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FoxNews Anchors Spread Fears Of Al Qaeda Link To California Fires

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posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:08 AM
Funny how so many people bash FOX News because it differs in views from CNN and MSNBC. So anything Right of Left must be lies then? Just goes to show the level of ignorance.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:35 AM
haha how stupid is this whats next GW Bush's reasons to go to war is that thay started bush fires?. Omg its getting so lame thay are over doing everything like thay over do that there is pedofilers everywere lol lame media.

will this ever stop?

[edit on 10/25/2007 by SoFunkyMe]

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by marg6043

love how u said it yeh if FOX says its real it must be everyone we need to go to war again what country next should we play darts or just look for a country with good resource and weak defence?

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
To be honest the first thing I thought of was a possible Al Qaeda connection to the fires. That was a stated plan of theirs why is it so far fetched? Based on past covered up islamic attacks such as flight 800 and the Oklahoma city bombing, the knee jerk reaction of the media is actually to cover up such attacks.

Unfortunately this is untrue.

The natural inclination of the news media is to sensationalize, to try and sell every story more effectively than the other networks.

That is what Fox is trying to do with these disgusting remarks of theirs.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 07:31 AM
I also am constantly amazed at how short sighted most here - on ATS of all places - are when it comes to FOX news.

Can you not see the irony ?

FOX news is the A.T.S. of the media !

They have the minority viewpoint and most of you folks think they are nuts. This is exactly how the rest of the people in the USA view ATS users.

Those of you that seem to spit venom every time the words "FOX News" roll off your tongues should take a break and for once take a look from a different perspective.

You ARE Fox news !

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by DJMessiah

I agree, it doesn't take an expert to realized that our Clime is changing, that global warming is not a fallacy and that California actually burns ever year because is a state that have the right conditions for wild fires, dried season, winds and too many people trying to live in areas that actually were not mean for human habitation.

But to blame that Alqaida has something to do is just beyond reasoning.

Hell we are dry up here in GA and and we had the worst fires this state ever had in the spring.

Should we blame Alqaida also?

Funny when just a littler bit of information can made people understand how clime works and ease their fears.

I lived in the high desert for 3 years while my husband was station at 29 Palms and I can tell, the places is an inferno during the summer.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by CreeWolf

Actually it has to do more with sensationalism to bring viewers and boost ratings than the pure joy of bringing fair and balance news.

Remember TV programing rely heavily on ratings.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 07:51 AM
I think this is pretty relevant in more ways than just the obvious...

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 07:53 AM
Ohmigod...Fox truly have lost the plot...Bushfires as a form of terrorism ? Geez, Australia has been attacked by terrorists every year the last 40 yrs then...

Gimme a break...Anything with Rupert Murdoch's name on it is a good reason not to listen to or read it...

Anything the man is responsible for has zero credibility...It was the same here in Australia when he ran a sleazy T&A newspaper with illegal brothel ads in the back in the 80's (among other more decent publications)...And since he moved to the US he's been doing everything he can to further the neo con agenda....

To suggest terrorists have anything to do with these fires is greatly insulting to the people who have had to give up everything they own and just walk away...Its so very, very sad

These fires, I suggest are a mixture of those started by people, and those started by lightning, judging from the Australian experience of bushfires the last 40 yrs or so...

My thoughts and prayers are very much with the people affected by this terrible natural disaster...May they have the strength to move on and rebuild their lives when this is all over...America, they are going to need the help of all of you, don't hold back...


posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 07:58 AM
Usually fires are started by REAL ESTATE AGENTS - since fires usually bring down the price of the land and then they buy it cheaply, build some new stuff and sell it. Oldest trick in the book. It has nothing to do with terrorism - just plain old GREED.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI

digging up a four-year-old FBI memo and presenting it as new information relating to an al Qaeda link to the fires.

Maybe THIS is the part that many missed - - - seems FOX made an association to an old memo - now think here for a bit.
Remember the PDB saying Al Quida might use planes to attack WTC ?
Remember how the administration was vilified for not placing some worthless tidbit of information as priority # 1.

So what you have here is FOX remembering (when no other station did) this article and making the link.
I'll bet ATS was all over that - so again, FOX did exactly what A.T.S. users do all the time - and some want to "bad mouth" that ?

That would be pretty hypocritical don't you think ?

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by SoFunkyMe

Actually when I read the thread topic I just found it hilarious, I tell you I was addicted to Fox news and Fox and friends for a while before they just turn into this bias monster feeding on the fear of the population.

