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Stupid does as stupid is told!
Where do you get off saying total crap like that. Lets see......if for some reason Australia were to be the victim of a terror attack
...who would be the FIRST country to offer aid? help? money? what ever it took to help you recover???
I hate to disappoint you, but it would be US here in the USA. Do me a favor. If you ever do need our help, please refuse it. But to all you other Aussies down there who have been long time friends of us here in the states......We love ya! Mr. Maximus, you have not earned our love.
Aus US confidence
A new survey reveals Australians have experienced a dramatic loss in confidence in the ability of the united states to manage international affairs.
66% of those surveyed in 2001 had confidence in Americas ability to manage international affairs, that number has almost halved to 37% in 2007
I am sure all are really steamed at me for my remarks. I am sure ill be quoted and ripped apart.
Nothing new to me, I am out here in the wilderness of America giving the message of freedom to my bretheren. As you may have guessed I am a very intese person. I was violently abused, and beaten within a inch of my life for 18 years strait, and I really get ticked off about oppressors and War againt innocent people.
I am the type that stops on a busy day to help a person change a tire, or give a poor person my last dollar. I know what it feels like to in problems situations, and i give my all anytime to anyone, that is the real form of patriotism.
I have been reserching the new world movement for many years. I have seen probably 300 hours of conspiracy documentarys, as well as having this stuff on my mind 24/7 and my mind completely absorbs and retains all this information.. I do not play video games watch TV EVER, or participate in the Circus Maximus.
Anyone who is on the cutting edge knows China is the checkmate oponent, and It means the end my life. Just the "when" that keeps me on the alert to any news from China.Seeing them training on video with the Soviets doing takover drills on mock citys is alarming. If you do reserch into China you will see it is A endgame power player. The Military would love to get there hands around all americans of all races. They hate freedom, Invading force will murder everyone even there own kind, simply because freedom of speech on earth has to die.
I am 31 years old, and was raised in the land of tolerance.
I do tolerate, and do not abuse foreiners who flood into our country by the second.
I am working to save our country every second of ever day. there is room for anyone and all.My message is simple, Freedom has to remain first in the Constitution of America, not the maritime admiralty umbrella corperation that is UNITED STATES then freedom has to be given to all the countrys. I am not saying punish anyone or anything, Just make it stop,use your power for good, bring freedom to all Gods creatures NOW.
I will say though, that George Bush has said one intelligent thing.
"there should be limits to freedom"
Granted, he didnt mean it in the same way i mean it.
Neither is saying it in America politically wise.
But there should be limits to freedom. compare 2 words
They are both the same thing, every shade of colour, every sound, every volume.
Chaos is an extreme, when everything blurs together.
The Ancient Greeks believed that the universe started as Khaos. and the world and life began when chaos found limits, when it separated into components such as air, water, fire, etc.
Freedom is restricted chaos.
In America, they are not trying to get freedom, they want freedom without restrictions. Chaos.
People need boundaries, laws and moralities. Being politically free is what people should aim for. But America right now is acting Ethically free and morally free.
No structure.
I am for freedom for everyone in the world. Not just my people here who are being set up for a huge trap. The freedom movement has to begin here in US gain tit back. I am so intense because of the amount of yes stupidity of many of people including myself sometimes.
We are here to be happy for a little while and learn to be in gratitude and use undersatanding and forgiveness to free our minds from the torment of the ego.
Here In the states there is no limit to the amount of stereotyping that goes on. Everyone rip on everyone because we have freedom of speech for now. it doesnt bother me when Im called any names. I laugh about it.people call each other names all the time.I jut fugghtabbatit.
I actually stick my neck out everyday to wake up everyone. I am very bold and I just tell random people cutting edge information to get them to thimk.
They argue and become very upset with me even my own family. They can't handle it. Then I see people with there egos just a fluffing there feathers at each other and posing to each other. It is very frustrating to see the mind control in full force and I cant stop it.
I most would like to appologise to any chinese who read my remarks. I sincerly love the chinese people, not the military warriors. I have a cousin who is married to a Chinese woman. The Chinese people are brilliant as well, very cultured and extremely intelligent. I was basically yelling at the military who is for sure reading every word we all write.
I dont want to offend civilians, I just want to add my voice to the Real World Peace Movement that invasion will not be taken lying down. i just want to inform that.
