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what the hell..... (pics)

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by triplesod
Well. Aren't you smug and obnoxious?

By the way, where did the OP say "thread die, please die, make them stop"? You told us you are basing that on his own words, so please direct me.

That stupid laughing smiley face looks so arrogant in your posts, sort it out!

Yeah I know, it's hard to figure out, isn't it. I'm the bad guy. Sorry to upset you so. Those emoticons pack a powerful punch. I'll have to watch that. Ironically your mood says "smug." I'll assume you weren't being too literal. Thanks for your response.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:40 AM
Well I guess I put myself out there and thought I had done everything to eliminate trees and branches and perhaps I was, in my amateurism, too hasty in posting. I did the tests last night though too late to be of real use based on Venus’s position at around 9pm.

However, first let me thank yuefo, Diplomat, roadgravel, IATTackPeople, nothingistrivial, brownie, tnt3kgt, BuzzingOn and greatlakes for being so critical and supportive too. I also want to apologies if it appeared I was stringing all you guys along. I guess I will go down in the ATS history books as one of those guys that posts bogus stuff and my credibility is blown out the water.

I have to say I feel like a real hind t!t. I set the camera up in the original place first and did some zoom tests – as you will see in the first day time pic, there is a swimming pool to the right. At night this pool has a blue light. I was using super night shot and unfortunately the neighbour had their flood light on, which isn’t common for them that time of night so the nighshot was too washed out. I went to normal mode and was zooming in and out, panning etc. Now this is where I was SLAMMED into a wall! I could see Saturn higher than Venus so I used that planet for the test. I had to move over a little more than I would have thought for Venus and suddenly I saw what seems very close to the original. Not as well defined but seemed almost a given – what could not be see blatantly as being in the way was a small branch. It offered a very similar effect to what was originally filmed. I got a blue tinge from the pool light and I guess that’s what gave the bluish hue. The only thing that perplexed me is that it was the same when I moved originally to the second spot – but, POSSIBLY, in my excitement of having captured the uncapturable (lol), I didn’t press record when I moved to the new position and all the footage was from the one area. I noticed this when I did the same last night, setup, did the tests, and the whole time the camera was on standby. When I went inside to playback I wanted to offer my wife the baseball bat to put me out of my misery – NO footage!!

Ok now I deserve any slams and bashings coming my way and I lay myself at your mercy but I do humbly apologies and I have, though, learned a lot and am more the wiser if not more foolish. I support the denial of ignorance and then I go and display a classic, if not acute, case of total ignorance and stupidity, I hope that my integrity will save me from being stoned to death but my stupidity, I am sure, will be remembered for aeons to come.

Now if you will excuse me, I will go and throw myself off my desk.

[edit on 26/6/2007 by shearder]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:17 AM
It takes great amounts of courage, fortitude, integrity and any other adjectives I can think of to post that final statement of a post shearder. Most would just slink off without any concern for all of the hard work that the above posters put in to this thread. Commendable to say the least.

It's interesting the compound errors that go into a false sighting or even pertaining to other areas of science even, that compound errors lead to false conclusions and sometimes very believable results. Take the story of "cold fusion" and the errors that were made by some preeminent minds of the time...

You're not the first, you won't be the last person to make some errors, keep looking as we are all.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by greatlakes
It takes great amounts of courage, fortitude, integrity and any other adjectives I can think of to post that final statement of a post shearder. Most would just slink off without any concern for all of the hard work that the above posters put in to this thread. Commendable to say the least.

It's interesting the compound errors that go into a false sighting or even pertaining to other areas of science even, that compound errors lead to false conclusions and sometimes very believable results. Take the story of "cold fusion" and the errors that were made by some preeminent minds of the time...

You're not the first, you won't be the last person to make some errors, keep looking as we are all.

Many thanks for your response. I appreciate your comments. I would not have believed it was a branch had i not redone the test. Possibly not in the exact positions but the result was compelling enough to say the least. Hopefully i won't have to change my name

I will keep looking to the stars and will definitely get that telescope with the optional camera equipment but will definitely use a better place to setup the equipment. Busy with scope reviews at the moment so as soon as i find one tht would be best for my needs i will settle.

