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Life on the other side of the fence

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posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Ive gone very cold my body temperature has dropped Im shivering. I wish Id never gotten into this I don t sleep well at the best of times since I was visited 5 years ago... but Im not going to get any sleep now. What did he mean I will be the first to know? I mean it I do not want my blood changed and families memorys errassed. This whole thing has gone crazy Im out of here.

If you want to read his explanation its on the johndoe post in Aliens and UFOs I saw something help me figure it out.'
[edit on 12-2-2008 by Mr Green]

[edit on 12-2-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 09:17 AM
hey, whats up? this thread is doing fine. i can only repeat that: aliens and ufos are real. the government is lying to you, has always lied, will always lie to you. dont expect disclosure. find it inside yourself. i´ve had quite some experiences.

if i dream of getting paralyzed while knowing that its because of the aliens, if i dream, they are inside my room and take me, if i dream ufos are hovering outside, near my flat... did they take me or "was it just a dream"?

everybody stay cool, dont freak out. we´ve got to deal with it.

drakiir, i really appreciate your initiative and i hope we can make something out of this. i believe the same. the time has come, has it not?

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:33 AM
Drakiir, Witness2008, Cometa, Doberman, can you guys u2u me. I have also had experiences. I would love to discuss this phenomena with others that have also. I get tired of ridicule by uniformed people on the forums sometimes. They always seem to require proof, yet when given, they do not accept it.

I am positive this is happening in two densities, or dimensions. They are in fourth density and are able to adjust their vibrational frequency and lower it in order to manifest in our third density.

They are adjusting contactees (of course I don't know the percentage) to get them/us ready for transition to the fourth density. If you notice during your visits you will feel vibrations coursing through your body when they first appear. They are raising your frequency to closer match fourth density. Fourth density is where they live and do all their work. This creates confusion for the contactee because it feels like you might have had on OBE, but your physical body is still with you. It also makes the experience more on the level of dreamlike, but it is actually more of a 'higher' spirit state. From third to fourth density, that transition is where our 'veil of forgetfulness' resides. This veil blocks us from remembering our true selves, our spirit selves. We are at the place in space where our entire solar system is raising in frequency. This frequency rise is letting us see more and more into the fourth density, thus there are an increasing number of UFO sightings, and other paranormal/spiritual manifestations.

The Grays have many different factions, just as we humans do. The majority are here helping us prepare for what is coming in or around 2012. That is for mankind to finally have the 'veil' removed so that we will live as awakened beings. Basically, this is living with the remembrance of, and in conscious awareness and contact of, the Source. (God, The Great Chain of Being, The One, whatever you want to term it)

I know you guys know how big and complex all this is, and to try and explain "everything in a nutshell" is nearly an impossible task. I would love to discuss my thoughts about what we are experiencing with those 'in the know' so to speak.

For those that wonder why they are not chosen as a contactee... You will find that all contactees will have certain qualities about them. Calm, humble about their experiences, and a need to tell others about what has happened to them/us. It is frustrating because everyone wants a simple answer, but its not that simple. It is extremely complex. Especially as we are getting closer to the end of the 75,000 year cycle and are beginning to understand that we are spiritual beings as well.

I always hear people saying, "If they are so much more technologically advanced than us, then why don't... blah, blah, blah." But they never ask if they are more spiritually advanced. Their are reasons why they won't just come down and fix pollution, or the energy crisis, any of that. It is because we will not learn! In so many years, we would be back to doing the same thing. Imagine the awesome power of a free energy device in the world we live in today. Talk about being able to kill people. But, if they showed up, finally announcing their presence to the world, and they would not give us the technology to help us save our planet from the damage we have done to it! then many would look at them as being uncaring of humankind, and that they would be the ones being perceived as evil.

We, as intelligent beings, must grow past our fear, get passed our egocentric ways of life. If we don't, we can never further evolve. We would kill ourselves before we had the chance. So they are doing work (not all of the extraterrestrials) with us and to us in preparation of what is about to transpire on Earth.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Oh, and for those that need some type of proof. Do a little research and you can find a ton of 'proof' out there. Physical as well as testimonial.