Yes I am stuck in the old times. I see how America was and how intelligent the men, and women were. How the media really investigated news then. I want to see America become like this again. Aswell as the world,I am sure spouting off Super patriotic warnings is not a good thing to do. I am still new to this site, and I am learning tons from all of you.
There are no patriots left, there is only a shell of a man there. i stand for many. The fouding fathers are down underground they cant fight, we have to be brave and give our life up for the futures children to live in America that has freedom of speech as well as Restoration of the Constitution.
I am sure It means nothing, But I would like to express my deepest appology to anyone in any country I may have said a "stereotype" comments about. I respect you no matter what you say to me, I wont attack anyone, and will give my all to anyone in any country.
I know theres people who cant wait to rip me for this post, Again anything that is said to me in reply has no effect on me at all. I just really wanted to appologise to anyone who was offended
To everyone,please forgive me, we all make mistakes. I made a mega one, I promise ill turn down the patriot amperage.
I care about you all,even those who have hate permanently embeded within there heart,youll figure it out eventually.
Originally posted by dntwastetime
They want to go to war with the ULTRA SUPER PATRIOTS of America who will love to send them back into the abyss!!!! I say bring it communist SCUM!!!!!Freedom will never die by your blood covered hands. I know many people who have many, many, guns,scary guns, and much ammo for these invaders to eat. Think about how psychotic Americans are about there country. Think about how crazy the men are about there familys.These mind controlled slave soldier fools have not a chance against us, unless our criminal government wants them to win. I am seeing this as a real scenario. I laugh in there the scum will have to fight over the sea.
Hoo-rah! Glad you're on our side.
The US alone could defeat China. Japan alone could defeat China. But if China attacked the United States, NATO, Japan and South Korea and probably India would all attack China.
How long would China last before it is dissolved into Japanese territory and the US just say "have at them"?
Here's an idea - instead of Nuking China, just blow-up the Dam on the Yangtzee river....suddenly 40 million chinese are drowned in a catastrophe.
Originally posted by antar
yet in Australia you guys spend all of your time in the pubs doing the male bonding thing which means you neglect your women and families. You treat your women one step above the Taliban as far as I know it to be.
Originally posted by AncientVoid
oo you were making a point, fair enough. Thought you were actually thought that way.
A country should not based on an individual's actions...
Considering both the US and Australia are bastard children of England, can't we put aside our differences and discuss this in an adult manner. Thank you.
Glad that you can enjoy our uncensored AMERICAN website called Above Top Secret.
How did you feel when you first had your guns taken away?
And what do you think the American people will do if that scenario ever is attempted here?
You apparently have a lot of pent up hostility that you are placing on the American population
from what I have read of your submentalyretarded attitude, you are 'down' with more than Australia.
You took personal affront at the thought of one of ours stating he would protect the women and families of our country without batting an eye and yet in Australia you guys spend all of your time in the pubs doing the male bonding thing which means you neglect your women and families. You treat your women one step above the Taliban as far as I know it to be.
You are an idiot if you think for a moment this was your personal soap box to spout your anti American cyber hate slogans.
You seem to me really clueless about the truth of the American people and for what our people are willing to do to protect our Constitution.
Just watch and you had better start learning Russian if you really think that we are going to get our butts whipped by any country or organization when the day is done.
Take your mean allegations and warped sense of loyalties and stick them where the sun don't shine. Start your own I hate America and want to see all the people in it suffer a fate which can only stand to make me feel big strong man thread and stop derailing this one from the insightful discussion it was originally posted to be.
Precisely! And that was the point in why I said it, maybe he falls under that category or maybe not, but he will most certainly know of those that do. Does that make 'all' Aussies the same? Not likely, just making a point toward his racist comments which were far more elaborated upon than anything I was provoking him with. Oops if he is a man...
It has turned into a whole bunch of insanity in here.
Mindless anger only spawns more mindless anger.
You seem to be an intelligent person, and the only person that seems to be needlessly dragging this out is you.
I have a tried discussing this in a polite manner but you all but ignored my post except for the last line or two.
I will continue to discuss this in a polite manner, and please accept the fact that not everyone that disagrees with you is a moron. If you hadn't noticed the sarcastic undertones in some of the posts. A lot of the people joining in are purposely trying to provoke you.... because, it's just too damn easy, and if you continue people will begin to laugh at you.
I appreciate your fiery passion for what you believe, and sticking to your convictions, but there are so many better ways to convey your opinions, especially if you are trying to make a point. Just think about it.