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Where is Alex Collier now?

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posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by HellHound63S

I read the book.

I've really tried to be open-minded about a lot of these people, but Alex Collier's book is a hodgepodge of Star Trek, Eastern Philosophy, and general New Age stuff that most of the SF fans could invent if called upon to do improv.

EDIT: Also typical Jones/Icke conspiracy stuff, too, that's thrown in for color.

Not that it is bad reading or that he's lying... but I kept going: Oh! This is from the original Star Trek or, Plato said it first, or that is from Maya Angelou, etc. The little ditty everyone seems to adore: The love you withhold is the pain you carry is a total ripoff of Thich Nat Hanh.

I think if more of the New Agers actually read ancient religious texts as opposed to getting their impression of these texts and religions from their followers they would see that what is "New Age" is just recycled "Old Age" stuff.

Andromedans (either Gene Roddenberry is a contactee, too, or there is a serious coincidence going on here) are blue tinted. The original Vulcans were blue tinted (on later epis they let that lapse). Their high level of culture and learning (much like that of Vulcan). Their split with the other advanced "humans" is much like Vulcan and Romulans.

The Draconians are highly intelligent, warrior culture ETs. Who does this remind me of...certainly not the Klingons!

The six hundred thousand year war? Where have I heard that before...? Oh yes! Star Trek again!

Aliens that feed off of emotions....? Why is that familiar to me? Dang it! Star Trek again!

Holographs that make you feel like the inside of this ship is really a lush park...kinda like the "holodeck"?

Are we sure that Gene Roddenberry wasn't a contactee? Really sure?

So, 600,000 years of non-stop war and we are taking advice from them? Our longest war wasn't even 10 years before we got tired and said "enough". It didn't take us 600,000 years of non stop killing to realize it was a waste of resources. Moreover, they are these great sages on how to love people and their still "fighting"? Our peace, love, and pacifism guys Jesus and the Buddha said to love your enemies and show them compassion, to do them no physical harm. Obviously we are capable of producing enlightened individuals on our own, or at the very least a good mythos so why do we need their help again?

And as for the prophesies and lack of evidence. These people like Alex and Blossom are supposedly chosen and friends of these aliens. What kind of friends send them forth with a monumental task filled with ridicule and disbelief without one shred of hard evidence? What friends send them forth among the wolves with Hallmark card advice and double speak in Blossom's case? These sound like the types of friends who are either not too bright (and if so why are they allowed to drive the space ship?) or not really friends at all.

Alex and Blossom's seeming sincerity sort of makes me guess the latter, and that, friends, sends the hairs on my arms right up!

Prophesies that don't come true? Don't give me the 9-11 thing. By the time he said it there had been an attempt on the Trade Center already so the idea of New York getting blown up (cuz that's what they said--the whole city destroyed) was not a far fetched guess. Ahem! Prophesies that don't come true, no proof before a skeptical audience, and then a tagline of: don't trust your old religions seems a bit...well, suspect to me.

Again, if they say things and they aren't true they are liars, no matter how you cut it. How advanced can a civilization be without truth in their day to day dealings with one another?

Lastly, what do interdimensional beings need with a spaceship?

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Rintendo]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by Rintendo

Good points I thought also, Alex himself says "like in star wars" when referring to the moon. He says it and looks like he knows how crazy this sounds.

I wouldn't compare Blossom to Alex. good grief. That's apples to oranges (or bananas in Blossoms case).

So you think he is making this up? Perhaps you can tell us why? what is IN IT for Alex? Money? Fame? People laughing at him?

Either way he believes it and is making it up, or he is deliberately lying according to your opinion. I disagree. He seems very believable, and as far as him lying, I can't pick it (which is only opinion anyway). But if you do search a bit you will come across people that seem to verify his claims. But you have your mind up already, so no point in showing you huh?

Rock on Babylon


posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Well...I am going to go out on a limb when I say this...I think he's been contacted by something, hence him coming across as believable.

