posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 08:49 PM
I've been following Collier for years now since I found his first early interviews on line. Most of what he says rings true, if only from a
spiritual sense of us needing to take responsibility for the planet. I love the quote he attributes to one of the aliens, "I can't understand why
you need money to live on the planet you were born on..."
But that said, this last interview is worrisome. His voice cracks towards the end, he's obviously highly emotional and depressed, says that his
money is so low that his phone is about to be turned off and his living arrangements are precarious. I would think some close (human) friends would
come forward to help him out with housing, etc., but mostly, I wonder why his ET friends haven't! We're talking beings so advanced that light speed
travel is no problem for them, they come from a culture where money is not necessary, he's stuck his neck out conveying their thoughts to the rest of
us (or so it seems) and they can't help him now? If he's telling the truth all these years, and I still think he has been as far as he himself is
concerned, (don't get the feeling he's a snake oil salesman or insane), then why don't the ETs help him? Any answers? This interview is
haunting me but my own situation is such that I can't help him.