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Student Arrested, Tasered at Kerry Event

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posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:09 AM
I clearly do not know how to post a youtube video here yet.

Here is a link:

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

When ya post a reply there is a button at the top for Youtube or Google
press it then insert the number or code for the video, its in the address bar for the vid

the one you posted is "9pUogbYkoHc"

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:37 AM
I am not a cop but i did stay at a holiday inn express last night...

If someone is not being physically violent ect. don't they have to tell you that your "under arrest" before they have the right to manhandle you?oh that and read you your rights..Miranda thing. if he asked if he was under arrest or what he was under arrest for. don't they have to answer before they tazer you? i've only watched matlock and cops but thats what i understood.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:45 AM
There are no More Miranda Rights in the Us the Police do not have to read you your rights anymore. The Patriot act took most of that right away.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by infamouskiller
There are no More Miranda Rights in the Us the Police do not have to read you your rights anymore. The Patriot act took most of that right away.

Wow.... and people ask about the rights that disappear.. the right to hear your rights. dang they pretty much got em all don't they. my new plan is to not talk.. just toss the cop a donut, jump on the ground and start screaming in preparation for the tazer and or baton i am about to receive!

come to think of it i recomend this plan to everyone.. it'll just streamline the whole process..

[edit on 19-9-2007 by DIRTMASTER]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by BitRaiser
Found something kinda interesting...

Andrew Meyer's Freespace site

This site is a bit out of date, but I'm struck by how immature his writings are. He goes by the handle of "Famouswriterguy" and has won awards for his work... but... ah... it's all kinda crap.

let's take a closer look at this "Crap"


* 1st Place, Columnist, Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards, 2004
* All-Florida – Editorials, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2003
* All-Florida – Editorials, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2004
* All-Florida – Reviews, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2004
* 3rd Place, Editorial Writer, Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards, 2004
* 1st Place, Movie Reviewer, Teentime, Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards, 2004
* Reviewer of the Year, Teentime, Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards, 2004

Awards I Don't Care About

* Excellent – Entertainment, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2003
* Excellent – Entertainment, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2003
* Excellent – Entertainment, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2004
* Excellent – Sportswriting, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2004
* Honorable Mention – Sportswriting, Florida Scholastic Press Association, 2004
* Honorable Mention, Sports Writer, Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards, 2003
* Honorable Mention, Entertainment Writer, Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards, 2003
* Honorable Mention, Teentime, Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards, 2003

ah yes, clearly a crap writer, who is immature.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Look, I did not want to say this, but, the line is crossed when he talks about the clinton blowjob? HE SAID BLOWJOB>>>>>>That garners them to turn off the mic. He was told he could not ask the questions because there was no enough time, and he did it anyways. So, he ignores a smiple request, talks about impeachment because of oral sex and calls Kerry out for not standing up during the 2004 election. That my friends is why this happened.
[edit on 18-9-2007 by esdad71]

Your logic baffles me. It is not illegal to say the word blowjob in public. I think all of the adults at the meeting could handle hearing such a harsh word.

If they would not have grabbed him he would have went peacefully back to his seat.

I still don't agree that anything Meyer did gave the rent-a-cops any reason to grab him... but..

Let's say you're right. He crossed the line, he is a bad, bad, man.

Still, he is laying face down on the floor with four people on top of him. Why the need for a taser? They had the cuffs halfway on for ****'s sake! Are you kidding me?!?! These officers should all be terminated without a second thought.


Anyway, I don't know if this has been posted yet. Here is a part of the protests at the university. I believe there are 3 parts all together.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:33 AM
It was a set up. He was mocking the kid who got tased a while back who made a large scene and all his questions was supposed to be some joke for you tube.

UCLA Taser

andrew meyer aka bad comic

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by infamouskiller

I could be wrong, but I thought the Patirot Act only allowed for the suspension of Miranda Rights if the person was accused of being a terrorist or an enemy combatent. (Whatever that means- it could mean almost anything.)

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

Half the people in this thread are Domestic Terrorists, if that tells you anything about the pat act....

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 06:19 AM

In the US, a kid at a uni lecture given by John Kerry gets electrocuted because he broke the rules of Q & A and wouldn't shut up when told to...

The fact there were a gazzillion police on top of him has to mean something...Why not give him a simple backhander if he needed to be subdued ?

A backhander isn't going to kill anyone, a tazer could and has...

This is probably the worse example of police overreaction in the US I've seen since Rodney King...

Disgusting, IMO...And for those who seem to support electrocuting someone over something like this, you are very much sheeple, and will be amongst the first to go down when it all goes down....

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole
reply to post by infamouskiller

I could be wrong, but I thought the Patirot Act only allowed for the suspension of Miranda Rights if the person was accused of being a terrorist or an enemy combatent. (Whatever that means- it could mean almost anything.)

this is new to me as well, but i mentioned it to my friend, and apparently in Wisconsin, it's common knowledge that there are no such thing as Miranda rights anymore. I guess it's on a state by state basis now, because too many cases were being lost due to cops forgetting to read rights, lol.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:06 AM
No matter how much lipstick you put on a pig - it is still a pig.

