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Life on the other side of the fence

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posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Witness2008
reply to post by cometa

I think the thread maybe coming together. As you I think we should try to create some kind of forum in order to get to know one another better.

I feel a bit uncomfortable talking about what I am learning and being shown right now. It is unclear to me its full meaning. Perhaps in a more private forum. I need to beware of influences giving and recieving as I truley believe the individual understanding is more important than our comradary.

I believe it is the comradary that brings out the understanding...

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

You may be right on that. I have been dealing with this alone and have felt the guilt feelings come on when I would try to explain something I had yet to fully understand myself. The rate of discovery and spiritual growth from this is amazing for me given the short amount of time it has happened in.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

you know, i know your message was for only two individuals but, i identified with something you said. About fear. Fear is the human antithesis, but yet, it is a necsesary evil. One that will not leave us until we leave our skin sacks. In moments of great fear i always recite this to myself, maybe it will be of assistance. It goes,

"fear is the mind killer. fear is the little black death in my heart. I will let this fear pass over me, and through me and when this fear is gone.,,,, only I remain."

[edit on C
20082008-02-12T23:05:14-06:00u02America/Chicago2 by FremenBlueEyes]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by FremenBlueEyes
reply to post by Sickscent

you know, i know your message was for only two individuals but, i identified with something you said. About fear. Fear is the human antithesis, but yet, it is a necsesary evil. One that will not leave us until we leave our skin sacks. In moments of great fear i always recite this to myself, maybe it will be of assistance. It goes,

"fear is the mind killer. fear is the little black death in my heart. I will let this fear pass over me, and through me and when this fear is gone.,,,, only I remain."

[edit on C
20082008-02-12T23:05:14-06:00u02America/Chicago2 by FremenBlueEyes]

That is right on. I didn't mean for my responses to be only to cometa and witness, it is just that something they are saying, something in there responses is resonating. It is soooo hard to describe. That is the perfect word though, RESONATING.

This world is amazing...

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

i agree with you in that there is something that is resonating in many different people across the world. It is something that people like drakiir, cometa, and yourself have found, it is not them that makes it resonate, but something else. I believe it to be the inherent curiosity of the universal human mind. We are on the verge.... of something. What, i sure as hell don't know, but it is something big.
It is really a shame that there are so many ignorant people out there who refuse to let this in because they are to busy with american idol or fox news or something else that is mind numbing and distracting form the reason we are really existing on this planet right now. but, what can you do.
At least people are out there searching and resonating with the creative human desire of knowledge and understanding. the et's are there helping in their own special way, but it is up to us to make the final step, the final move. I believe we can do it. do you?

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:29 PM
drakiir said he would lead "some people" together, because its the will of divine beings and that is, what is going on right now. its like a self-fulfilling prophecy. the woman, i had "contact" with, told me the same. i feel familiar with you, because we really have a lot in common and i think we can actually kick off a rolling stone. dont ask me how, i wish i knew!

as often as possible, i try to convince people about 9/11 (whatever the truth is...) and the ufo-subject. because all of this IS real and every single person who denies it, is a liar and must be exposed as such. i believe there are a lot of people like us, that just are afraid and feel ashamed to talk about their experiences, but that is wrong! i always feeled like a freak, psycho, weirdo, too and i wanted a normal life, but i really DONT want it. we ARE different. we are here to make a change.

dont listen to # propaganda! dont live in fear, fear is wrong, fear is induced. this is connected to this frequency stuff...

she also told me about micro-devices / nano-bots, that infiltrate our bodies. they cause pain and bad thoughts. the woman said, they are manufactured "by aliens". if you ever feel like you´re not yourself, thats this stuff. she said you can always get infiltrated by them easily, for example if you take a walk outside.

please be more specific about the astral-reality. and what is astral projection really? i have no clue about this stuff. i´d be glad about some of your instructions on how to meditate properly, how do you do it?

we need a leading person here. i wonder where drakiir stays and if his job has already been done here... :-/

[edit on 12/2/08 by cometa]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:31 PM
I’ve had my own experiences but I’m not sure how helpful they can be to this thread.

[edit on 12-2-2008 by andre18]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 12:17 AM
Just a comment...

I find it interesting that you refer to the aliens who wish to "change things for us" as "bad". Perhaps that's what we need...perhaps that's the only thing that can be done with this silly species. Looking back on history and even examining the present makes me leery of my own kind.

I don't blame them for laying low and having contact with a select few. It makes perfect sense. I don't think 98% of the population could handle interaction with otherworldly beings. We can barely handle interaction with each other.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 12:36 AM
Has any one of you felt....its really hard to describe, but ill try my best.
in an experience/dream in October, a gray had put its hand to my face, and I felt this...feeling, or emotion...I've never felt it before. An unknown happiness, a feeling of unconditional love and was, a very filling emotion, it filled all of me, I wish I could get the feeling back again, like nothing I have ever experienced here...Has anyone else felt this way?

