posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:26 PM
This is a response to both cometa and witness2008, I would find that extremely enjoyable. The private messages would be welcome in that distractions
of other natures would not crop up.
I feel an overwhelming joy in just this brief exchange of info. I can't explain it.
Witness2008, I don't feel guilt at all. I felt and feel that I cannot properly explain to my immediate family and close friends the magnitude of
what an encounter means. I have brought it up to people that are close to me, but it is like an impossible thought that is too hard for them to fully
grasp. They are kind of at a loss for words. Its like there is nothing for people to say. What are they supposed to say!? Its not like anything
they say is going to make a difference. I don't mean that in a negative or derogatory way, it is more like a statement of fact.
Cometa, I feel you have struck Achilles Heel. Fear...
My older brother, whom I told of my experience, said that he would love to experience contact. "I wouldn't be afraid at all!" he said.
But its not like that. It is something that you cannot control. It is overwhelming, and so strange, that you cannot prepare for the initial contact.
I told my brother it was like, if you woke up in the middle of the night and had somebody (human) standing over you, just looking at you. You
couldn't move, and your thoughts were kind of swirling around... disoriented. "How scared would you be?" I asked him. How bad would you want to
get out of bed in violence to the intrusion? And that you couldn't move on top of it all! Now imagine that it is a being you have never seen
before. I am not talking about a movie or something, I mean a real, live being standing over you! I guess it is human nature to think that you could
always be in control if you suspect what you might go through, but GOD, is that not true!
It happened to me and I could not control my hyperventilating. Even when I calmed down inside my head while g\he was standing over me, and I
analyzed what was happening, I COULD NOT CONTROL THE FEAR. It was like it had a life of its own. I am dealing with it better now that I can better
concentrate in what the experience actually feels like, but it is a feeling I have never felt before!
Cometa, you said that it seems to happen on a different plane of reality. I absolutely think it does. I would want to explain further, but I believe
people reading this will get the wrong impression about what I want to say.
Drakiir has thrown up some flags for me. That is all I will say about Drakiir now.
BTW, Mr. Green, listen to cometa's words, and when you feel afraid, listen to them again. It will put a smile on your face. There are other's out
there, and it is an incredible experience. You are not going to be hurt, or maimed, or be soul possessed when you wake up in the morning and a new
day greets you. It is more the opposite. You awake different. More peaceful than you have ever felt in your life. But it is all about the fear.
So when you feel the fear, remember,
"fear has never helped any man on earth. think about that. as you are reading this, you shall not be afraid anymore from now on! *magic*"