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How would it affect you to have the existence of extraterrestrials confirmed?

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posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 04:45 PM
More specifically, if you really know like I do, and you really consider what it all means, and what this life you'd been leading up to that point of 100 percent confirmation, it's life shattering. You cannot satisfactorily go on living like this, knowing that peaceful intelligence is out there, waiting for the day when they can invite us to come join them in peace and harmony and the restoration of good to the galaxy. Like, everything you think you should be doing to "make a living" becomes so pointless, so torturous even... it's hard to stand it, knowing this planet could be so wonderful if it were in the right hands. Unfortunately, it's not. It's in the wrong hands, and WHY??? because WE let the wrong hands take the responsibility so we don't have to. We're too busy being afraid. You've got a family to feed, man, hey I understand, but that family is gunna be a lot better off in the future if you don't let the corporations control you through them and guilt trip you into making everyone as comfortable as possible. Don't try guilt tripping people with that "family to feed" bullcrap, because THAT was your choice, and you are doing them a disservice anyway by just being pushed over by them and everything else, and just ignoring the fact that their home may be uninhabitable WITHIN their lifetime... because you and the rest of the sheep were too afraid of a little strife.
Life is going to change drastically soon, whether anyone is comfortable with it or not. We can either sit back, sign and swipe our lives away, and let it change for the worse, or we can start realizing REALITY now.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 04:47 PM
I don't think that I need disclosure to wonder if ET's or UFO's exist. I already feel they do exist and I've already made up my mind.

I don't need disclosure from the President or NASA to make me feel any better or worse about it. I feel I am already past that and just want to get off the subject on if they exist or not. I rather pay more attention on the Agenda of Alien or the organization that keeps it a secret.

I rather on focusing on looking into the skies at night myself and research all the photos or videos. After a while, you can kind of tell which ones are real or fake.

I rather keep an open mind and listen to all aspects of possibilities no matter how crazy they sound so I may draw from my own conclusions.

I love reading and sharing all information posted on ATS and will never try to shoot anyone down on what they post. If I think there is a post that is not legitimate, I just don't respond and respect the other person and try to understand at what point they are at for searching out the truth themselves.

That's my two cents.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality

Well unless the ET's come to my house with a fruit basket or groceries I still have to eat and feed my family. I also don't think the bank would let me not pay my mortgage just because the existence of ET has been confirmed. But hey, If my car note, house note and light bill would be forgiven I would be glad to join the galactic journey.

Well, if civilzation were to break down because of the ET's coming, then all the things you just listed would only be memories of a better time. In order to not starve, you'd be reduced to subsistence farming to eat and feed your family. This what I meant when earlier I said I could not agree with posters (childlike?) dreams of a utopian society if ET comes. I say childlike because it is childlike to hope a parental-type entity (ET) will arrive to solve all our problems instead of figuring out how to solve them ourselves.

Again, for an earthly example, look at what happened to the Aztecs and Incas after the Spanish showed up, destroyed their way of life and "benevolently" converted them to Catholicism (or killed them if they refused)

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:10 PM
If the existence of extraterrestrials were confirmed, I think that most people would be very angry with all of the "secretkeepers" for their years of lies, deception and denials.

Life as it is, would never be the same, nor could it. Is anyone ever going to trust in government again, even in a small way? So now what??? We would still need order of some sort. Would disclosure mean religion is dead? Not all people are good! Does the justice system shut down? People need order, but where would it come from?

The government has made quite a mess out of this by years of lies and after disclosure, I see no way for them to continue on with their authority except through fear whether it be fear of martial law or fear of the aliens, either way, the first thing they would do is to try and regain their control.

Even if the aliens came in peace, our government would most likely tell us they were here to harm us. We wouldn't know who to believe. Again we would become divided. I see chaos and bigger world problems than we have now, if that's possible.