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:34 AM
Hello everyone, its been a while. I cant beleive all the posts that are here its a real head turner from many days ago when it wasnt so supported. I woke up this morning and had no Idea how three days went so fast I dont even remember them, its as if I went back and then forward for some reason. I asked the greys the same as the first day they changed me however it was an internal change and my right temple starts to tingle when my frequency rises. It never did that before and I know that they were kind enough to carry out my request. I felt my body tighten and presense around me, I felt both my legs tingle at the same time and I could still move but it was as though they "positioning" me for the change I woke up and felt lighter and stronger I literally pounced out of bed.

I was at colledge today and some students didnt get why I was mentioning things three days ago that I said happened today. They also are talking to me just like they were before. The first day I came back there was silence as if they didnt know me. I think thats why I went back 3 days and then forward again. We are changing history right here as we know it. Put frankly they didnt expect so many people to wake so fast. I was wake 3 people in seven years and thanks to the beleivers hear that amount has nearly trippled.

We caught the bad greys from surprise from what I was told, they expected us to remain blind to what was going on. The fact that every contact here and yet to be heard now knows what going on is way ahead of schedule so top job to everyone.
This means more contact more understanding and more information to receive about the upcoming plans.

And thanks all for the u2u and for the people joining this evolution. Note nightshadowz to check your u2u you need to read it.

Its good to be back and you people, the beleivers put the awe in awesome. If further plans are to go ahead as have been given to me than a database and group identity has to be formed. More information will be given as time comes closer.

I wont be available tomorrow from 9 am to about 7 pm AUS time as I have college but when I get back Im definitely going to be talking with you all.

"We are waking, no longer are eyes shut to ignorance but open to possibility and truth, the way of the new world, we are all helping to mould."


[edit on 13-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Drakiir]

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Chiiru
Has any one of you felt....its really hard to describe, but ill try my best.
in an experience/dream in October, a gray had put its hand to my face, and I felt this...feeling, or emotion...I've never felt it before. An unknown happiness, a feeling of unconditional love and was, a very filling emotion, it filled all of me, I wish I could get the feeling back again, like nothing I have ever experienced here...Has anyone else felt this way?

Hey Chiiru. Yes, I've had that feeling a few times in lucid dreams. Though, now that I know more, I am very skeptical that they were actually lucid dreams. My experience like yours did not include greys. The most profound one I had was 3 white robed figures standning in front of a tunnel like bright light. Everywhere else was dark. We had long contact, but I don't remember much of what was discussed. I remember this overwhelming sense of love and belonging. The only thing I remember talking about was that I asked, "Is this where dead people go?" There was one female and two males (don't ask me how I know, I couldn't see any details of them). The female kind of laughed very nicely, very subtle. "Something like that." she answered.

A couple years after, I thought about it more and more. I found it so interesting that I asked, "Is this where dead people go?" instead of thinking I myself was dead. I knew that I was bilocated, and my body was lying safe in bed.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:00 AM
Drakiir Did you get my U2U.

Anyway yes I do get that feeling of guilt talking about them, and I especially get that feeling of peace, love about things I never thought of before.

My step now is to get rid of the fear, It's not meeting them I am scared of it's waking to see one looking streight at me. I know I need to get rid of that.

It's hard to ask questions for me becasue I feel I need to see them to move up a step. I can feel the voice though and its a beuatiful feeling infact all today I have had this feeling of Calm and a strong energy all around me.

Last night I tried my hardest to be contacted in person but I could feel the voice telling me I am wanting it too much. I got that feeling again that I wanted to close my eyes, this time I kept them open but then my whole body froze and then I just though "Its happening" as soon as I started thinking it stoped.

I am pretty sure my time will come very soon now I just have that instinct now and I never had that before. It was so strange though it was like some peacfull energy was trying to reasure me. When it happens it happens I control the fear and I need to stop the fear.

They are making me understand all the time even at work today I could feel that they were looking over me as though to say "You are part of us now" In a nice way though thats why I felt so good all day and still do.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Just like to say I think the feeling we get we just relate to a feeling we already know. These are infact feelings of there own they just don't have names and most of the world is blind to them.

Let me tell you though the feelings are just Amazing, You become free. It really does open up a part of your life you never knew you had.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:22 AM
Thought i would drop in and say hello to all the fellow Abductees, just here to spread a link, that promotes peace like so many others have been trying to do in this time of change,

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

Hi Drakiir glad your back hope it went OK for you. What are you studying at college?

are you ready to tell us anything?

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Im doing graphic design in hopes of becoming a designer. Its three days a week Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. First off we all need to form a database of some sort and estabish a group identity for people who are waking and for people who need advice on different experiences and how to interpret them. The more contact we get the more pieces of the puzzle will connect. I was also told that cross communication between other contacts is possible. Whereas people can ask other contacts on there behalf and information can be given from one contact to another.

Uniting is the most important thing. As we all can see others are waking at a rapid rate and the more people know the more are set free. The more can realize that they can brake out of the mental cage the government, in cooperation with the bad aliens have put them into. I have had another reality told to me and I think is the basis for the grand deception as its been called.

