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Student Arrested, Tasered at Kerry Event

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by geemony
when are people going to realize that when a cop tells you to calm down and move along ....DO IT don’t cry freedom of speech and resist. Everyone read the article, it specifically states the dude went over his allotted time and the mic was cut off. He then kept getting angry because he didn’t like the rules for the question and answer part of the speech. Kerry obviously agreed so the guy was removed. Then the flip flopper decided to answer the question after the ruckus was over. Typical politician response, I for one am glad Kerry didn’t become president.

At least with GW he’s pretty much up front and we see what he stands for!!!! What does Kerry stand for? Allowing the Tazing of spoiled little kids who don’t get their way obviously. LOL

"please don’t taze me dude".........WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA lol

I guess he should have listen and moved on. But I guess it’s like everything else freedom of speech includes being rude and obnoxious. I think not, but im ready for all the backlash from those of you who think freedom of speech means you can do and say anything you want with no consequences for your actions.

Whatever you are smoking, please send me some. I would love to live in your delusional world!

#1. You say his mic was cut off and he became angry. Please show me where you see that. What I see is his mic cut off, he grins throws his hands up and BACKS AWAY from the microphone. He does not say another word until he is grabbed by police. So where is this angry outburst you are talking about?

#2. Why did the police grab him? Is it illegal to go over your alloted time? Is it illegal to ask certain questions? If so, show me these laws.

#3. You open your statements with how this kid should "get over it" yet by the end of your first paragraph you are saying how happy you are Bush was elected over Kerry, Kerry is a flip flopper, etc etc. Maybe you should get over it. Clearly you harbor some serious feelings.

#4. GW is upfront? This is way off topic but I had to address it. He is only up front when it is too late and the story is already out there. How up front was he over the 9-11? How up front was he concerning the firing of the US attorneys? Show me anything where he was really up front? I will take any example and I wish you luck finding one.

#5. Actually Freedom of Speech does include unpopular speech. You may not like it, but it is your right. Just like your post to me is outrageous, it is your right to have that opinion and share it. So just because a lot of people may not agree with you, does that mean I can place you under arrest without informing you of it and taze you if you do not comply right away?

I have said it before, I will say it again. Many of you will change your minds when it is YOU that is being tazed for doing nothing wrong.

My question for everyone: If the police do not tell you that you are under arrest, how can you resist arrest?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:18 PM
ok in fairness this kid probably asked more question's before this and was interrupting speaker/low life kerry. at least that is what the you tube video inferred.

so this is somewhere between a case of police excessive use of force to a MASS pschological and behavior modification and getting people to associate PAIN with QUESTIONING the GOV'T

this video will be spread to get people to view this as a NORMAL occurence.

This is very disturbing. Actually , I could not believe it. No wait, People are so APATHETIC which opens the door to INGNORANCE and MANIPULATION that this is probably acceptable. On the other side this is just what the people need to get jacked up and awakened.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by cpdaman]

[edit on 18-9-2007 by cpdaman]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by MasterRegal
WRONG! He was tasered because he was violently resisting the officers. They even warned him and did not comply. Don't spread bull.

Wasn't tazing originoly supposed to be a last option thing for officers who were trying to arrest somebody maybe bigger than them who they physically coulnd't take down?
It seems foolish that 6 officers don't have the strength to carry away a pretty scrawny college kid into a police car or another room. Answer: They want to tazer him. Did they need to ? no? but they did. and then at the last part he begged them not to taze him and it seems that their mind was alredy made up.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by cpdaman
MASS pschological and behavior modification (brain washing) and getting people to associate PAIN with QUESTIONING the GOV'T

this video will be spread to get people to view this as a NORMAL occurence.

This is very disturbing. Actually , I could not believe it. No wait, People are so APATHETIC which opens the door to INGNORANCE and MANIPULATION that this is probably acceptable.

I mean people are afraid if they revolt they will lose their bread and circuses

Truth here.. more people will cower after watching that video..

