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Muslims Protest Over Pet Food Factory That Could 'Rain Down' Pork

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posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Muslims Protest Over Pet Food Factory That Could 'Rain Down' Pork

A group of Muslims have opposed plans for a pet food factory to be built as possible pork emissions will violate their religious rights.

Butchers Pet Care could shelve plans for a factory in Coton Park, near Rugby, because angry Asian families have complained to their residents' association about pork smells drifting into their garden.

Muslim residents in the area also claim the pork will effectively "rain down" on their homes and gardens after the factory's 100ft chimney has ..
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:23 AM
This protest really takes the cake.

First, they got one school cafeteria to ban pork another where a cashier refused to handle pork as a cashier, then some obscure Sheik is outraged because of seats on an airliner.

What comes next; protests claiming someone having a pig roast next door is violating their religious rights? :shk:
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:47 AM
This is a neighborhood association issue if anything. they are homeowners, they have a voice, they have their right. Many people don't like to have ay factories built in their area because emmissions could bring bad air, stink to their area. In many cases they do.

I find it odd with all the Muslim complaining you do, I find it hard to believe any single of the dozens of issues you have brought up have ever personally affected you in your daily life.

In any case, it is all within their right. Pork is pretty nasty stuff anyways, the sooners everyone stops eating it the better. that also goes for caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, porn, high fructose corn syrup, synthetic food ingridients, and pharmaceutical drugs.

[edit on 8/1/2007 by DYepes]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:57 AM
I'm entitled to protest against pretty much anything really, a new block of flats blocking my view, a takeaway because of the smell, a bar because of the noise or a food processing plant...... and they do smell.

But the good old Daily Mail raises it's head to confront the devious foreigners, how dare they protest!

But I'm sure the other residents of the area are thrilled about having a pet food factory nearby...... after all, dog food does indeed smell delicious and I'm sure they're all looking forward to that wholesome tangy waft when they wake up in the morning. MMMMMMMMM.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by DYepes

I find it odd with all the Muslim complaining you do, I find it hard to believe any single of the dozens of issues you have brought up have ever personally affected you in your daily life.

Oh get real. Each and everytime they push one of their agendas it might effect anyone of us.

As for this issue I am very well versed in Pork Products and how they are handled, slaughtered, you name it and I know something about it when it comes to the meat industry, my father owned a meat packing plant so don't tell me what I do and do not know.

Keep in mind in this case they already have done an impact study and it says there should be no effect. Also we are only talking 10 percent of the product used is pork. Hell the local sausage shop/buthcer shop who smokes sausage with more pork then that and no one is complaining about them are they?

How do these fanatics manage to live in countries like Thaiwan, china, poland and others where all meat is hung out in the open air markets?
Do you think for one minute those merchants wash their hands each time they touch pork? I don't think so in fact I have never seen it. Why no complaints about them?

It is obvious that the UK being more civilized then other countries does not have the abundance of open markets as others so they are pushing another obsure button to get their way.

[edit on 8/1/2007 by shots]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:15 AM
I dont recall telling you you did or did not know something, but if I am wrong please correct me. My closing statement was a general statement of my opinion, not a direct or indirect accusation.

This, I cannot see that "they" have been pushing any agenda. Evereytime you bring something up, it is an isolated case somewhere usually unrelated to any of the other cases you have brought forward by individuals expressing their individual rights.

In any case, have you protested the installation of any "foot baths" in your area lately? Or are you secretly using them yourself and dont wanna tell us

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by shots This protest really takes the cake.
What comes next; protests claiming someone having a pig roast next door is violating their religious rights?

Think a minute, though, shots...if your neighbour is having a pig roast, he has that right, though just like with excessive noise, it is neighbourly to take the nuisance value into account...just 'cuz you're neighbours.
As far as industry goes, that turns into a quality of life issue. You move into a place, all is well, then changes are suggested that have a negative effect on your life...that gives you the right to complain.

Look at it like like your community, then they decide to build an abattoir nearby. It won't affect your health, but the potential smells would be offensive to you so you campaign against it...and quite justifiably. So religious convisctions are just as relevant as aesthetic ones.

Or insert airport, nightclub, turkey farm, strip joint, whatever, instead of abattoir. Conversely, though, you move into an area with an existing airport, etc, you don't have a lot to gripe about. Or you're in a rural area...there's 'right to farm' legislation that says you're outta luck if that hog operation stinks out your hobby farm.