What would be one way to distract the population of earth from knowing what's out there and asking question, a distraction. A distraction of huge proportions would have to happen and it is now as we speak. All those craft people are taping and taking pictures of, thats so the people gather constant hope that they will land and someone wil come out. In nearly all cases crafts usually don't land and no one is around to see it. You see what Im saying, the pretty flashy UFOs while real are just the light show, they keep us looking up when we should be looking down here on earth where the contact is really happening.

Where all the experiences and contacts and people like ones who have woken are, this is where we are all starting to look. Not outside waiting in anxiousness for a UFO to show up. See what Im saying. The reported bases are here on earth, the underground tunnels are here on earth, the contacts experiences are happening here on earth.

Its all here, people are just distracted to see it. The public is deceiving itself and they don't even know it, they demand for more electronic gadgets the fill the "need" and "want" in there lives so companies give it to them. The companies knowing full well that these devices emit frequencies turning everyone into a walking transmission tower, making it dead easy to track anyone, while at the same people see pretty lights in the sky and expect them to land and say he earthlings who wants to party.

Its the perfect distraction fill peoples lives with things they will want to have, create the demand so its sky high, equip people with devices to track them and the government-alien agenda is complete.

This is all flowing from what they told me Il finish it here, its too long already. Ill be back later to continue this revolution we are all seeing and experiencing.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:02 PM
I just thought I would note something. Ever since more and more people have been waking how many have come in here throwing speculation and accusations around. Interestingly enough barely any, how different was this than before.

I couldn't escape them the insults were everywhere, if this doesn't prove to those who want to stay blind that what's happening here on this thread is universal in nature then they will continue to be blind.

This is meant to happen and we and our experiences through familiarities are proof.

The atmosphere in this thread has changed for the better. Entirely due to the fact that Abductees and Contactees are coming forward and comuning openly and for that I and everyone else is appreciative.

Id like to welcome them to the thread and new ones yet to speak.


[edit on 13-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
Uniting is the most important thing. As we all can see others are waking at a rapid rate and the more people know the more are set free. The more can realize that they can brake out of the mental cage the government, in cooperation with the bad aliens have put them into. I have had another reality told to me and I think is the basis for the grand deception as its been called.

I nearly fell out my chair when I read that, It's all starting to make sense. This is almost the same message I have been receiving. This is now a new level for me, Something has just clicked after sombody on a internet forums almost repeating what I have been hearing. I guess you all ready knew that though and the thing is I accept it, I accept it can happen.

Glad you are going to stick by anyway I jumped streight to this topic when I saw you had posted again.

Thanks for waking me even more.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by psycho81]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

Hey Drakiir, I think the conversations between the experiencers is more interesting than just one person discussing what has happened to him/her. When us experiencers began conversing with each other and sharing information, that is when it seemed the negative posts completely stopped.

It's almost like we hit on something here. It seems to be a good way to make people aware, let them view how we, the abductees, are having to deal with what we have been through. I may be wrong, but it looks like people are becoming very interested in what we have to say to each other (abductee to abductee), not trying to convince people that we had the experience.

We can form a group on MSN or Yahoo or Google and start it with the experiencers on this post. Or even some of the non-experiencers that find so much interest in it, like Darcon.

Tell you what guys, I'll set up a Yahoo group. Once I get it up I'll let everyone know and we can start doing this thing!

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by Mr Green

You see what Im saying, the pretty flashy UFOs while real are just the light show, they keep us looking up when we should be looking down here on earth where the contact is really happening.

Where all the experiences and contacts and people like ones who have woken are, this is where we are all starting to look. Not outside waiting in anxiousness for a UFO to show up. See what Im saying.

Its all here, people are just distracted to see it. The public is deceiving itself and they don't even know it, they demand for more electronic gadgets the fill the "need" and "want" in there lives so companies give it to them. The companies knowing full well that these devices emit frequencies turning everyone into a walking transmission tower, making it dead easy to track anyone, while at the same people see pretty lights in the sky and expect them to land and say he earthlings who wants to party.

Its the perfect distraction fill peoples lives with things they will want to have, create the demand so its sky high, equip people with devices to track them and the government-alien agenda is complete.

This is all flowing from what they told me Il finish it here, its too long already. Ill be back later to continue this revolution we are all seeing and experiencing.

I gave up looking for UFO s ages ago I don t think its that easy. when you ve actually seen whats inside them its meaningless trying to see a UFO.

I also get what you mean about pointless gadgets filling peoples lives non of that bothers me it all passess me by. My computer is second hand , my phone is 4 years old I don t have an ipod/MP3 , the TV is 10 years old its all working whats the problem. I see people with brand new gadgets that they replace 6 months later for the upgraded model. It does it distracts them from whats really important. I do often think is my mobile allowing me to be tracked.

Good luck with the studying, it can be done part time. I did my BSc (Hons) on a 3 day week it took me 5 years mind!

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