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:36 PM
I watched the video a few times and made the following observations:

1) Kerry called on the student who started off by thanking Kerry for being open and honest.
2) The student asked a legitimate question that Kerry has never really answered especially in light of the investigative reporting and new information regarding the 2004 election by Greg Palast.
3) The man in the suit whispers into the police officers ear when the student raises his voice due to his amazement that Kerry conceeded the election in 2004. (It's clear to me at this point the police do not like the tone of his question and considered it threatening)
4) At this point, the person in control of the situation was Kerry, but he chose to do nothing as the police moved in. The situation could have easily been defused had Kerry called off the police and calmed the situation down but he decided to stand there and watch the police drag him off for a tazering.
5) So much for Kerry being a leader, he didn't show any leadership whatsoever.
6) If you thought that was bad, try asking bush a question he doesn't want to hear......

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

Yes, it is suppose to be the very last option. Looks like that went by the wayside. Just like everthing does. Just as long as they get there way. The government truely cares less about people.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by MasterRegal
WRONG! He was tasered because he was violently resisting the officers. They even warned him and did not comply. Don't spread bull.

Wasn't tazing originoly supposed to be a last option thing for officers who were trying to arrest somebody maybe bigger than them who they physically coulnd't take down?
It seems foolish that 6 officers don't have the strength to carry away a pretty scrawny college kid into a police car or another room. Answer: They want to tazer him. Did they need to ? no? but they did. and then at the last part he begged them not to taze him and it seems that their mind was alredy made up.

what I saw was him.. chest on the floor held by multiple officers. even striking him is excessive use of force let alone multiple taze blasts. every officer should be de-badged. those who did it and those who did nothing to prevent it.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Look, I did not want to say this, but, the line is crossed when he talks about the clinton blowjob? HE SAID BLOWJOB>>>>>>That garners them to turn off the mic. He was told he could not ask the questions because there was no enough time, and he did it anyways. So, he ignores a smiple request, talks about impeachment because of oral sex and calls Kerry out for not standing up during the 2004 election. That my friends is why this happened.

Oh, and kozmich or cozmik or celestial mother to the ingrates of america, thank you so much for your kind words. Now, since you are a mother, how would you feel if your 17 y/o freshman child was in there? I would be pissed that this idiot ruined something that could have ended with good publicity and not bad. ALso, I love how you defend the kid no matter what he does by acting the fool or apologizing. If he had to apologize, it should have never happened in the first place. I mean, apologizing is admit guilt of a wrongful act, right? Please correct me if I am wrong.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Look, I did not want to say this, but, the line is crossed when he talks about the clinton blowjob? HE SAID BLOWJOB>>>>>>That garners them to turn off the mic. He was told he could not ask the questions because there was no enough time, and he did it anyways. So, he ignores a smiple request, talks about impeachment because of oral sex and calls Kerry out for not standing up during the 2004 election. That my friends is why this happened.

I have seen nothing that supports this claim, but for the sake of argument let's assume it is fact. Where in anything you describe was a law broken? Where in anything you describe warrants this person being arrested? And please, do not say "disturbing the peace" because that is not an arrestable offense. You would simply be issued a citation for that, and police do not grab you and push you anywhere for a violation in which they can hand you a citation. Also.... if this was an arrestable offense, why was he not told he was being place under arrest or read his rights prior to being manhandled which is in accordance with law?

Now, since you are a mother, how would you feel if your 17 y/o freshman child was in there? I would be pissed that this idiot ruined something that could have ended with good publicity and not bad. ALso, I love how you defend the kid no matter what he does by acting the fool or apologizing. If he had to apologize, it should have never happened in the first place. I mean, apologizing is admit guilt of a wrongful act, right? Please correct me if I am wrong.

You are hearby declared corrected. Apologizing is not an admission of guilt. This kid was being abused. With that in mind, is a wife who is being beaten by an abusive husband admitting guilt is she tries to calm him by saying "I'm sorry" so he does not whack her again? In this case it is the same thing. He is outnumbered, manhandled, pinned to the ground. I'd say I'm sorry too if it would help defuse the situation.