So...if the bulk of the existing population takes moral offence to a new proposal, whether or not your culture has the same restrictions, it should be taken into consideration. Remember too, South Asians are a different component of British society than they are in the US...they are not just immigrants, they are members of the Commonwealth, and all that stands for. Shot, I can't agree with you here.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by DYepes
In any case, have you protested the installation of any "foot baths" in your area lately?

You bet I have protested them as well as several other items like cab drivers refusing to carry sealed acohol,. Those of course are private correspondence from me to a senator or other government officials but yes I do complain when I feel it is wrong.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:25 AM
I think I'd wait and see if there are any protests from non religious groups, but I doubt it and think its just the Muslims trying it on again.

They dont like this they object to that they object to books and cartoons and we have to bend backwards to make their life easier.

If they dont like it they can always move, to Bolton or Oldham or Pakistan or any of the many places where they seem to congregate.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:29 AM
OK...The snipes stop now.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:34 AM
There probably is a NIMBY element to this (I probably wouldn't want to live next to a pet food factory either), but that doesn't change the fact that these Muslims are using religion to justify blocking the project.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton If they dont like it they can always move, to Bolton or Oldham or Pakistan or any of the many places where they seem to congregate.

You know, as someone of German descent, I often feel that I am called upon to account for the a seemingly civilized and cultured people could have stood by as those of their citizenry who worshipped in a different manner were completely dehumanized and slaughtered.

Then I read the above post, or something like it, and I realise what a very thin veneer of civilization we actually have. How sad. I don't think I need to add more to this thread.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Well, being as the Daily Mail is involved the chances of getting a full version of the story without some form of xenophobia or anti-muslim slant is pretty damned unlikely. And for the love of sanity why do these rags have to insert a picture of a veiled face every time they run an anti-muslim story? Is it beyond their intelligence to despatch a cub photographer to the area to take a meaningful picture or two? Honestly I despair of these people sometimes.

I think all you have to do understand the situation is to ask your self honestly how you would react if someone wanted to build a pet food plant in your area.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
that doesn't change the fact that these Muslims are using religion to justify blocking the project.

And the problem with that is? I can merrily use aesthetics as a justification to declare a new house to be visually unpleasing, and therfeore of detriment to the local area.

In relation to the Pet Food factory, the impact study would've probably been conducted by the company or outsourced by the council. And lets face it, in terms of trustworthiness neither comes up trumps. Councils are notoriously corrupt and I'm sure that the environmental impact is minimal...... after all, a foul smell will only lower the value of houses in the area rather than cause them any physical damage.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by Chorlton If they dont like it they can always move, to Bolton or Oldham or Pakistan or any of the many places where they seem to congregate.

You know, as someone of German descent, I often feel that I am called upon to account for the a seemingly civilized and cultured people could have stood by as those of their citizenry who worshipped in a different manner were completely dehumanized and slaughtered.

Then I read the above post, or something like it, and I realise what a very thin veneer of civilization we actually have. How sad. I don't think I need to add more to this thread.

Well then you should have read what was written properly.
There are areas in the UK that are very well known for having Muslim communities. Those communities are quite happy and they exist with their neighbours (relatively happily)
However to move to an area then start pulling the Religion card is simply too much. We in the UK have bent over backwards to accept many differing religions into our country. We are constantly told to understand them but I see no instructions to them to understand us. They are living in a Christian country. IF they find it so difficult to live with our way of life then they should move.

Now stop trying to pull the racist card because there was none.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 11:59 AM

no offence mate , but at the moment , in this country thje NIMBY [ not in my backyard ] movement is rampant and out of control

ANY development with a 30m chimney emmitting ANYTHING would be objected to , the chimney could be emmtting

there WILL BE white middle class idiots from the area protesting tjaty the smell , the increrase in traffic etc etc are " blighting thier neighbourhood " and will impact property prices - but guess what the daily mail will not report that

the daily mail has targeted the partucular muslim objection to the port content of the exhaust - thought i suspect the plant will use mixed meats - pork will be just a % of the exhaust .

thats what thje daily mail does - they cherry pick the elements of stories

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 12:06 PM
Well, it appears that it took nearly two months for those news hound at the Mail to get wind of a chance to have another pop at those pesky Muslims.

