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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 12:02 AM
This is interesting.... Ken did not know the Anomalies were there untill Hoagland showed them to him... I can't find a date and original source yet...

Seems to just link me back to Hoagland

KJ: That's correct.

Ken Johnston: Well, I was just explaining about whether or not - I think you were asking us whether we had seen any unusual features in the pictures?

Art Bell: Right!

KJ: And the answer is, yes we did. You have to understand that I had kept these pictures for my own personal self - which were about a thousand pictures, inside of a plastic [album] - where I could flip through them.

Occasionally, someone would show some interest, and I'd flip through them and, you know - good little soldiers, we looked at them and we saw what we were told we were going to see.

But, when Richard and his team came over, and we took a serious look at it, and got out some loops - it was amazing the things that they had seen on some of those eighth to tenth generations that just stood out blatantly right on the pictures that I had.

AB: Alright, a fax: "Please ask Ken" - and I think you just answered it - "if he knew there were artifacts and/or structures or anything anomalous in the photos he possessed, before he met Richard."

KJ: Well, the answer I just gave, is no - I really didn't have a chance to pay that much attention to it. I guess when they came over and we started looking at them, and they started pointing out some of the features - I was taken aback, because here I had them in my possession for - well - eighteen to twenty-some odd years, and really never seriously set out and looked at them.

They were just great pictures of the lunar surface, as well as orbital shots and the astronauts in them. These were men that I'd worked with and knew quite well - when I was one of the consultant test pilots with Grumman on the lunar module.

I never considered that there might be something there that I wasn't told to see.

AB: Hiding in plain sight.

KJ: Absolutely.

Richard Hoagland: Art, this is very important, because a lot of people don't understand. They almost say: "Look Hoagland, if you're right, this stuff should be like New York City. Everybody should have seen it. You can't be right, because all of NASA can't be in on the conspiracy. You have to be 'out to lunch'."

And what Ken has just described, is a crucial piece of information and perspective. We tend to see in life, what we expect to see.

AB: That's right.

RH: And Ken's own experience - which is what I wanted him to relate to the National Press Corps this morning - is of an honest guy, doing a job; that was an eighteen to twenty hours-a-day, demanding, "Chinese-fire-drill" - of getting astronauts to and from the Moon, safely - as rapidly, rapid-fire "bang! bang! bang!" as possible.

Nobody had time, in the system, to look at and question details and photographs, when the official interpreters were telling them: "This is what you're seeing."

[edit on 13-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 02:23 AM
For Capt. Lear:

I'm sorry I do not know how to 'grab' text and post it in my 'posts'.

Just to respond to YOUR response a few pages back (I took some notes)---It has never been my intention to be confrontational. I am inquisitive, keeping an open mind. Seems it's easy to talk, but not to write...meaning, I write the way I would talk, but the intent isn't conveyed the way it's, well, intended sometimes.

As I mentioned, I only dip in to these forae(?) now and then. At first, I was astonished at some of the claims, and reacted with emotion. Now, I will simply read, learn, and use my own judgement.

To answer (a few) of your questions posed: Yes, I have at least 20,000 hrs. I wrote 23,000 at one point (you remembered!) because I really stopped counting after the 20K mark. (maybe 20,001, maybe 22,999?) Really, after about 10,000 we're pretty accomplished, dontcha think? I mean, it's not about who has what, your credentials are well documented.

NO, I do not know my hours 'to the minute', I'm not that worried about it, just had to remember what to approximate on the Medical App every six months. As to naming a POI? I was just a line pilot for a major 121 carrier, never in Management. If I had been in Mgmnt, then I guess I'd have a name to give you. Of course, my Initial Capt Upgrade had a Fed on the jumpseat, but that was so long ago I cannot recall his name.

Sorry I hit a nerve re: the marriage issue --- I congratulate you on your 38 years together, it is, to my experience, a rarity in the Airline environment and no doubt a tribute to you and your wonderful spouse.

Lastly, I had actually forgotten this was a 'conspiracy' forum as I was reading thru the posts. I was attracted to this 'thread' because of the word "disclosure". So, I simply mentioned my Union's benefits as a tribute to the great things that ALPA has done to assist airline pilots.

Again, Capt. Lear, I believe in rational discourse even if I may not be able to express myself properly in type. I am very interested in these discussions on ATS since, as you may have seen, I HAVE read the book by Col. Phillip Corso titled 'Beyond Roswell' and I do "crawl" the web now and then to keep abreast of the latest information.

I just noticed I wrote 'Lastly' and then 'Again'...instead of editing, I'll stet.

