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FoxNews Anchors Spread Fears Of Al Qaeda Link To California Fires

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posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:07 PM
If a terrorist under interrogation admits that setting fires was part of their agenda, why would it not be right to report it?

I know FOX News intimidates alot of people. It must be hard having to decipher different points of view. I guess some people like being told what to think without discussion.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
I guess some people like being told what to think without discussion.

Can I quote you on that? Oops, already did.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:46 PM
I still think of the pyroman fireman's theory in case of fire.
It's a nearly proven theory, sad but true.

We'll see in coming weeks anyways

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by marg6043
Adopt him? Slap him upside the head would be more proper

Marg, i guess we can let him live now.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by BitRaiser

Thank god, he was just joking I was ready to offer my services and adopt him.

He is one of the enlighten ones

Ah... just to be clear... I don't think he was joking.
I was just being an ass.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by starviego

Channel 10 late evening news, Wednesday night...Apparently a small contingent of firefighters from NSW and a few "experts" were at the ready to fly out ...

I don't know if it ended up happening or not...


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:20 AM

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

I saw on CNN yesterday that a fire fighter may be a suspect with no mention of Al-Qida.
Since I lived in Southern California for quite a long time, they have enough "fire starters" without "Al-Qida" being involved.
FOX News never lets up, do they?

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by twitchy

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by jsobecky

Wierd cooincidence, was at the exact moment I read that, just thinking about who was going to be next boogey man to justify the domestic agenda in this war on nouns.

Six more bodies were found in the fire's aftermath yesterday, and authorities are looking for at least 5 more arsonists.

Sounds like the arson might have been a concerted effort. But you go on singing the "domestic agenda" song that you've been taught. That's your right to be single-sighted, if you wish.

I wonder what boogeymen the victims were thinking of as their lives were being burned out?

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by venom79x

Originally posted by venom79x
I'm saying that the jump from natural to arson to supposed terrorism seemed to happen pretty quickly. I understand it would be a stretch to start 14 fires of that size naturally.

So, what is the difference between an arsonist and a terrorist? When does arson cease to be a simple crime and cross into the definition of being an act of terror?

Some here are implying that terrorist=al Qaeda. Well, that's being a bit myopic, imo.

Originally posted by venom79x
It is no surprise at all that it was arson. The lamest part of the reporting of the incident was the fact that Fox planted the question to begin with.

Actually, the Fox reporting is one of the few reports that has some basis in fact.

Originally posted by venom79x
Oh wait, there's more. I'm watching Glenn Beck right now, and the screen says "Eco-Terror Threat" in large letters across the screen. So CNN is addressing the issue as well. He says it would be more likely to be caused by ALF or ELF groups operating here in the US. (first I've heard of them, but they are describing them as Eco-terrorist groups)

They are quite well-known, esp. ELF. I'm surprised you haven't heard of them. Google them up for more info.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:10 AM
I just registered to share my thoughts on the fires as I have lived through the ashes in Orange County and seen the San Diego blazes. (I also have insider information from officer friends)

From what I've gathered there is a legitimate question of terrorism. I read the 2003 memo not even knowing fox ever reported it after doing some googling the day of the San Diego and Malibu fires alone (when there was only 3 fires).

I felt an eery feeling then that arson was involved.

Well here is the secondary part of what you may not know which I found that same day on

Basically over the last few months there have been many incidents of mysterious individuals documenting fire stations tactics/layouts etc. I find this very strange given what just occurred.

On the flip side of all of this, there is another very strange story going on that has deeply intrigued me.

One of the first San Diego fires was in the small Town of Potrero where the very first death occurred. Oddly enough this was recently a heated town politically, based upon a recall effort against the city council the town had begun to initiate because Blackwater was trying to establish Blackwater West in their city!!

I am entertaining the thought, which is questionably plausible (which the author of the site states) that Blackwater may have ended the Recall effort themselves by torching the town. Check it out at least.

