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Help! I Know the Truth!!!

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posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 02:14 AM
Tell ya what scyman..
its this easy.. ill even PAY if you want, send me your bank details.

Go to the nearest internet cafe.
create a new user in ATS
post the information.
then never use that account again!

walk out of internet cafe... and your essentially home free...

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 02:31 AM
I might be wrong but I don't know, a year in the Navy and already privy to information this sensitive? Where do you work that this information would be available anyway? You can't be any more than an E-3 at this point, maybe accelerated to E-4 if the 'A' school was long enough, but seeing as you've only been in a year and you're already at a command I doubt it.

Where did you go to boot? What 'A' school did you go to, how long was it, and where was it? Did you go to 'C' school? What is your NEC? Do you still have your 'blue card'?
This information will not compromise your privacy but will give us a clue if you're telling us fibs or not.

Failure to answer correctly will seriously compromise your credibility...

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 05:15 AM
What ANOK said.

How 'bout answering his few and simple questions, Scyman?

[edit on 31-7-2007 by Tuning Spork]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 05:46 AM
If you *really* know something, and are scared about sharing it, contact one of the Big 3 Amigos. They'll be gratefull to help you, and could probably also delete this thread, so noone knew you had the info...

Doing it in this way is just plain stupid, if you are scared of being caught.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:01 AM
It sounds like you know that 9/11 was a total farce. We already know this.
I would not say anything and risk losing your life or your families.
I dont think there's any need to talk any further.
Think about your life and stay safe.

We know.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:23 AM
damn DG, why do you always have to be the soft voice of reason.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:33 AM
16 days ago the OP posted his UFO story for the first time.

Now he has uncovered the "truth" about 911? He's had a busy month of July

I will bet this dude does not post again on this thread.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
damn DG, why do you always have to be the soft voice of reason.

But we do KNOW the truth.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:39 AM

Anyway I don't think the Government is watching ATS and using ATS as a place to bust leaked information, but it is still better to be safer then sorry so take some precaution. Don't make it obvious who you are and post your information. Just do it in a way that helps keep you safe.


I have been 100% convinced by colleagues who were in positions to know . . . that

ALL ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS . . . telephone, telex, computer communications within the USA and certainly to and from the USA and highly likely worldwide

have been carefully monitored since before 1970. The list of keywords used in screening has grown to massive proportions but so has the computer capacity to screen them.

I've even been convincingly informed that ALL snail mail communications to and from the USA were screened by a machine that did not open the mail but still read the contents. I'm not certain that's true but I believe it is.

And, given the content of ATS, I think it is 100% foolhardy to believe that the black ops folks are not looking at everything that goes in and out of ATS with a fine toothed comb. They most certainly 100% ARE scrutinizing ATS and most likely giving a list of posters super extra scrutiny according to whatever set of variables most concern the watchers. imho, They likely know already who Scyman is and where he works. imho, he is ALREADY on very thin ice.

I would assume:

1. They already know who he is
2. Where he works
3. ALL--as in 100% of ALL the highly sensitive info that has crossed his screen, entered his eyes.

Putting myself in his shoes, I don't like those odds at all. Given what I know from my work 37 years ago, I would not disclose anything even via very tricky means for at least a few years if not longer. Too much has been said hereon already.

And if a real person has been alerted to watch his case, they probably already have some good guesses as to what he's contemplating disclosing.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Go to the nearest internet cafe.
create a new user in ATS
post the information.
then never use that account again!

walk out of internet cafe... and your essentially home free...


There have to be several ways that the powers that be know what ID used which computer during what minutes and therefore what crossed over those wires.

Ditto for most libraries, if not all libraries.

It's not your skin.

I cannot imagine any electronic means that would be safe for him. He'd have to have encryption that was better than NSA's capacity to crack it. I can't imagine that being very possible, at all.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Go to the nearest internet cafe.
create a new user in ATS
post the information.
then never use that account again!

walk out of internet cafe... and your essentially home free...


There have to be several ways that the powers that be know what ID used which computer during what minutes and therefore what crossed over those wires.

