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Alleged spacecraft/objects on moon

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posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Proct0r

I'm an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer and I take a ton of pictures of the moon. I've taken many pictures of the moon, and I've never seen anything like that on the moon.

I'm impressed and intrigued. What do you have of Prom. Agarum, Petavia B, Endymion, Plato, Aristarchus and Mosting A? Please post the clearest you have and hopefully they are in color like Mike's. Specific to Prom. Agarum I need anytime between a 4 and 8 day moon which would be now until the 23rd. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Lenard's moon image looks like its clipped from one of the "Apollo 20" shots... but I could be wrong

I don't think so, having had a good look at both. If you're going to make such claims, I'm sure you know your way around Photoshop, or some other image manipulation software. Please, show us.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:11 PM
This is obviously a fake

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Stale Cracker
I'm really more interested in the retro-active forum scrubbing now!!! Forget the satellites!

I'm with you on that one
If there was nothing in his images... why scrub them and close the thread so quickly? At the very least it draws attention to it. Had they left the images it would most likely have passed away as ISS etc images at least on that forum...

Removing it means someone is concerned... We had some images that were removed from a NASA moon image directory awhile back while some were in the process of downloading... (has nothing to do with this) but it means NASA is paying someone to keep an eye on whats being posted

And THAT is reason to be suspicious

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Stale Cracker ask Chris Bergin

Now that is interesting... I just joined this thread here a few hours ago and I cannot set up an account there either... Did they maybe just freeze registration?

We need someone unknown in the "Anomalies" field LOL

Did you notice that Chris gives his location York, England?

Since when does NASA have an office there?

Edit to add

seems they do LOL I was able to register here... at the British site

[edit on 20-6-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:01 PM
Hang on....I think that theres some confusion about the 'retroactive' nasa forum post deletion (posts by John Lenard). The following shows us that the google cache page lists the JL posts, whereas the current nasaspaceflight forum pages do not show his posts. From this data we CANNOT DETERMINE exactly when the posts were deleted, only that they were present up till 1/30/07, when the cache snapshot was taken by google.

So the only thing that we can determine =is that up to seven days after the last posts were made by JL, the posts remained undeleted.

I dont know of any way to pull up another date cache of googles pages, if there is a way...If anyone knows, post please...

Original posts made by J.Lenard:
14/1/2007 3:55 AM (#103186 - in reply to #99297)

Posted 23/1/2007 1:11 PM (#105314 - in reply to #99297)

And here we have the google cache page, which after checking up on this, found that the dates are given at the header of the google cache pages conveniently...

This is G o o g l e's cache of nasa spaceflight forum... as retrieved on 30 Jan 2007 16:42:10 GMT.


The google cache page still lists the JL posts, they HAVE NOT BEEN DELETED. BTW: someone should archive the cache page in case google cache time limit expires on the page, I dont know what the maximum time period is for keeping pages history by google.

[edit on 6/20/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Implosion
Please, show us.

Working on it... just caught up with the thread now... but I know the lunar image has been discussed here before... can't find the thread yet though...

And I don't use photoshop

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
The google cache page still lists the JL posts, they HAVE NOT BEEN DELETED.

True, but all the image links are broken. Sabotage, deletion of images from a user account, or bandwidth expiration?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:27 PM
Whats interesting as well is: check this forum out, it lists MANY links to images of NASA anomalies and are mostly from the NASASPACEFLIGHT forum site and have not been taken down by any of the mods there as far as I can tell.

Theres some interesting stuff i that forum as well...some are sun flares attributable though...

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:39 PM
ok....found another search tool, this one shows the yahoo cache page, last indexed on 6/30/07. The yahoo cache page has the JL posts as deleted as of the above date...
yahoo cache date

and the yahoo cache page:
yahoo cache

So now the deleted posts time frame is narrowed down to between 1/30/07 to 6/30/07, afraid not gonna get much more refined than that...

[edit on 6/20/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by thesun
This is obviously a fake

Really? You may be right but that is weak, I mean c'mon a one liner? Let's here it since it is so obvious. What is your explanation as to why Mr. Lenards posts were removed as well? I can't wait to hear this so I can stop following this thread.

