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what the hell..... (pics)

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posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 09:19 AM
Looks like fairly impressive photos to me. I haven't a clue as to what it might be. I have seen similar objects myself.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 09:47 AM
Jose Escamilla's new documentary, "Interstellar The Movie" (found at includes similar images and video from John Lenard, whom I presume is the individual DuncanIdahoGholem indicated was removed from

John is, in fact, still a Hall of Fame member at and his images are still on the site - LINK

Jose Escamilla has also created a site to present this and other pieces to spread this information to as broad an audience as possible. The website is (About)

Below is a link to another Jose Escamilla production called, "UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied." LINK

David Wilcock at has included in one of his articles, satellite photos of fascinating cosmic anomalies, which include nebula fractals, the strange hexagon shape at Saturn's north pole, and more.

David's website offers one of the most comprehensive pictures of what's happening on our planet, and in our galaxy right now.

David talks about his website coming under attack by what he termed "negative energies", which left it shut down for several days LINK TO PAGE

I believe shearder to be sincere, and he may have actually captured something. There is much evidence to support this conclusion. There are just strange things happening in our skies, and in our galaxy right now.

There are forces that don't want this information to get out, because it spells the end of millenia of control; in particular, the control of the flow of information.

I would suggest that anyone following shearder's example may be able to capture similar anomalies, possibly, greater.

Every release of this sort of information is going to beset by those who want to mitigate its importance, either by specious refutations, personal attacks, or any other number of means, from the overt and crude to the sophisticated.

Whatever the case, nothing should undermine the greater fact that all of this IS occurring, and will more so in our near future, and those hoping to prevent, or mislead us about this imminent reality will soon be seen for what they truly are.

Thank you for posting, shearder. If the images are hoaxed, it's only a temporary distraction from the big show. You seem sincere, so you have my support.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:34 AM
Good find Shearder..

Don't let the negativity get you down.

I'm curious to hear what some of the photo experts have to say.

Also, since you have this on VIDEO, I'm pretty sure that would preclude the "holes in cardboard" nonsense.

Keep on Keepin' on!

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:41 AM
I'm not sure what to think.
Definately something I will keep my eye on.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:17 PM
I didn't realize you could get a picture of Venus that big just off of a camera's telephoto lens. I've seen Venus through telescopes and it always came across as very small in the field of view.

Are you saying that that picture of Venus came off of a digital camera with a good zoom lens? Can someone confirm that you can get an image of Venus that big in this manner?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
I didn't realize you could get a picture of Venus that big just off of a camera's telephoto lens. I've seen Venus through telescopes and it always came across as very small in the field of view.

Are you saying that that picture of Venus came off of a digital camera with a good zoom lens? Can someone confirm that you can get an image of Venus that big in this manner?

I thought that was odd, too, although any image can be scaled up with interpolation.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:24 PM
I have been looking at that object you have in the last picture with a 60x spotting scope, for a couple of months, and I don't know what it is, but it looks smashed on one side, and it is spinning because the smashed side changes orientation from day to day. I know it's not venus because I can see craters on it. Please someone who knows astronomy explain what this is.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 12:34 PM
Okay I will ask what no one had asked yet. If someone else did ask and I missed it, I'm sorry.

Exactly what make and model of camera is this? Any external lenses used?

Although I think there is still a great possibility it is the result of some sort of digital artifacts, perhaps you did indeed capture something strange here.

Now all we need is for the information I requested to determine if what you are suggesting is even possible. Several posters menitioned disbelief that venus, for example would be so large captured in this manner....

But I have a more or less open mind, so I am willing to find out if this is really possible.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by disownedsky
I take it you live in the Southern hemisphere? It's still broad daylight at those times (assuming they're local times) here in North America.

Can you give the rough lat/lon of your location?

28*12'S / 26*00'E

That bright planet, sorry used wrong pic, was actually Saturn, though "venus" is not too dull BUT i have grabbed frames from the video which I will post tomorrow (my time). I also have a video clip that is about 10mb WMV file. it shows a zoom in and out, pan to moon and saturn and back again. wierd part is this thing almost looks like it is closed at some stage but the blue glow in the centre is to the one side. very creepy.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by disownedsky

Absolutely possible, and a much used theory and reality which I do not knock or discredit, however, it would have done the same pointing at the moon, possibly more noticeably, and zooming in on Saturn but it didn't, only pointing at Venus did it do that. I have used this camera and converter for the last +/- 2 years and there has been nothing like this at all.

