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California fires Spark Martial Law?

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posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by TheBorg

Why you know are right!

Let me rephrase that: It was a half-hearted attempt at compassion with a side order of "You should have known better" and "I told you so..."

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:49 AM
Good Morning to everyone. I had to tqake a break and go to bed yesterday afternoon because I was crying all day on and off. I feel so very very sad and have only the greatest sense of empathy for all involved in this horrible catastrophy. This is the worst event and mass evacuation in California history and the U.S. as far as I recall. My heart breaks for the individuals displaced right now and know full well the dept of gratitude for the Military who jumped in early on before the orders were sent. That alone gave me the inspiration to continue to send the information about the fires out on this post. (Crying) there is nothing monitary that I can do right now, but if we can have just one more place for people to come together to share information and discuss the possibilities of how to find each other and begin to move forward supporting each other then I have done well. I needed the break last night and my heart breaks again this morning because I have lived through disasters from places all over the country. No place is safe. Trust me on that. I will attempt to gulp down some strong coffeee and then get back to the numbers here. I will try and find as many current sources for communication as possible for anyone that cares or needs the information. Thankyou everyone that took the ball and ran with it after I went down yesterday. I appreciate any and all comments as all are valid oppinions.

It was comments from my fellow members that have family (I also have family in the Irvine/Costa Mesa area) and am so worried and concerned, that have me crying again. You matter so much to me and I have you and your in my prayers. Remeber to tell them to wear masks! The long term effects are going to be devestating on their health. Get out if they can until this is over. They are in shock and denial is part of that, and there is also a conglomerate mind that operates independently of common sense in these situations. Blessings.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 10:09 AM
Are Blackwater out there strutting around yet? When they show up then it's time to start worrying about marshall law and the like.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 10:25 AM
Many people can't afford fire insurance in So. Calif. Also, housing is excessively expensive so you take what you can get. And of course they're prepared, probably as much as they possibly can be. But how do you prepare for a thing like this? What is it that some of you think should have been done?
The evacuations are going very well and things are very organized. I don't think you can ask for anything more than that.
Almost everywhere in the U.S. there is a threat of some kind of natural disaster.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Martial law? I doubt it. As others have pointed out, we go through this every couple of years. Hell, in 2003 it rained ash where I live, and there wasn't a fire for 30 miles in any direction.

I am in the LBC btw, which is basically halfway between Malibu and San Diego along the coast. No fires here now, but the smoke is horrible since we are surrounded by them. Haven't had a cigarette in days now...

Honestly, fires are a vital part of our eco-system, and it is only human development that is threatened by it. Did you know that some seeds will not sprout until after they have been smothered by smoke for some time?

I mean, how many people have died, like 5? True, it sucks for some home owners but in the long run it's really no big deal, just mother nature doing her thang.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by antar

I don't mean to side track this discussion and I have every ounce of sympothy for those that are in the middle of the chaos. My wife is actually one of those. She's visiting family there and they've, fortunately, not had to evacuate yet. But, others in the area have had to and they have a plan just in case. It is utter chaos and a catasrophe for all. My thoughts and prayers go out to all involved.

As you were talking about Martial Law, troops being deployed and FEMA's involvement, or rather, non-involvement ... it kinda of confused me.

You're against Martial Law, yet support troops being deployed. And at the same time complaining about FEMA. FEMA should have NO involvment in events such as this. Let me explain before you disagree. Martial Law should NEVER be declared. State and Local government, if properly equipped and prepared, should be able to handle situations like these. In the most part, they do anyway. But, if there was no FEMA for us to reply on, they they would be properly prepared for these events. Federal government fails when it comes to matters of local concern such as these. We've seen this time and time again. There should be no National Entity that is in charge of local disasters. Every State and Local Government entity should have the power to request help from neighboring counties and states and the response time would be cut into a fraction with no Red Tape to reply on.

The way the government now operates, with it's centralized power control, is a blatent example of how centralized power can fail. You see how fear can be used to gain powers such as these? People Beg for intervention from FEMA because they rely upon it. You're asking for them to allow you to give them full control. They've spread this theory of fear tactics through out the entire government. The sooner people wake up to how they're controlled the sooner we can step up as a power and take control of our own lives once again and quit relying on a Federal Entity to serve us (which is very rarely ever does) and we can rely on the people that we know can help. Our neighbors and friends. The real people who should say what the government can and can't do. This goes into the very depths of our government and is rooted in the way our economics are controlled.