**wipes sweat from brow**

I think he is being contacted and deceived by beings who only pretend to be good. I think that he is given a story that will convince the needy and will make the skeptics scoff (hence its "Star Trek-i-ness") and not a shred of proof. What he is being given is divisive and about as enlightening as a Hallmark Greeting. It is nothing "new" or earthshaking. It is not even credible to the public at large. They picked an individual who cannot move the masses because he is nervous and non-commanding. That nervousness comes across as fear to some and deceit to others.

Why (if you are trying to save the planet) would you pick someone that no one would believe, then give him soundbite wisdom, zero resources, and then proceed to tear away what little you gave him with date related prophesies that didn't come true? Who is going to believe him?

Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Dr King, Father Daniel Berrigan, Bono, Pope John Paul II, John Lennon, etc. these peace makers were all charismatic, lived by their words, and came at a time and were placed in a location where they could be most effective.

The book was so sincere on his part and filled with poor logic on "their part" (something you wouldn't expect from these higher consciousness beings) that I am leaning towards something happened to him and that something is closer to the "devil that deceived them will come as an angel of light..." than a group that has answers for me.

The pain you carry is the love you withhold is no better than: not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character...or we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, or Some tell you to love your friends and hate your enemies, but I say to love your enemies as yourself and then you shall be called a child of God, and so believes a man in his heart, so is the man.

If lies and recycled Star Trek quotes is all they offer give me the earthlings

EDIT: I didn't accuse Alex of lying. I accused the Andromedans of lying. And I don't think anything is in it for Alex and didn't imply there was. I think he believes what he's saying just like I believed the soul-sucker I dated in undergrad that supposedly wasn't cheating on me.

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Rintendo]

[edit on 26-11-2008 by Rintendo]

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Rintendo

Again, I hear you, but I don't really agree.

I too always ask, why contact them. What is their purpose, are they alone to tell their messages, even though most won't believe?

Now hear this, we are talking about it now!
So you see it has/is working. Topic of conversation is about something so fantastic, that you really need your whole belief systems to be shaken to the core to even sit at this table.

For or against, YOU chose to sit at the table and discuss, which implies a few things, (and this is not supposed to sound like a personal attack)

1 your ego, and your true being are at conflict, thus you need an outlet to get this off your chest. Quite normal.

2 there is a part of you that does want to accept this possiblity, and you are simply asking for more proof. Totally understandable. Totally logical.

3 discredit the messenger via disinfo (I do not think you are this, but include this as an example to past posters in these type threads).

The best thing is you are questioning it. Believe me when I say it takes a major jump to go from the world we are contolled in, to a galactic mind (I btw am nowhere near that). I just wish these guys would at least show people such as myself that believe they exist something. A simple flyby in a craft would be a great example. I guess the question is then what? If you get to see or contact (not be abducted - totally different thing), then what then? Surely your world is then a different place, uncomfortable, and non-meaningful in the mundaine 'worker class' ways.

There is a saying that is something like, if you have seen it on TV or at the movies, it has already been done, and this is also a type of control. "If it was in the movies it cannot be true". Great cover.

Still, the bottom line, is what resonates truth to you. If you are 100% happy that Alex is either a fraud, or a loony, then that is where you are at. For me however, I see a really brave soul, that defies the logic we are conditioned to believe, and has a gift of friendly (loving) contact, that is reluctant to talk about these things, yet he says it is for people like us that want to know, in reality wanting to help at the very least shift our collective consciousnesses to a higher vibration, of you guessed it: LOVE.


posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 03:09 AM
I would love to know how to contact him as well, if anyone has info please pm me

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Hi. Glad we can have a civil conversation about this. I am absolutely not trying to convince you that I am right and you are wrong. I just wanted to state what I believe as food for thought.

I am not sure if you understand my point. I am not opposed anymore to the idea of extra-terrestrials visiting earth. I was always open to ancient astronauts, but I recently met someone who supplied me with enough good information that my skeptic mind was able to say "okay" to the idea of extra-terrestrial contact here and now.