The news has also neglected to show that there has been looting going on up in Lake Arrowhead (i heard this from a police officer friend)

My final thought is this: I constantly question whether terrorism is real, or even a threat. Hell it could even be a threat and not be real (a tool behind closed doors), used as a tool by those who want to force us to shrink our constitutional powers by surrendering more protections for emergency relief.

But, if it were real I have the grave concern that the lower half of my state (including where I live) may be a huge plot to cattle drive us all into a small area. (I know that all the evacuees have come up by me, every hotel within 50 miles is over occupancy) Once we're all gathered in one spot, the real activity occurs.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by KingKruiser

You are very welcome to join us here on ATS my friend. Thank you for your excellent contribution to this thread. New information from people on the scene with connections is JUST what ATS people hope for.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI
reply to post by KingKruiser

You are very welcome to join us here on ATS my friend. Thank you for your excellent contribution to this thread. New information from people on the scene with connections is JUST what ATS people hope for.

Thanks!! I've been enthralled with this issue for the past few days.

I forgot to add two other tidbits.

#1: My mom's coworker's boyfriend (hahah) is a marine at camp Pendleton and she told my mom a day before there were any fires at the base that in 2006 three Iraqi's had been escorted off the base when they were found to have been recording key structures etc. with a GPS device.

She told her if fires broke out at Pendleton then be concerned. (I'm pretty much waiting, I have a feeling the media is really holding back. This may be exactly why Bush came out too- Did anyone else also notice how he kept joking around and laughing and stuff before giving his big speech in front of evacuees and people who lost their homes? So rude)

#2: Get water, get a full tank of gas, get food etc. I went out the 3rd day and did just that. It really hit me when I was standing in Ralph's and the store manager said- "I just can't keep the water on the shelves" Thank God the trucks can still come, because if they weren't we'd run out very quickly"

At least in California, because of our dense population, we can't store water or food at or by our grocery stores. The volume is way too high so we rely on sophisticated truck networks. Well one disaster and that's done! I was pretty sure the fires would keep the 5 cut off etc and panic would set in.


Has anyone else been curious why the FBI and ATF came out to investigate the fires when the Federal government already has its own arm

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by KingKruiser

From what I've gathered there is a legitimate question of terrorism.

My final thought is this: I constantly question whether terrorism is real, or even a threat. Hell it could even be a threat and not be real (a tool behind closed doors), used as a tool by those who want to force us to shrink our constitutional powers by surrendering more protections for emergency relief.

here's a one month old article having to do with domestic terrorism & / or two factions 'AQ' and The Muslim Brotherhood
(which may indeed have splinter cells or even groups who are more demonstrative to action ~ like the DC snipers campaign was)

Perhaps the administration and Intel, Dept of Homeland Security,
are not fanning the flames of fear, perhaps they're only trickling out
the breadth & depth of homeland terrorists/saboteurs so the public won't break into a panic situation !, eh?

after reading this report, I really believe that covert terrorism will be like turning up the heat on the frog in the pot.
A spectacular catastrophe will just galvanize the public,
but a continual series of 'judgements from god' events would cause the public
to openly revoke the war on terror & the war on Muslims/Islam

(this report too, can be labeled Fear-Mongering....
or it may be the truth dribbling out, and have the people wake-up & smell the coffee... as an answer to your quoted rhetorical sentences on the validity of terror))


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by tyranny22

So, I suppose you are advocating the so-called "Libertarian" Party. The Libertarian party is a front for Corporate Anarchy which includes social anarchy as the bait.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:58 PM
I am not surprised that fox news is misleading the people again just as they did in the opening stages of the Iraq occupation

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

latest news i saw on worldnetdaily was that 4 are in custody for arson and one was shot dead trying to escape-----them trying to murder others by their actions should all die-----and if any of them or others they track down turn out to be from iran or close by? guess what happens shortly after this mess is sorted out ?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:23 PM
Live coverage, whether by cable news (CNN, Fox News, etc.) or a local channel leads to "dead air time" (when the anchors run out of facts or other intelligent things to say) that has to be filled to speculation, since most anchors are ignorant of most of the topics they cover.

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