posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 09:00 AM
If the government someday confirmed all the crap concealed for the past 50 years, think of all the stuff, we’d probably find out:
The truth about our ancient history, including our origin from the apes.
Whether or not god exists.
The meaning of life
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
How many blonds does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many people have they killed in order to keep it all a secret?
Will they bring back Elvis?
In key facto to all the other races out there, what do we rate in intelligent life forms? (We’re probably the crumb bucked of the universe)
Did Jesus exist? And if so, was he really a child beater.
And finally, most importantly, how much wood can a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Also, I think it’s probably up to the aliens themselves whether or not humanity is truly ready for such an event. I just don’t see how the
government, shadow government or what ever, would have enough power to influence them to stand-down from direct contact with the public. And so, every
time you ask the government for disclosure, it’s not up to them, they’re powerless, the government might want to bring all this crap brought to
the public but the aliens may not let them. If you want aliens to come down in their ships to the white house, you’d be better off trying to
convince the aliens that we as a race are ready, that we’re truly accepting of this reality. Through all the wars, fighting, greed, corruption and
control from both the government and religion, I can see how they (the aliens) would not want us to join the universe in intergalactic relations. We
are like a horribly ignorant disease, you don’t want a disease spreading through the entire universe, now do you. If we want any alien culture to
trust our way of life to the point were we are able to join them, we need to sort out our mess before we can even think about outer space contact. I
for one don’t really think we should really go out there, into the universe, with all our problems. If I were to have the opportunity to travel the
universe, I probably would discard my life here and learn what I can through the ET beings. And then maybe use that new knowledge to comeback and
teach what I’ve learnt.