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Muslims Protest Over Pet Food Factory That Could 'Rain Down' Pork

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posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Shinji
A short time later, the family were going to get deported, they then came running to him begging for help, he quite rightly told them to get stuffed. He had shown them kindness and hospitality and they returned that kindness with racism and hatred.

That's one family, hardly representative of an entire religious group is it? Many of the young Muslims I know are forced to live a double life, and it's very hard for them. They have the expectations of their families (only go out with Muslim boys or girls that the family know, no make up, no drinking etc) and those of a normal "European" i.e. dating whoever they want, wearing make up (which they do when they get to work and take it off before going home) and going out for a few drinks with friends.

Now, to me that sound like a pretty tough life. These are particularly common in the Pakistani and Kashmiri communities, and this is completely different to the lifestyles of the "European" Iranians I know.

People on this site frequently bang on about "How fed up with Muslims" they are, and it's becoming rather pathetic and all too common. I for one, am getting "fed up with people being fed up with Muslims"....... You're adults (I suppose) so cope.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by DenyAllKnowledge
You're adults (I suppose) so cope.

Are not those princesses adults as well? Shouldn't they have "coped" as you put it. Why does only one side have to bend over backwards to please the other, that's the aspect of this I do not like. Name one recent accommodation of Non Muslims in a Muslim land that has been put into law? Till both sides accomadate the other equally, there will be issues.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 01:58 PM
yeah, this is a giant load too.
i just bought a house that i paid long money for....i am not mr neighborhood watch but i would not be too happy about a factory like that being built.
using religion as a tool though, come on?
they(certain muslims that protest things like this) use their religion and beliefs as a crutch and it is friggin getting old.
complain about the smell and the noise and the traffic like everyone else. to start getting into the whole raining down pork and getting into their bodies, i say meh.

move to another neighborhood where there is no factory. people move out of neighborhoods all the time.

i just can't stand religion as it is(not just islam) and i am just tired of religion being used as a crutch and as of the last 2 years or so, i just hear about muslim this, muslim that, more than i ever have.

something is going on...

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 02:52 PM

People on this site frequently bang on about "How fed up with Muslims" they are, and it's becoming rather pathetic and all too common. I for one, am getting "fed up with people being fed up with Muslims".......

And you see all the time on the T.V Muslims bangin on about how fed up they are being treated in this country, most of which are immigrants. Well you know if they dont like it leave. Im for one is getting fed up with them banging on about a cartton offends their religion, food offends their religion, even the air that they breathe with others they probably complain is it offending their religion. There is acting completely ridiculous and there is takin the biscuit. Until you can see if from the otherside so to speak, I can see you post is completely biased to say the least....

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 03:36 PM
Suppose the best way to keep everybody happy is to ban dogs!! NO dogs...No factory..NO factory....NO irritate muslims...Where do the dogs go? Thailand of course...And i don't have to tread in dog crap again and use a knife to get the disgusting #e out the grip!!!

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by paul76
Suppose the best way to keep everybody happy is to ban dogs!! NO dogs...No factory..NO factory....NO irritate muslims...Where do the dogs go? Thailand of course...And i don't have to tread in dog crap again and use a knife to get the disgusting #e out the grip!!!


posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by paul76
Suppose the best way to keep everybody happy is to ban dogs!! NO dogs...No factory..NO factory....NO irritate muslims...Where do the dogs go? Thailand of course...And i don't have to tread in dog crap again and use a knife to get the disgusting #e out the grip!!!


lol ignore me I'm playing a game...Got lost somewhere!!! just edited..remembered playing championship manager 2007..NO dogs..No pet pet factory!!!

[edit on 2uThursday07/27/20 by paul76]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:26 PM
Once again, I'm disgusted by the liberal socialist takeover.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by spencerjohnstone
And you see all the time on the T.V Muslims bangin on about how fed up they are being treated in this country

Remember the guy who owned pigs who lives next to a mosque? All the headlines read, something like, "Muslims demand pig farmer to move his farm." Instead of people acting rationally, they automatically assumed the mosque was ordering the man to move himself and his pigs. In actuality, they only asked him to make sure his pigs don't enter their mosque area/land.

Do you know what he did after that? He set up a pig race festival every Friday on the border with the mosque's land. What happened to the tolerance?

Remember when people complained about the news that headlined, "Airport funds foot washing sinks for Muslim cabbies," when in actuality it turned out the cabbies were funding the sinks with their own money?

The reason why Muslims are complaining is because others are keeping them from worshiping freely.

And like all anti-Islamic news, they tend to leave out the important details, such as what the Mosque actually telling the pig farmer, the cabbies paying for the sinks with their own money. They like to make a mountain out of a mole hill and claim "Muslims want everyone to change to their ways," when in actuality, they're trying to worship freely without others keeping them from being Muslim. And just like that case, they too leave out one important issue with this news story:

The pet food factory hasn't even been built

A group of Muslims have opposed plans for a pet food factory to be built as possible pork emissions will violate their religious rights.

