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attempt to enter area 51 gone wrong

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:51 AM
A few more details might make your story slightly believable!!! What size (in millimeters) was the neddle and what colour was the cap holding the needle and exactly where did they inject you (count the ribs). like someone said earlier can you describe the uniforms that they wore.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:38 AM
What town in Nevada do you and your friend live in?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:43 AM
No Area 51 employees would stab you in the heart with a needle.

At the least, they'd pick a vein.

If it was an implant, it would have zero reason to go into the heart, or directly above it.

Your heart is also protected by bone ribs and chest wall. This aint pulp fiction where you can stab people in the heart with shots of adrenaline. That will kill you.

Anyway, i will play stupid and pretend your telling the truth:

"Surely they just injected you with a strong sedative and put you on the next truck that had cleared its' load at Area 51 and was heading back to town. Then gave the driver the story. Which is why he didn't want you to call the police, because he'd have to explain he works for Area 51. You were acting crazy because you were scared so they had to subdue you for security reasons."

There, do you feel like you got enough attention?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:44 AM
The needle in the chest was most likely injecting some alien eggs into you because this is not how one gets sedated. When baby aliens start popping out of your chest be sure to offer them some corn starch. They love corn starch.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:15 AM
Okay I'm going to keep an open mind on this and I don't see why people have so much trouble accepting it could be real but I do agree there is in-sufficient information.

Although I will admit it was a good read but you'll never be an author because it's over before you begin pretty much.

Other people comparing it to a T.V Show - How do you know the show had no goverment involvement like the Stargate theories? Just to make you think such events are stupid & proposterous; unlike the news... even though the goverment control it!

Points of interest:-

1st thread - I would believe a first thread more than others personally...although I will accept it could be to get interest.
Tell me & the others what the signs to Area51 say
What were in these rooms or guard houses?
The injection in chest seems odd but I won't overule it
What divisional insignia did the men at Area51 have? (I don't care if your not a military buff...look up the insignia on the internet)
What kind of truck was the one you was loaded onto?

I'm sure once you've stated these or gave us some more details ATS members will happily cross reference your information/story.

Peace everyone.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:03 AM
Phone: ring...ring...ring....ring

OP: Uhhhh...hullo?

Phone: Mornin'...this is Bob from "Get a Clue"....can I interest you in......


And thusly, another one bites the dust.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by MrPenny]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:59 AM

People actually think Area 51 is of any importance?

Trust me, if it was important in the least bit, we wouldn't know about it. Just like all those other secret underground bases we don't know about.

Don't you people think it's a little odd that this is the only base we know about? Or at least, this is only one of a few bases we know about (I personally can't name another "top secret" base)?

Do you people really think our government is so incompetent to A, only have one base, and B, let the secret out about it?

Come on

I bet Area 51 is just some empty buildings with some spooky signs

Or possibly, it's just an entrance to the real base underground and a few miles away.

I don't believe there's anything important there, so these stories are complete bull to me.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:10 AM
Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

I bet Area 51 is just some empty buildings with some spooky signs

I agree. Probably just battery storage.

Or possibly, it's just an entrance to the real base underground and a few miles away.

Yes, there is probably access to all the underground facilities all over the test site. There is not one single project of any importance that is not located underground.

I don't believe there's anything important there.

Not anymore there isn't. Thanks for the post.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:37 AM
Dude- You sure that wasn't AREA 52???

Why would they go to all that trouble just to kick you out. They would have done it right out at the guard shack IMHO. Not bring you into the facility, run tests on you, give you some knockout juice & then put you on a truck back to town.

I'm sorry, I'm not buying it.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by 2PacSade
Why would they go to all that trouble just to kick you out. They would have done it right out at the guard shack IMHO. Not bring you into the facility, run tests on you, give you some knockout juice & then put you on a truck back to town.

Exactly. That'd give the OP a story to tell, rather than just turning him/her back and giving him/her nothing.

This is made up.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Kurokage
What size (in millimeters) was the neddle

Yea! And how long does it take one synapse in your brain to fire to another? Come on, how long!?!

By the way, what's a neddle?

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Alright. Instead of posting any adjectives describing how I feel the OP has been duping us, I shall just point out what I think are the obvious red signs.

Here we go.

I need some help, a couple days ago i got a friend to drop me off at the beggining of the road leading to area 51 so that i could walk up to the gates by night and then tell them I'm lost and i got thrown outta a car on the way to vegas by a guy I was hitch hiking with, i hoped that being around 1 am that they would bring me at least to the guard shack so i could say i got into area 51.