Final thing I wanted to mention, since I'm writing this on 12 Nov 2007 is the news today from the National Press Club. Is it possible that Full Disclosure will finally occur, or are we going to be lied to forever?

ps...Scenic? I left LAS in early 1980. All we flew then were the 402 and 404. There was one old 401 for a while. Oh, and we had the 402s that had the Allison TurboProp conversion, maybe there were two or three of them? I can't remember, I've moved on... My guess is, when I left in 1980, I was about number 4 or 5, this out of only a couple dozen or so pilots. I was young and anxious to get to the Big Leaugues! I hear they fly Twin Otters now, or did a few years ago. No more chasing wild horses on the plateau, or turns over the HavaSupai falls! Ah, the folly of youth...

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 02:25 AM
BTW, Capt the Canyon Air-to-Air freq still 131.2? It's either that, or it was Dispatch...

Thanks for jogging an old man's memory!!


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem...but I have no idea what headlights you are talking about.

Incidents on the information highway...doesn't matter, I was just trying to be clever

And yes, no disclosure, that was pretty much a certainty.

There are other certainties too, I won't go into them here, maybe later on.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Matyas
Incidents on the information highway...doesn't matter, I was just trying to be clever

Well I got that part
just wanted to register that so far there wasn't anything scary on that particular roadway

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Matyas
And yes, no disclosure, that was pretty much a certainty.

Its interesting that Hoagland picked the week before the CNNN release, and both at the National Press Conference...

Here is the CNN Larry King show on Friday Nov 9 2007

Maybe but the triangle seen by the Senator and the touching of a parked one were interesting...

But many missed the important part...

Usually when Mainstream does the UFO topic you will get one "for" person who is usually nervous and made to look a nut case and they have expert debunkers who generally have PhD's or something to tell the poor rube why he is wrong...

THIS time the UFO dudes were the calm and collected with Titles type and the one skeptic was made to look the fool... Listen to the way Larry King made the last comment before cutting the skeptic short something like " So these guys are lying? yeah Right.

Watch the body language especially the Skeptic... man that guy was SQUIRMING... I bet there was a wet spot on his chair

So the point is that this time it was a very well done and positive report and look at the votes 82$ of those who did the pole believe.

This is BIG though it may not seem important to many... Its already trickling through main stream media. The trick is to keep the fire fanned

Here is the google video of the Larry King show for those who missed it. When I find the conference I will post it

Google Video Link

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:37 PM
Originally posted by weedwhacker

Final thing I wanted to mention, since I'm writing this on 12 Nov 2007 is the news today from the National Press Club. Is it possible that Full Disclosure will finally occur, or are we going to be lied to forever?

Thanks for the post. Neither full disclosure nor partial disclosure nor mini disclosure nor semi disclosure nor quarterly disclosure nor disclosure of any kind will happen in my lifetime or your liftime.

But let me make myself perfectly clear. There will be no disclosure; meaning no information about extraterrestrials or their vehicles or whereabouts or homeland or anything about them of any kind by the U.S. Government to the public.

For those who anxiously wait for the President, flanked by his Cabinet and Joint Chiefs to disclose things even he doesn't know anything about is a fiction about as likely to happen as an announcement that we have been on the moon since the early 1960's.

But in case I haven't made myself clear there will be no disclosure to the public by any high ranking military or other government official anytime in the next hundred years.

Now. If there is some kind of annoucement about extraterrestrials you can be sure that it will be something to the effect that we are about to get attacked and the government needs YOUR help by climbing into this railroad car and forking over any weapons you might have for YOUR protection. The government will use the threat of an attack by aliens to get you to do whatever it is they want you to do.

The threat will not be real but the visual effets they will use will be very impressive, much better than 911.

ps...Scenic? I left LAS in early 1980. All we flew then were the 402 and 404. There was one old 401 for a while. Oh, and we had the 402s that had the Allison TurboProp conversion, maybe there were two or three of them? I can't remember, I've moved on... My guess is, when I left in 1980, I was about number 4 or 5, this out of only a couple dozen or so pilots.

Thats interesting. I was hired May 1, 1979 and my seniority number was 193.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 09:34 PM
Thanks Capt. Lear...

It's disappointing to think that we will never know the full truth. I've been postulating a notion, maybe I'm paranoid, but if a Democrat wins the general election in November 2008 I kinda expect Bush to declare martial law on some pretext. How likely is that, and what would be our recourse?

As to Scenic Airlines, I am really confused. I was hired in 1978, flew the Cessna 402 and Cessna 404, and of course the Allison conversions. I remember my check pilot's first name at Scenic, he was Tim. I left Scenic in 1980 to Golden Gate in Monterey CA. Flew the Swearingen there. They went BK in 1981 and I ended up in PSP with Sun Aire from 1982 until 1984.

