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Where is Alex Collier now?

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 04:06 AM
Alex Collier - Exopolitics EarthTransformation Conference 2008.avi

if you have'nt seen you may want to skip the first 10 minutes meditation

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

too bad space is a vacuum, and there is no sound. lol

posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 01:40 AM
Classic cult personality, folks. You *really* need to read about how easy it is to fall for these believable, honest sounding, and wonderful people who want to create a following.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by kshaund

No. I've tried this, but could not find anything. There are some websites that mention his name but no contact info. I wonder what he would say about the Terra Papers.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 05:16 AM
You could try it through exopolitics...

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by vasaga

My problem with his story is how can you ever feel love and believe in love when he tells this things about the Draconians adn the Reptilians? That creates fear in every humans heart.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 06:28 AM
Maybe this guy is partially disturbed mentally, but has strong spiritual views, and wants to uplift humanity, genuinely uplift our consciousnesses, but uses the pitch of being in contact with so called Andromedans as an attention grasper, or a delusion he has.. or maybe he came to the conclusion while brainstorming a plan to motivate people to be positive and more spiritually mature he realized the only way he would be able to get people to have hope given the current state of affairs on our planet, is that he'd have to say theres this advanced Alien civilization who have our back.. more or less, other than that everything he says, about vibrations, density's and things of that nature really speaks to me, it makes sense for me in my own experience, I didn't read all pages of this thread so sorry if I repeat things already stated.

This guy isn't after money, what the hells going on? I don't know but its pretty cool exciting stuff, it makes sense when I think about how the hell humanity came to be where it is, I look at myself and my characteristics as an entity, a human, and ponder... I am naturally good hearted and logically thinking, I then look around me and then boggle at how ridiculous things are here on earth, it makes sense that a cold malicious race of reptiles and or whatever other race of Aliens might have screwed us over, and that us, as the incredible beings we are should have developed in an entirely different fashion, heh I just finished watching a few videos on elite bloodlines and then stumbled on this Alex Collier person talking about Alpha Draconans and wanted to express my thoughts and see what other people thought of him, sorry for long post =)

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by vladmir

My Brothers and Sisters Spread The Truth of Having Only Love for one another as one race of human beings and nothing else cause everything else has been nothing but separation and destruction love ourselves as a whole to release us or set us free from this life of working and toiling till Death
We must commit to action now websites anything to spread unified love and take back our planet of beauty and freewill

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:23 PM
I've been watching the vids posted here and started to read the book today. What I find strange, is that people "close their eyes" on the predictions that never happend... Well, some say he just said it "might" happend...

Reptiles living under the earth-surface, feeding on human kids...

I got news for you... Donald Duck actually exist! And I dont care if you dont believe me... I just tell you what i know....

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:31 PM
i just find contradicting that the north american union that he criticises is precisely what would solve one of the currency problems. immigration happens because of money, if all north america has the same money everything will be in its right place. of course the problem will not be solved but the world seem to tend to those unions until the whole world uses one single currency, what will eliminate a lot of injustice.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:15 AM
there is neww video of him on yoytube!!!just searh for alex collier
he is amazing but its us you,me and him who has to standup!!!
Are you ready?!!

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:15 AM

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 09:34 AM

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:23 AM
I've always wondered where I got my beliefs from, how do I think and operate different from everyone in my family, and friends. Now that I've listened to Alex speak about alot of different things, I now know that I'm not the only one, on some degree. The United States of America has been a time bomb for quite sometime now, probably about 60 years, or after WW2. I'm sure that it'll never find itself, it'll more than likely have to adapt and change (Obama). Whether Obama will bring this change, no one knows, I don't. Alex is right, the United States is divided. All those different states, with different chain of commands that (should) follow orders from washington, or the President. What will happen when someone decides not to follow those words on that piece of paper and ink? You really think it'll be that easily covered up, or prevented. Thats what they thought about Adolf Hitler, and Napoleon, Oh! and Julius Caesar etc. What will happen when that "someone" or "something" decides not too.

Well... about the alien races out there, I'm not sure of... Its not something I get into, specificly naming them or describing them. I do believe in life beyond our planet, and I do believe they visit us and one of my beliefs are; we're put here by a race thats watching our us... now, that's just one of my beliefs. I hope that people will wake up, and push for their rights and say that "we" the people are incharge, and that "you" the governments are put there by us to manage, and not to have the right to be "tyrants" over us. The future will tell, and only then... We'll understand, because I believe that, that saviour "we" all hope for... is just something out of a fairy tale, or movies with happy endings. Without history we have no understanding of the future.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Hi...This is all very interesting to me too.

I am one of these "children" (I am in college now), and wish I could go into great detail without scaring people away. There are many of us and I have always been able to "resonate" and spot them out, ever since I was a kid I have "known" but never quite knew how to physically or mentally express it. As I grew up and learned from everything (literally absorb knowledge like a sponge) everything just started "clicking" together.