Out of all the contactees, the only one who has supposedly received information that panned out was that Billy Meier guy. I'm still researching him because I think the saucers look cheesy, but...

My point(s) with Alex Collier is that a) none of his predictions panned out, b) the great wisdom they gave him isn't anything I haven't heard from Oprah, c) it's all Star Trek-y, and d) if these entities are his friends then they are the worst friends in the universe for putting him into a position like this. If that is how they are "friends" with people then who needs enemies?

What if you met someone on some dating site and you made plans to spend a weekend together...say you got all gussied up, spent money on a roundtrip plane ticket, got on the plane, flew to this person's town and they didn't pick you up? Say you were so excited that you told all of your friends and family about would you feel if that person didn't show up?

You'd feel pretty bad about it. You'd feel lied to even if they said they had a "good" reason like they were sick because you went to a lot of trouble (time and money) AND because you were humiliated in front of family and friends who probably thought you were stupid to fly across country to meet someone you'd never met.

This is pretty much how I see "them".

They gave a dude who is not in any position financially or otherwise to get a message like this out, instructions to write and publish a book ($$), to finance a lecture series, etc. They tell this funny looking dweeby guy that he's their "special" messenger (that's a mindfeck there) and get him to put his reputation on the line with prophesies that don't come true. They could have given him something from their ship to take back, they could have given him DNA, something anything. They chose not to.

Seriously, how "friendly" is this?

Yet, they are excused because they talk about love? Pimps talk about love. Abusive spouses usually talked about love first, too. Love is a ploy to get people to trust you without your having to do a single thing to deserve their affection.

You cannot have love and "truth" without honor and trust.

In the ancient mythos most of the truly awful, petulant deities were anthropomorphic. Zeus, Ares, Vishnu (blue, btw), Dis...why is it that just because something looks like us and promises to love us that they are "good"? Isn't that racist?

This whole "blame the reptilians" is another way of saying: the devil made me do it. That way we don't have to blame ourselves for death camps, rape, poverty, etc. We can be like the Germans who claimed they "didn't know".

If they want us to take ownership of our planet then they need to let us point the finger at ourselves and not at the reptilians. Even if the reptilians do exist and are a part of this...people choose to look the other way, people choose to participate. We're not inherently noble, guys.

Nobility is a choice. It is choosing honor over dishoner. It is living by your words, making promises and keeping them, standing up for your friends even at great inconvenience to you. If you say you're clearing the planet of hostile ETs by 2003, you should have done it by 2003 or else you are a liar and we don't have to listen to you.

That's how I feel. I'm not opposed to ETS, just ones that lie.

[edit on 27-11-2008 by Rintendo]

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Still, the bottom line, is what resonates truth to you. If you are 100% happy that Alex is either a fraud, or a loony, then that is where you are at. For me however, I see a really brave soul, that defies the logic we are conditioned to believe, and has a gift of friendly (loving) contact, that is reluctant to talk about these things, yet he says it is for people like us that want to know, in reality wanting to help at the very least shift our collective consciousnesses to a higher vibration, of you guessed it: LOVE.

I wanted to say, first, that I absolutely respect people like you. The search for truth, for a better way, is inherently noble. It is because of people like you that I get ticked off at "things" like this that pretend goodness and offer nothing but lies upon lies upon lies.

I don't think Alex is a fraud or a loony.

Where I am at is living with a core set of beliefs. Good people don't let down the people that believe in them. They don't raise hopes and expectations only to dash them. They don't set up their friends to be ridiculed.

Perhaps, they had "good reason" but if they are time travelers then I don't understand why they couldn't go back and tell Alex before he said the prophesies that didn't happen that they were wrong about the future and not to say it. They let him talk for years, write books, and then look like a fool when it didn't happen.

