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Help! I Know the Truth!!!

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posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by TheExaminer
Its very likely that this person is already in the brig or will be after intel reads these latest posts.

If that is true then it's very unfortunate that the OP thought a stint in the Navy would do him good.

Then again, if he's in the brig then it means that they want to teach him a lesson because they think he's salvagable. I hope he knows that he's made a grave mistake. But, in my opinion, the Navy doesn't suffer taking chances very well. I just hope that this hasn't already resulted in his outprocessing for discharge. Maybe he can peel potatoes for a year and get with the program again.

Thanks for that insight (however second-hand it is), Examiner.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 07:38 AM
Hello all-

Just a thought. . .

Is it really a good idea to divulge all this information about security clearances & how to get classified material out to the media w/o getting caught?

I never knew squat about any of this stuff, ( except the part about flight 93 ), but after compiling information contained in this thread I would be able to educate someone on how & where to get clearance, forms & badges they would need, how background check processes work, what ranks they would need to attain, schools they would have to attend, along with the amount of time they would have to invest to achive their goal.

Should I have access to all this information?

Could this be considered " classified material " in and of itself?

Would everyone have been so inclined to divulge all this information if the OP had originally asked;

" Hey everybody, I want to join the armed forces & get security clearance so I can get my hands on classified information and leak it out on a conspiracy web site. Does anybody know how I can do this and not get caught? "

Again, just a thought. . .


posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:52 AM
Another attention seeker here on ATS

If you've got somethiing to say just say it! Don't make me waste my time going through 5 pages of crap for nothing

Thank You

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 09:06 AM
That's the big secret?! The government shot down Flight 93? As Benny Hill once said, "BIG.....DEAL!

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by tjsteeler
That's the big secret?! The government shot down Flight 93? As Benny Hill once said, "BIG.....DEAL!

And then the next question people would ask >> "Then why didn't they tell us the truth all along about Flight 93?"

It could have shadowed some bigger lies (lies I have yet to be seen proven lies) to some extent to tell us that it was shot down... Flight 93 being shot down would've been better than crashing into WTC7 (isnt that the supposed target?). But then again, WTC7 didnt have anyone in it, did it? Like, before they told them to "pull it"?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 10:07 AM
Was there even a Flight 93?

From what I've seen there isn't much evidence? even at the crash scene? a few bits of metal and that's it?

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by tom goose
im not buying it. tell us something we dont know.

if that made you mad, does that mean that with your knowledge you believe that 9-11 was ocastrated by terrorists? and the government mearly spun it for moral.

they were suppossed to shoot that plane down, who cares if they admit to it, they will only recieve a pat on the back for it.

With the information I have been given access to it seems to me that yes 9/11 was a terrorist attack. However it was clearly one we knew about and blew off as not propable. As far as the whole day being spun for moral hardly, but the decision that WE made to take down our own was clearly spun that way. I dont know if they patteted themselves on the back or not, I do know (but this is only hearsay, that the pilot who actually did it was distraught over the whole thing) friend of an officer friend of mine. So weather washington pats itself on the back or not i sure they think it was worth it, or else it wouldnt have been done in the first place. I just wish they would come out and tell the truth, tough decision, but one had to be made.

[edit on 1-8-2007 by Scyman]

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by 2PacSade
Question to the OP-

So were all the calls made to family members etc., faked?

You mentioned something about the CRITIC going to Washington pre 911. . . What does that have to do with flight 93 being shot down that day?


Nothing other then the fact it shows they had knowledge prior to the attack.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by shadow watcher
I too always felt that the plane was shot down. The sad part is, it was so unneccessary to cover it up. On that fateful morning, shooting down the plane was an acceptable thing to do and lying about it just caused frustration and mistrust. 'Let's roll' could have been woven into the truth to help spin patriotism, but bold faced lying and denial just makes the whole story questionable. This seems to tie into the parent/child relationship the government wants to have with it's citizens. Lie to us for our own good, and stonewall the truth when it's demanded.

EXACTLY. I cant explain my frustration any better then that. I am not saying that wasnt the right decision at the time but why treat Americans with so much disrespect. Imagine how bad it gets when something goes wrong their actually directly responsible for, then again that gets into another debate weather or not we were in a way responsible with the knowledge we had prior.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
Well the thing is the following: there were debris spread for several miles which actually indicates that something exploded in the air, if that plane was shot down it would confirm that 911 was an inside job because of the famous planted fake hole with wings in the field. That hole was made in advance so they knew perfectly what was going on... 911 was an American dream: the Drama, (the attacks) the Heros (firefighters and flight 93 passengers) and the Revenge (the war and the hate) plus a little religion here and there to make the best movie of the century.
Now the Grand Final and I guess it will not be as good as other movies.

I just think your paragraph there piacenza is a prime example of how the American media can mold an event in the minds of Americans. That is how the whole thing was supposed to be played up to when really its quite contrary to what happened. Dont get me wrong there were many heros that day, but the heros that were made that day were made out of their love for their fellow countrymen.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 03:24 PM
Scyman.... first of all kudos for coming back to the thread...

however, any reason you're not defending yourself on the questions raised about your rank, clearance, "blue card" or any other technical stuff.

So far you've only responded talking about this "inside job" and flight 93.


posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:33 PM
You think they might slip out some documents or anything after the Bush administration is gone in January 2009, after they officially change seats to the new President? I think they should start with Flight 93, come out and verify what you are telling us 'Man.... but I believe it won't be until they are out of office that classified information is "leaked" or actually given out.