I recommend running some tests with known objects with similar geometry and the same zoom ratios. I've observed digital zoom do some strange things before.

I rechecked the camera and lens tonight and nothing wrong. also if there were a problem with the zooming it would have had the same effect with saturn and the moon and if it were part of the camera i gess we can assume it would appear in the same area of each frams but since at that zoom factor any movement of the camera or tripod sends the object all over the frame and it retains its appearance. now as i said, when you see the video clip it will make more sense and the DAMN factor comes to mind when i looked at it again tonight.

BTW, does anyone know where i can place this video file?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
I believe shearder to be sincere, and he may have actually captured something. There is much evidence to support this conclusion. There are just strange things happening in our skies, and in our galaxy right now.

There are forces that don't want this information to get out, because it spells the end of millenia of control; in particular, the control of the flow of information.

I would suggest that anyone following shearder's example may be able to capture similar anomalies, possibly, greater.

Thank you for posting, shearder. If the images are hoaxed, it's only a temporary distraction from the big show. You seem sincere, so you have my support.

Thanks a ton OnTheDeck - i appreciate that vote of trust and confidence. As i mentioned, i cannot and do not say what i think it is but i guess we all hope it is real. i am posting the video clip tomorrow but i just need somewhere i can put it to link to. All i can say is it gave me chills and thrills all at the same time when i saw it. I hope my next post of screen grabs is a sign of how weird it is.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:25 PM
looks like the reflection of your eye?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:25 PM

28*12'S / 26*00'E

Oh, South Africa. When I get home tonight I'll look at the night sky from that location.

A point source like a star might behave quite differently under digital zoom than a resolved disk.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
I didn't realize you could get a picture of Venus that big just off of a camera's telephoto lens. I've seen Venus through telescopes and it always came across as very small in the field of view.

Are you saying that that picture of Venus came off of a digital camera with a good zoom lens? Can someone confirm that you can get an image of Venus that big in this manner?

This is what has been puzzling me. when you see the video clip you will see how i zoom out and in and the ratio between extreems is great. i am using a Sony TRV460E which has standard 20x optical and 990x digital zoom coupled with this a genuine sony 2x teleconverter (would give effective 1980x digital zoom). as i mentioned in a previous post i was not expecting anything fantastic but a "closer" view. when i zoomed in to where Venus was (supposed to be) this is what came up and clearer than expected. the strange part is if you get a starmap for the 19th at around 18:45 ans slowly follow the video (not easy i know) you can basically place Venus, Saturn and the Moon in the right positions though i didn't really get hozizon in the vid.

Hope that makes sense. Check the original post i have given detail about positioning etc.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by reaganero
looks like the reflection of your eye?

Possible with an SLR camera i guess but this was a video camera and i was using the viewing screen.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
Okay I will ask what no one had asked yet. If someone else did ask and I missed it, I'm sorry.

Exactly what make and model of camera is this? Any external lenses used?

Although I think there is still a great possibility it is the result of some sort of digital artifacts, perhaps you did indeed capture something strange here.

Now all we need is for the information I requested to determine if what you are suggesting is even possible. Several posters menitioned disbelief that venus, for example would be so large captured in this manner....

But I have a more or less open mind, so I am willing to find out if this is really possible.

I 100% appreciate this in depth analysis and questions. As i mentioned i do not know what is/was. However, as i said, i did not expect to get any clear captures of Saturn and Venus even though Venus has been pretty close but what i DID get has surprised me to the point that what ever it is/was, is possibly in the path of venus and therefor closer and with venus behind it i picked "it" up instead of Venus. BUT based on the star map for last night that was where venus was "supposed" to have been. Damn i sound like a total fruit cake.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:42 PM
i wouldn't know how your eye would ever be caught in the image but it has that quality and shape for some reason. just the first think i saw when i observed the image. cool stuff either way.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:45 PM
You're welcome, shearder!

If you need upload space, you can upload up to 250MB at

Just create a free account and upload your video there.

Hope that helps.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:47 PM
I'm not pointing this out as a solution. I don't know enough about how these shots were taken. I have no idea what he body of the thing is. But the along the top you can see the outline of what looks like wings in multiple exposure. The loop around the end is the right shape, and they have a tranlucent look to them. Any chance?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:50 PM
Sorry - I'm unable to edit my posts when I hit "Post Reply".

I used to be able to edit my posts - actually, once in a while it lets me, but for the most part as soon as I paste that's it. It seems that whenever I mention it it comes back...

I meant you can upload up to 60MB files at

Here is a LINK to a site with listings for sites that host space for free.

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