Or shall we start with the increasing rate of black children born out of wedlock? Lets look at black on black crime. Do you really believe your people have nothing to do with this? Sure Farakhan calls the white man the devil, and perhaps he is, so why do you still play with him? I am sure you might be happier in your homeland, would you care for me to purchase your ticket? As for what they gave us. Do you think it is fair payment for what they took from us. Yet we do not really blame them. Yes we take what they offer who wouldn't. If you want to blame the corporate elite then go ahead but do not take away any of the blame from yourself. It appears you buy into the consumerism that they promote. As for me and mine we are out of dept and reasonably self sufficient. And without a doubt yes I would still stand and fight for this country. Call me what you will but I am still more free than you.


posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Racism is a touchy subject. Mainly because too many people have different opinions about it. I think, and I'm only basing this on what I have witnessed and read, that black people need to stop feeling sorry for themselves. I also think that white people need to stop feeling sorry for them aswell. I went to a highschool that was more than 50% black and the other part hispanic. I have to say that there were few of us that really applied ourselves(I'm Mexican). I believe Pericles said something along the lines of... "To live in poverty is not the biggest disgrace, to do nothing to avoid it is." Both hispanics and blacks need to stop blaming the white man for all of our failures.
If we keep blaming white people for everything pretty soon we are gonna run out of time on this earth and we will have acomplished nothing.

As for the news article I say the black guy was at fault because he was the only one in that video that punched someone therefore he is guilty of assault but not of racism. We need to stop reporting all the attacks as hate crimes because is there even a punishment for hating someone? I believe the KKK hates blacks and gays and all sorts of people, but they are not arrested because of their hate for other races unless they actually act on their hate. So what is the use of saying that hate exists when we already know it does?

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by jfj123

dealing with euros, they create their own facts and truths. It's a win win for them. You never once hear me cry, only present the truth. I point on the truth that the devil exists, he has a game plan and runs it daily. You fall for it and believe it - fact!
There is a massive conspiracy against all people - read what I said. I only point out the things that have happened to the African and that still happen to the African and that this wonderful gov is setup to not only abuse them, but abuse the mex, the ind, the jap, and anyone else who stands in their way or doesn't have enough money. america was founded on the backs of African and I wont let you or anyone else forget it while you sit in your cushy jobs, and cushy army, and cushy homes, thinking all is good because you have made it up one rung of the ladder. but stop paying taxes THAT ARENT required by law and see what happens to you.
And yes no hate, but truth. I speak only truth in the midst of your confusion and sheepish mentality.
Let's see, hitler, an interesting subject. who put him in power? was it the same folks who control power today - the jews? you mean they tried to kill themselves... enslave themselves? What is a jew anyway - a euro right? Wasn't hitler a euro?
The injured... hmmm, If i kill your grandparents, and great grandparents, steal all their money, land and resources - that surely won't have an effect on you. What a pure joke. The damage is countless and the only way the African can be repaid for what it's given to this country is a complete overhaul of the euro mindset thinking they are superior to all races and they can stake claim anywhere they want and they can corner the market on intelligence and reason and education. They have the world fooled into thinking money is power/intelligence. And most are dumb enough to believe it.
This is the thread for discussing whatever i want - 9/11 was genocide dummy, read about it. study it. you know, like pearl harbor - these are all big lies your gov tells you. What about ol nixon, why did they gov kill JFK, why did a cia jet just crash with tons of coc aine in it. what about them punking america and just throwing junior into office whether yall liked it or not. why are we in afghanistan? Iraq? What's the real deal about israel?
these are true pimps when you can pimp an entire country and them not know it or care to believe it. just bend over - no vaseline!!!
ollie doesn't have money or power - he is the gov. that's why he got off and the African (as usual) gets to take the fall. But that's just a falicy. the drugs magically appear in the poor neighborhoods, where the liquor stores, guns, alcohol are abundant. Where jobs are non-existent, same with affordable housing and opportunity. so the African, who has everything taken away has to put all this on his broad shoulders and manage to pull himself up through entertainment, sports, etc... but then they still make billions off of his back and still treat him and a second/third class citizen.
why are you here? you think you add some intellectual take on things - i think not. African facts are not real, they don't exist in your history books so what diff would it make if i posted a million facts. none of them have a leg to stand on. hahaha - right! i'm not here to prove a point to you clowns, only rant and listen to you cry about some guy getting popped in the lip which happens daily in many areas of our society. but they choose to throw this one up.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by reluctantpawn