Just a thought.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
Scyman.... first of all kudos for coming back to the thread...

however, any reason you're not defending yourself on the questions raised about your rank, clearance, "blue card" or any other technical stuff.

So far you've only responded talking about this "inside job" and flight 93.


Sorry elevatedont, I have duty, PT, Im very busy and trying to keep up with the thread as best as I possibly can. Some days i have very little time to get on the internet and do my thing, but im trying to keep up with the thread... Im still responding on the comments from page 4 gettin closer to the end...

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by Scyman
As far as my blue card from "A" and "C" schools no, i turned that in to the SSO when i left Pensacola. However I have recieved a new one from my new command.

Hope that clears up any questions yall have.

Dude ya lying. Blue cards are only issued in BOOT CAMP!.

Blue cards are issued to recruits. They are used when recruits are being punished with PT. If a recruit feels like he his being punished too much they can hold out the blue card and take a break. A really lame system if you ask me but this is the new kinder Navy. Started around 1996, just after I myself got out of the Navy after 6 years.

And what is an SSO?

Sry but as far as I'm concerned ya busted... have no idea what your talking about lol. Do some resarch, the few weeks i was in bootcamp we had no "STRESS CARDS!" Thats what they are called, my rate is CT, blue cards are issued for us as badges to get inside the SCIF. An SSO is a SECURITY Officer that is pretty much the man responsible for security and the boss for lake of better term of the SCIF. They are usually G.S. employees contractors, howerver at times they can be military. I can give you a base by base description of battle stations prob the one u ran 6 years ago, same one i did. It changed btw the new booters dont even have to run. Deff not "busted" especially in the area of me even being in the Navy in the first place, that much is obvious the only real question would be if you believed me on my job and what i said about 9/11.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by 2PacSade Question to the OP-So were all the calls made to family members etc., faked?

I keep hearing that time, couldn't make a cel call from an aircraft. This issue seems kinda key to the discussion.

That is a good point, in all honesty I have never tried to make a cell phone call while on a plane. I have always just shut mine off when they told me. However given what ive seen id have to say they were fabricated.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by ANOK
If a recruit feels like he his being punished too much they can hold out the blue card and take a break.

WHHAAAT? Man I wish I would have had one of those Blue Cards when I was in Basic, jesus, our CC would have made us eat that card on our way back to the grinder. I was the laundry dude and smuggled Sodas from the PX and sold them for five chits a piece to my shipmates there and got busted, that blue card would have come in handy that day.

LOL! trust me that is either something new, or was a temporary thing. Cause i didnt get a choice other then to "DROP" "DROP m- F---er DROP" 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 1 CHIEF 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 2 Chief. lol im just glad I wasnt the LPO dudes were alway #tin their skivies

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by Johnmike
They tried that for a few years in the 90's (I think) and got rid of it. He has to be talking about something other than these "stress cards" if he joined after 9/11.

Hmmmm OK maybe but after 6 years in the Navy I never heard of any other kind of blue card. I never heard of an SSO and neither has my G/F who was in for 10 yrs.

And why would he go to shipboard operations 'C' school if he was a CT?
Is there even such a 'C' school?

If I'm wrong I'll stand corrected but it doesn't sound right to me.

Of course you would have never heard of another blue card you are not in the "spook" community, us NUKES/CTR's/CTI's/CTN'/IT's are pretty much the only enlisted to recieve them. If you never heard of them im guessing you might have been an AO or MM type of person. I went to shipboard ops cause i went DIRECT SUPPORT as ive already stated. Trust me bro the debate isnt over rather or not im in the Navy its do you trust what im saying. Which im doing for no other reason other then your benefit so you KNOW.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by carewemust
To Original Poster. I was in the Navy Crypto division. My advice is this.
Unless sharing the information you have will save American lives going
forward, forget that you saw it and live your life. The NSA probably
already knows who you are and if something related to 911 reaches
the internet that they feel COULD have come from you, your future
plans for an enjoyable life are finished. Not that you would be killed,
but you'd know what Hell On Earth really is. I would only risk my
future if sharing the info in my possession could save lives. Just
"setting the record straight" isn't worth the personal sacrifice. -cwm

Well, thank you or the advice, but I guess its kinda to late now. I guess my only defence at this point is I havent heard anything negative yet, and i havent spilled my guts. I Just thought that the whole situation with 93 is f- up.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by ProfTom
Oh no... Not another ATS member who knows the "truth".

I can't stand it anymore.

Let your "truth" out please. Share with us poor little sheeple the knowledge of how our big bad evil government is keeping the "truth" from us.

What "truth" you have one can only imagine. I am calling you a lier. Plain and simple. You know nothing. You have no knowledge or special "security clearence".

You are just another who wants their 15 minutes of fame.

Well, then your mind is already made up and there is nothing more I can say to you. Other then the fact that 15 min of fame in my mind has nothing to do with a forum. lol. This is just a venue for me to vent my anger in a way and feel like I did something to help the American people know at least a bit of the truth about that day.

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by The Phantom
So you wanted to come clean and expose the truth and all you revealed was the fact that flight 93 was shot down? that's it?

I am not here to share every tiny piece of classified info I have with you, I just thought maybe some membe would apperciate knowing what actually happened. Maybe even the families...

[edit on 1-8-2007 by Scyman]

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