JL, if you were there in 1979, then we crossed paths. Do you remember the blond guy that flew the Trimotor? The only other pilot's name I can remember was Capt. Walker, he went to Alaska Airlines, he's retired by now. All of my logbooks are in storage -- I'll look thru them and refresh my memory. Did we really have that many pilots at Scenic? Almost 200? Wow. How long did you stay at Scenic? Long enough until they got the Twin Otters? (Remember the rainbow paintjob on the Cessna rudders?). I used to get a kick out of the 8-track cassette tapes we used to narrate the tours. Of course I'd fly to coincide with the English, but I'd watch the Japanese pax being out of sync sometimes. The best part of flying for Scenic was we were able to go down below the more.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 09:52 PM
Originally posted by weedwhacker

JL, if you were there in 1979, then we crossed paths. Do you remember the blond guy that flew the Trimotor?

There was only me, Jim Helfrich, Doug Buchanan and Hoot Gibson (the guy who rolled the TWA 727 over Detroit.)

How long did you stay at Scenic? Long enough until they got the Twin Otters?

As I said in my first post I only flew the Tri-Motor Ford part time. I was flying Hilton Hotels Hawker 700 and the North American OV-10 for Dynalectron at the test site also.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 09:59 PM
WAIT A MINUTE! JL, I remember Hoot!! Are you telling me, I cannot believe I never made the connection...I never really knew Hoot's last name when I was at Scenic. He's THE Hoot Gibson of TWA fame? Wow!

Starting to make sense, Hoot was, well...a HOOT! I always loved his sense of humor. But, I think I would have remembered your name, it's kinda famous...but, I was young and stupid I guess.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:03 PM
OK, JL...after my initial astonishment I read the rest of your answer. So, even though you were hired at Scenic on 1 May 1979 you were in the upper echelon most of the time? I mean, on the Ford and your other activities? I was just a kid, fresh from being a flight instructor, in my first 'real' fling job. All I could dream about, then, was getting to a major carrier.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 10:04 PM
Sorry everyone, this is of topic, should be U2U. Apologies.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 12:40 AM
Capt Lear,

(sorry everyone, I just have to post this)...

The blonde guy, the short blonde hair that I thought was a 'hoot' WAS NOT Hoot Gibson....his name was Hank.

I started to sleep and I remembered, 'Hoot' Gibson of TWA fame was short and stocky, not anything like the man I remember as 'Hank', who was lanky and blonde, and he flew the Tri-Motor...

Sorry, JL, and to all...a good night...

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 01:08 AM

Neither full disclosure nor partial disclosure nor mini disclosure nor semi disclosure nor quarterly disclosure nor disclosure of any kind will happen in my lifetime or your liftime.

Now that is a disclosure.....

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by SpaceMax you mean we'll NEVER know the truth?

We have the right to know the truth! Dammit!


(ps) This may sound weak, but I really want to know the truth. I can handle it....

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
(ps) This may sound weak, but I really want to know the truth. I can handle it....

Can you?

Okay so how do you handle Reptilians wearing high ranking military uniforms in our armed forces that look like us accept for the eyes?

[edit on 15-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Can you?

Okay so how do you handle Reptilians wearing high ranking military uniforms in our armed forces that look like us accept for the eyes?

I've always thought they didn't wear clothes.

Regardless, at least 90% of people would have a heart attack if they came face to face with a reptilian(me included).

So you're right, I don't believe people can handle it.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Well, Zorgon...I can accept the eyes...even while I can expect you meant to write the word except...

Reptilians in military uniforms? Well, if Bush Jr. on the deck of the aircraft carrier is any indication, I've seen it already.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Follow-up to Zorgon...wasn't there a Science Fiction series on TV in the 80's that postulated an invasion by reptilians? Didn't scare me much, seemed the humans always won.

Even IF a reptilian is wearing a 'high-ranking' military uniform, whose uniform is it? If it was the SS, yes I'd be frightened. If it's NATO, or UN, then what's the problem?

Besides, I hear there are many species, not just reptilians. Care to enlighten us?

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Well, Zorgon...I can accept the eyes...even while I can expect you meant to write the word except...
Reptilians in military uniforms? Well, if Bush Jr. on the deck of the aircraft carrier is any indication, I've seen it already.

Well I can see you still insist on using kindergarten reasoning and take nothing seriously.... yet you claim to want to learn...

With smart ass responses like yours have you ever wondered why those that do have the answers don't come forward?

I know in your mind its because there is nothing going on...

Keep on believing that

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