rest your case - hahaha! I missed it, could you repost?
You sound like a beggar - oh i will surely take what the euro gives me and be happy with that. if you read their history, it is said they the ind owned all this and you mean to tell me you are happy with a few reservations here and there??? oh, i forgot, they are giving you all a couple casinos so you can support your families through gambling. that's way cool bud.
are stats supposed to scare somebody - but what stats and who are you getting them from. go out and do the research yourself in ALL areas of society.
Can we talk about why they are incarcerated to begin with? Why are there so many? Why are there so many euro judges, lawyers, officers, people on welfare, etc...?
black on black crime, wedlock, prision, you are surely a news watcher a media baby. when you went outside today, how much of this did YOU see? HAHAHA - I live in a good area, i haven't seen any crime. and truth be told, them most crime i see here is mex on mex, there is much crime from the aryan brotherhood on Africans, but very lil African on African crime. Most of the people i know are married with children - most of the ones I know have children out of wed are mex and euro. I haven't witnessed African on African crime in sometime. The last incident I saw had to do with 6 mex trying to jump 1 African. So the stats I know don't mesh with what you watch on the news. And surely the news media is to be believed. HAHAHA
A casino is fair payment for the trillions they have made off of your land - I agree bud. WOW!
You do blame them and stop your BS lying. You are just happy that they gave you some land and some money and a casino so now you are a lil better off.
They have given the African nada and still we have to deal with these funky attitudes by people who claim to have been through something yet taken on the very nature of the euro after they get all settled in and happy. they raped you once, and they will rape you again. Just hold tight. Oh yeah, do you all own your land outright, casinos, etc..? You may want to look it up.
Consumerism? What they heck are you referring to? You all accepted a casino - what's worse than that?
You won't be fighting, you will be a test dummy for the next bio technology or whatever. since you are so into the news, go look at the stories of the people who came back from desert storm and are coming home from iraq with strange illnesses and diseases.
You remember how they infected Africans with diseases, denied them treatment so they could see what would happen. You have plenty of info on this site that spells out what the euro is about read it and get off your small horse because the euro gave you a few dollars. he still portrays you all looking like savages too.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by cmptrwhiz
reply to post by jfj123

dealing with euros, they create their own facts and truths. It's a win win for them. You never once hear me cry, only present the truth. I point on the truth that the devil exists, he has a game plan and runs it daily. You fall for it and believe it - fact!

It's not a fact until you can prove it. Until then it's just your opinion. So can you prove it or are you just ranting again?

There is a massive conspiracy against all people

Massive conspiracy. Two words that simply don't work well together. Here's a good tip for you-The larger the perceived conspiracy, the less likely it is to be true. Thousands, if not millions of conspirators, all of whom must be genius' with perfect memories and none of whom have ever made one mistake leaving clues. Not likely !

america was founded on the backs of African

Many, many people helped to found America and some of them include African slaves, Chinese, Native Americans, Colonists, etc...

and I wont let you or anyone else forget it while you sit in your cushy jobs,

I'm sorry, have we met? When did I tell you what I do for a living? What knowledge of me personally gives you the right to say this to me? Just so you know, I don't have a cushy job! I work my butt off every day in the construction field.

And yes no hate, but truth. I speak only truth in the midst of your confusion and sheepish mentality.

You call me sheepish and confused and you honestly don't think that is hateful? You know absolutely NOTHING about me, my beliefs or my intellect which makes your claims nothing but blind hatred toward me.

Let's see, hitler, an interesting subject. who put him in power? was it the same folks who control power today - the jews? you mean they tried to kill themselves... enslave themselves? What is a jew anyway - a euro right? Wasn't hitler a euro?

So now you're claiming the Holocaust never happened? If this is really your intent with the above paragraph, you need to learn some real history.

The injured... hmmm, If i kill your grandparents, and great grandparents, steal all their money, land and resources - that surely won't have an effect on you. What a pure joke.

My grandparents escaped from nazi germany before they were killed. Their friends and families terrorized, tortured and killed. Should I expect money? And where would it come from? Are you going to pay me? When will you send me a check?

This is the thread for discussing whatever i want - 9/11 was genocide dummy, read about it.

My suggestion is you STOP calling people childish names or a Mod may step in and ban you. Not because of your ethnic background but because of your constant insults to people who have in no way hurt you or insulted you. Your personal attacks are sad.

May I respectfully suggest that if you can't conduct yourself as an adult, you stop posting here.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by 3vilscript

No one is blaming them, i am stating the truth. As i have said over and over, it hasn't stopped me from doing anything. never will. when someone points the crap out, you euro minded individuals jump on this bandwagon about blaming the euro. Stop it! They have you brainwashed because they can jump on the television or the news paper and talk about the mex and the African living on drugs, crime and alcohol. You mean to tell me that's not them blaming us for the conditions that exist? Please!
Go look and see who brings that crap into the country and into these neighborhoods as well as the flouride in your water that ruins your teeth and gives you diseases, the crap in your food that cause cancers, the reduction of your movement without showing papers and even a chip on your passport, etc...
this is not a game. we all know how crappy it is, just few of us have the balls to say something. racism - you have to have the power to exercise racism. punching someone is not racist!
get a grip won't you... you know what's going on. you know how most mex men can't stand African men. Where did that come from? Same with the gang situation - all this gets played and portrayed in the media and it begins to play on the hearts and the minds of the weak. Same with patriotism and all this racist talk.
At the same time, i am not and will not let them off the hook. they would like to bury the hatchet without anyone saying anything - but I don't agree with that. Not as long as the corp is in business. They owe the African and it doesn't matter what anyone says, they owe us! screw anyones opinions, news article, stat, or otherwise. deal with it. and it's not that we are blaming them, because the truth speaks for itself. the African is a survivor and for the few stories they play on the news of all this crimial activity, i can give you 10 working, responsible, beautiful, smart, not on drugs or in jail stories to go with each.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Those who would relinquish liberty to gain security, deserve neither and will soon lose both."
And this is the truth and is happening daily. check out the latest info on your gov.
patriot act
RFID chips

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:13 PM
Just a reminder to keep things civil and to remain on topic...

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