On December 18, 2007 Japan’s top spokesperson, Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said under the Associated Press headline, JAPAN’S TOP SPOKESPERSON: UFOS DEFINITELY EXIST, “I definitely believe they (UFOs) exist.” Then, a mere three days later, Japan’s Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba comes forward with concerns on the current legal grounds for a military response in the event of an alien landing. Any military response by Japan would be deemed as illegal if the extraterrestrials landed in peace. “There are no grounds for us to deny,” Ishiba said, “there are unidentified flying objects and some life-form that controls them.”

Honoree Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defense Minister, told MSNBC:

After reading a book called The Day After Roswell by Col. Phillip Corso that unidentified flying saucers are in fact real, as real as the airplanes flying over your head and that there has been a monumental cover-up for more than half a century… I have concluded unequivocally that the people that claim they have either seen UFOs or have seen classified documents about UFOs or have seen wreckage from the crash at Roswell on or about July 4, 1947, are the ones telling the truth.

At a National Press Club event in 2007, White House Chief of Staff John Podesto:

I think its time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark on the question of government investigations of UFOs. Its time to find out what the truth really is that’s out there. We ought to do it, really, because it’s right. We ought to do it, because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth. And we ought to do it because it’s the law.

Senior FAA Head of Accidents and Investigations John Callahan during the same National Press Club event speaks of a UFO incident involving a Japan airliner, Flight 1648, which occurred in Alaska on November 18th, 1986. At the time John Callahan was head of investigations for the FAA. He produced evidence of the incident during his speaking. He even presents the FAA original voice tapes of the air traffic controllers involved in the incident. Also presented by John was a copy of the original video the FAA had taken during the investigation as well as the target radar printout from the computer data during the incident.

New York, 1985, Astronaut Colonel L. Gordon Cooper addresses a United Nations panel discussion on the topics of extraterrestrials and UFOs:

I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on Earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over the earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion. We may first have to show them that we have learned to resolve our problems by peaceful means, rather than warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified universal team members. This acceptance would have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in all areas. Certainly then it would seem that the UN has a vested interest in handling this subject properly and expeditiously.

If the UN agrees to pursue this project, and to lend their credibility to it, perhaps many more well qualified people will agree to step forth and provide help and information.

For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists and astronauts. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:39 AM
Here are some more:

Famous Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Tells Fox News’ Neil Cavuto in an interview in 2007:

We just about could have said, ‘Look, we see a UFO out the window going along with us.’ You know what would have happened? The public would have gone crazy! We were smart enough to say, ‘Where is the upper stage rocket? We think we might be looking at that out the window.

Colonel Sergio Candiota da Silva of the Brazilian Air Force was the Assistant to the Minister of Aeronautics in December 19, 1988 when he stated:

His Excellency recognizes the importance of the [UFO] matter, to the extent that within the Ministry of Aeronautics there exists a Bureau in charge of studying the matter, receiving, analyzing and archiving chronologically the phenomena observed in Brazilian airspace that comes to the attention of this Ministry.

Senator Barry Goldwater Sr. (R-Arizona), a US Air Force General and Presidential Candidate had written in a letter dated April 11, 1979 to Lee M. Graham:

It is true that I was denied access to a facility at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, because I never got in. I can't tell you what was inside. We both know about the rumors (concerning a captured UFO and crew members).
Apart from that, let me make my position clear: I do not believe that we are the only planet of some two billion that exist to have life on it. I have never seen what I would call a UFO, but I have intelligent friends who have, so I can sort of argue either way.

Sarah McClendon, a White House Correspondent in a press release on March 30, 1998:

The real danger to the U.S. and perhaps this whole planet is the government has placed such a heavy blanket of secrecy upon this issue. So much secrecy, those in government who have knowledge showing UFOs are identifiable feel the subject cannot be discussed by those in the know without serious repercussions. Others are afraid their friends and co-workers will think they are crazy if they even so much as insinuate that UFOs are identifiable as manned craft from outside the earth. This particularly applies to newspaper editors and publishers, reporters and analysts. Thus the U.S. is denying itself the chance to learn more about UFOs or to encourage research despite the fact the U. S. stands to gain from such discussions. . . .Not publicized but true is that the Clinton administration, soon after coming to office, had many briefings on the subject. Laurance Rockefeller provided the information for the President and Mrs. Clinton. Others provided documents and verbal briefings to presidential advisors Jack Gibbons (science), Bruce Lindsay (personal), Anthony Lake (national security) and Vice President Albert Gore. About the same time a three hour briefing was given by Dr. Steven Greer to the sitting Director of the CIA, Admiral Woolsey. . . .After the Roswell incident, the Air Force replied to reporters' inquiries that this was all part of research using weather balloons and other equipment. [Colonel] Corso and hundreds of others who work or have worked in secret defense and scientific agencies, are willing to swear under oath that alien craft are repeatedly penetrating our airspace.

President Harry S. Truman at a White House Press Conference, April 4, 1950:

I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:40 AM
Sorry, forgot about these:

President Gerald Ford while a congressman had sent a letter to L. Mendel Rivers. At the time, March 28, 1966, L. Mendel Rivers was Chairman of the Armed Services Committee:

No doubt, you have noted the recent flurry of newspaper stories about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). I have taken special interest in these accounts because many of the latest reported sightings have been in my home state of Michigan… Because I think there much be substance to some of these reports and because I believe the American people are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given them by the Air Force to date, I am proposing that either the Science and Astronautics Committee or the Armed Services Committee of the House, schedule hearings on the subject of UFOs and invite testimony from both the executive branch of the Government and some of the persons who claim to have seen UFOs… In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on the subject. [Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives, Eighty-ninth Congress, Second session, Hearing on Unidentified Flying Objects, April 5, 1966]
- Don Berliner, UFO Briefing Document, 1995

Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, first Director of the CIA:
Unknown objects are operating under intelligent control… It is imperative that we learn where UFOs come from and what their purpose is…
[Maccabee, Bruce, “What the Admiral Knew: UFO, MJ-12 and R. Hillenkoeter,” International UFO Reporter, November/December, 1986]

Signed Statement to Congress (8/22/1960) - It is time for the truth to be brought out... Behind the scenes high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.... I urge immediate Congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about unidentified flying objects.
General Douglas MacArthur addressed the United States Military Academy at West Point, May 12, 1962:
You now face a new world – a world of change. The thrust into outer space of the satellite, spheres and missles marked the beginning of another epoch in the long story of mankind – the chapter of the space age… We speak in strange terms - of harnessing the cosmic energy… of the primary target in war, no longer limited to the armed forces of an enemy, but instead to include his civil populations; of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy…

General Nathan D. Twining was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1957-1960. In 1947 he was the Lieutenant General in charge of the Air Force Air Material Command at Wright Field, Ohio. In a letter sent to the Commanding General of the US Army Air Forces on September 23, 1947, General Nathan D. Twining reports on his investigation of UFO sightings:
a. The phenomena reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.
b. There are objects approximately the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size as to be as large as a man-made craft.
c. There is a possibility that some of the incidents may be caused by natural phenomena, such as meteors.
d. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in a roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft or radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically, or remotely.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:48 AM
HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU WANT! Some of these people have black box recordings of pilots actually talking to the towers about the UFOs up close and dogging them.

They have radar signature data, as well as military documents that show UFO events had actually taken place.

Why do you need someone on this forum to provide you with evidence or proof. What, do you want them to send you a picture of one, just so you can say, "Wow, CGI is incredible these days." You are in a state of denial that nothing other than experiencing it yourselves is going to overcome. Which is why you will never experience it in the first place! I was going to say that you might believe it if governments said it was real, but they already have! You just deny what you are reading and stay blissfully ignorant in your boxed in world.

To those that feel they have been contacted, I have a website in development that has a lot of info on what might be going on. It is an environment awareness website, but if you look in the left menu bar there is a link to my other information concerning all this. Its called The Architects of Light. Check it out if you are interested.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:54 AM
Ok everyone Ive calmed down now. Lets just wait and see what Drakiir says when he returns in a few days.

There is something about him thats intense and he can freak you out but I do like reading what he has to say but I still think he needs guiding.

I do believe its about frequencies and that we must learn to change ours.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:48 AM
Wow, I go to work for 8 hours and I miss a lot!

