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NEEDED: everyones theories, beliefs, facts on the here

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by smartie
seventhunders wrote

Daniel predicted the exact configuration of world powers from his day until the present. Isaiah predicted the mission of Christ, and how he'd be received in Isaiah 53, and Ezekiel predicted the rebirth of Israel. All have come true. Even Revelations and the mark of the beast is coming true right before your eyes with the advent of bio-chip implants. Ignore the truth of the Bible at your peril.

Oh really....

Religion is for sheep, follow if it is your want, I prefer to think for myself.

Suit yourself. No one is making you believe. In fact unless the creator draws you to him, you can't help but to follow the god of this world, the devil. Either you are for Jesus or against Him. Either you are destined for eternity with Jesus or for an eternity in the flames of hell. There is no middle ground.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by SevenThunders]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by THEGodSend
reply to post by Freenrgy2

You are from the Devil. Get thee hence!

Wow. Im sorry, but you in NO WAY represent God or Christians. You represent your own self righteous religion. You are not only non-loving towards are being incredibly self righteous and condescending. No wonder so many people want nothing to do with the God that Christians follow.

It is attitudes like you are portraying here that keeps me from EVER walking foot into a church again....and im sure its keeping many others away too

[edit on 2-11-2007 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by THEGodSend

check out my avatar
and get your head out of your my ass
i dont like ass kisser

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:08 PM
I get it now. Jesus fixed Judaism(sorry?) by making it true to humanitarianism, but if you let too many people give that much input you will end up with societal laws mixed in all over again. That’s what happened to Islam. They let too many people hold the same merit, so there are some political messages thrown back in.

Jesus came along and cleared it all up. We can’t look at him as just a man, because it risks the danger of holding other men’s words as high. It is a conspiracy and that’s why, to not let future people speak for God. That’s at least good intent, just imagine if Manson got a page in the Bible.

That makes sense. They are afraid of Christianity in the middle east because they don’t disagree with it completely, but they see the lie and it comes from America. It is a pretty complacent sounding religion and it comes from a place that can seem pretty dumb if you only watched our media and we could appear to have every reason to want them to be complacent. We do very much depend on their resources. People are afraid of complacency, it is kind of the evolution of religion. It evolves with the culture. Christianity is not right for the middle east, not at this time at least. They have a lot of reasons to be un content over there, non complacent. A culture needs to evolve before its religion can.

The violence in their religions comes from the instability of the region. There is no war in America so we can chill out and be Christian, we have our rights seemingly secured and in line with Christ. They are still trying to establish true freedom in the middle east and the terrorist leaders play on the fact that Christianity wants them to be complacent. That’s why Judaism and Islam promote violence. Their nation’s powers are in a fight and someone needs to win. It’s like if the American civil war never ended.

They point to the way America seems to use them as pawns, and they tell their people we want to use Christianity to make them our slaves. So they get all crazy and start blowing stuff up. That’s why they think of themselves as ‘patriots’ or ‘freedom fighters‘. Because they are slaves to a system. I think unfortunately a lot of them are just told every thing they know and their freedom fights get manipulated and misguided by the very people who should be their targets.

Wow, that’s why we are in the middle east. Maybe Bush is not crazy or stupid or evil. We got attacked because they are fighting for democracy and when they don’t get it, it’s easy for them to point their fingers at America, for whatever reason. We are involved trying to democratize them, which is what they want, but we happen to make a pretty easy ‘bad guy’ over there.

The ones breeding the terrorists are the oil tycoons like Bin Laden, and maybe even dictators like Sadam and the Iranian guy. The terrorists themselves are the ones who want freedom and democracy, but are being manipulated into fighting against it because it‘s keepers are their leaders. Bush is not dumb or evil. His answer to fighting terrorism is just very direct. He plans to forcefully install freedom to stop the terrorism. That’s actually a pretty noble plan. But this cannot be done right without talks so I don’t know what he’s thinking there. Maybe it’s a good idea in the wrong hands. Barrack Obama’s ideas seem to fit nicely as a fix in that scenario…

That might be way off topic so sorry OP, but I just cleared up my confusion, which was why people wont agree on one religion. Their countries aren’t stable enough for Christianity and wars always preach their violence. I guess that kind of answers the OP’s question about the violence though.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by THEGodSend

My only problem with your arguments is that you seem to think everyone who isn’t ‘Christian’ seems to lack true spiritual awakening and use that logic to discredit theirs. Just because someone sees through the falsities in a religion, or differs in opinion from it, doesn’t mean they disagree with it’s principal or purpose. It doesn’t mean they don’t get it. It just means they wish it was presented in a less ancient and cryptic manner. One that was obviously not trying to deceive. We are just much more knowledgeable on the ‘natural’ than the Romans were. It doesn’t make Jesus wrong. It is just a pretty big message and it’s so wrong or metaphoric about certain things like creation that people just can’t trust it with everything they know today. A good chunk of it is inaccurate, narrow minded history.