Now tell me, why should they move, when the factory hasn't been built? Why don't they have the right to oppose a pet food factory being built by their neighborhood? How many people here would actually enjoy waking up everyday with pork raining down on them or breathing in the odor of meat 24/7?

[edit on 2-8-2007 by DJMessiah]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:53 PM
I don't mind them protesting against this, it would probably be a blight on the community and lower property values. BUT, I do have a problem with them trying to make it a religious issue.

What would be next? I live in an apartment building and can usually smell what my neighbors are cooking when I go out into the hallway. If Muslims move in next door will they insist that I don't cook bacon or ham any more?

[edit on 8/2/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:54 PM
oops duplicate

[edit on 8/2/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
What would be next? I live in an apartment building and can usually smell what my neighbors are cooking when I go out into the hallway. If a Muslim moves next door will the insist that I don't cook bacon or ham any more?

Probably not, I've got Muslim neighbours and they never complain about by grilled bacon or roast ham. But then again, they're probably not the "evil Muslims who're trying to take over the world" that I'm apparently sycophantically defending.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
BUT, I do have a problem with them trying to make it a religious issue.

Why wouldn't it be a religious issue? If an animal is deemed unclean for consumption, then why would inhaling its odors be any more right?

What would be next?

Making up hypothetical scenarios where you make your own conclusion doesn't justify an situation.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:04 PM
To summarize this thread for newcomers:

Bystander #1: "I don't want the factory here. It will create pollution and the particulate matter that will cause fog to form more readily over the entire area."
Bystander #2: "I don't want it because it will make a terrible smell."
Bystander #3: "I don't want my property value to decrease."

Disinterested newspaper guy: "Hmm, interesting. Anything else?"

Bystander #4: "It is also an affront to my religion."

Reinterested newspaper guy: "Now we're getting somewhere!"

I respect people having the religious conviction to follow their beliefs even when such obedience is considered out of fashion. You know, the Christian world could actually learn a thing or two from the Muslims:

- Imagine if the people of supposedly Christian countries protested any war taken by their governments because such action was expressly against the teaching of their religion.

- Imagine if Christians had the conviction to love their neighbors despite what their neighbor may think of them.

- Imagine if Christians waited for the man without sin to throw the first stone.

Instead, as an outside observer, Christians appear as though they would rather that the people of the Muslim religion stopped following their religion so closely because such obedience makes them uncomfortable. As it should! After all, dogged Muslim determination to follow the precepts of their religion reveals the Christian world of "worship when I can make it; belief when it suits me" as one that is shallow and sinful.

Most Christians, have sold their beliefs in order to buy into the myth that the government dictates morality. It doesn't and some guy named Jesus tried to warned us about the money-changers making dogma.


posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:20 PM
I have a certain ummm....affinity..... with Bradford City Council and will be looking into that rather urban legend type story posted earlier in this thread tomorrow.

Will be interesting to see what I find huh?

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Ok guys, back in from the pub, yeah I know it's still early but i've got a scooter rally to go to tomorrow and that's serious drink and whatever, hence also taking the wife out for a curry, brownie points and all!

Sorry but gloves off time, let's stop beating about the bush, it's not touchy feely time for innocent teenagers etc.

Fact. Some Muslims complain about anything in the UK that upsets them and their viewpoint in life and they expect non-muslims to to alter their way of life to accomodate them.
Fact. Britain is not a Muslim country.
Fact. When British citizens holiday, work, emigrate, whatever, to a Muslim country we have to abide and live by their rules, they demand that. If we break their rules we pay the penalty and rightly so. It's their country.
Why can't they afford us the same?
Muslims demand to be treat in a manner and with respect that they refuse to give to others.
This is the way things are in Britain at present and the vast majority of normal, everyday people in Britain are sick to death of the whinging, moaning and bleating that comes from Muslim communities.
If they don't like this country why are they so keen to come and live here?
One reason, because it's a million times better than the # hole they have come from but they are trying their best to turn this into the same # hole!
Why, I don't know.

I have tried my best to understand them and have sought understanding but it eludes me.

Stop whinging about The Crusades, it was a thousand years ago for pity's sake.
Stop using Palestine / Israel as an excuse; you have no historical claim on it whatsoever.
Stop bleating about how badly treat you are in the UK, life's crap for most of us!
Start contributing to society and attempt to integrate or simply go back to the where you came from.

I apologise if I sound racist, I AM NOT, as explained in previous posts it's just that some Muslims either have one big chip on their shoulder or they appear to be the most uncompromising, selfish people I have ever come across.

I also apologise for a massive generalisation, I realise it's not all Muslims but we live with this bollocks every day in the UK and it really boils my blood.