Support is key. I hope everyone is doing well. Had something strange happen to me last night after work.. :-S

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Chiiru

Your not wrong, I was on that johnDoe21 thread when suddenly Drakiir comes on in a panic, he was really freaked out about having a message but he had been cut off from everyone. Then it all went abit mad and now hes gone I think.
I think I read it wrong when he said he was going with the aliens tonight and Id be the first to know, I just think he meant Id been the first he d told. I took it that they were coming for me too!
Thats the last time I have a quick lunch surf ehy!!!

You said something strange happened after work?

[edit on 12-2-2008 by Mr Green]

[edit on 12-2-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:05 PM
Everybody who wants t avoid abductions go to this link,

There are usually no good Abductions o.k. They are usually fooling you if they say that Zetan Grey's are good because they are not.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:07 PM
By: Athene Raefiel

We are all subject to the frequencies around us daily. Just imagine being an empath or a sensitive and feeling all of the frequencies around you. It is like radio waves coming in from all different directions. Frequencies are how everything around us is communicated. Modern technology has produced quite a wide variety of frequencies since the discovery and invention of the telephone, electricity, radio and television. We now have satellites, microwaves, cell phones, electric appliances, industries, transmitters, and manufacturing plants, just to name a few. Military installations are always working with radar and sonar.

As individuals produce a multitude of frequencies each day, often without realizing it, we also tune in to many other frequencies that surround us. Frequencies are emanated by all different sorts of transmitters including people and nature. We are continually bombarded by inferences and media sublimation just as we are by everyone else’s feelings that immediately surround us.

Just think of a time when you were waiting in line somewhere and all of the frustration you felt from the others that were waiting in line as well. Or how about when you listen to commercials and later find yourself humming their jingle in your head. What about the frequencies of nature herself?

When we go to nature to get away from the humdrum of daily living we inundate ourselves with nature to wash away the frequencies we are bombarded by daily. Yet nature herself has taken her cue from us and is at this moment in turmoil as well. Is there no safe place to find frequencies that allow us to feel safe and at peace?

We must each one of us produce such frequencies if we want to experience and dwell within them. They are rarely part of the outside world. We are major generators of energy and in order to create the energy of peace, calmness and tranquillity, we must ourselves become and emanate them. This is getting harder and harder to do as the daily activity of other generators emerge and block signals such as love, peace, joy and harmony. This is because the frequencies surrounding us in our life are not supportive of these loving frequencies. So how do we do it?

The first thing a person must realize is that they have to create a clear space of energy within their self and own home. Our home and space should become the free and safe zone within which one concentrates and contemplates. You want to create as much love and harmony within the frequencies of self and home as possible. This sacred space then allows you to feel at peace and balanced whenever you need to stop and recharge, or just relax and enjoy the moment. The best and easiest way to do this is through meditation and relaxation techniques.

The next thing you need to do is realize that time is your friend. You are the only one who can make the time for you to feel and experience these wonderful frequencies. Learning to calm and center your energy allows you sense of safety and security rather than a feeling of being scattered all of the time. Try to quit working when I know you’re on overload and take a few moments to do some deep breathing and self talk.

Learning how to communicate with you is a key element to remaining calm and in focus. You must continually remind yourself that you are a person who feels calm, relaxed and balanced. When your mind wants to take over and run as fast as it can, you must remind it that so much more gets accomplished when we feel calm and centered. Communicating with self in this manner you begin to pay attention to why you let myself go overboard to begin with. It helps you pay attention to yourself instead of everything else around you.

Next you must also spend time talking to your own body. The frequencies that your physical body produces are very important signals to your emotional as well as mental health. When you ignore what the body requires and treat it like it’s not an important element in your life it is bound to rebel. Without your physical body being well, you can’t function well at all, and you become more susceptible to the frequencies around you that are harmful. You have to start loving your body and respecting it as the vehicle that will carry you through this lifetime. If you don’t like yourself because of your body, then you emanate a frequency to your body that causes it to not like itself either.