Thanks again greatlakes

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 02:12 AM

Haven't looked at this thread in a few days, so i decide to out and capture more.
The last few msg's I read it looks like just what I found. Someone beat me to it! ARGH!

In any case, here is my video of what I figured it was after I stated "Pleiades, Open cluster, etc." TREES!

My camera isn't as cool as Shearder's, but you get the drift. BTW, Shreader, I spent 2 hours trying to get good video of Venus via CCD Telescope and getting bitten by Mosquitos and not a mention? HAAHHA! Take care,

Light language in this one folks. Hey its midnight my time, and thought it was easy pickin'.

BTW, mine is the moon being ripped by trees, almost identical yours..

Youtube Central

[edit on 6/26/2007 by Stockburn]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Stockburn
My camera isn't as cool as Shearder's, but you get the drift. BTW, Shreader, I spent 2 hours trying to get good video of Venus and getting bitten by Mosquitos and not a mention? HAAHHA! Take care,

Hey Stockburn, sorry about that mate. I appreciate your trying though even though you were bitten by mossies! LOL Yeah, it was a branch but i couldn't reproduce it as clearly but the ultimate effect was there.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 03:42 AM
No slams or bashings for you at all Shearder, you did a good job and showed continuous courage in bringing what you captured on film to the attention of all of us at ATS when you had no idea of what the strange and mysterious happenings were in your local skies. Your great persistence of the truth prevailed and with a little detective work we were all brought the truth, which is what we all seek when it comes to strange things among the skies that we can't at first explain. Was a fun thread.

Keep up the cool filming as one day you just might get that one "money shot" we all been looking for!


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by BuzzingOn
No slams or bashings for you at all Shearder, you did a good job and showed continuous courage in bringing what you captured on film to the attention of all of us at ATS when you had no idea of what the strange and mysterious happenings were in your local skies. Your great persistence of the truth prevailed and with a little detective work we were all brought the truth, which is what we all seek when it comes to strange things among the skies that we can't at first explain. Was a fun thread.

Keep up the cool filming as one day you just might get that one "money shot" we all been looking for!


Thanks for that BuzzingOn. Much appreciated. Well it was truly a learning experience for me in a big way. This is the reason I didn't post initially and say WHOO HOO a UFO!! Hell yeah, was buzzzing (lol) around etc. I was clueless not not as much now

[edit on 26/6/2007 by shearder]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Cool that you could re-produce the anomally... was really hoping you couldnt
I wouldnt mind looking at the new footage if you get a chance to post a short clip.

IMHO the other posters moon blocked by branches looked only slightly similar to your original footage.

For one it was only black and white, also it was much easier to distinguish the branches and leaves, also it didnt appear to transform to me as your video did. Maybe something to do with the zoom level as he stated he had a lesser camera to work with.

Anyhow no harm no foul in my book, appreciate the follow up work you did to close the case.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Thanks for all the work, we all learned something here. You demonstrate what should be done to help investigate these things, especially by the reportee.

Interesting to see how several factors can come together to create unusual sightings. I glad your thread was here. Thanks...

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by roadgravel

Thanks for all the work, we all learned something here. You demonstrate what should be done to help investigate these things, especially by the reportee.

Interesting to see how several factors can come together to create unusual sightings. I glad your thread was here. Thanks...

Thanks roadgravel, much appreciated. Well when i get my scope i will at least have the experience to know what is and isn't absolutely mind blowing LOL. Thanks again to you too. If i didn't post, i was just thinking about it, i would be none the wiser and sitting with a "UFO" made of branches!!

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Stockburn

BTW, mine is the moon being ripped by trees, almost identical yours..

Good work, man! I love it!
We needed this a few days ago!

Don't be too hard on yourself, Shearder. I commend you on your spirit of true inquiry and investigation. Yes, we will point and laugh in jest for a minute (BWAHAHAHAHA!...*ahem*) but for the long-run you've earned mega kudos for being a stand-up guy.

Plus, at least it wasn't a streetlight!

HEY! Just so it's not a total loss, I'm sure you can sell your footage to David Sereda for his next DVD. He takes anything, apparently. You'll just need a new soundtrack with excited, breathless commentary to "punch" it up a little.