I will give you a very brief summary of what is happening with these "people." First of all the government knows, and is trying to combat it. One way is through medication for things such as ADD. I Suffer from ADD but it is totally treatable and workable if you have higher intuitive cognition. The reason for this "ADD" and imbalance as a kid is because you are thnking in high abstract levels (someone mentioned dreamlike) and are able to understand very advanced concepts but not quite put them into words. Living up "in the clouds" or with too much energy is common in children because they have no yet learned how to control or express this.

Most indigos (as they call them) are paired with a parent or someone of similar nature to help guide and nourish them. As we are all VERY sensitive (as a kid I was incredibly sensitive) it is actually a very dangerous world as becoming "regressive" and "fallen" is more than possible in this world.Many I know have terrible parents and lose their way..

What the indigo phenomenon really is, is sort of ascended beings or souls descending into earth through actual physical incarnation in order to help the planetary situation. Most indigos don't even know that this is the case until the information comes about their way and sort of just "wake up." Some might never know but are helping the planet in some way.

I will say Alex Collier is right about most things, but not his own personal deductions, but the thins the A's have told him. That is how I know alot of is genuine, because it correlates to alot of the inside information of the lightworkers working behind the surface. The dates do not matter, every day there are regressives and benevolents working behind the scenes, creating new events and sometimes countering/stopping them. Without the help of these people- we would be in serious trouble if not already in a huge psychologically enslaved prison.

It is important to know that most of the factions (there are more than one) of world government are unaware of the truth because they have no spiritual intuition. Spiritual intuition is the key to discerning these higher levels of deception, and these people lack it. When I was a kid I thought it was normal to be as connected or as intuitive as I was, I thought everyone could. I would explain a situation to them and they would go "huh? how do you know you are just assuming things."

There are many layers of deception, and yes it goes way beyond political surface level stuff. It goes into the higher levels of creation and the presence of regressive beings. I cannot tell you the purpose, but I will say that they need the spiritual essence of light beings to survive. This is because (alex coller calls it disconnecting from their essence) they have purposefully disconnected themselves from 12strand higher densities in an attempt to maintain their agenda and lines from incarnating lightworkers. The downside is they are no longer connected to source (alex calls it isness) and as such are "imploding" into themselves from a creational perspective. So they use us, and I'm sure many other planets and beings. Sort of an assimilation of sorts...the end goal probably being to implode creation into itself (which is impossible). This is the higher creator angel that "Fell" from biblical perspective..the regressives are its physical manifestation.

The key is merely waking up

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:47 PM
hi, I just posted some information on the "new children" and what is going on in the world today under anonymous account. Just wanted to say hi, and that I registered after I posted it.

I would like to add a few things.

Many of the things put in foods, vaccines, and in the air, combined with the coding, imagery and sound that goes along with mainstream media are other ways to combat the "children" and the natural 2012 stellar cycle.. Ever noticed how every song now is about money, power and women (sex)? This particular belief system has a very low vibratory state and is the "desperate" attempt to hold onto their system of control.

I am no better than anyone, there is no person more evolved or advanced than you. Every single human being has the potential to ascend, and or become aware. The soul accumulates experience and information, it is almost like a recorder. In the view that "source" is like a perpetual machine, than the spirit is one of is conduits of information and "data." One of the most precious and indestructible forces of creation, a very high form of spiritual technology if you will. Within that exists the potential of infinite nature for every person. We manifest through will and intention.Indigos or these "people" that come to help are merely just born naturally more intuitive and wise but not because they are superior, but because they are an example of what every human being is capable of achieving.

Another thing he is right about is the 10% factor. We need at least that much people to not only become aware, but attempt to spiritually heal themselves of the distortions and DNA fragmentation of the human template. With that many people the earth could of been facilitated into the next density through the help of its inhabitants. But from what I hear it is not happening. The timeline will probably break into two..and implode back into one-who knows. But those of you who are just "waiting" for earth and frequency to ascend do not know what is really happening. Not only are the humans facilitating the suppression, but so are various regressive. There is not enough "space" in the natural shields and templates of earth to accrete the necessary energy to cause the ascension that people think is going to happen.

It is up to the WILL and intention of the people to make it happen.If you really want to believe that we are just random mutations from genetic code (which is true to an extent) and our whole purpose is just to consume, kill, and self-destruct..then believe it. But we are MUCH more capable. Evolutionary wise, what is the reason for art and spirituality? Delusions..? please. To most people this is "flying" over their heads, to me this kind of stuff is not only normal but really quite logical. It is the nature of all our history for things to seem "crazy" until later on it is quite normal, these are the "sparks" that will push forward the new paradigms..and break all of them at the same time. It won't be easy with what is coming and what the world government factions are attempting-but these are interesting times

Before action comes intention, if everyone just focused their intent onto positive change and enlightment..the action will come soon enough. In order for the power structures to fall first consciousness must first shift (the real crisis is consciousness).

