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attempt to enter area 51 gone wrong

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:17 PM
Never mocked. Not once. The closest thing you can point to of my posts is "Yeesh" and if you see mocking or insult there, your reading into it too much.

On the second page I posted my issues with your story. I don't have any intention on arguing with you, I just want clarification on those points which seem do lessen the believability of the retelling.

Welcome to ATS. You have been reading here before, yes? Then you know what this thread is in for. If you didn't expect it, you haven't been here as a lurker too long.

Again, what kind of help are you looking for?

I'll wait patiently, as per my norm.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:18 PM
Assuming this story took place on Saturday, the moon not only would have been right about first quarter, moonrise on Saturday in Nevada was about 12:15pm, and set about 9:15pm. That'd be one pitch black dirt road at 1:00am.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Because when I got home I had a shower and saw uin the mirror that there was a small dot on my chest right over my heart.

Can you share with us a picture?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you are now a part of a top secret government program. They are testing an injectable serum that causes the unwilling recipient to lose all ability to form paragraphs while writing.

Very unfortunate.

I think another side effect is your left nut falls off after a week or so...

To be remotely serious, document everything before, during and after otherwise it all means squat. Also have some witnesses and get others involved just for the extra credibility it brings.

If you had a group of people with you and you documented it up to getting captured and that group waited for you and you got some blood samples etc you might, and I mean might have an ounce of credibility.

One thing I find funny is your writing style for there are a few other login names with the exact non-paragraphs and small i for I that I think you might be them too. The other part is they all post posts like this one clamoring for attention. So how many login names do you use OP?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:47 PM
i live in a smallish town in pa and the other night i was walking and fell down a manhole in the road. next thing i knew i was surrounded by little green men in spacesuits with antennas on their heads(picture gazoo from the flintstones) and i told them had been doing research on manholes and they detained me when i told them i used to do construction blasting so that is why i was looking stuff up about manholes-( like the fact they are always right in the road so your tiresd hit them and not off to the side more) they didn't like that so i started shooting at them with my 45 and they shot me in the face with some kind of ray gun and i awakened in the morning on my waterbed and my cats wouldn't stop licking the wound and it healed right before my eyes from them licking it!!!!!!! so i went to work and told the guys and they looked at me like i had 3 heads! go figure ROFLMFAO hope everyone believes this and i swear this is a true story- might be a cover up on a nobody like me by that bitch billary and the rest of the gov't- if so i am terrified

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:53 PM

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:01 PM
sorry but i couldn't refuse the sarcastic response. do i believe you -no. and as for the people who usually do post responses they are very open minded but at the same time very smart with questions that can prove things. and they do there research and know what the hell they are talking about. so until you can give alot more proof to things that that asked for to prove your story sorry noone is going to believe you

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by staceybourne

I deplore some of the other comments on the thread here. Maybe you are telling the truth...who knows. We sure as heck don't have any hard evidence that contradicts what you said.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:05 PM
I'm pretty sure that I established that I don't care whether or not anyone believes me...why isn't this thread closed? I know quite a few of you tryed to contribute by posting questions and the like but all the others are just rediculous......can you just leave me alone now? I keep on getting emails when you reply.....its stupid.....just close the friggin thread

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by infinite8
The story though seems to have a lot of details missing. Describe to me exactly what the uniforms the men or women had on, what types of weapons and other things were they wearing, what did the rooms look like in detail, how much time passed between interogations, what were more of the questions they asked you and what did you tell them? These are a few of the things you could add.

I'm just going to repost the same questions I asked on page 1, please provide us with some details.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:10 PM
if you would reply to the real literate questions that were asked for proof and you made sense i would take into consideration it maybe true- but your story is way to vague

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:15 PM
I am just baffled as to why you tried this all on your own while doing nothing to document it. Why even do it? BTW did you get the name and number of the witness that picked you up after wandering in the street confused? I’m not sure what you wanted as a response from ATSers. You have enough posts to know that facts out weight fiction here (well most of the time
) Did you go to the emergency room afterwards to get a checkup? I think I would if I lost hours and had a hole in my chests near my heart.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:44 PM
Hey buddy, YOU brought it to US! If you can't ignore the jokers poking fun, then this really wasn't the place to post the retelling. EVERY forum like this has it's skeptics and trolls and we deal with it here EVERYDAY. I have to insist you ignore the mockers and answer the serious questions. There MAY be an answer for you if you solidify your so-far unbelievable tale. I don't care if YOU care if we believe you or not, YOU brought the story here for us to comment on or question. If you didn't want to answer any questions, why even post it? So, I believe you CARE whether we believe or not no matter what you say.

Start posting some substance.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:55 PM
it was acid......your friends dosed you before tossing you out in the desert and then paid some dude to go find you......or it could have been real

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:38 AM
Hi staceybourne, a few questions for ya. Hopefully you can start answering some of them that the ATS members are asking you, because if you are for real and do want help then it is a good idea to reply to the questions and stop replying to the jokes. If not then you can't expect to be taken seriously and should U2U a Mod and ask this thread 'you started' to be locked and placed into the Skunk Works forum.

Originally posted by staceybourne

i hoped that being around 1 am that they would bring me at least to the guard shack so i could say i got into area 51.

Q: What time was it when you started walking down the dirt road?

I got to the sign and the camo dudes were waiting for me.

Q's: How many "camo dudes" did you see and what were they driving? Did you notice any type of patches or name tags on these camo dudes? Did they have dogs?

They brought me inside the guard building after a drawn out body search. After I got inside the Guards building. After that the man that brought me in went into another room and I could hear him talking on a phone. At this point i was eccstatic that I had gotten past the signs and had hoped that they would send me a drive home.