Mankind has practically destroyed the entire planet in one way or another, the extraterrestrials should just stay away--we're still not ready.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:58 PM
Oh they won't solve our problems for us. We have to do this ourselves... but if we can show them we can play nice with the big kids, they might just lend us a small hand (haha nevermind) and do us a favor or two. Don't think all alien species are friendly. They are usually either benevolent or maybe just a little condescending, but a couple of UIBs (unidentified intelligent beings hehe) seem to wanna do us harm for one reason or another... mostly mental and spiritual harm... and I think that maybe be part of the reason why people are so cruel today, is because there is some unknown (or secret) intelligent forces changing the way we think and behave... So do I think we'll be "invaded"? Not really, unless there's some rogue malevolences out there which haven't really matured spiritually/emotionally beyond OUR present general level, yet somehow have gained access to advanced transportation and weaponry, like how some reports of "reptilians" seem to sound like. But if they wanted to invade, they would have already. I think, honestly, until we reach a more widespread spiritual maturity in this planet, we will not be allowed to know much beyond this world because we just haven't shown the improvement yet... it's like evolution. You can't fly until you're given wings.
They won't say "we're here!" until we won't say "We're...gunna kill you cuz you're different."

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:43 PM
If the Aliens were confirmed by the U.S. Government it would only
efect me by making me more mad at the gov. for keeping it a big
secret for 60 plus years. Some say the reason the secret is not
confirmed is because a few men at the top want to sell the techno-
logy for big bucks. (Bob Lazar says that the guys at Area 51 have
been working on getting the secrets for many years and still do not
have all the technical secrets or the material needed to make them

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

Be awre tht thre is sme eidenc that ATS is a MMM asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wayne Jaeschke, who posted as ‘Centrist’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence). So be alert to games being played behind the scenes. And as with all things like this, do collect information from many sources (besides ourselves) and make up your own mind.
I put this thread on some nights ago but used names unfortunately. The whole story was deleted. Must of touched a nerve or maybe its just BS. I thought this place tries to find the truth. I have one name which was deleted along with my last post with his name and he was involved in CIA and ATS.

Be aware that there is some evidence that ATS is a CIA asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wxxxe Jxxschke, who posted as ‘Centxxxt’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence).

May I say for the record I have no reason or want to die I love life. Of 11/10/07 midnight or 12/10/07.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

Be awre tht thre is sme eidenc that ATS is a MMM asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wayne Jaeschke, who posted as ‘Centrist’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence). So be alert to games being played behind the scenes. And as with all things like this, do collect information from many sources (besides ourselves) and make up your own mind.
I put this thread on some nights ago but used names unfortunately. The whole story was deleted. Must of touched a nerve or maybe its just BS. I thought this place tries to find the truth. I have one name which was deleted along with my last post with his name and he was involved in CIA and ATS.

Be aware that there is some evidence that ATS is a CIA asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wxxxe Jxxschke, who posted as ‘Centxxxt’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence).

May I say for the record I have no reason or want to die I love life. Of 11/10/07 midnight or 12/10/07.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

Be awre tht thre is sme eidenc that ATS is a MMM asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wayne Jaeschke, who posted as ‘Centrist’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence). So be alert to games being played behind the scenes. And as with all things like this, do collect information from many sources (besides ourselves) and make up your own mind.
I put this thread on some nights ago but used names unfortunately. The whole story was deleted. Must of touched a nerve or maybe its just BS. I thought this place tries to find the truth. I have one name which was deleted along with my last post with his name and he was involved in CIA and ATS.

Be aware that there is some evidence that ATS is a CIA asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wxxxe Jxxschke, who posted as ‘Centxxxt’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence).

May I say for the record I have no reason or want to die I love life. Of 11/10/07 midnight or 12/10/07.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:06 PM
I agree with you guys!

What do you think of the following,...........

Be awre tht thre is sme eidenc that ATS is a MMM asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wayne Jaeschke, who posted as ‘Centrist’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence). So be alert to games being played behind the scenes. And as with all things like this, do collect information from many sources (besides ourselves) and make up your own mind.
I put this thread on some nights ago but used names unfortunately. The whole story was deleted. Must of touched a nerve or maybe its just BS. I thought this place tries to find the truth. I have one name which was deleted along with my last post with his name and he was involved in CIA and ATS.

Be aware that there is some evidence that ATS is a CIA asset (controlled directly or indirectly)... they routinely attract whistleblowers, witnesses and researchers, and then after a thread has started and has really got going, they start to trash the story with ‘sockpuppets’ (the same person posting under multiple usernames) which are often the moderators themselves.