Now people are going to have to rebuild their homes. And what happens with that? People will have to spend 3 times what it should ACTUALLY cost to live in the home they build because the concentration of power is handed over to a select few that decide we should pay interest on money that doesn't actually exsist.

Centralized Power is Bad. Government involvement at State and Local Levels can only fail and only reflects it's total control over the masses. Fear tactics are in your everyday lives.

This is VERY easy to fix. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Research your candidate. Inform others. Don't vote for people that have affiliations with the WTO, TLC, Bilderburgs, CFR, or other affiliations with entities that want to centralize power.

I'm very sorry for spinning this into a political issue. But, FEMA has everything to do with it.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 01:02 PM
I think you can blame some of these problems on the environmental movement.
Fire is a natural part of the eco-system, in fact, some plants have evolved seeds to germinate only after a fire. It is natures way of "cleaning house", and manufacturing fertilizer for the next generation.

By suppressing fires, it has allowed the underbrush to build to an unnatural density that naturally would have occurred only rarely, and in smaller areas.
I seriously doubt that the native peoples had fire departments, and the ecology seemed to take care of itself just fine until about 150 years ago.
If you wish to live in a community of wood houses, tightly packed together in a fire zone, I am sure mother nature only sees it as a forest in need of cleaning. Better to live in a stone house, with an area of defendable space cleaned out, IMHO.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 01:08 PM
I just checked and it seems that in Southern California at 5:22 A.M. this morning in Ridgecrest, Kern County they had a 4.3 earthquake.

I know we have quite a few members in California and I can only imagine how things are for YOU. My heart, thoughts and love are with you.


[edit on 24-10-2007 by observe50]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

Thankyou T. I appreciate your comments.
I suppose I have been too emotionally charged to make a clear statement recently.
I did have my initial concerns when after the first 300,000+ evacuees were on the move, FEMA was still making flight arrangements and deciding who what when and where.
Even yesterday during Arnolds 'first press conference' he had not been given the recent updates and I saw alot of spin tossed into his propaganda speech.
The Government is taking every step to promote the various forces to handle the problems that lie ahead such as natural and made made disasters.
Yet if they are able to step in its a disaster in and of itsself as evidenced in N.O.

The Military working in conjunction with the various local and state agencies took the potential for Martial Law and twarted it by making decissions independent of the Government bodies and started helping and making 'immediate' preparations and plans for the safety of lives first BEFORE they were prompted by the GOV.
This to me was an excellent piece of information as it meant that they took the bull buy the horns and worked independently without the burearacracy dictating for them to go slow like what happened in NO. It also means that if some form of National Takeover happened, we just might have an Army of the people for the people by the people. That would be our only way to survive any future conflicts on our soil. The Marines from Camp Pendelton showed that they were not going to allow a repeat of NO in Calif. It was a very high and potentially dangerous situation with the levels of poverty verses the level of economic satbility of the homes that were vulnerable. Looting, rioting and disorder could have errupted. It didnt. It was what happened in the first 48 hours that dictated that.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:35 PM
What disgusts me is that these fires could have been prevented. The liberal ideologists are responsible for these fires. The laws the democratic-leftist have lobbied for at the federal and state levels of government caused these fires:

1. It is illegal for property owners to trim back trees and foilagle because it will destroy the habitat of some insects and vermin.

2. It is illegal to take your truck into/onto certain dirt roadways in the forests to collect naturally felled trees and timber.

3. It is illegal to cut down old dying trees.

4. It is illegal to spray the forest and wooded areas to kill insects that kill the trees.

The liberals are reaping what they have sown and their arrogance and ignorance has caused many people to lose their homes and possibly their lives.

For all the liberal-leftists-democrats who supported those initiatives and helped them become law by giving their money and time to the lobbiest and NGO's; and lost their homes in those fired-up areas - you got what you deserved.

For those of you who were against the stupid laws that made it illegal to clear away the rotted trees and dry brush - I'm truly sorry for your loss.


[edit on 24-10-2007 by euclid]

[edit on 24-10-2007 by euclid]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:44 PM
I wish the mean spirited people would shut their mouths and get out of this thread!

We can discuss the situation and even learn from it, but not if you continue to pull it down to some pathetic , mean spirited, kick em when their down level.