Q's: During this search did they take your wallet, or anything other then your phone? What was in your pockets that you took with you? What were you wearing? Did they keep anything else that belonged to you? Did you have a flashlight? What did the inside of the "guard building" look like? Did you see anything on the walls like pictures, insignia's?

I had to wait in the building until morning at which time they told me there was a problem and I might have to stay there for some time because they had ran my name and found various forums I had attended surrounding way to get into area 51. Well it wasn't till later that I found this was a lie.

Q's: How long were you waiting until it was morning? Were you handcuffed? Were you in a room all alone? Was there a armed guard watching over you? While waiting what was there to look at? How did you find out they were lieing about you being in forums?

They brought me in a truck a few miles down the road to the nearest building on a hanger where I was examined for stamina and strength, muscle mass etc. After all this I started getting worried as to why they would be doing this. So I started asking when I could go home. They said "As soon as you calm down." not a second later there was a young man holding me down and they stuck a needle into my chest. I could feel it break membranes in my chest.

Q's: What kind of truck was it? Did you sit in a back seat? Who examined you, was it the same camo dudes or was it some sort of white coat doctor? Did he have a name, was he friendly? Did you have to undress or lay back on some sort of table during the exam? Can you describe the exam? What did this "building on a hanger" look like on the outside and inside? Why did they say "as soon as you calm down", were you screaming, kicking, fighting with them? Can you confirm with a doctor that they "broke membranes" in your chest be getting an emergency room check-up?

After what only appeared to me to be a few seconds I opened my eyes and I'm in a truck, on the highway.

Q's: When did you feel your eyes begin to close, immediately after they stuck a needle into you or did a slow 'passing out' feeling come over you?

I'm with a middle aged man. I asked him what they injected into me. He said he doesn't know what I'm talking about, he claims I was wondering down the road and he asked me if I wanted a ride and I said yes then shortly after fell asleep in the car. I know this couldn't be true. I remember everything that happened. I also notice my cell phone which was normally in my back pocket was gone. I said that I was gonna call the authorities and he said he hadn't done nothing wrong and if I want he can pull over and drop me of right here. I said sorry and he drove me into town and I called a my friend right away and told him to pick me up.

Q's: What was this man driving and was he a local of Veags? How long do you remember being in the car with this man? Did you talk to him about anything or did you sit there in silence? Did you see his license plate?

When I got home I called the police and they said that things like this aren't there problem and that they can't do anything.

Q's: What police department did you call? What was the name of the officer you spoke with? What day and time was it when you called the police?

I have been calling repeatedly asking for blood tests and whatnot to see what the put in me. Because when I got home I had a shower and saw uin the mirror that there was a small dot on my chest right over my heart. Although I haven't noticed any effects yet I'm still attempting to get blood tests. I would think whatever it is it would stay in the blood for at least 72 hours or so. But everywhere I have called has refused me.

Q's: What kind of "dot" did you see and is it still there or healed over? Can you take a picture of this "dot" and show it? What is the name of the places that "refused" you? What is their reason why they are refusing you?

So what should I do?

A: Go to the emergency room and complain about having a pain in your heart and point out the "dot" area. Ask them you would like blood tests to be done because you feel that maybe you were injected by something by someone that made you "close" your eyes and you think that maybe it was a drug.

Keep in mind that those seeking the truth are best off in finding such things when they work together with other truth seekers. ATS will help you if you help ATS.


posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:14 AM
Well, i am happy that the OP made his way back to this thread, but disapointed that he did not supply any further answers, or evidence to the story. Mabye he had a bad day at work.

I hope that he comes back tommorow, and has a picture of this dot, and answers some of the questions.

And, a note to the original Poster,under the post of somebody there are several options, you can choose the Ignore option and you never have to see a post for that person again.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by staceybourne
its funny how all you guys are trying to put me down cause you think I'm ttrying to get attention when all of you are posting jokes or mocking me in an attempt to get a few giggles and what not...close the goddamn thread for all I guys are no longer making funny of me but you are making yourselves look incrediblly stupid by keeping this thread open with stupid mock scenarious and attempts to scavenge something off this thread and attemp to make others believe you are fun by taking advantage of someone who posted something that is hard to those who responded with a reasonable none biased view I thank you....for everyone else....for a lack of a better term....your *snip*

swearing will get you banned in a hurry missy.......first off...don't come here with your tale and expect open arms......we are skeptics pure and simple. we have seen way too many like you come here with a grand tale only to find out later it was a hoax.

either toughen up or go away.

[edit: removed vulgarity from quoted content]

[edit on 24-10-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:57 AM
This is rediculous. Just stop. I've had a bunch weird stuff happen to me, and the memories are vague, but even I can account 1000 more details than this. I can't even believe I read this all the way through!!!

To be fair, MAYBE.... but you cant just give the people one paragraph of vagueness and then the only other response you have is to whine and swear and act like "fine, don't listen. What do I care?" Obviously you care enough to post a thread about it on the largest conspiracy forum on the internet bto see how people respond to it. You didn't get the desired result, so you got all defensive.

My guess is you just heard about this site, decided to try and pull a fast one on all the "crazies" in here, and ended up getting a dose of actual INTELLIGENCE and SANITY that you just assume people into this type of stuff don't have. Well, you failed. Nice try, but if you wanted to pull one over on us, you also need to fake the evidence really really well, and even then it's no guarantee.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:40 PM
Al Gore will soon recruit you into a life of dreams and fairy tales like "global warming".

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 09:49 PM
Delusional is as delusional preaches. Your preachin' to the choir son.

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