If I had a 17 year old in there? If he is 17 I can promise you he has heard and/or used worse words than "B***J**" that is a word that has even been used on NETWORK TV during a very popular sitcom which was on prime time. Maybe you heard of it, it was called "Sex In The City" as a matter of fact, on a re-run of this show tonight they had a big discussion on "Salad Tossing" which is licking of the rectum. So I think it is VERY safe to say that "B***J**" wouldn't phase him in the least. My question to you would be, how did your 17 year old kid get into collage without ever hearing that word? Did he not see "American Pie" like the rest of the free world his age? are defending CAMPUS POLICE. These are rejects from the actual police force and you are going to trust them to know and uphold the constitution? You can not be that naive. They are no better than Rent-A-Cops and quite honestly they do not have to know a damn thing much less know the law! Bottom line here is: This kid did NOTHING ILLEGAL!! These "officers" were out of line. I caught another video of this on TV tonight and one of these "officers" has a tazer out and aimed at this kid FROM THE START OF THE INCIDENT. Before any real "struggle" or before anything got "out of hand" he already had a tazer aimed at the kid. How can you possibly defend that type of action for a victim-less crime? How can you justify violence against a "suspect" who has not acted violently or performed a violent action?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:21 AM
I've studied as many different videos of this as I can.

These, absolutely ARE the facts. IMO of course, but I see alot of confusion on these boards alot, I didn't even go through the 22 pages of replies.

He didn't wait for the answers of his questions because they're all part of his presentation of the questions. It's very Dramatic, and he probably thought he wouldn't be able to ask his last, most important question if Kerry had answered them individually. He told everyone "Wait, I'm not done, I have two more."

He was very passionate about these questions, but not upset about Kerri not answering them immediately. Because he wasn't done.

In the middle of asking "Are you A member of the same secret Society as George Bush-" They cut off his mic. He turns to the Officer next to him, and says "Thank you for cutting off my mic." Obviously outraged.

Whether or not his time was up, one cop grabbed his arm, and he protested this by asking, "Are you arresting me now?" The woman said, "Stop, stop." He protested that he wanted to "stand here and listen to him answer his questions." They took him away anyway.

Here is where I find some controversy. They are arresting him for disorderly conduct. (The idiot of the cop in a later video told him he was being arrested for inciting a riot, I actually heard someone yell, "Rodney King" but I'm not sure if that was him, or someone else. The voice does sound different.) Though he didn't commit this "Disorderly Conduct" until they started arresting him. (They were arresting him, weren't they?)

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:25 AM
What I take from this is a deffinate shift in policy.

Police used to allow peacefull discent. Now they use pain till you comply, they must break you. This is the 1984 model, do not just detain or stop an enemy to the state, break him until he cowers in fear.

This is being taught and used everywhere.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:25 AM
Found something kinda interesting...

Andrew Meyer's Freespace site

This site is a bit out of date, but I'm struck by how immature his writings are. He goes by the handle of "Famouswriterguy" and has won awards for his work... but... ah... it's all kinda crap.

I mean... jeez, look at this comment:

My purpose in life is to badger, jeer, and cajole professional athletes.

He gets off on annoying people.

This doesn't justify the actions of the police.
Just don't try to turn this duffus into some kind of hero.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Kokasion

Your question will be what is legally argued in court. If he was not "under arrest" then why did the police grab him? If you are not "under arrest" and an officer grabs you are you resisting arrest or are you defending yourself against an attack? If he was under arrest, why was he not informed of this prior to being grabbed? If spitting on someone is considered assault, what it is called when you are physically grabbed and pushed by an officer who has not placed you under arrest?

I am still shocked that anyone who knows the law can condone these actions. Everyone who supports these "officers" should really look into the laws. What happened here was wrong on a lot of levels.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by BitRaiser

Blame the victim? Are you serious?

I have read all 23 pages of this thread and no where have I seen the word "hero" associated with this kid.

