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attempt to enter area 51 gone wrong

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Yea, WAY more details are indicated. Like others said, write it down like a legal recitation of the event, avoid artzy dialog and then do us a report with the emotional. Get a grasp.

We call this type of event "Screwing with the Bull". If true, you deserved what happened to you.

As a child did you put your hand in a fire to see if it would burn you? We reap what we sow.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:45 PM
"" because they had ran my name and found various forums I had attended surrounding way to get into area 51. ""

I CALL *horse puckey*! i say your a liar . plain as day ..why and how would they even find something like that out? thats just bs !

Mod Edit: Do not circumvent the profanity censors

[edit on 10/23/07 by FredT]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:50 PM
Guys, I think this is true. Why would he lie about this? Please, OP, please continue with your amazing tale........may cable is out and I need some entertainment, lol.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:06 PM
People, give the OP a break.

The premise of the story sounds reasonable enough, even thou i don't know how far a walk down the road is, or if they have signs that say 'this is area 51, do not pass'.

If i were going to try to get into area 51, just to say i got into area 51, the hitchhiking story isnt that bad of one. After a few hours of walking down a deserted empty desert road, you would be at the place.

We need to see this 'Mark' that is reffered to where 'they' injected you with a needle. Also, a account of what ahppen from your friend would also be a help.

We must take into acount that this person could have been a member here, or on other boards, and just registared a new name to tell this story... mods would do welll to check and see if the IP adress has been to this site before, and if any other accounts are associetied with it.

The Original post it self doesn't hit me in the face as being faked. When recounting a story, i find that most people (unles the story has been told a great number of times) tend to post things in one large Paragraph, that is hard to read.

Also, with the cell phone missing, you could call it, and you could even get ahold of your cell phone company and see if they could locate the Towers that you were 'pinging' off of, this would give you an idea of where the cell phone was, and give us an idea of where it is, if it is still on.

Mabye this could be real, mabye its just someones fantasy, and they wannted to see peoples reaction, but either way, we should give the Poster the benifit of the doubt, until we can prove otherwise.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by staceybourne
I need some help, a couple days ago i got a friend to drop me off at the beggining of the road leading to area 51 so that i could walk up to the gates by night and then tell them I'm lost and i got thrown outta a car on the way to vegas by a guy I was hitch hiking with, i hoped that being around 1 am that they would bring me at least to the guard shack so i could say i got into area 51.

This ends it for anyone familiar with the road. The OP won't be back. Probably someone here went to a Library and posted this

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:19 PM
If this was Digg, I think this thread would've broken the record for most times Buried.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:20 PM
My only issues were the ones I pointed out. I would love the OP to come back and address those issues and others that have been raised. I feel that if someone came here with a story such as this, he or she HAS been here before and KNOWS what a post done like this generates.

I don't call anything but the OP back to follow up a bit.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
the hitchhiking story isnt that bad of one. After a few hours of walking down a deserted empty desert road, you would be at the place.

Hitchhikers don't leave the Highway and walk 15 or twenty miles down a dirt road looking for a ride. Not to mention the time it would have taken. This story does not compute.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:29 PM
What exactly were the stamina/strength/ and muscle mass tests?

Did they pop in a copy of "Sweatin to the Oldies", and see if you could keep up with it on "expert mode"?

Crap what am i thinking, this is Area 51.

It had to be more like the testing they did on Drago, Dolph Lundgreg's(sp?) character in Rocky IV. They had all the electrode doo-dads stuck onto you,an electronic metal headband with wires running out of it. They prolly had you running a treadmill then punching a red sqare to see how many pounds psi your punching power is. While all this information was caculated on 20 different screens with computers the size of my room ect. Yea it had to be more like that.

Stamina, and muscle mass tests, sheesh, I've heard it all. I hope my doctor don't srat doing that to me. I have a hard enough time walking to his office.

Oh now that I'm thinking off it, I hope you told the doctor your stamina test might be a bit low, seeing you just walked 20 miles from the main road to the gaurds booth. Stuff like that can really skew the results of those stamina tests doctors do before giving you 3 valium to the chest.

Really though , all a doctor needs to do is know your weight and age, and any allegies, to know exactly how much of whatever drug he chooses (and he coulda picked from dozens of regular injectable ones), to do the job. You don't need to put a lance (hey- Lance was Eric stoltz name in pulp fiction, how odd lol ,ignore me, I tweak out sometimes) sized needed through your breastplate and into your heart to make youi pass out for 6-8 hours and forget 75% of what you did the last 24 hours.

Plus you said this was a couple days ago, then you posted here, 3 days, now your post has been up a couple days, 5 days.....

Sorry whatever "stuff" they injected you with is long gone outta your system. Unless it was pot, thats stays for 20-30 days(depending), aint that strange, the way that works.

I'm sorry I'm just not buying this one.

But, IF....and a big IF, you believe your story is true.

You should get a full check up, and i mean the works, because them injecting something through your chestplate into your heart sounds like serious business. I mean JUST in case, I'd do it if I were you, cause obviously you believe this happened.

So shell out the cash, and for the Love of Pete, don't mention Area 51. Tell them you got poked in the chest while gardening, you don't know if it was a spider, or some type of bug, or plant, and it's been hurting you REALLY bad for the last 5 days, and you haveing memory lapses, and dizzy-ness ect. That you want a Blood Test, and the full works physical job.

