posted on May, 31 2008 @ 08:13 PM
Its 2008, I personally feel like it is NOW OR NEVER. I have been doing a lot of research the past year looking into UFO's, Phenomena, and the blatant
corruption of our government...the world government. I don't know if anyone has heard the predictions for 2012, but could that truly be the day of
reckoning? I know we has MANKIND can fix ourselves... but I dont think enough people believe. Everyone who believes should gather together. not just
some of us BUT ALL OF US!! even if that number is small. The pope declared it is "OK" to belive in aliens, Britain is releasing UFO files over the
next 4 ears as well, how convenient the best files will probably come in the year 2012...most likely to late. We have to act! I wish Alex were sitting
beside me now, I have so many questions. Dont flame me for lack of a plan.. I have no idea what the hell to do. but maybe if we all gather, maybe
something will happen.....maybe we can figure this thing out, and stop being controlled. WE CAN BE FREE, WE ARE MANKIND!