I recoil in disgust whenever I happen to land on fox news.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
To be honest the first thing I thought of was a possible Al Qaeda connection to the fires. That was a stated plan of theirs why is it so far fetched? Based on past covered up islamic attacks such as flight 800 and the Oklahoma city bombing, the knee jerk reaction of the media is actually to cover up such attacks.

Wow. I'm sure you were one that was begging for FEMA's relief. I guess you saw how well they've responded to past catasrophes and thought Cali could use some "nothing" as well? LMAO.

Fear Mongering. Yes. That's all it is. And for those of you who're saying, "Well, they're doing their jobs." No. They're Fear Mongering. If they were doing their jobs, they would REPORT THE NEWS based on fact — not SPECULATE that this could be a Terrorist Attack.

Wake up people. This is how they get you to give them your rights. First it's begging for Federal Support (FEMA). If people didn't depend on FEMA (to do nothing) and more responsibility was put on a local level then the response to such desasters would be cut to a fraction of the time. People at State and Local levels could request help from neighboring counties and states and get the help they needed WHEN they needed it. Not three days later after the fire has consumed half the city and someone half a continent away said, "Huh? Fires? Where? Should we do something? Ok, then. Lets see how bad it gets before we swing into 'action'."

As for the Oklahoma City bombings: If you'd do more research you'd find out why the story of a terrorist link was covered up. It has more to do with a Federal Agency than it does with anything dealing with the media or a terrorist organization. Find out what the first responders (being state and local law enforcement & rescue) were saying about the bombing then compare that with the "Offical [Federal] Story".

This is why we need to relinquish the power of our government back to state and local levels. We don't need a federal agency to tell us everything is going to be ok. Too many people rely on "big brother" when big brother relies on us in the end. End Big Government and EVERYTHING will get better across the country and across the WORLD.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:45 AM
BTW, Aussie firefighters are on their way, right at the start of our own fire season....You think they wont risk their lives to save property and lives in a foreign land ? Think again...

These guys are the tops...They care not about who they're protecting...These guys love their fellow man to the max and they will fight like hell to save life and property as best they can..

Me...I'm so glad we can send guys to help you guys out, cos in yrs gone by you have provided Victoria with those wonderful choppers

Please take good care and be well California...The people of Victoria, Australia are with you when you need it most and stand by you and will help in any way we can...



posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:54 AM
I just saw a late news report on the Cali fires...Most of the people who had lost everything were well, yeah, we didn't lose our lives...That bought many tears to my eyes...Me, I've never been thru hardship anywhere like that in my life, except dealing with a congenital disability, which is nuthin in comparison...

If that isn't the most amazing attitude ever, I don't know what is....truly remarkable...Even this 10 yr old kid who picked up the charred frame of his BMX and went "Ok, life goes on"

That is amazing...You guys affected by this have a lot of ticker and have my blessings and love as you rebuild your lives...God bless the people of California


posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by BitRaiser

No, the terrorists aren't responsible for the lowering SAT scores and doofusy dumbness of our children and grandchildren. The responsible party is the pinko far left DEMOCRAT party-infiltrated School systems!

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:44 AM
*turns on sarcasm*

That was an awesome post

*golf claps*

And on topic, to be sure...Well done...

*sarcasm off*

[edit on 25-10-2007 by Rilence]

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 09:51 AM
Who started the fire(S)? All of the above. When the Santa Ana winds start up, all the usual suspects jump on board. Individual homeowners who need the insurance cash or angry divorcing dads, greedy land speculators, MS-13, muslim terrorists, and our own gov't agencies who want to burn out the hiding bad guys (as in the Los Alamos forest fire, imo) and the mafia contractors and the pyros and careless cigarette smokers (citizens and illegals). What a human zoo California is!

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by humanunnaki

What a bunch of crap, with all due respect...Those type of fires are caused by natural conditions (i.e. lightning strikes) or by pyros who cannot help themselves...This has been proven the world over, time and time again...More recently with the fires in Greece...

To suggest individual homeowners started these fires for whatever reason is completely unfounded and offensive IMO...

Try taking a less narrow view of the world, it might do you good

[edit on 25-10-2007 by Rilence]

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 10:03 AM
Starting to sound like an excuse,I'm sure the arsonists are just freaks that live here,but now maybe they pin the blame on Iran,uh oh here goes trouble

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