GL! and I look forward to hearing the results!

[edit on 23-10-2007 by Nola213]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:37 PM
Kids, Don't Try This At Home!

Originally posted by staceybourne
So what should I do?

1. Stay in school.

2. Learn to use paragraphs.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 05:41 PM
i think he has area 51 mixed up with club 57, he's been trippin since the 70's and the mark on the chest was probably caused by a medallion, i wonder if when he woke up in the truck, his underpants were on back to front and the driver had a cheeky smile and a cigarette lit. i like stories there good fun

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:29 PM
You people are absolutely sickening. This is internet bullying to its fullest extent. Someone came here with a post, regardless of how believable, that contains his/her propsed experince. Do we need to accuse him/her of mongering for attention so that he/she can wallow in some kind of limelight? No. Do we need to accuse him/her of being mentally unbalance? No. Do we need to openly mock and ridicule this person, in fact virtually spit in his/her face, for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER????


This is ridiculous. I feel like I'm in a preschool. I'm assuming we're all adults here?

Good for those of you that tried to make your skepticism balanced, fair, and friendy. ATS needs more people like you. But for those of you that are so arrogant you believe you can extrapolate x, y, and z about a person's lifestyle and personal/mental history out of thirty lines of text? That's insulting to the purpose of this entire forum. This is a place for intelligent discussion, not childish mockery.

And Majic, shame on you for joining this little gang-up. You're a mod, you should be preventing insulting posts, not creating them.

Don't bother challenging this post. I won't give you the time of day.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by alexbassguy]

[edit on 23-10-2007 by alexbassguy]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:41 PM
Ewwww! The Area 51 full body probe. Dude, way uncool. Your virgin membership status at starbucks is now revoked. Take a hot bath and light some incense. C'mon ABG, the trolls are getting as thick as thieves. It's getting a bit out of hand.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by jpm1602]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 07:44 PM
i agree with alexbassguy, feels like a gang mentality here.

also i did some searches across the internet for any reference to the OP and breaking into the base and absolutely nothing turns up...

Unless he/she for whatever reason changed usernames uniquely just for ATS.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by hiii_98]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:12 PM
The only way I would try to infiltrate area 51 or other secret bases like that is with an elite special ops unit.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by alexbassguy

Oh come on!! There were some GREAT responses!!!

Way to get all serious on us

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by alexbassguy

ok you can keep coddling these people who are in desperate need of attention, sorry I won't.

Maybe when then come with a story with a shred of credibility, or believability to it, I won't make fun of it.

I'm tired of being hoaxed and made a fool of by people like this, and wasting MY time trying to look for links or what have you to help these people who are just getting off makeing up the stories, and getting attention.

These people come here spinning rediculous stories looking for attention, well they should beware they may not like the attention they get.

Cause this ISN'T pre-school and I don't think we should have to baby people. Really I think we should be able to call it like we see it.

I didn't say anything mean, or rude, or racist or anything like that. If cracking a few jokes here and there gets your panties in a bunch I think you need to lighten up.

"Humor is the best Medicine."

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

well, what you see as great and funny responses i see as incredibly hurtful and mean. a few jokes are alright but this is just absurd.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:58 PM
Looking for forum posts is probably futile as he said in first post that was a lie by them in attempt to get him to talk.

I personally have been to the Area 51 signs on more then one occasion, and if you had done research on the base, you'd realize that getting out of a car down the road does little to help being detected. In fact, I would feel far worse if I were to go down there with no vehicle to get back with. When you get to the do not pass signs you are really in the middle of nowhere and kind of in an area that is surrounded by hills and is not easy to see from a distance.

There are vibration sensors and everything else out there, they know you're coming down the road long before you get there. Technically at those signs you're on the footprint of Area 51 as well, but they don't do much more then harass you if you're standing at the entrance (lights, drivng around in their 4x4s, etc)

As far as the whole needle thing, hmmm. Not quite sure how I feel about all that, but if the OP would provide more information or pictures I'd be happy to entertain the thought.

FWIW, Area 51 is still very active, but the normal activity that you see there fits the description of advanced aircraft testing perfectly. They do have the worlds longest runway out there and if you look at some google earth pictures you can see the neat outline of what appears to be a "slingshot" style runway strip go into the dried up lakebed.

Now I'm itching to go out there again.
Always a nice break from Vegas and I love the quietness out in that part. And the lil-ale-in is always nice to stop at...

[edit on 23-10-2007 by HaTaX]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 09:08 PM
hey everyone, I read the the way I still had to goto work so that why I haven't posted. Anyways I read everything and I assume you think I am a woman because of my name but I assure you that I am a man. Aswell like I said previously I'm not here to argue with you. Either believe me or don't, all I did was tell you my experience and all you guys are getting pissed of for me wasting your time. I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure I never posted "hey everybody!! lets take up three pages of posts to insult some guy and then blame all the time we spend putting people down on him!!"...yeah I never said that, YOU guys are wasting YOUR time...I expected you to read my post....i didn't ask you to. So all you people should really be ashamed. Believe me or don't. I'll be back to catch up on posts. You should be dissapointed of the time your wasting posting all these things. I would hope we're all mature and civilised people here and your all verbally attacking me. I never get a real chance to say this but.....with people like this I am truly dissapointed in what not only you but the majority of the worl has become...seriously....this is sick

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