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Help! I Know the Truth!!!

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posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:06 AM
I have some concerns here!
I am from 'down under' (NZ) no where near you or the US of A and I certainly do not know you, however I have been able to determine the following:
You are from Greeley CO,
You went to one of 445 Naval recruiting offices in June/July 2006 to join the USN. (Good on you, I admire that being ex Navy) but out of all the offices in the US it has already been narrowed down to that!
(It might even have been 3230 23rd Avenue)
You have a friend (laid back kind of guy!) whom you attended college with (possibly AIMS Community College) named Lance.
You graduated from boot camp on or about the 15th September 2006.
You went on 2nd part training.......I could go on!
Suffice to say, Be vigilant if you are thinking of posting something that maybe considered detremental to your 'powers that be'.
I have just touched the tip of the iceberg in looking at you from afar, imagine how someone, who does not want that sort of information divulged, could narrow it down using what is available on the net today.
Please be careful or at least more discreet.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:30 AM
Seems we're too late. he must have "disappeared" already.

Seriously, if you want to get the information out, get it out. Protect yourself against "them" by making copies of any documents you have and sending them to someone that cannont be traced back to you with instructions to publish the documents upon your disappearance.
But, intimidation is likely the worst that will occur.

If you want to do the right thing, get the information published (internationally). If you want to contribute to the catastrophe, keep it secret, keep it safe.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by tyranny22]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:38 AM
My father, brother, husband, and son were all military and all worked (and still work) with classified and top secret information.

Standing around and saying "gee! I have something I want to talk about and it's top secret" is a real good way to get yourself under suspicion. Promotions won't come easy, and you will get demoted to jobs on the base (no voyages for you) that don't require security clearance. The flag will go on your record, and in the future you will find it hard to work at any job that requires a security clearance or has secure areas. This will lock you out of a lot of opportunities.

For those of us who have close family members with security clearances, the golden rule is "don't ask/don't tell." I have no idea what my husband (an engineer with security clearances) does. I can tell you where he works and that's it. I don't know the names of his coworkers.

That's the ONLY way to keep him and the rest of my family safe.

And the posters are right... you only THINK you have access to really senstive information. You ain't seen nuffin' yet.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:40 AM
Scyman, if you really had something you would have created a new username and used a computer in a library or internet cafe. Also, I don't know how you suddenly obtained secret info on one the most controversal catastrophes/terrorist acts of all-time while being in the Navy for only a short time.

If you are going to throw something this big out there and then pull the "I might be in trouble if I tell" routine then it's most likely nothing at all.

Sorry, that's just my opinion
It's nothing against you personally.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:05 AM
scyman? there?.................... uh-oh......!!

(shoulda kept his trap shut afterall).

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:46 AM
Yup, that first lie detector test is gonna get 'em! They don't play, and theres no way that the military's secure network will have anything on it that we haven't seen already. First termers are usually dopes, and unless you have the need to know, you won't get into the good stuff anyway. In order to get into the good stuff requires those little color circles on the badge, and a separate card reader door to go through.

I seriously doubt that this maybe third class petty officer has the smoking gun that will bring this administration down faster than flight 93.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Havalon
I have some concerns here!
I am from 'down under' (NZ) no where near you or the US of A and I certainly do not know you, however I have been able to determine the following:
You are from Greeley CO,
You went to one of 445 Naval recruiting offices in June/July 2006 to join the USN. (Good on you, I admire that being ex Navy) but out of all the offices in the US it has already been narrowed down to that!
(It might even have been 3230 23rd Avenue)
You have a friend (laid back kind of guy!) whom you attended college with (possibly AIMS Community College) named Lance.
You graduated from boot camp on or about the 15th September 2006.
You went on 2nd part training.......I could go on!
Suffice to say, Be vigilant if you are thinking of posting something that maybe considered detremental to your 'powers that be'.
I have just touched the tip of the iceberg in looking at you from afar, imagine how someone, who does not want that sort of information divulged, could narrow it down using what is available on the net today.
Please be careful or at least more discreet.

If you seriously know that, bravo to you!

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:25 AM
On Posting from an Internet cafe or Library;
BAD IDEA. Even the one about using some sort of software to delay and send 3 hours later.
I have used a Library computer in more than 2 different locations in the U.S.
In all cases you had to log in with your Library number which is based on you showing ID. I'm sure there are some who do not require it, but do not think that there is no way to find out who you are. You can argue a few minor cases where you can avoid this, but you are dealing with the NSA, or CIA. I wouldn't second guess what they can do. BTW all my info on libraries? Is maybe 5 years old. I imagine they've gotten better by now.
An Internet Cafe is even harder. If you found one that doesn't require you to sign on with a user name, then you're still not in the clear. If theres software that allows you to send 3 hours later you can bet an Internet cafe has a software that knows that and can beat it. It doesn't sound terribly hard. The one I know of had it set to every time a person logged off it did a system restore. That doesn't cover your tracks.