So what if he said he liked to give pro athletes a hard time? Have you been to a sporting event lately? Trust me HE is not the only one! That does not however mean that he was trying to give Kerry a rough time. Even in his post it does not say "I like to annoy people" it says "pro athletes" and for the outrageous money they make for being able to bounce, kick, catch, throw a ball or just because they can run fast it is an opinion shared by lots of fans. Especially directed at opposing teams.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:38 AM
All I wan't to know is why that event has so many empty seats? Did they allow only a certain few that would be on the cops side?

This whole event could have been staged.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by section8citizen
Blame the victim? Are you serious?

Hold the phone, buddy!

I never said blame the victim.
I am firmly in the same camp as you... those cops need a swift kick in the rear to propel them the hell outta their jobs. Abusive policing is something no one should stand for.

I'm also saying that Andrew is an idiot.
He did bring some of this on by acting like a tard, fighting and screaming when he could have been calmly stating his rights. His web-prattle backs up the notion that this wasn't an isolated case of bad judgment... he is, in fact, an idiot.

That STILL doesn't make what the cops did right on ANY level.

Here's another site you might be interested in: Police Link - Andrew Meyer story
Check out the cops back slapping each other and saying the officers were in the right. Check out comments some of them have made about how much more force they would have used.

Who knew that Transformers got the real police slogan right?
"To Punish and Enslave"

[edit on 19-9-2007 by BitRaiser]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Ellipsis

The part that I spent most of last night trying to fathom in my mind is when I see the students standing by laughing or cheering as he is taken away. I have come to the horrific conclusion that not only are we in a world where to say something uncomfortable is deemed a offense worth violence, we are surrounded by apathetic neighbors and friends who would laugh when they see something they themselves are unsure of to make it easier on their conscious.

Not the first time people sat by and watched
Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.

"They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up. "

[Martin Niemoller - about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi roundup of fellow German citizens]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:08 AM
esdad71 - I'm not sure what your problem is, but what I am sure of is that the attack by the campus police and the torture inflicted upon the student was entirely unjustified. In your posts you spew a lot of idiotic crap. Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the Constitution and specifically the 1st 10 amendments (known as the Bill of Rights)........Americans are entitled to speak their bit without being tasered. Quite frankly, any resistance to unreasonable force at that point would be, in my mind, totally justified. The government is not a force to be obeyed, the government is our servant, and is meant to obey the will of the governed (us). Any government activity contrary to that central premise is, by definition, illegal.

As far as your remarks about "ingrates of america" and "17 y/o freshman child", a 17 year old is not a "child" by any measure that I am aware of, other than the ridiculous artificial benchmark of 18 (although Heaven forbid a "child" who can be sent to Iraq to be blown to bits be allowed to drink a beer)'re an adult at 18, but not son can join the Marines, but he can't buy a stupid is that?

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:26 AM
well, if this dosen't make you think about our "so called freedoms" here in the US, i don't know what will. At the least, this is a very good example of the use of escessive force... and in the least, it is a shaker to all of you that still believe in this "land of the free" liberties. Time to wake up I guess

It reminds me of something that was said to me at work the other day:

"Rights? well you think we have right's 'eh? The only right we have here is to # the f*** up and do as we are told"

~comm out~

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:08 AM
Hi all. I apologize if this has been posted already, but 22 pages is a lot to go through.

First, I do not think this has anything to do with him asking questions about Skull and Bones, primarily because both of them have admitted in interviews on national TV that they were members. Here is a youtube video- the first 40 seconds or so is Bush and Kerry:
width="425" height="350"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Second, and more on topic, I do feel that the police used excessive force. Was this guy obnoxious and perhaps seeking attention? Yes. But when did that become a crime? As soon as they moved in on him he backed up and threw his hands in the air- one officer actually pulled out a gun- and he did not attack, punch, kick, or attempt to assault any officer. Once they had him on the ground all they had to do was cuff him and escort him out.

He was however holding a book. Perhaps words really are weapons.

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