The physical body is a unique set of organisms that is so complex that medical science has and will be amazed by it for years. Your body has its own consciousness and does not need your mind in order to operate itself. You could be in a coma and unconscious and the body can still sustain itself. What you do for and with your body very much determines how your body will react in return.

The physical body needs exercise and a good eating habits. It needs to feel and be important to you the person wearing it. It is the robe you chose to wear this lifetime so take care of it and make sure you rest properly.

Emotional Frequencies

We emit more frequencies from our emotions daily than from any other place. How we feel from moment to moment is a frequency that is relayed to all the nerve centers in our physical body as well as our mind. When we always feel bad or low emotionally it puts a major strain on our organs and our nervous system. Hence stress and depression are killers. We do have tools available to offset these effects by working to continually find methods of relaxing and feeling good about life and ourselves.

Finding your own God, Goddess, All that is, is next. Everyone needs to feel a sense of purpose in his or her life. Everyone needs to believe and have hope in order to feel alive and at peace. Some think they will gain this through having a family and job. Others know that the eternal peace and harmony within come from understanding how you are spirit.

Becoming the spirit essence that you are is important. Without the soul and spirit frequencies in our life all we have are the human, plant and animal frequencies. We are also continually subjugated to the frequencies of the lower astral plane where all negative emotions and thought forms dwell. When we access these frequencies daily we find ourselves feeling that it is temptation.

We have been taught that anything we think or feel that is wrong is temptation. We are beings of strong constitution who have the ability to choose between right and wrong. When we are emotionally and physically low on energy we are easily subjected to all the frequencies surrounding us. We also have the ability to heal old emotional traumas in our past and change the frequency within us that keep us subjected to such negativity.

Reprogramming our Frequencies

Frequencies are resonations. When we realize that we can change and control our resonations we begin to change our own frequencies. Often people begin doing this trough prayer, mantra, affirmation, toning and invocations to the holy light of life. Using these methods we begin reaching into frequencies that we want to resonate with such as love and harmony.

If humans can put out as wide a variety of frequencies as I have described above, then imagine the frequency that the Universe and Divine emits. Tapping these frequencies allows you to begin to get above all the third dimensional resonations and begin resonating with something much more beautiful and sustaining. In order to do this you will need to change your daily habits of how you think and reflect upon things. You will need to use your imagination as well as make the time to practice your prayers and mantras, toning, etc.

All life communicates through frequency. The orchestra that you are and resonating with the frequencies of love light and beauty that reside within the divine realms is relatively easy, once you get the hang of it.

We as humans are like the building blocks of the Universal harmony needed to stay connected to the divine frequencies that keep us centered and at peace. Though each day is a challenge to stay centered and focused within the more heavenly and divine energy frequencies available to us, it is a challenge well worth the time and effort.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Yeah, just a strange night in general.
When I came home I was starting to relax, I turned on my XM radio, and I thought I heard a few people talking near my place, so I turned it back off, so I could strain my ears and listen. As I was trying to calm down from that, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me. (I hate that feeling). I went to light some incense (some relaxing scent, Rose), I looked out the window and into the empty lot next door to me, and on top of the fence I saw a large pair of glowing eyes. I just kind of stood there watching it, to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, but it did give me the heeby-jeebies. IDK what it was, but it was pretty big. I sat back down and never looked out the window the rest of last night -_-

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Where not here to show you proof as we have said, some of us are after answers ourselves. I find it amazing that the people posting there experiences are what I am going through. This has not happend by accident I am starting to get this now and I really feel I may be moving to the next step.

I can not explain the feeling apart from feeling so peaceful, My life is changing and I feel brilliant. I am still my normal self but I feel I am understanding more and accepting it.

If I do get taken then I have no fear this is 100% what I want. I want to open my eyes and see past what I see now.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Sickscent

Thanks for that very interesting stuff. Ive said repeatedly in this thread I don t need proof but yes others do.

The thing is all I want to do is the right thing. Darcon is now confusing me by saying all abductions are bad there never are any good points to them. Surely it would be better for these aliens to wake us up, introduce themselves (all this once we were ready to accept it) then explain why they need to operate on us.

As I said all I want to do is the right thing, if I try to avoid abductions am I deneying myself of progression? Or is avoiding them the best thing I could possibly do?