"WHOA, DUDE! LOOK AT THAT! WHAT THE $#@& IS THAT! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"... that sort of thing. I nominate Stockburn for the job.

I'll end with a catption...

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:44 PM
I just want to apologize for being a distrustful jerk. I have a slight excuse and I'm reluctant to even mention this, but last Father's day, after 30 years, I quit smoking. My first obnoxious post was day 6 of no smokes. The connection didn't hit me until a couple days ago, then I realized--my crabby irritability came right through into my posts. I've never gone after anyone like that on ATS before. So, sorry Shearder. I acted without class and you deserved much, much better.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 10:39 PM
Hey IAttackPeople,

Could you tell I was tilting?

It was quite the funny thing. I was out in the backyard smoking a cig, and I noticed the moon behind the trees. I instantly said to myself "Dang, that looks familiar." I took out the MiniDV and zoomed in (maybe 16x-20x, not even close to what Shearder can do) and bammo, pretty darn close. After compiling the video, seems the mystery was already solved.
Posted the darn thing anyway.

I do apologize to Shearder for being brutal with the audio, it was not my intention to ridicule/slam. Just sorta came out like that.
Dang Pilsners!
They make me say stupid stuff!

Take care and happy hunting,

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by IAttackPeople

Don't be too hard on yourself, Shearder. I commend you on your spirit of true inquiry and investigation. Yes, we will point and laugh in jest for a minute (BWAHAHAHAHA!...*ahem*) but for the long-run you've earned mega kudos for being a stand-up guy.

Plus, at least it wasn't a streetlight!

Yeah LOL, consolation, no street lights

Originally posted by IAttackPeople
HEY! Just so it's not a total loss, I'm sure you can sell your footage to David Sereda for his next DVD. He takes anything, apparently. You'll just need a new soundtrack with excited, breathless commentary to "punch" it up a little.

"WHOA, DUDE! LOOK AT THAT! WHAT THE $#@& IS THAT! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!"... that sort of thing. I nominate Stockburn for the job.

hehehehe, now that's a seriously fantastic idea!!

But in a serious note, thanks again IATTackPeople, i appreciate the good words as i am sure it could have always been worse. The support and lack of ridicule after the truth has been unexpected and i thanks you too. It has been interesting and a learning curve of note.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by Stockburn
I do apologize to Shearder for being brutal with the audio, it was not my intention to ridicule/slam. Just sorta came out like that.
Dang Pilsners!
They make me say stupid stuff!

Take care and happy hunting,

Hey Stockburn no harm done and no offence taken. I guess if i had hidden agendas i would have displayed with fighting back against the comments but my intention was honest and i guess i, and we, got to the truth eventually

Thanks again bud.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by yuefo
I just want to apologize for being a distrustful jerk. I have a slight excuse and I'm reluctant to even mention this, but last Father's day, after 30 years, I quit smoking.

Hey no need to apologies but accepted without a problem

My first obnoxious post was day 6 of no smokes. The connection didn't hit me until a couple days ago, then I realized--my crabby irritability came right through into my posts. I've never gone after anyone like that on ATS before. So, sorry Shearder. I acted without class and you deserved much, much better.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by yuefo
I just want to apologize for being a distrustful jerk. I have a slight excuse and I'm reluctant to even mention this, but last Father's day, after 30 years, I quit smoking.

Not a problem yuefo, i took everything as in context and didn't take offence but i guess sometimes i felt attacked but i just did what needed to be done to prove it wasn't trees LMAO. Now in doing so I have uncovered the truth and to be honest, felt like a serious fool and actually didn't know how you guys would all react but i guess it also goes to show that there are people out there serious enough to want to know the truth but human enough to forgive when an honest mistake is made and I appreciate this a great deal.

Originally posted by yuefo
My first obnoxious post was day 6 of no smokes. The connection didn't hit me until a couple days ago, then I realized--my crabby irritability came right through into my posts. I've never gone after anyone like that on ATS before. So, sorry Shearder. I acted without class and you deserved much, much better.

Absolutely no harm done and apology accepted as was mine for making this mistake. I hold nothing against you but you are right, i deserve better - so i am LEAVING YOU!!

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