And many try to make this situation less important and scary then it really is. We are dealing with complete denial of basic rights, which are granted to each and everybody who lives in U.S.A. by the U.S. constitution. And FREEDOM OF SPEECH is one of those points. Making such a scene out of one student trying to ask something is only an indicator, of what is happening. He was not the only incident of such kind, and tazing people these days, has become a dangerous use of non-deadly force, to submit ANYBODY. And it shall go on.

The Tasering Will Continue Until You All Submit!

Tasers were developed as a non-lethal option to bring dangerous situations under control. But law enforcement officials are now using them with wild abandon in cases where simple diplomacy or a little hard work would otherwise suffice.

In the past I’ve written about the police tasering of a UCLA student for refusing to show his school ID, as well as the time a cop tasered an 11 year old at school because the officer on hand apparently couldn’t physically restrain him?!? (Gee, what would they have done 10 years ago?)

Police have also used Tasers against peaceful protesters (NPR audio about tasering protesters), a pregnant woman (8 months) and an elderly man who called 911 to get medical attention for his diabetic seizure.

So, how does that make you feel? Tasering 11-year olds? Pregnant women? Elderly man? I sure would not feel very SAFE and SECURE with the police around. But that is just me. And I do not live in United States anyway. I just want to make Americans think about, what kind of country they live in.

So who’s next?

Maybe YOU...

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by section8citizen
Whatever you are smoking, please send me some. I would love to live in your delusional world!

So becasue i disagree with your interpretation of freedom of speech I must be smoking something. Forget all the other people in the room trying to learn something and trying to listen to Kerry. They have no right to a peaceful event i guess. The only one who has any rights is the guy who is disruptive and putting on a show?

#1. You say his mic was cut off and he became angry. Please show me where you see that. What I see is his mic cut off, he grins throws his hands up and BACKS AWAY from the microphone. He does not say another word until he is grabbed by police. So where is this angry outburst you are talking about?

Try reading the article and since this fiasco the follow up articles.

#2. Why did the police grab him? Is it illegal to go over your alloted time? Is it illegal to ask certain questions? If so, show me these laws.

Do you not understand that these types of events have rules which those participating must adhere to? WTF, so yes he broke the rules and then didnt want to comply.

#3. You open your statements with how this kid should "get over it" yet by the end of your first paragraph you are saying how happy you are Bush was elected over Kerry, Kerry is a flip flopper, etc etc. Maybe you should get over it. Clearly you harbor some serious feelings.

If you bothered to try and understand what i was saying you would have read that I was happy Kerry didnt get elected. I think we got the lesser of both evils but I didnt vote for bush either. I do harbor serious feelings about my country I just dont agree its as bad as some CTers think it is. So you dont agree with how the country is being run, I dont agree with everything either but Im not ready to give up and throw in the towel. I just feel there are ways to show ones disagreement and there are ways to not show ones distaste for things. This guy chose the wrong way and got what I really think he wanted all along. Look for the law suit in the next few days.

#5. Actually Freedom of Speech does include unpopular speech. You may not like it, but it is your right. Just like your post to me is outrageous, it is your right to have that opinion and share it. So just because a lot of people may not agree with you, does that mean I can place you under arrest without informing you of it and taze you if you do not comply right away?

Find where I disagree with the freedom to express unpopular speech. You cant becasue I absolutly feel unpopular speech is every persons right. Its just not your right to disrupt an otherwise peaceful gathering with your CT rants and your distaste for the way things are in the world. And if there is a set guidline for how the discussion is to be conducted and you dont want to follow the rules then yes being tazered is on the table it seems.

My question for everyone: If the police do not tell you that you are under arrest, how can you resist arrest?

If the cops have you in a head lock and 8 of them are on you and they taze you then "hit me with a freakin sledge hammer you are most likely under arrest." im sure the cops got to the maranda rights and handcuffs as as soon as they shut him up.

Section I always like your posts however there is no need to get personal with the smoking comment. Not everyone is going to buy what your selling all the time no need to get nasty my friend. And my world is delusional becasue why , im successful, im happy and I dont see the world the way you do.

Take care

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:29 AM
i have read every post in every thread...

esdad, you're wild man....gonna defend till the end eh?

fact is, the cops could have/should have avoided this by simply saying, "come here, you're not under arrest, we just want to talk"...i mean something...

i thought you were supposed to be informed that you are under arrest and they did not do, like section 8 has said, how can you resist if you are not under arrest.

and all this crap about his wanting to heckle athletes or whatever, this is just the start of the smear campaign to discredit this kid......i think esdad did that about 10 pages back(i apologize if it was not you)...someone posted a link that said he is a, the news is doing it to and cnn is about to show one of his 'pranks'...

thats how it words though....credibility and such...

they're gonna make this kid seem like such an ass that everyone is gonna be behind the cops....

so what he likes to prank people. so do i
none of that matters in this case....not at all.

did everyone miss the part at the START of this fiasco when he immediately puts his hands straight up in the air...that is submission.....he was not trying to hit/strike anyone.....the cop was grabbing and pulling onto his arm.

hopefully, he gets an assault charge on every one of these coppers...