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Chiiru

Not sure about that. I woke up last night to see these large white eyes watching me with small black pupils/ slits. It made me jump then it went. You know Ive disscussed it with my partner and he thinks it could be a remote viewer. Does anyone know what remote viewers look like ? It wasn t alien Im sure. No body to speak of just blackness around it in a hazzy shape. Any similarities to the eyes you saw Chiiru?

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

The only thing I was able to make out was that it was on a big 'face'. The eyes were not the same, more animal-like, they were relatively big eyes, which were glowing, a strange green with some yellow. Whatever it was, was as tall as the fence, which is maybe 6ft, so IDK. and I have no idea about remote viewers.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:34 PM
I am sorry for the one liner, but im curious what alien contacts feel about what the aliens are teaching them.
First I ask, to anyone who may have come across such information: are there any instances where an enlightened Buddhist was abducted?

Second, when the OP mentioned the alien learning process being emotionally difficult for some, I was struck with the similarity of materialistic/egotistical people trying to seriously live/apply Buddhist philosophy/understanding

I guess my question is, is what the aliens are teaching, of enlightening nature?

I guess thats a weird question to ask, as how would an unenlightened person know what enlightened nature is rather than dilusion and brainwashing.

It just seems they dont abduct people who dont need their help; and those who are accepting to newfound understandings of reality, become the go betweens for those that such an experience would shatter them to a point of not being able to recognize or understand.

I wonder if there are evil et's, or if evil is something you must leave behind in order to reach the evolutionary point of an ET. any input on this OP ?

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:03 PM
I am to send a quick message that I am ok they have performed what seems to be another operation on me. My mind is a bit scrambled at the moment and I feel lighter and stronger. It mirrors the exact feeling I had when I first got taken I feel new. My mind is overloaded with information and I am to try and make a second contact today.

This will require me to make a time gap event experience similar to the on in my Time Gap Event post. These are the beings that I am genetically linked to so although fierce and to be avoided they will allow me communication if proof which I do have is required.

Just quickly I have noticed reoccurring and similar events that are happening to some people and the thread at like Chiroos. What you saw was an interdimentional animal commonly known as the moth-man. This is a foreign animal and is not related to grays in essence. It has a hypnotic effect and will go away eventually.

Its great to see that more people are coming forward. At present we are altering the outcomes of what is to happen on earth. I and others have woken more and more people to the fact that frequencies are essential to control of a population. If I had never joined this site than less people would not have woken and I and my contacts are glad this occured. The course has now been changed for the good thats why had the awkward experience last night ad Mr Green had noted. It was there way of saying we need to see you, Its a resonating feeling in the gut.

I will be back soon after I receive further instructions. We are treading a good path people and are building momentum to what will be a better future. Im glad the change has been made and will continue as the rest of you will to come forward and march on


posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by darcon
Everybody who wants t avoid abductions go to this link,

There are usually no good Abductions o.k. They are usually fooling you if they say that Zetan Grey's are good because they are not.

darkon, darkon, darkon... You are not an experiencer, so how can you say this... Are you getting your information from researchers like David M. Jacobs? All these doom and gloom scenarios? They are here to take over the world! RUUUUUN!

Look, most abductees admit it is scary as hell. I agree! There is an almost automatic surge of fear you get when an encounter begins. Its almost like you cannot control the fear at the onset. This type of reaction makes some experiencers think that it was/is an awful experience. Sometimes it even prevents them from looking more into what has happened to them, through regressive hypnosis or whatever. But nearly all of the experiencers who have gotten past the initial trauma, find that it is a developing spiritual experience. They feel blessed in that how many other humans have had the experience of contact with an extraterrestrial race.

You are a typical fear monger. The attitude by the human population that is just like yours is one of the contributing factors as to why they won't manifest. You are not ready for it. Your fear is a major blockage in any type of growth along these lines. It prevents you from seeing soooo much.

As I have said, there are a small number of 'rogue' extraterrestrial greys that are not good to have around. These are of the Service-to-Self path and are usually in collusion with the 'negative' black-ops.

But, it will be very necessary for people with your fear of the unknown to rise above it and learn from a more open minded way of thought.

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