Their "help" opened your movement up to further cynicism. If you are trying to save the planet; wake it up, why would you not offer proof, not offer credible information, and only tell it to one person who (while is probably very nice) is not exactly someone who has the strength and warmth required to lead the planet in a global exercise.

Dr King was very charismatic. He was able to lead an entire movement through the power of his spoken word, through dedication to the cause even in the face of brutality, and by sheer will. He brought white racism to its knees using this same power of love.

People can do this, but it is hard. It requires that you live by your words and follow through with what you say you are going to do. Faith without good works is dead.

You have put faith in creatures who talk a lot and do nothing.

I'd rather put mine in people who put their lives on the line to bring medication to people dying of HIV/AIDS in Africa, or people who bring grain to those that starve from drought.

I will put mine in people that actually do what they say they are going to do.

You may choose to be hooked on a feeling, but feelings without care dissolve eventually and leave bitterness. Love without action is too easy and pretty much useless. So you say you love me? Prove it, I say. Don't just love me. Respect me. Bake me cookies. Show me.

A last thought for a bit...Tolkein (and Zeppelin) said: not all that is gold glitters and not all that glitters is gold. That was the first thing that ran through my mind when reading Alex's book and listening to Blossom Goodchild. These creatures glitter but they are not gold. They may look fair, but to me they feel foul.

Honesty, is a key component to "good".

So anyway, you may keep the glittery golden Moranay's and Ashtar's and their "lightworkers", and I will place my faith in the dirty, underpaid relief workers of the world. I know they smell foul, but they feel good.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 09:04 AM
Excellent points rintendo. The similarities to Star Trek are obviously more than coincidence.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 02:29 PM

Here's an update from Rick Keefe, a good friend of Alex Collier's in response to my email asking about recent videos and asking if Alex Collier would consider doing an ATS podcast with Dave Rabbit, Johnny Anonymous and the Amigos:

"Sorry for the very, very late reply.
I have been buried in letters and work, and I'm just digging out of it all.
I have read a number of comments on Collier on the abovetopsecret site, and I have directed Alex to look at these, which he may from time to time. Have you seen the Japan Sept 2007 DVD or the Hawaii May
2008 DVD yet? I hear those are both on the net now. As well, Alex tells me he will have a new book finished in about half a year. Thanks for writing, and so sorry about the absurdly late response.

Best regards,

Maybe when his new book is released he will do a podcast with our guys?

[edit on 11/29/2008 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 04:13 PM
Wicked! Thanks mate, great investigating.


Can you please put some cool pictures in the book?

Well, thats all I wanted to say, can't wait for zee book!

Rock on


posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by seentoomuch

Here's an update from Rick Keefe, a good friend of Alex Collier's in response to my email asking about recent videos and asking if Alex Collier would consider doing an ATS podcast with Dave Rabbit, Johnny Anonymous and the Amigos:

"Sorry for the very, very late reply.
I have been buried in letters and work, and I'm just digging out of it all.
I have read a number of comments on Collier on the abovetopsecret site, and I have directed Alex to look at these, which he may from time to time. Have you seen the Japan Sept 2007 DVD or the Hawaii May
2008 DVD yet? I hear those are both on the net now. As well, Alex tells me he will have a new book finished in about half a year. Thanks for writing, and so sorry about the absurdly late response.

Best regards,

Maybe when his new book is released he will do a podcast with our guys?

[edit on 11/29/2008 by seentoomuch]

Thanks Seentoomuch !
Good to hear that Alex is coming out with a new book , should be an interesting read.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by seentoomuch

In the off-chance that Alex does read these:

Hello Alex.

I believe that you are speaking to some form of life, and have some questions:

1) Why didn't they clear the planet of ETs in 2003? You said in your book that if we couldn't do it, they were going to.

2) If we had to do something first why was their no caveat?

3) Still, they said they would do it, so why didn't they? Sounded like a promise to me.

4)What about the other predictions that didn't happen? What was their response when you questioned them about it?