Best bet? Buy, in cash, a cheap wireless computer laptop. Use fake information. Want to be very paranoid? Use rubber gloves.
Load your info from a safe source, ie, thumb drive, CD, etc., and do NOTHING else with it.
Buy a copy of Platinum IP hider from here NO it wont hide you completely but it'll make you feel better, and a little extra security wont hurt you.
Go to a place that has free wireless. Here in Texas they have Whataburgers, and pizza joints with free wifi. sign on, and post your info to a safe location. Hey, how about ATS?
Once you've wrapped it up, get rid of the laptop. Sell it for cheap on craigslist for cash only.

Its not perfect but its the best way I can think of.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Byrd
Standing around and saying "gee! I have something I want to talk about and it's top secret" is a real good way to get yourself under suspicion. Promotions won't come easy, and you will get demoted to jobs on the base (no voyages for you) that don't require security clearance. The flag will go on your record...

Hi Byrd. Though I consider you one of the best posters in all of ATS, I have to ask how you know what will happen to anyone who might mention to someone that they want to talk about TS info? I presume none of your family members did this and you experienced it first hand. Otherwise, I don't know how you, or anyone else would know if 'flags' went into anyone's record.

I'm not asking you to reveal personal information, but I just don't see how anyone would know this. Your relatives are certainly not going to divulge to you any information like this, because to do so would seem to me to violate their oaths.

For those of us who have close family members with security clearances, the golden rule is "don't ask/don't tell." I have no idea what my husband (an engineer with security clearances) does. I can tell you where he works and that's it. I don't know the names of his coworkers.

That's the ONLY way to keep him and the rest of my family safe.

So, are you saying you have personal knowledge that people were harmed by being told information from those with TS clearances?

And the posters are right... you only THINK you have access to really senstive information. You ain't seen nuffin' yet.

Again, I have to ask you how you know this. If they don't ask, don't tell, then I don't see how you'd be privy to anything.

I'm not doubting your word - you may have 'heard stories' from elsewhere. But if so then how would you know if they were factual?

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork

Please keep in mind that you've been in the Navy one year. Unless you have been granted a specific security clearance, you've likely seen nothing that is highly restricted.

Also keep in mind that if the Navy suspects that you might be a security threat, they may feed you -- and only you -- specific false information and wait and see if it pops up in public. And if what they feed you shows up anywhere, they know you're the one who leaked it. And then you'll never get a security clearance of any kind, ever.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by Tuning Spork]

Hey Spork: I know Ive only been in one year, technically i dont even have the final clearence yet. Anyone who has a TS/SCI can tell you it takes 2-3 years for them to give you the final. Ive been granted an interom, before I went to my first duty station was giving a polygraph and then sent to the fleet. I wont be to specfic to my duty station, cause that would really narrow it down. However I assure you that the information I have been exposed to and come across is no psyops bogus info. I have seen the initial "CRITIC'S" that went strait to washington upon reception of the transmissions pre 9/11. Cant really be anymore specfic at this point I guess...

[edit: fixed quote tags]

[edit on 31-7-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth

Originally posted by Tuning Spork
Also keep in mind that if the Navy suspects that you might be a security threat, they may feed you -- and only you -- specific false information and wait and see if it pops up in public.

Say if you have visited sites like ATS and its shown up in your cache history at some echelon base server you would most definitely get flagged as a security risk and possibly be tested.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by mazzroth]

First of all the word "ECHELON" is only an old code word used to describe the type of survalliance on russian satelites. Also ive never visited ATS in any SCIF. I guess where I slipped up at was opening this thread under my regular user name. If I could do it over again I would have made a new account.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 11:57 AM
so is he goin to spill da beans or not ?

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
What a hoot,
I figured I should add to the other 18 replies to state...
how can 18 people honestly believe someone who knows 'the truth'
would be foolish enough to say he could bring down the world super.... without actually giving up the information?

IF youve got such sensitive information, information you could be killed for... obviously they already know whom you are.

I imagine only a few people have access to ' THE INFORMATION ' that could blow open 911...

further more... if in deed you wanted to release it to the world, you'd do it.. bam... you'd think long and hard about how, and then just do it..
me? Id send in an anonomous video tape to some foreign news media in eastern europe.

what I wouldnt do, is post online, on a widly published 911 conspiracy site that I HAVE such information...

If you really did have this information, information the governemnt would kill you for.. you wouldnt tell the world online, that u have it.. and u want to release it.

I think, all the evidence, the pentagon security footage, the paper trails have all been long destroyed.
why would they even RISK leaving it for some amateur government employee to stumble onto?

Well, I really am not at all worried that I would be killed. Every Rated NAVY CTR/CTN
ARMY 98Y 98J
Coasty: Crypto
and I forget what the Air Force calls there guys but thats a lot of people right there alone just on the ELINT side of it who access to the network and the same info I have. The military isnt stupid, anything that they would really want to keep underwraps would never pop up on the network anyways, as soon as the CRITIC was sent that station would be get a brief and then told not to talk about it or mention it again. Except whoever was on duty at that time, then thats pretty much the topic of conversation for like the next 2 weeks until something else intresting is intercepted.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:13 PM
Has nobody mentioned pen & paper?