You were dropped off 13.8-20 miles from the signs before you even get to the gate? Ya walked it? Starting at 1a.m? Hmmmmm.

I had to wait in the building until morning at which time they told me there was a problem and I might have to stay there for some time because they had ran my name and found various forums I had attended surrounding way to get into area 51.

This, I believe is ONLY written to spook the members. You were not a member here before this "Jaunt" so what were the forum sites? Big red sign, this is.

After all this I started getting worried as to why they would be doing this.

This wraps it up for me. By your story, you had knowledge of the base, you did "research" on forums about the base, and having a friend drop you off and pick you up, I'd say the charachter in the story lives in pretty close proximity of the base...and then you start getting worried why they would do this to you? Ha!

The rest is just made up, in my opinion, to "flesh out" a few more oddities. Any doctor I've seen/known would take anyone asking for a bloodtest into an exam room and done this. On cash, or with Insurance, they would do a simple blood test with no real questions asked. If they asked, and they refused, the next doctor's office could be lied to. It's just a blood test.

Now, what help are you seeking? Help with a college sociology experiment? A writing course? What?

I've seen better attempts to bait us, and I don't think this will endure.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:19 PM
I noticed the OP just joined yesterday with her wonderous tale.......

Sorry but this sounds hokey to me.....the skeptic in me just does not buy this at all.......maybe if the OP had actually seen something then that kind of treatment would be deserved...but for absolutely nothing at all ??? I don't believe it for one second.

If anyone in their right mind thinks they can go to Area 51 and get in or see something that they don't want you to are deluded beyond help. It will NEVER happen people.....get that thru your skull now.

my god some people are so inept and clueless.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:20 PM
They must have found out he told his story here and kidnapped him.....since he hasnt been back to respond to all these posts

If only he hadnt typed it all out for the world to see. If only.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Cuhail

I had to wait in the building until morning at which time they told me there was a problem and I might have to stay there for some time because they had ran my name and found various forums I had attended surrounding way to get into area 51.

This, I believe is ONLY written to spook the members. You were not a member here before this "Jaunt" so what were the forum sites? Big red sign, this is.

Yeah I found that pretty funny as well.

They'd look up what conspiracy forums she'd been on?

Funny stuff. This thread should be locked.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:30 PM
I think the OP may be telling the truth, but I think they put him under hypnotises and found out what he was really doing, when he came too thought they would have some fun with him and act like they were going to sedate him with something and actually pistol whipped him, drug him to the road where he laid and his friend picked him up. Plus if this did really happen, and his phone was gone, Give us the number, lets try to call it or GPS it. Peace

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by dawgjay
and actually pistol whipped him, drug him to the road where he laid

But oddly enough...suffers no skull trauma or concussion. It's simply not possible to be pistol whipped into unconsciousness and not know something violent happened.

I think the "clue phone" may be calling soon.....

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Stop it right now guys. Leave this poor sole alone. If you would not have jumped on him so quick, we could have sat back and watched him make a fool of himself for many more posts in this thread. Your all ruining my entertainment.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:30 PM
this whole time i've just been thinking one thing. where's the picture of this spot on their chest? even if this person is female, a picture could be taken that doesn't reveal anything that needs to be kept private. if i even had this i would be slightly more inclined to ponder the story. i had also thought about the length of the road leading up to the base. that immediately made me throw this out.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:08 PM
I think our OP is merely bored, immature, possibly regularly inebriated and perhaps with one or more psychosomatic/neurosis issues that compel him(her) to weave fanciful tales in a desperate attempt to gain a modicum of approval that was not, alas, forthcoming.

Further, since this person has few "real" friends and spends most of her waking hours with virtual friends in virtual environments online, she reached through the net-ether -for help - and support. She's getting neither, so she bails out, becomes re-self-absorbed, perhaps will try another far-fetched fantasy yarn hoping to gain a bit of admiration or recognition that has eluded her throughout her pitiful, psychotic adolescence.

I feel truly sorry for people like this. Perhaps with a bit of counseling, some guidance at the right and critical times in her life, we could have had a genuine ATS compatriot here with us, rather than the slightly deranged psychopath which has so sadly presented herself in this way.

If the OP returns, perhaps she would consider visiting a different kind of doctor. A few tests, some sessions to explore her past and her 'issues', and she can be helped, I'm sure.

Maybe then, she could discover some far more fascinating and genuine topics of interest, including boatloads of threads about A51, right here...

The invitation stands - and I wish her well...

Good luck...

Disclaimer: Of course, if this story is true - then we all have much bigger problems in front of us than a single slightly imbalanced teenager...

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