That’s a short, funny example of what I mean. It just needs a revision, and it wont happen if everyone just blindly agrees with it. It’s becoming increasingly counter productive and if it doesn’t change it will get weeded out completely, and no one wants that. Everyone needs to be a little less self righteous when there are seemingly obvious flaws in all their religions.

But you're still smart, you did help me figure out that whole middle east thing. Just don’t hang on quotes so much, it makes you look toolish. You are meant to interpret the things you read, and if you are indeed capable of it you should write your interpretation. Don’t just repeat things or refer people to quotes because, as I’m sure you notice, some people really can’t interpret them and they need you to do it for them.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:46 PM
Visit our sites: Light of Life and One Truth

[edit on 2-11-2007 by ReginaAdonna]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:14 PM
Oh my. I was taught by nuns for 13 yrs if you count kindergarten and I can tell you some of the highlights I kept from that experience.
All of this came from the mouths of Dominican nuns.

The OT is our history. It was the law of the land before Jesus came along.

When it is all said and done and we are judged , we will be judged for what we did not do more so than for what we did.

That an argument could be made that hell is here on earth. If you look in the Bible it describes hell as a place where all you want to do is see God. To be with God. Well a lot of people on this planet whether looking for their faith or trying to understand others, are trying to see God so to speak. But you can't get there from here.

I could go on but I'll stop there.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:17 PM
Oh my. I was taught by nuns for 13 yrs if you count kindergarten and I can tell you some of the highlights I kept from that experience.
All of this came from the mouths of Dominican nuns.

The OT is our history. It was the law of the land before Jesus came along.

When it is all said and done and we are judged , we will be judged for what we did not do more so than for what we did.

That an argument could be made that hell is here on earth. If you look in the Bible it describes hell as a place where all you want to do is see God. To be with God. Well a lot of people on this planet whether looking for their faith or trying to understand others, are trying to see God so to speak. But you can't get there from here.

I could go on but I'll stop there.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by THEGodSend

If my questions are silly and dumb, why can't you answer them? It looks as though you began this battle of wits ill-prepared. I posted in response to the OP. It appears that this thread has been hijacked.

If and when you find the answers to my questions, come seek me out. I would be happy to discuss them with you. Until then have a nice day.

Oh, one more question before i go. What if you're wrong?

[edit on 2-11-2007 by assassini]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by THEGodSend

It's pretty good advice really. To add to this I'd recommend getting yourself a Bible, start with the new Testament and add perhaps a good commentary. A pretty good one is actually a transcript of an older radio show by J Vernon McGee.

You can get some of his messages here

J Vernon McGee

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 01:05 AM
Hello All,
I'm glad this thread has up. While I haven't yet read all the responses I did want to specifically discuss homosexuality and the Book of Leviticus specifically.

Of the whole of the Old Testament , only two verses ( out of thousands) make any kind of reference to homosexual acts. Those are Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13. Both of these verses come from the Levitical holiness codes, which, if you think about it, are no longer kept by the Christian Church. When was the last time you enjoyed a plate of shrimp scampy or wore a shirt made from a polyblend frabric? It is safe to say that were these laws enforced, nearly every Christian would be either stoned to death or banished.

Fortunately, our scientific progress has made most, if not all of these laws irrelevant. Tim LaHaye stated in his book "The Act of Marriage" that, although Levitical laws prohibit intercourse during menstruation, medical authorities do not view it as harmful, and, therefore, it should not be viewed as sinful. He went on to expound , that because those laws were in place because it would be 3,500 years before the conveniences of showers and baths, tampons, disinfectants and other sanitation had been invented. Having drawn this conclusion he nullifies those laws, and that's a good thing. Unfortunately, in another book that he wrote on homosexuality he usues the very same Levitical laws to bolster his anti-homoseuxal argument.

Much of the holiness code is now irrelevant for us as moral law. Thus, having children, which was of exceptional importance to the early Hebrews, is now made less relevant by overpopulation, just as the prohibition against eating pork and shellfish has been made irrelevant by refrigeration.

People often forget that the Bible, while never addressing the issue of homosexual love, does include several examples of same-sex love. David's love for Jonathan was said to exceed his love for women. (2 Samuel 1:26) Ruth's relationship with Naomi is an example of a deep, bonding love, and Ruth’s words of covenant to Naomi are often used in heterosexual wedding ceremonies. (Ruth 1:16-17) The Bible clearly values love between persons of the same sex.

