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what the hell..... (pics)

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posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by squiz
Awesome video shearder, It almost looks alive, very organic looking.
I hope you'll post some more video, nice work by the way.
I suspect you could get quite a bit of attention over this video if you decided to take it further.

Quite honestly i doubt i will take it further. It is really a personal thing to try and figure out what it is/was. I tried to find it again last night - something weird happened. I have 2 batteries - the standard one which has about 2 hours capacity and a large capacity that has 7 hours. The large one had 196mins available of filming and i put that in hopeing to MAYBE catch something more last night but i turned on the camera and got the 196min remaining and then within a minute of turning the camera on it was depleted and was totally empty i couldn't even power up at all. Then i went and got the standard battery and inserted and that had 119 mins available. Then it dropped to 86 mins in about 3 minutes and then i got a message "insert Infolithium battery" and it died with no charge available.

OK, that may just be something explainable but the standard battery was charged up on Tuesday night and not used but is my backup. I went and got an extension lead and ran the camera off power and that seemed fine but i found nothing in the sky last night and i couldn't really get away from a couple of light reflections being closer to the house and the neighbours lights also on. So nothing.


here is some more footage:

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:16 AM
Shearder, I sent you a U2U... did you get it?

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by IAttackPeople
I'm with Spoodily. I'd like to see a daytime photo of where you pointed your cam that night.

I will be more than happy to comply with this request.

Originally posted by IAttackPeople
The movement of the dark parts of the mystery object really remind me of a plant structure moving in a slight breeze. You are *sure* Venus was not behind a tree limb or other plant at the time?

Absolutely. If you listen to the remark i made (to myself) questioning the possibility of branches so i moved the camera about 20m further away and the second clip i posted today was at the new spot. Same result.

Originally posted by IAttackPeople
Also, we see two different zooms on the object with two different results. I see your cam employs both optical and digital zoom. Was one zoom with digital and the other zoom with optical?


Yes, i used both optical and digital zooms.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Stockburn
If I were a betting man, and I am.
I would say that the image in question IS the pleiades open cluster also known as seven sisters. Because of the camera style, the image is probably being difused. You can also make out the nebula too just like you would with a cheap department store scope.

99% sure thats what it is.

That's cool. I am happy even if that is all it is because i guess it is great to have on film discount the sad quality - but i will be getting a telescope witin the next 6 months.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by roadgravel
When the sky clears in a day or two here I'll get out the scope and check M44 out. The colors in the object do not seem real to me, at least for stellar objects. I am wondering if the lens system has caused it.

I thinks the pictures can be a bit misleading as the I believe the object is small but the recording has made it bolder, maybe it's the digital zoom. It may well be an star cluster.

What i know of the inner working of a camera is dangerous to say the least, but what i can confirm is that:
#1. Not a camp fire
#2. Not a ground light as i used the night shot function to check for branches, ground objects and the fact that the camera is at a definite angle to the ground is sure and certain it was pointing up and away from ground objects etc
#3. It may be camera anololy but doesn't present itself while pointing to the moon and Stturn at full optical and digital zoom.
#4. I moved the camera from the original position to one where i could film again and i did get the same effect (the lines etc are the same)
#5. Whatever it is doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things but interesting none the less.

Thanks to all who have given opinions - i think some of the ideas are pretty compelling but campfire it isn't and if it were branches, would it not show MORE when zoomed out and more obstructive to what i was viewing? Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:39 AM
Maybe Venus blew up or mutated or something crazy like that and they just aren't telling us about it? Has anyone checked out Venus tonight? I didn't even bother to look...

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Shearder, I sent you a U2U... did you get it?

Yeah i got it bud. I replied. Go right ahead.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Maybe Venus blew up or mutated or something crazy like that and they just aren't telling us about it? Has anyone checked out Venus tonight? I didn't even bother to look...

Yes i tried about 18:30 my time and i was having camera problems. I DON"T think it had anything to do with aliens
but it was weird (see earlier post above) ad being closer to the house made it difficult to get anything at all.

[edit on 22/6/2007 by shearder]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
Maybe Venus blew up or mutated or something crazy like that and they just aren't telling us about it? Has anyone checked out Venus tonight? I didn't even bother to look...

Ahh finally the diplomat is indeed a diplomat.
I indeed have video if you wish to see it, recorded tonight, 6/22/07 ~ 9:30PM PST. In fact it is in a 'phase' just like the moon tonight, SWEET!. Yep. I got hammered and tried to image the beehive, but the bugs and the Pilsner hit me, and hindered me useless.
My bad on the Pleiades, although I do have a problem with the way you stated it. "Hmm, yea lol... the Pleiades explanation makes no sense to me..." Now that is some real thought provoking stuff. Haha! Now on to your real question...

BTW, again nasty language (beware), had one too many and was getting so bit up, I was not a happy camper or imager.
I have Jupiter too, with the easily seen, main four moons, not too mention 2 bands are seen on Jupiter. Shall I upload that too, King Diplomat? JFC.

Here is the video of Venus tonight:

Ifilm link

Take care, and happy hunting,

[edit on 6/22/2007 by Stockburn]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:37 AM
If it were a star cluster or galaxy it should still be there right? In fact if it is a star shining though some trees the star still going to be in the same general location. You can test the theory by taking a look. If it were a satellite or any low orbiting object it's going to be moving pretty quick, which it isn't.