If you do have sumthing to spill, write it down, photocopy/graph docs etc

Stick it all in envelopes IE pics in 1, docs in another Ur written account in another mail parts of it to a few ATS members (Pref Admin) , who in turn mail it on again (pref round the globe as best as poss)

The more you can shift the hard evidence around, the harder it should be to trace back to it's original source, in this case you.

They then present the evidence on site at an agreed time and fashion and dispose of the evidence.

If you can be arsed to go through all that hassle then you would hopefully have some interesting info.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
I might be wrong but I don't know, a year in the Navy and already privy to information this sensitive? Where do you work that this information would be available anyway? You can't be any more than an E-3 at this point, maybe accelerated to E-4 if the 'A' school was long enough, but seeing as you've only been in a year and you're already at a command I doubt it.

Where did you go to boot? What 'A' school did you go to, how long was it, and where was it? Did you go to 'C' school? What is your NEC? Do you still have your 'blue card'?
This information will not compromise your privacy but will give us a clue if you're telling us fibs or not.

Failure to answer correctly will seriously compromise your credibility...

Nope I understand completley... here is the answer to all your questions..

I joined in july was supposed to come in as an E-3 becuase of my college credits, of course i got to meps and the paperworked was messed up. SO i believed my recruiter and thought it would be taken care of in bootcamp, needless to say while in bootcamp I learned how the Navy really works and that if it wasnt in the contract in Meps it wasnt going to get done. SO upon my completion of bootcamp in GREAT LAKES I was sent to Center for Information Dominance in Pensacola Florida. I classed up for CTR "A" school in late September but i cant remember my exact start date. I graduated "A" school mid Febuary. I was the honor graduate and recieved excellerated advancement. After "A" school put on E-3 and went on to my "C" school shipboard ops. I will tell you that i am Direct Support but not out of which GNCC. that last word should really give you and idea.

As far as my blue card from "A" and "C" schools no, i turned that in to the SSO when i left Pensacola. However I have recieved a new one from my new command.

Hope that clears up any questions yall have.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by Scyman]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:20 PM
umm... If you look that was right before i left for bootcamp last july, i just put that sighting up cause i knew I was not going to be able to visit for sometime. It had always been someting I wanted to share here but never felt like doing it until I knew I wasnt going to have a lot of time on my hands again for awhile. Glad your doing your homework though, however that was 1 year ago... ATTENTION TO DETAIL

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:23 PM

I graduated "A" school mid Febuary. I was the honor graduate and recieved excellerated advancement. After "A" school put on E-3 and went on to my "C" school shipboard ops. I will tell you that i am Direct Support but not out of which GNCC. that last word should really give you and idea.

Are you by any chance walking round with the zipper on your 501's undone?, cos that a real good starting point for anybody wanting to trace you.........

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:26 PM
@ Scyman,

Most here or like half here know that 9/11 was an insidejob. I'm sure the authorities watch this forum, and the people who post here. Ip addresses can be easily traced, which would easily lead to your real identity.

Perhaps you could post it anomously at a internet cafe or something like that. The vultures here at ats will mince you up if you don't give them something to feed on. Making a claim that you have sensitive information about 9/11, and not delivering will spark unrest and invoke claims of hoax or lies, even if you have real information. This is a sensitive issue, and you should take caution if you really do have sensitive information.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:40 PM
ok... First of all let me apologize for the way this thread has gone, I should have thought out this before just jumping on and flamboyantly ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. However maybe I can explain why I went about it this way. When I first was told what I am about to share with you I was at the very least upset. I joined the military largley becuase of the events of 9/11. I do not know every event that transpired that day obviously. There are bits and pieces of conversations from that day that I would never share with anyone becuase It actually is something that the public has no need to be aware of. It would also harm us as a nation.

HOWEVER! When I learned the truth about flight 93 I could no longer contain my anger. The CRITIC came across shortly after the initial attacks that flight 93 was off course. Five minutes after that CRITIC was sent to Washington, 2 Fighters were scrambled from Langley AirForce base and given the command to take it down.

The movie, the story of Todd Beamer and the whole "lets roll". Was a complete coverup designed so the story would increase moral. All those families all of america though doesnt deserve to be lied to for no reason like that. We shot them down, should we have....I leave that up to you.

Sorry for all the drama, I am obviously a little nervous about posting this, but f-it yall deserve to know.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 12:41 PM
"Perhaps you could post it anonymously at a internet cafe or something like that. "

Don't use a F***ing Internet café, to much can go wrong.

You might pay for something on your credit/debit card.........Stung.....

You might check your emails during your time......Stung.....

using a café with free Wi-Fi......Guess what.....Stung....


People are very easy to trace.

The posting of the info on to the Internet by yourself is a very very bad idea, gather up your information and distribute it...widely and quickly. Cos if what you have is that hot then they are probably already aware that it's in danger of surfacing on the Internet.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

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