Most importantly, the Gospels of the New Testament imply in at least one place that Jesus' attitude toward homosexuals would not have been hostile. It is found in the story of Jesus healing the Centurion's servant. (Matthew 8:5-13) The word used for the servant is “pais,” which in the Greek culture referred to a younger lover of an older, more powerful or educated man. Clearly, the story demonstrates an unusually intense love, and Jesus' response was wholly positive.

What I think is really sad is that the bible, on the whole, talks about the evils of hatered, greed etc. far more than homosexuality and yet Christians choose to dwell on it far more than than the very sins it is known that he preached agianst. He was, in many ways, a changer of social customs and mores. He elevated the position of women and in turn, they became some of his most ardant followers. He championed the cause of the poor and the in turn, the rights of all people. Yet Christians, in His Name, denigrate the poor, downtroden, women and homosexual.

It is obvious that his most obvious message was LOVE. Christians would do well to remember that.


[edit on 3/11/07 by WickedStar]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by time4chg07

I'm quite interested in the Bible myself, although I haven't read it right through.

I'm told that it is a collection of texts from different sources. Although the Bible refers to events which took place thousands of years ago, the oldest actual texts upon which all modern bible related writings depend are much more recent.

Many people reading the King James Version of the Bible are taken by it's majestic literary style and readily believe it to be the word of God as a consequence. Many don't realize that it was put together by a translation committee that imposed a style on it.

I'm not speaking from experience here, but I believe a reading of the original Bible texts in their original languages might reveal more stylistic variation and might raise doubts about the inspiration for the texts.

Whatever you may think of the Bible, there is no denying it's importance in world culture.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:12 AM
i am not religious nor do i beleive in a god or higher power.

i do beleive that by being an honest and good person is whats most important.
if there is such a god + heaven, and ive either failed to beleive altogether or have beleived in a different god or religion if i arrive he should accept me anyway for being a good person in life. it shouldnt matter who/what/how i worship.
isnt that more important than who/what i worship, or how many times in my life i attend church on sunday, or how much i put in the collection plate?

maybe im wrong, but isnt there something like "thy body is thy temple"? so why do we need to worship a chunk of stone carved into the shape of some imaginary person?

"do onto others" is about the only part of the bible i accept, other than that theres been too many contradictions, wars, hate etc over religion for most of what it preaches though.

as for gays, i tend to think if they love each other and are good to other people then that is all that matters in life, isnt it better to love than to hate?

if religion is all good and wholesome then it should be accepting of other peoples beliefs or gods and not condemn them because they accept a different god than you.

one thing my parents taught me (and they arent religious either) is that you should aim to be a better person than your parents were, so if your parents were good people you should try be even better (and not worse)

if everyone lived by that simple principle there would be no hate or bigots, no need for worship/religion, no military and probably no need to be policed.
we would all want to become better as a person, and as a whole civilisation we would evolve + strive to be better.

[edit on 3/11/07 by Obliv_au]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:26 AM
Nowhere is there commanded to pray to Jesus. Mother Mary is and has been happily living in Heaven, without a care for this earth, for the past 1900+ years. The Charismatic worship of the Holy Ghost, good as it might seem, is actually blasphemous towards God the Father.

The Roman Catholics are merely rebranded Roman Empire. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."(Hosea 4:6) yet the Charismatics oppose the searching of Scripture, as done by Fundamentalists, to prove or disprove what is claimed to be the Word from the Holy Ghost (Acts 17:10-12).

It is no wonder that Christianity is rejected by those in it; how much less could anybody from the outside find the Truth, while those who have it reject it for their own machinations and fables?(2 Timothy 4:3-4)

I used to be a christian; a church-goer. Then I went into Charisma-teachings. Once in there, being rebuked for being sincere instead of normal, I left for atheism. There I left into self-proclaimed satanism. I hated anything and everything, the closer it seemed to God the more I hated it.

I grew up with a preacher for a dad and an ex-missionary for a mom. And even though I despised them for their faith, as I did drugs and drink and Rave and Metal, they never left me when I needed them.

Those were true Christians, not the make-believers who "stand on every promise of God", yet read Deuteronomy 28 only up to verse 14; they taught me very clearly, from a very young age, that God expects to be all.

Modern-day Christianity is infested and infected with witchcraft of all sorts, divination, familiar spiritism, logic schooling, harlotry (a girl was quite shocked to hear she had to divorce her husband, because God apparently has another man for her - of course, it was this other guy, who "had to" give the mess-age; compare to Matthew 19:1-9 and Mark 10:1-12). (Oh, and He mentions nothing about souls or spirits there AT ALL).

Christianity Today is merely playing with demons and hoping to gamble your way into Heaven by going to church enough and/or doing enough good.