In the interest of a more rounded approach to the story here are two reports from local Warwickshire newspapers on the matter from June.

The Rugby Observer

The Warwick Gazette

So hands up please, who is not surprised to find that:

1. The local papers identify a whole range of reasons why lots of residents are unhappy but do not feel the need to highlight any religious element to the protest at all.

2. A whole lot of non Muslims are unhappy at the plans, (unless conversion to Islam is remarkably successful amongst the local non-asian residents of Rugby judging by those photographs).

3. The Daily Mail has decided that a story aimed at fermenting distrust and dislike of Muslims is much more interesting than a real story about local planning.

God bless them.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by timeless test]

[edit on 1-8-2007 by timeless test]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape

no offence mate , but at the moment , in this country thje NIMBY [ not in my backyard ] movement is rampant and out of control

the daily mail has targeted the partucular muslim objection to the port content of the exhaust - thought i suspect the plant will use mixed meats - pork will be just a % of the exhaust .

thats what thje daily mail does - they cherry pick the elements of stories

It is not just picking and choosing in this case. So what if the paper picked up on their complaints the fact is it is true and they are not lying? Fine if some of you want to pick on the paper fine. But that is not the point here. In this case, a certain portion are not complaining about pollution they are complaining because it is has a certain parentage of pork used.

Many Jewish people do not eat pork either yet they serve it in their delis with no problem, why is that? The same can be said about parts of India where cows are sacred.

I also gave other examples where the Muslims are also pushing their agendas here this is not isolated to just Britain. I see it as an attack on virtually any country that has what they call freedom of religion where people can object and it is in those countries alone that they are raising these outlandish concerns.

Why not in China, Taiwan, India etc where there are no written laws regarding violating ones religion? You do not see them pushing any envelopes/buttons there claiming they are violating their religion

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by shots
It is not just picking and choosing in this case. So what if the paper picked up on their complaints the fact is it is true and they are not lying? Fine if some of you want to pick on the paper fine. But that is not the point here. In this case, a certain portion are not complaining about pollution they are complaining because it is has a certain parentage of pork used.

Of course it is picking and choosing or can you explain why else it is that the Mail chose to run this as a story about Muslims complaining about their lot whilst wholly ignoring the fact that there are many others complaining about the plant on a whole range of other grounds? Is it not clear that the Mail has an anti Muslim agenda?

There are many other features to what is basically a story about a routine planning dispute which would never make the national press in a hundred years if it could not have been manipulated into a deceitful rant against Muslims.

Let's not forget that this is the paper which has consistently accused the Labour party of spin and taken great delight in lambasting the BBC over misleading the public over its coverage of the Queen allegedly throwing a strop and walking out of a photo shoot. British tabloid hypocrisy at its very finest.

Question of the week; who would you rather have next door,

a) a decent family of Muslims
b) a smelly pet food factory
c) a bigoted hypocrite who writes for the Daily Mail

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by shotsWhy not in China, Taiwan, India etc where there are no written laws regarding violating ones religion? You do not see them pushing any envelopes/buttons there claiming they are violating their religion

You don't?

China's Muslims have also been active in the country's internal politics. As always, the Muslims have refused to be silenced. Several large demonstrations have been staged by Muslims to protest intrusions on Muslim life. Last year, for instance, Muslims staged a massive protest rally in Beijing to demand the removal of anti-Islamic literature from China's bookstores. The Turkic [group] Muslims have also held demonstrations for a greater voice in the running of their own affairs and against the continued large-scale immigration of non-Muslims into their provinces. In the news this spring are more reports of demonstrations and struggles by Chinese Muslims to regain their rights. Insha'Allah they will be successful.

Actually they protest in China a lot, but you just don't hear about it as often. Of course,you'd never report Muslims being the targets of Government discrimination though - would you?

Many Jewish people do not eat pork either yet they serve it in their delis with no problem, why is that? The same can be said about parts of India where cows are sacred.

Again, that is one of two things:

The Religions in question (Hindu's and Jews) either do not follow their Religion as you assume (I.E: A different sect of the Religion) or they do not agree with that aspect of the Religion. (orthodox and non-orthodox).

In fact Shots, how many of these threads have you now started? Interesting agenda you have there. Even when faced with the fact, Timeless Test has shown not just Muslims had a problem with the Pet Food factory. Do you withdraw your statements of course not.

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