Those of you thinking Obama is what we need are completely thinking backwards. Analyze it, we are giving ONE person all our hopes and desires and just letting him do it? We don't deserve freedom. It is in the PEOPLE to change the world, it is the POWER and they KNOW it. You think people that own 80% of world's economy are going to let a president win that is detrimental to their cause? Hell no. In fact his charisma and presence is the most dangerous thing in the world right now, with the laws in place he is already the most powerful president ever.He has ability to convince us to do anything. The system is broken and the PEOPLE need to fix it

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 11:54 PM

Where is Alex Collier now?

He gave a speech at a seminar about six months ago, but apparently he's been mostly out of contact with his aliens for a lot of years.

Here's the video.

Paraphrased from memory, here's the summary:

"Hello. Sorry, I haven't done this in years and I'm out of practice. I used to speak with aliens from Andromeda. There were two of them. One was tall and one was short. I got angry with them for not telling me some things regarding my personal life that I feel they should have told me if they were really my friends. So for about six years I was completely uninvolved with the UFO/aliens community and had no contact with any aliens. I'm mostly over the emotional hurt now, so I hope to be getting involved again in the future, but right now I have no new information since my interview in the 90's, so here are a couple empty platitudes from the new age community. Thank you for listening."

I'm sorry if that's a disappointment, but basically that's all I got from the speech.

On the bright side, it does suggest that he's not the type of person to make things up. That speaks well of his previous material.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by LordBucket

hey there, here is the same video, but a bettter cleaner in sync version:

Google Video Link

Rock on Babylon!


posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 02:14 AM
The original post that couldn't post anonymous.

"Hi...This is all very interesting to me too.

I am one of these "children" (I am in college now), and wish I could go into great detail without scaring people away. There are many of us and I have always been able to "resonate" and spot them out, ever since I was a kid I have "known" but never quite knew how to physically or mentally express it. As I grew up and learned from everything (literally absorb knowledge like a sponge) everything just started "clicking" together.

I will give you a very brief summary of what is happening with these "people." First of all the government knows, and is trying to combat it. One way is through medication for things such as ADD. I Suffer from ADD but it is totally treatable and workable if you have higher intuitive cognition. The reason for this "ADD" and imbalance as a kid is because you are thnking in high abstract levels (someone mentioned dreamlike) and are able to understand very advanced concepts but not quite put them into words. Living up "in the clouds" or with too much energy is common in children because they have no yet learned how to control or express this.

Most indigos (as they call them) are paired with a parent or someone of similar nature to help guide and nourish them. As we are all VERY sensitive (as a kid I was incredibly sensitive) it is actually a very dangerous world as becoming "regressive" and "fallen" is more than possible in this world.Many I know have terrible parents and lose their way..

What the indigo phenomenon really is, is sort of ascended beings or souls descending into earth through actual physical incarnation in order to help the planetary situation. Most indigos don't even know that this is the case until the information comes about their way and sort of just "wake up." Some might never know but are helping the planet in some way.

I will say Alex Collier is right about most things, but not his own personal deductions, but the thins the A's have told him. That is how I know alot of is genuine, because it correlates to alot of the inside information of the lightworkers working behind the surface. The dates do not matter, every day there are regressives and benevolents working behind the scenes, creating new events and sometimes countering/stopping them. Without the help of these people- we would be in serious trouble if not already in a huge psychologically enslaved prison.

It is important to know that most of the factions (there are more than one) of world government are unaware of the truth because they have no spiritual intuition. Spiritual intuition is the key to discerning these higher levels of deception, and these people lack it. When I was a kid I thought it was normal to be as connected or as intuitive as I was, I thought everyone could. I would explain a situation to them and they would go "huh? how do you know you are just assuming things."

There are many layers of deception, and yes it goes way beyond political surface level stuff. It goes into the higher levels of creation and the presence of regressive beings. I cannot tell you the purpose, but I will say that they need the spiritual essence of light beings to survive. This is because (alex coller calls it disconnecting from their essence) they have purposefully disconnected themselves from 12strand higher densities in an attempt to maintain their agenda and lines from incarnating lightworkers. The downside is they are no longer connected to source (alex calls it isness) and as such are "imploding" into themselves from a creational perspective. So they use us, and I'm sure many other planets and beings. Sort of an assimilation of sorts...the end goal probably being to implode creation into itself (which is impossible). This is the higher creator angel that "Fell" from biblical perspective..the regressives are its physical manifestation.

The key is merely waking up"

Peace and love.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:18 PM
Anyone know how to contact Alex Collier? There's no record of him anywhere. No personal website or anything like that.

If anyone knows how to contact him, let me know thanks.


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