You know who you are and if you dont then read this thread and see what direction it was meant to be for! It was a place to discuss the safety and connection of needed information for anyone that comes here.

It was DERAILED and I am disgusted at the insensitivity of some of you. Shame on you and as far as the future , you just wait , we will all face a disaster at some point in our lives. I just hope people have more compassion for you than what you show for others.

NOw if you have information that would be helpful to the situation then by all means share if not go home!

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by airtrax007
I really care for you folks , but i think it is time for those who live in places that are deemed unfit because of disasters like this, should pull themselves up by their boot straps and relocate to another area that is not prone to WILD FIRES--EARTHQUAKES-FLOODING.

Although the area is very beautiful ,you should relocate to an area that is safe for your family and yourself.

This is the main reason insurance is so high--people trying to rebuild in unsafe area's .

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by antar

i hope none of our decent ats guy/girls suffer any loss due to these fires----------they seem to be a regular occurence just like the earth quakes .its too bad the government cant find the money?to take the brush clearing measures needed during safer times to help prevent the likelyhood that the present fires could get out of hand.i do not wish this on nice people but there are parts of california where they produce a large amount of the worlds pornography/filth----that we would be better off without.G-D used fire to get rid of the sodomites in entire cities back about 2100 bce.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by x-phile
reply to post by antar

Really? HEre's the history.

15 wildfires that killed 22 people, destroyed 3,640 homes and blackened 750,000 acres of Southern California during a two-week period.

wildfires in CA [/quoteThat fire if you would have checked was in a very remote area of Southern California,what we have here is 6 different fires in 6 different locations,so I suggest you keep your feeble attemt at sarcasm to yourself

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:07 PM
Why is everyone relying on the government. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions. The eco-nazi, leftist-democrats environmental laws are what caused these fires to occur.

We don't need the government to clear out the brush - everyday citizens used to be able to do this and it didn't cost the government one cent.

If you want to learn from this the lesson should be to NOT listen to the eco-nazi, greenpeace crowd. Let the property owners do what they need to protect their property; let other people who want the dry wood clear it out from the forest unhindered by ridiculous laws. Let the government spray and kill insects and vermin that kill trees!

If there is insensitivity it is because of the stupidity of those who made the laws what they are..... and now everyone involved in these fires is paying the price.

The initiators of these laws and those who supported them need to take responsibility for their actions that allowed this happen. If they, and the original poster, can't take the criticism then its "they" that have the issue. I'm only pointing out the obvious. Learn from your mistakes and take responsibility for them.


posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by antar

my wife and i spent 2 weeks in pasadena california in 1988-------we loved every minute of our stay------temperature was 100 f every day but no humidity and the birds there like blue-jays we have here except those ones would come and eat part of your sandwich as they perched on your free hand to feed said i would hate to see any nice people or animals get hurt or suffer loss.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by yahn goodey

JUDGE YE NOT!!!! For in the same ye shall be judged! How dare you say such insulting vulgar bs . You are saying that that YOU are responsible and that YOUR children and family should be held accountable for the errors in good judgement in your community/State? Go to neighborhood watch for your local community and realize you just put yourself in the same light as the perpetrators that will come up in your area. You are the eptiamy of why I am not christian. It is thought s like yours that open the gates of hell.

Please correct me if I am mistaken, but it seems you think that this is Gods way, and that California and its residents are akin to the people from Sodom and Gomorah? And that all of the innocent lovely people deserve this kind of tragedy? I feel my migraine coming back, thanks!

[edit on 24-10-2007 by antar]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:23 PM
Doesn't it seem odd that after the Katrina disaster that the emergency managers would have thousands of people gather together in a large stadium? I heard there was one concession stand selling donuts and drinks and that was it.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:33 PM
What kills me and breaks my heart are the animals that people had to abandon, the horses and pets. There is a fair grounds in Del Mar that are taking in hundreds of animals from surrounding areas. I would donate money to the shelters if I could.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:33 PM
I'm here and I'm heading east. Government isnt' talking about anything, but the borders are very insecure and they're bringing FEMA. So we'll see what happens, but I've spiritually felt this situation bad to begin with. Not just the insecure borders and nobody knowing what and who started these fires, but it just seems wrong. I think this place is going up soon.

What's worst is if you don't live in Cali, then you really have no clue as to what's going down with these things. The news sure isn't being specific.

Those borders are the issue, I don't see anything good happening, Bad things are coming...

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