I confess, no man or woman can keep God's Commandments completely; but neither has His Law changed. Homosexuals and gamblers and whoremongers still do not enter Heaven. But instead of having them executed on the spot, Jesus wishes that all should come to repentance; wherefore He commanded His disciples to go and make disciples, baptize them and teach them. Nobody is born a Christian. Each makes his or her own decision to become one. Your parents can merely direct you there or away from it during your childhood: the choice is yours.

Little ones, who have not been baptized, yet die as babies or are aborted, go to Heaven, I believe. Abortion is instated in the world, for the Prince of this World, the Spirit of Air, satan, demands a newborn or an unborn as its highest sacrifice for the highest power. But those kiddies never made any decisions for or against God. and as Jesus said: "Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come onto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven".(Matthew 19:14). God is Love and God is Justice: His Love sent His Son to call mankind to repentance; His Justice needs to punish those who refuse Jesus' Offering on the Cross, and also takes the unborn and newborn, who never made any choices, to be with Him.

I have not been through much; but I have been through, and I have seen, a lot. God's Grace never let me go, even when I let go of Him.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by captainplanet

Interesting. Captain Planet and the Planeteers is said to be the slickest, most socially acceptable advertisement for the New Age ever. As you prove.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by seejanerun

Every biblical reference to the place of Eternal Punishment, Hell, and thereafter the Lake of fire... well, every verse I read on that, describes a place burning with fire and in many cases, with never-dying worms eating through the flesh which shall also never die. So the body burns, but never burns up; the flesh is eaten, but never devoured. And the thirst is also never ending, for there is no water.

Get out of the Dominican teachings. God's Word is easy enough to understand as it is; the Holy Ghost clarifies what one cannot understand, if you ask Him. And Mother Mary is dead. Roughly 1900 years by now. John 14:6 :"I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." These words were spoken by Jesus Christ. The RCC ascribes them to Mary. Ever wondered why?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by J.Smit

Yes, the name is humorously relevant to things that make sense to me. There are metaphors everywhere. I made it to post in a thread about ancient theories on aether and the elements and how they might relate to modern science. I then put that together with what I know about religion to try and define God. I’ve since found out that my theory fits perfectly with some Maya Calendar 2012 videos. Specifically Ian Xel Lungold’s ideas.

semi-scientific explanation for 5 elements?:

I present you, God:

3 hour speech by Ian Xel Lungold:

Part 1:

Part 2:

35 minute summary on the Mayan Calender(for the short attention span):

It’s all actually pretty interesting if you are curious. I’m just coming to find it myself. What is it exactly that I am advertising?

[edit on 3-11-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 04:49 AM
Just saw this on some Atheistic website.

"They said God was on high and he controlled the world and therefore we must pray against Satan. Well, if God controls the world, he controls Satan. For me, religion was full of misstatements and reaches of logic that I just couldn't agree with."

Gene Roddenberry

He was the guy who originally wrote Star Trek, am I correct?

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by captainplanet

Thanks, my attention span is actually... what is the topic?

The part concerning the Mayan Calendar is something that I actually heard first in a Charismatic mention. Apparently, in 2012 Mankind is to "transcend to the next dimension" and all of the "Non-believers" (those who refuse to blindly accept the lies from Joyner, Hinn, Duplantis, Copeland, Branham et. al.) are going to be executed on order from God.

Science says it has all the answers. Well, then there is proof: how shall they prove that the earth is not only 6000 years old? How do they prove that Adam is fantasy and not really the first man, made from clay and breathed into?

I know the difference between answered prayers and coincidence; a rain storm stopping abruptly, might be coincidence. To have it stopped for the same amount of time I need to finish my job and get home, then have the rain continue?

As for what the Planeteers and their Captain advertise?

1. Gaia. Yes, Gaia. Mother Earth. As is worshiped in Earth-religions. And Wicca.

2. "By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet." this has two sub-sections:

2.1 : "Your power" -this seems to indicate the power of Magick. In this case, Elemental Magic.

2.2 : The Captain comes only into being when the powers are combined; this is the same as a summoning spell to summon your protector.

3. Gaia is one name of the Wiccan mother goddess. She is mostly alone, but at some times her consort comes to aid her. Note that The Captain always goes to Gaia to aid her; she does not go to aid him.

Those two seem a lot like the Lord and the Lady.

But of course, the New Age is back underground, with Wicca and Eastern Religions doing the work to pave the way towards a New World Order.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by J.Smit

I think maybe you should read the things I post before you try to mock me.

Your right, religion is bull.

Your right, science doesn’t have all the answers.

I don’t know why you have to label me with ‘new age’ like I’m ’advertising’ some religious belief. I’m simply searching for the truth. What is it you are doing? Going around making irrelevant, uninformed posts? See how far you get with “it’s all a load of crap".

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