posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 04:45 PM
More specifically, if you really know like I do, and you really consider what it all means, and what this life you'd been leading up to that point of
100 percent confirmation, it's life shattering. You cannot satisfactorily go on living like this, knowing that peaceful intelligence is out there,
waiting for the day when they can invite us to come join them in peace and harmony and the restoration of good to the galaxy. Like, everything you
think you should be doing to "make a living" becomes so pointless, so torturous even... it's hard to stand it, knowing this planet could be so
wonderful if it were in the right hands. Unfortunately, it's not. It's in the wrong hands, and WHY??? because WE let the wrong hands take the
responsibility so we don't have to. We're too busy being afraid. You've got a family to feed, man, hey I understand, but that family is gunna be a
lot better off in the future if you don't let the corporations control you through them and guilt trip you into making everyone as comfortable as
possible. Don't try guilt tripping people with that "family to feed" bullcrap, because THAT was your choice, and you are doing them a disservice
anyway by just being pushed over by them and everything else, and just ignoring the fact that their home may be uninhabitable WITHIN their lifetime...
because you and the rest of the sheep were too afraid of a little strife.
Life is going to change drastically soon, whether anyone is comfortable with it or not. We can either sit back, sign and swipe our lives away, and let
it change for the worse, or we can start realizing REALITY now.