posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:36 AM
It disgusts me to see people posting such tripe as:
However, I will exhibit limited sympathy for people who choose to live in unfit environs.
You're right, "We all need to be self-sufficient" but when we make stupid choices like building in a wildfire, earthquake, drought prone area
we should also be prepared to pay the consequences of that decision.
i think it is time for those who live in places that are deemed unfit because of disasters like this, should pull themselves up by their boot
straps and relocate to another area that is not prone to WILD FIRES--EARTHQUAKES-FLOODING.
Although the area is very beautiful ,you should relocate to an area that is safe for your family and yourself.
The very reason people opt to live in "civilization" is for the measure of security it implies. Insurance is a mechanism of civilization and
society. It is, in essence gambling and a way of dispersing the risk among policy holders. Get over it, you all partake.
If you were to look at a map of the U.S. and indicate all of the natural disasters, there would be practically no where safe to live. We are all at
the mercy of the elements. In fact, it has been postulated that we are no more than 3 days to a week away from chaos and anarchy if a disaster hits at
the right time in the right place. Katrina is evidence of this.
As such, you people should have compassion for those affected by this latest disaster and pray that you are not next. And if you are, you should pray
that society comes to your aid with more compassion than you have shown.
Yes, ultimately we should all be responsible for our own lives and safety. But unless you live off the grid in some cave or cabin somewhere, it is
reasonable for tax paying citizens and the premium paying insured of a so-called "civilized" nation to live where they are free to live, to live
where it is developed and to expect a modicum of help when necessary. If you want to argue over-development, that is another thread.
The next disaster area could be in your own hometown so I would suggest you should not be so sanctimonious.