Not if you run a special program that logs in ATS 3 hours after you've accessed the pc, posts the message, and then deletes any trace of the program ever being run =P.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 07:16 AM
If I had some information about 911, you can be sure that I will post it.
What ever you have; firsthand proof, firsthand evidence or firsthand information, will never discredit the USA government.
If you look at other issue regarding conspiracy theory event like for example JFK assassination, then you will see that so many things has come out that disproved the official report and investigation. Hard evidence in form of video and other material. None of them has rise any concern to the guilty elite.
That is the kind of world we living, it doesn't matter if you have a video of a US president telling US vise President go and bomb the WTC, because what the guilty elite are good at is to involve has many important people has they can in disrepute to the aftermath of the event so then no one will gain any thing in telling the truth or going against the true guilty. The problem is that is many dishonest people for very few honest people.
Also in Europe, every head of state recognize that something is very wrong with 911, but no one speak because Europe also has a fare amount of guilty elite. Some time politician talk like Michael Meacher, British Minister of State for the Environment and Andreas von Bülow, German Minister. Them 2 tolled who ever want to hear that 911 report was the worst report ever made concerning a terrorist so called attack.
And that is the way things operate in this world, so many people have dirty hand that it will take a giant bleach sanitation plant to clean all of them from New York to DC to Paris via London from Beijing to Tokyo by Delhi and every one in this one exempted.
So Scyman, just post what ever you think you have and let it be...not to worry nothing will happen to you.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by -0mega-
Not if you run a special program that logs in ATS 3 hours after you've accessed the pc, posts the message, and then deletes any trace of the program ever being run =P.

. . . not my reality . . .

I assume the following:

1. the NSA and more unknown such characters are not lackies.
2. that it's highly likely that each and every PC manufactured has backdoors and identifiers etc. to more than make up for such strategies on the part of leakers.
3. that it's highly likely that it's impossible to 100% erase such evidence from a PC and from a network. Conceivable . . . I'm just highly skeptical.
4. That Every keystroke on a PC could be logged any number of ways regardless of built-in software delays etc.

Betting someone else's life and livelihood is more risk than I'd want to take on.

I just think that the monitoring has increased exponentially in the last 37 years and has to be well beyond what most of us can even imagine.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 07:41 AM
This thread should be titled ..Help i need more attention!!!!

you could have posted the information whilst not pertaining to its source or your involment , you sensationalised .. (as if that info wouldnt be sensational enough)just to get the info out there in the first place , with the tons of theory's already yours woulda been just a drop in the ocean.

after reading your ufo post i come to this conclusion, if u do know the truth and have evidence you owe it to yourself and your country to expose the corrupt government.

[edit on 31-7-2007 by Quantum_Squirrel]

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 08:08 AM
I am open to just about anything, given that some sort of evidence can be presented. That is why I like to read the posts on this site.

But why is it that time after time we see threads like this that, in effect, are saying. 'I have evidence of something really important but can't show you'.

Either give the evidence or just keep it to yourself. I understand you are soliciting ideas on if/how to release the evidence you claim. But I think this is just another twist on the same old scam of 'I know something important'

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Tell ya what scyman..
its this easy.. ill even PAY if you want, send me your bank details.

Go to the nearest internet cafe.
create a new user in ATS
post the information.
then never use that account again!

walk out of internet cafe... and your essentially home free...

lol great post however now they know your plans and will be watching for this lol..

next week Agit8dChop u will have undeniable proof of aliens , ufos and god .. and think damn why didint i save it for myself and whos that new guy in the internet cafe and why does he keep looking at me lol.

good idea tho

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 08:38 AM
Since there are literally thousands of Internet sites where people post all sorts of 9/11 theories, usually with little or no real evidence, then I don't see why posting a THEORY of what happened is going to get anyone into trouble.

Unless the post had some kind of specific information, such as serial numbers of the money used, or dispatch codes, or photographs or videos of someone giving orders, I think there is no chance that the person would be bothered for it.

After all a theory of what happened is just that. It's not the same as having proof.

IMO, most people here would probably be more interested in a correct theory than in having some kind of proof they could take to court.

Even if the correct details were known the people involved have likely covered the trail.

So, let's say the OP had knowledge that explosives were incorporated into the building, or that the planes were flown by remote control, or that any 'agent's flying the planes were paid by the US.

Big deal. That's all been theorized before.

I say, just post it as a theory, and leave out anything that is incriminating.

OTOH, if the OP really has information, why not take it to the TV networks? Contact Larry King, or Howard Stern, or Katie Couric?

That way their identity would be known by everyone and they'd be relatively immune from action.

Anyway, just some thoughts. I'm not saying I would be eager to post classified info; in fact, I'd never do that, but not really because I'd fear the MiB would show up. Like most, I'm law-abiding.

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 08:52 AM
OP, can you post a 'hypothetical situation' about 9/11?

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop I imagine only a few people have access to ' THE INFORMATION ' that could blow open 911...

Two comments....first off, one of the arguments against a domestic 911 conspiracy is that it would be impossible to keep if details seem to be trickling out, they oughta be taken into consideration.

Secondly, of course this site is monitored by various intelligence agencies. If the government is watching civilians on CCTV, and setting up networks of informants, Stasi-style, then this list is most certainly being observed with a degree of interest.

That being said, Scyman....CYA, eh?

posted on Jul, 31 2007 @ 09:03 AM
Unless you're willing to lose everything, I'd be very very careful. Is it worth possibly going to jail, losing your clearance, basically making the rest of your life tougher? If so, go for it. If not, back away now, before its too late...

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