5) Some of the Biblical references, oddly, are based upon the English translation of the Bible. It seems they have no understanding of Hebrew or Aramaic, why is this? If they are old and have been here before why did they not reference in a more accurate manner?

6) Having signed NDAs on certain discoveries that are not yet public pertaining to the historical Jesus, can your friends tell me what they are? I can't because I signed a legal document, but surely they could. If so, you could enlighten a great many people on important matters. They have such an interest in our history and seem to understand our Bible as well as the individual who wrote The Gods of Eden or Chariots of the Gods.

**I bring this up to not imply that you got this from either of these books, but I am implying that they are giving you zero proof of their existence and that everything they are telling you has been conjectured, written, or spoken of before.**

I have this feeling that you sincerely believe you have interacted with benevolent creatures. I don't think you are a liar, Alex. You come across very passionate and credible. I think they are the liars.

They didn't show up and rid the world of ETs.

Their prophesies didn't pan out accurately. If they can time travel to you in the 60's, then time travel back, then they could time travel forward and get you accurate prophesies.

I think you are too in love to see the beings correctly. I dated someone that all of my friends said was essentially the devil, but for three years I was blind to this. It is only in retrospect that I see the truth. I think they made you feel special as did this individual to me, and you are inclined to believe what they tell you, believe their excuses etc.

I see creatures who give you no proof of their existence, open you to derision of the multitudes, raise hopes without them coming to fruition, and give you promises that they have not kept.

Good trees bear good fruit. If you want to lead me, don't just talk the talk, walk the walk, I say. When these Andromedans clear the planet of hostile ETs like they say, when I hear no more abduction stories, when the NWO collapses (because you said the reptilians are controlling it), I will know they kept their promise and are not oath-breakers.

I realize this is probably sounds very harsh to you. I wasn't too fond of my friends who talked smack about the guitar playing spawn of darkness I dated, and even stepped away from the friends who criticized him. However, I say it for your own good.

Best of luck to you (if you read this) and know that I do send you love and blessings because I think you are basically a good dude, trying to do a good thing.

Peace be to you.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Rintendo]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:13 AM
I saw this video a while ago and really do like it,but he is a fraud no doubt about it,he should really get a new profession because he can tell a damn good story and make you believe it...well the moon thing and mars population makes you dubious,but apart form that,he certainly knows how to tell a good story.Sadly the story is pure fiction and has been copied from other hoaxers.

[edit on 30-11-2008 by Solomons]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Isn't it possible that Alex has been misled with disinformation by these aliens? Why would they want to inform us of the truth. A am sure some of it is, but I believe if they can discredit Yahweh and Jesus in any way and make his story seem untrue, that it has worked for them. At the end of the day, the demonic race wants our souls.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:25 AM

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by vladmir

Yeah check his eyes, they look to the upper right side indicating he is recalling a past event.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Isn't it possible that Alex has been misled with disinformation by these aliens? Why would they want to inform us of the truth. A am sure some of it is, but I believe if they can discredit Yahweh and Jesus in any way and make his story seem untrue, that it has worked for them. At the end of the day, the demonic race wants our souls.

Thank you! *throws arms up in the air*

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 02:36 PM
ok so we most of us agree that this could be the truth(i think it is) what are we going to do about this???.maybee we could start some sort of rebel group or something??? lets start doing something!!!!!

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Isn't it possible that Alex has been misled with disinformation by these aliens? Why would they want to inform us of the truth. A am sure some of it is, but I believe if they can discredit Yahweh and Jesus in any way and make his story seem untrue, that it has worked for them. At the end of the day, the demonic race wants our souls.

This is possible, I like to keep an open mind either way so I am not ruling out anything at this point.
My take on it is he belives what he is saying and did have the experence, now was it by some race with a hidden agenda, that I dont know.
But it has the feel of "truth" to me atleast and at the end of the day that is all you have to go on with certain issues.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 06:43 PM
Well he said he did get mad at them for not wanting to tell him some stuff he wanted to know about himself...

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