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by diedagaincraftsmen
It was a set up. He was mocking the kid who got tased a while back who made a large scene and all his questions was supposed to be some joke for you tube.

Wherever you got your information, it is not corroborated by his friends or by the stranger who filmed the event using Andrew Meyer's camera.

If there is a joke here, then someone is having one off of the US Constitution. The militarisation of police forces in the USA is one of the USA's greatest dangers and that such arises from the policy decisions of the disgraced Bush/Cheney administration, one's concern should increase in geometrical proportion.

Tasering an individual who has been subdued by police is not only unnecessary it is also an act of torture.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by KINGOFPAIN
reply to post by MasterRegal

are you kidding?! there was no right for them to approch him in the first place,if kerry would just awnser the question(s) the guy would probably have shut up.

but in what i saw.. there's no reason for them cop's to jump on that guy like that... the guy asked what he was being arrested for... and got no awnser... so he had every right to resist cause he was NOT under arrest.

cops work for us!..not the other way when asked a question,it's their JOB to answer the people that make their paychecks possible.

Come on guys, do all of you really believe the stuff you post on here? Do you really think that a ex president elect with more education that most people really has to answer a college student? And do you all really thinkg that an officer has to stop trying to arrest someone who is screaming and yelling and attempt to explain to someone who has high emotions about all the details of their arrest? As a police officer for a town of 500,000, I know damn well you cant talk to some people, especially once they start acting like this guy. Oh, and he was under arrest the second he fought the police in the isle.
I kind of have mixed emotions about the tasering though, I will buy the fact that that many cops around could have done something else, and the taser was probably the least effectinve tool to use. The taser uses prongs that shoot out and stick in the body, and they need to have a minimum of 7 inches to work right, so at that distance, the taser was the last thing the officer should have used.
But, in NO WAY was it excessive force. The taser is still a completly safe tool used to subdue someone. It was either that, or, using the baton or pepper spray. If you have ever been pepper sprayed, and given the choice of that or the taser, you would gladly accept the taser.

The guy was acting like an idiot and got what was coming, and to the users who think this is a police state, and the police were some secret agent of John Kerry who needed to subdue this guy before the truth got out... Jeez man, we make 35,000 to 50,000 a year. Not exactly the pay range needed to be some balck op, secret wing of the government.

I feel that most of the users posting on this topic are probably anti law/government, or armchair lawyers and advocates, and most of you probably will debate this post with hostility or aggresivness, but just remember, this is a debate. A chance for me to put my word and agenda out, then a chance for somebody to agree/disagree with it, then I have a chance to rebuttle it. If your first thought is to say something snide or bitter, maybe you should re-watch the video and ask think about the whole free speech thing.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Azrael-6

Originally posted by KINGOFPAIN
reply to post by MasterRegal

The taser is still a completly safe tool used to subdue someone.

No matter how many times someone asserts that the taser is "a completely safe tool" does not make it so.

The use of the taser has killed individuals. It is not safe. It is principally an instrument of torture that is being used as an instrument not unlike an electrified cattle prod. The chief problem with such use is that human beings are not cattle, and such torture devices as the taser should be banned out right.

[edit on 19/9/07 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by DIRTMASTER
I am not a cop but i did stay at a holiday inn express last night...

If someone is not being physically violent ect. don't they have to tell you that your "under arrest" before they have the right to manhandle you?oh that and read you your rights..Miranda thing. if he asked if he was under arrest or what he was under arrest for. don't they have to answer before they tazer you? i've only watched matlock and cops but thats what i understood.

A police officer does not have to tell anybody that they are under arrest until they would understand such a statement. I could have told that guy he was under arrest all day, but with his emotions so high, it proabably would not have registered to him.
The Miranda thing... Miranda is only used once you are being questioned about a crime. If your not being questioned about specific details that may lead to self incrimination about a specific crime, then there is no need for miranda.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Azrael-6

Originally posted by KINGOFPAIN
reply to post by MasterRegal

I feel that most of the users posting on this topic are probably anti law/government, or armchair lawyers and advocates, and most of you probably will debate this post with hostility or aggresivness, but just remember, this is a debate. A chance for me to put my word and agenda out, then a chance for somebody to agree/disagree with it, then I have a chance to rebuttle it. If your first thought is to say something snide or bitter, maybe you should re-watch the video and ask think about the whole free speech thing.

Obviously you are a noob. So to be won't be tasered for your views on ATS but we reserve the right to counter any silly points you might make. "Rebuttle" away, free speech is important to us.

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