Please see my previous posts on this thread and

p.s. Maybe i haven't been the best advertisement for the use of alcohol tonight but it feels mighty fine to get that off my chest!

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by DJMessiah
In actuality, they only asked him to make sure his pigs don't enter their mosque area/land.

That is not what the owner of the pig farms says.

Baker has long roots here. His family named the road and when the new neighbors moved in, he tells us, they asked him to move out.

"Basically that I should package up my family and my business and find a place elsewhere," said Baker. "That's ridiculous, they just bought the place one week prior and he's telling me I should think about leaving."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Do you know what he did after that? He set up a pig race festival every Friday on the border with the mosque's land.

Not completely true he did set up the pig races after all it is his land and he can do with it as he wants and for the record the first races were not held until sometime around the first of this year.

There's no date for the groundbreaking ceremonies, or the first pig race.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Initially Baker and Kamel Fotouh, the president of the 500-member Islamic Association, were on good terms. But things turned sour at a town meeting, where Baker says Fotouh insulted him by asking him to

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

[edit on 8/2/2007 by shots]

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by pavil
Are not those princesses adults as well? Shouldn't they have "coped" as you put it. Why does only one side have to bend over backwards to please the other, that's the aspect of this I do not like. Name one recent accommodation of Non Muslims in a Muslim land that has been put into law? Till both sides accomadate the other equally, there will be issues.

Well, on a personal level, the last time I went to the UAE I could buy beer at the hotel. They`ve recently adapted the ban on alcohol in many muslim countries to allow foreigners and in some cases (Iran, for example) non-muslim citizens to be exempt. Sudan still holds out, but really, who wants to head to Sudan for a beer?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
Fact. Some Muslims complain about anything in the UK that upsets them and their viewpoint in life...

Indeed they do, and here's another small fact that may have escaped your notice...

Some non-Muslims in the UK complain all day long about anything and everything which offends their sensibilities. They will complain about smoking, or not being allowed to smoke, about traffic congestion, taxes, poor customer service in shops, disrespectful teenagers, corrupt politicians, inadequate street lighting, too much street lighting, noisy neighbours, planning applications, poorly maintained roads, licensing laws, pornography, police brutality, gypsies, petrol prices, parking fines, not enough pornography, drug laws, litter, dirty streets, late trains etc. etc. What's more you'll find plenty of them posting on this website any day you like.

The difference is that irresponsible tawdry little newspapers rarely run lead stories proclaiming "White Anglo-Saxon groups complain about unwashed streets".

The delicate sensibilities of Christians are defended and protected in the UK far more strongly than any other religious group. We even have blasphemy laws specifically for this purpose and high officials of the Church are members of our Parliament by right.

Why should Muslims not have the right to complain if they don't like the idea of a pet food factory in their neighbourhood and why should they not have the right to complain on religious grounds? How many have forgotten the puerile protests by Christian groups about what they perceived as blasphemous movies such as "The Last Temptation of Christ" or the campaign against Sunday trading by those who believed that we should respect the fact that their supposedly omnipotent God was knackered after a week's hard work?

Yes, SOME Muslims have complained about a pet food factory, good luck to them, there is no reason to believe that they are not UK citizens and they have every right to try to shape THEIR society to suit their preferences just as genteel middle class Christians will cheerfully ignore the protests of those who don't want to be woken by noisy church bells every Sunday morning. There have been Muslim communities living in Britain for hundreds of years and for all we know some of those complaining may well be able to trace British ancestry further back that many of the white Christian lobby who appear to be so offended by their actions.

Nobody is suggesting that Muslim groups should have a veto over planning decisions or any other decision making process in public life and nor do they but one of the joys of this country is that they have every right to complain on whatever damned grounds they like without fear of intimidation be it from thuggish idiots in the street or ignorant newspaper editors.

[edit on 3-8-2007 by timeless test]

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
A few years ago a man was made redundant and rather than claim benefits for himself and his family he decided to open up a traditional greasy spoon cafe in Bradford, (nothing better than a Bacon Butty first thing in the morning!).
Things went ok for a few months then a Muslim family moved into the flat above his cafe. The Muslim's found the smell of bacon offensive and despite appeals Bradford City Council shut the cafe forcing the man to


Checked this one out. Its very rare that you come across an Urban Legend that you can actually look at first hand.

Firstly, a cafe can't be closed on religious grounds.

It can be closed on Public Health grounds.
It can be closed due to lack of appropriate Planning Permission for the premises.
The owner could be prosecuted for not paying business rates and possibly go out of business.

The smell of bacon butties, however, is not sufficient grounds to close it.

So I would suggest that theres just a wee little bit of spin on this one, and please bear in mind that it comes from Bradford, a city with an above average asian population in terms of numbers that is always a nice little rumour ground for the BNP to start things off in.

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