We were told this in some detail by an ex-member of ATS who was very closely involved with the organizing administration team. Their ex-lawyer, Wxxxe Jxxschke, who posted as ‘Centxxxt’, is also very likely to be a CIA asset (quite a long story, but lots of evidence).

May I say for the record I have no reason or want to die I love life. Of 11/10/07 midnight or 12/10/07.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:14 PM
my own thread but the last one was deleted and that aint good. this is about truth.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:14 PM
my own thread but the last one was deleted and that aint good. this is about truth.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:17 PM
oh man do you really know whats goin on mmmmmmmmm no I dont think so

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
Imagine that you woke up one day and you saw on the news that the government confirmed that we are and have been visited by beings from another planet.

I would wonder what they're up to...

They would only release this information if there was something in it for THEM.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 11:15 PM
what the heck is up with pierre or whatever his name is? he posted this same jarbled stuff like 10 times each. I dunno, but he brings up a point. I have definitely noticed a lack of intellgent discussion in here about the real key issues. Most people just either wanna know the latest crackpot story about elvis abducting them at night, or they wanna tear apart the people with rational logical stories to tell. In the name of truth? Why not give the guys a break and instead of chasing them all away, why not listen, and ask polite questions, and not demand proof or death? It seems truly as though some people on this site could be correct in assuming that maybe this site is somehow either infiltrated OR affiliated with one or more of those secret three letter agencies and/or their agents... and I only say this because there's just a lack of any progress on this site. People ask for proof, and someone sometimes gives good proof even... and it's a fake and obviously someone has taken a large amount of time in drawing up some sort of diagram explaining it as a fake, so it would seem to be debunked. Question everything, even science.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:31 AM
I'm not going to say if disclosure came to pass I would not become more interested in finding out who we are and where we came from. Because I would. The fact of the matter is life goes on. I would not freak out or run for the hills or start living in a bunker. I would hope to be able to live on and continue with life as I know it.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:40 PM
I think that it would be one of the greatest days of my life !!

I would find it fantastic !!!

Not sure what else to say but I would welcome hearing the confirmation and would want to find out as much as I could about the aliens and everything surrounding them.


posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Ok so there are aliens the President just comfermed it and every ones going crazy. Not because there are aliens but because they lied to our faces and who know what else they are lieing about or hiding.

Scary notion that there are real aliens and what not but even scarier is what happens next. Martial law, new world order comes to. Maybe theres a count down behind that conformation and they've given us 60 years to prepare 60 years ago.
How would it affect me, I don't know but if its anything like the dreams I've had about this very thing its not at all good. Lock and load.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 06:12 PM
Let's see, "They're here!", OK. Good hypothetical.

I'd post more on AP and BTS? (I kid). Well I'm set to "eject" on about 10 minutes notice. If it seems "they" are not malevolent and society hasn't collapsed I might consider re-joining "the real world" after a time.

If it turns out they are the "wrong" type of visitor for our health? Vive la Resistance du Homme. That is until something better comes along... maybe, "They're Here Too or II".



[edit on 12-10-2007 by V Kaminski]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 06:52 PM
I would be ecstatic if it was announced that we are not alone. Like Copernicus I would be packing my suitcase and saying sayonara, won't be missing you to everyone.

I agree with Centurion. Anyone who thinks Aliens would solve all our problems is living a pipe dream. As history has shown, we would probably all end up being assimilated, which in the long run probably wouldn't be so bad, unless of course they happened to look like the borg.
Personally I wouldn't trust any Alien who did offer to solve all our problems. It's what they would be taking away with the other hand or tentacle that would concern me.

One thing is for sure. I seriously doubt that any benevolent ET would be welcomed with open arms by any of our governments. Any Alien good or bad would be seen as a direct threat to our way of life and to the status quo. It's probably the reason why our governments are so secretive in regards to Aliens and UFOs. Hence they'd probably keep it a secret and we would be none the wiser. I very much doubt the Aliens give a damn either way.

The most shocking thing would be if these Aliens turned out to be human and looked exactly like us. Now that would definitely put a spanner in the works.
The look on our scientists faces would be priceless.

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