Just some thoughts.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:38 AM
Edit: Nevermind..........................

[edit on 22-6-2007 by Diplomat]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:58 AM
I think there are a few good analogies posted.

I just need to reassure that I am not out for fame or fortune or waste anyone's time or make a fool of myself or anyone else. My posts and replies are unbiased and being as amateur as a 2 year old boiling an egg for the first time i wouldn't know, without a star map, what was what - but i will get there.

I was out again last night as i said earlier, i will take some daylight pics this weekend of the two areas i stood in and general surrounds. I will also indicate on the pics where the closest lights are that would affect the shots, though there are no lights in the vid due to the position i was standing and then again it will, hopefully, be clearer that trees could not be involved, neither camp fires etc. But again, if there was a tree involved would it not block out venus MORE when zoomed out and the object would easy be seen as being obscured by the tree or it would have taken some serious maneuvering to ensure the branches only come into play when fully zoomed in. I appreciate trying to deny ignorance and this is what i am trying to do and assist in steering the assumptions into the right direction by trying to prove all i can, as i am sure can be noted. As for the pics of surrounds, i will post this on Monday due to other commitments the weekend. I will be honest again and say that BELOW where i was filming are 2 areas with lights behind trees and i will, if required, film that area also though i believe it won't prove the tree theory compared to the vids i have posted because the lights are a couple of meters across (close to each other) and when panning from the moon to Saturn to Venus the fact that there are 2 sets of lights will be clear and obvious. What i can also do is film the moon again, move downward and toward the point where the 2 sets of lights become blatantly obvious though i would have to change where i was standing as i was in a position where light pollution would be at a minimum so the lights would not have been seen.

I guess I would also be skeptical with something like this and would come up with many ideas as to what it is and I will hold nothing against anyone if they jump out the wood work and scream LIAR but i have offered what i captured in good faith and without any agendas.

[edit on 22/6/2007 by shearder]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 04:12 AM
I doubt anyone here on this forum can throughly explain what it is that you captured on film. To me, it is absolutely amazing... and I have no real explanation for it at all. I have a few theories (previously posted), but I cannot prove them at all.

You were trying to film the planet Venus, but instead you saw an incredibly strange "object" in front of Venus. I hope we can really get to the bottom of this, because it is incredible...

Edit: I am no astronomer, but how could the images in the video file possibly be a "star clustor" or even a "galaxy?" He was trying to look at Venus, which you can see "behind" the "object."

[edit on 22-6-2007 by Diplomat]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by Diplomat
I doubt anyone here on this forum can throughly explain what it is that you captured on film. To me, it is absolutely amazing... and I have no real explanation for it at all. I have a few theories (previously posted), but I cannot prove them at all.

It is pretty amazing and i guess (and hope) it was being in the right place at the right time to be able to capture something like this - what ever it is

For those that missed the extra vid URL

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 05:19 AM
I do not know but have been searching for anything weird about Venus (if it had anything to do with Venus) and i found this:

Could what i filmed be anything like that (above)?? Unfortunately they do not have pics or i would have answered that for myself
but i am not educated in astronomy to relate what i have to what is in the article.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 08:04 AM
I believe it is no way a star cluster or galaxy. If that is really what it is please give me a comparison picture. There have been many many pictures taken of star clusters and galaxies and I have never seen one that looks like that thing. Now I obviously have never seen every picture taken in existence so maybe there is one out there but of the ones posted on this thread so far nothing comes close. Just because a star map is referenced does not mean that whatever object that was is part of a star map. C'mon that is silly. Campfire?

I'd really like to see if anyone can lighten the images up a little to see the rest of the "object". When zoomed in you can see faint lights outside of the main area that may help identify the object if you can lighten it up. The blue portion of that thing almost looks like an eye to me. You can see that the protrusions (that kinda look like branches) covering the lightened area seem to fold down and go back inside the "object" either through or behind the "eye" portion. Regardless of what this thing is this thread has been very interesting and also kind of worrisome as well considering the opinions that have been rendered.

[edit on 22-6-2007 by Moserious]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 08:54 AM
One thing to keep in mind while comparing pictures. There are photos taken through hi end optical telescopes versus a video camera with a large amount of digital zoom. They are not going to be exactly the same.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:45 PM
I have to say shearder that this video is the best I have seen since I have been on ATS. Even if it turns out we never know what it is or it is scientifically explained away it is still a great video and thanks for taking the time to edit and post it, I know that can be tedious.

As for what I think it is in the video... maybe you captured the only known footage of the birth (or death) of a small star or something... Or maybe they recenlty fired up the Large Hadron Collider and they created a new black hole in the Earths upper atmosphere

[edit on 22-6-2007 by tnt3kgt]

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:41 PM
Now I'm sure this must have been addressed, but the object remains incredibly still even on zoom. Would the rotation of the Earth not cause this object to move across the view or are we assuming this object is in geo-stationary orbit?

My instinct goes with a camera/lens anomoly with the camera fixed on a light bolted firmly on terrafirma.

I will now go back and read the thread.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 03:55 PM
I think you are blessed to have them let you photograph them.
I had a ship land 50 feet from me. Scared the crap out of me...
The also diguise there ships to apear as planes with a strobe in back on top and
strobes in front on the bottom.
Seen several close up with no sound.
Wait till they start talking to you.

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