posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:00 PM
The Case For The Unidentified Flying Humanoids
Watch and learn...
btw: ATS is run by the NSC/CIA in order to gauge public comprehension of exo-realities... They discredit the Best & Brightest evidence from the
greatest of our Patriots in order to mantain staus quo... meanwhile they shuck and jive, lead and mislead, and play their feeble PsyOps not realizing,
like a small scared child, that others have developed abilities in which NO LIE can be held secret...
No threat will cause harm...
So, now that their empire of dirt is crumbling, a public revelation is being staged as we speak... it has been on the books since at least 1963. These
"Architects of Fear" will lead the blind followers of media to a public "revelation" right before Obama wins where they will try to pass off a
rogue element of future human lineage time travelers as benevolent and advanced beings. The will tell us of exopolitics and the grand wars occuring
beyond our tiny sphere yet they will not tell us that it is being fought ONLY for OUR WELL BEING.
One can be COMPLETLY protected if one so desires... FEAR is the only REAL ENEMY. Its Light vs. Dark, service to self VS service to others... The
foundation of Cosmic reality.
And guess what Cheney is... Besides codenamed "Chainsaw" in the MJ code parlence... (GW is an oratory automaton- thanks MK ULTRA!)
So these future children of men... these pathetic self serving future Bonesmen are from a now unlikely to occur alternative timeline where upon our
solar systems increasing alignment to the galactic core (Precession of the Equinox- we are in the last of "3" cylces of 25,920 years each) coupled
with the current overuse of ancient Einstein Rosen Bridge Tech (the real reason we railroaded Saddam) caused too much instreaming energy into our
planet. All life... ALL LIFE WAS DESTROYED on that timeline which eventually created the Jrod.
You see, our so called elite panicked, got their tickets punched, then fled off-planet (after being underground a few hundred years) with their way
too small gene pool. Yeah so, if one deviates from nature, one de-evolves... Universal Law. Small gene pool equals inbreeding equals major problems.
They jumped back here to attempt to ameliorate their respective neuropathies with our royal genetics. They will be fine, but not by continuing this
farce. The jrod technology may baffle the average civilian, but to somebody whom has interacted with those of ships and bodies of light... mere
thought forms manifesting into our specific overtone of this 3rd dimension, the jrods are scared ancient babies and they will be helped too.
Human potential has already begun to graduate to an unfathomable level of advancement and harmony. There are approximately 144,000 species with
beyond high technology that are keeping close watch on our little soap opera. The greatest lie ever told is that we are weak. That the human potential
is limited... finite. This is the exact opposite of the truth... Our hidden leaders practice with these awarenesses... for self serving and evil
reasons... but the greatest part of all is that a SINGLE HUMAN trained in these realities and with love in their heart for all life can just about
stop an entire fleet of ICBM missles with a mere thought and a prayer. If you live in a fear based reality with greed in your heart, than you will
NEVER know this truth. We will just rope you off somewhere where you can play cowboy until your soul is released into oneness.
So our little friends from our own future are whom the Tau-9 treaty was formed with just a moment ago. This treaty brought an end to the famed
Majestic 12... the treaty stipulated that only 9 may sit on this council... thus the birth of SION. The games kids play...
Turn off the tv/computer and Meditate... it is the path to the universal truth. Nothing is hidden to one that does their homework.
The Case For the Unidentified Flying Humanoids