Stale and Great Lakes...great job guys! I sure hope Mr. Lenard will hit you up Cracker. He really seemed freaked though. To me the "ships" are really interesting and I have never seen anything like those. I hope we can get coordinates so we can see if they're really there. Keep up the great work! I'm digging myself and if I get anywhere I'll post what I find. Later.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:54 PM
This tower pic looks fake to me. Notice how the moon blends with the "tower" at the location I have circled.
Fake moon tower

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Jose Escamilla's new documentary, "Interstellar The Movie" (found at includes similar images and video from John Lenard, whom I presume is the individual DuncanIdahoGholem indicated was removed from

From this post.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Implosion

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Jose Escamilla's new documentary, "Interstellar The Movie" (found at includes similar images and video from John Lenard, whom I presume is the individual DuncanIdahoGholem indicated was removed from

From this post.

Actually, I think onthedecks post has been misinterpreted. I dont think he meant to imply that duncanidahogolem is john lenard...

what he means *I think* is:

duncanidahogolem indicated that john lenard is the person whose images and video (or just the member john lenard) were removed from

Am I right on this point? I'm confused because JL is NOT REMOVED from

[edit on 6/20/2007 by greatlakes]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 04:47 PM
Well, I've U2Ud him to ask. He seems pretty certain that John Lenard is the source for the images seen in Jose Escamilla's new feature. However, where he got that from is anyone's guess. Could even be this thread. I don't have a lot of luck Googling the two names together.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 09:31 PM
Hi, implosion!! Let's bump this puppy up!!

greatlakes is correct when he says I meant,

Original quote by greatlakes
duncanidahogolem indicated that john lenard is the person whose images and video (or just the member john lenard) were removed from

Why duncanidahogolem would make a statement like that, which could be proven to be false in a matter of seconds is beyond me. Why anyone would make a one sentence post like, "It's obviously fake," is also beyond me.

There are people that "appear" to treat all of this very flippantly, but there's more than meets the eye there.

It seems unlikely to me that anyone truly skeptical about this subject, for the most part, is going to log onto a conspiracy subject matter website, deliberately navigate to the ufo/aliens section (or wherever they anticipate finding incredible assertions), and shoot off a post that reflects zero research on the item at hand.

This can happen on occasion, yes, but to the degree that it occurs here has me suspicious. It's people posing as these impenetrable skeptics, who consistently refuse to research what often appears as very compelling evidence, whose skeptic's guise is wearing thin.

I'll tell you, I can't recall if the Jose Escamilla/John Lenard connection was something I found in an article, or if I made the connection myself. I've been looking through my Bookmarks, etc., to try to find what I may have read.

I am still looking. If I find it I will post it. What intrigues me more, however, is that Stale Cracker, through a simple email exchange, has potentially implicated ATS and NASA for very suspicious conduct. In particular, on behalf on the NASA Space Flight Message Board forum where John Lenard had made posts, and posted these same images - any evidence of which is now missing from that message board.

The screencaps Stale Cracker posted on Page 7 of John's messages and image postings at's forums - and their subsequent removal from that site are imminently more important that the Escamilla connection.

John's comments about individuals from ATS searching for his IP, etc., and his obvious concern about that has me more that a little intrigued.

In order to find the thread John had originally posted in I had to do a search on another poster in that thread, "paulrix". The thread is entitled, "STS-116 and ISS image taken from my back yard" -- LINK
You can go there now and see the two pages of that fairly new thread without any indication that John Lenard was ever there.

I saved all of these ATS thread pages, as well as the cached NASA Space Flight forum pages that Stale Cracker posted screenshots of, and of the live pages up now where John's posts have been removed.

Here is a link to a .PDF of the cached NASA Forum Pages.

I took a screenshot video, using a program called, Camstudio (CamStudio LINK) of the current, live, NASA Space Flight forum pages sans John's posts. The screen video (mpeg) is kind of large (18MB), but I wanted to document this event in case we lose more info...If the message board goes away, or the plot thickens, I'll upload the video, so it's available...

You can always just skip on over to the thread and see John is gone now anyway...

I apologize for not finding the source for my connecting Escamilla with Lenard. If I find it I'll post it. To me though, it seems clear the images in the video, "Interstellar The Movie" are Lenard's images.

The intrigue that we just stumbled on here is too interesting to ignore...

Excellent thread!!

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 03:44 AM
A couple of those look a lot like Hoagland's "castle"

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:25 AM
Hi, all!

I just went to look at the cached pages for forums via a Google search and the "Cached" pages option is now missing from Google.

I took a screenpic, but it seems all of the other site results have a "Cached" pages option EXCEPT this NASA forum.

This ATS thread is one of the only sources that may indicate that this occurred...Hopefully it will remain...I've saved these pages, and the cached and live NASA forum pages anyway, but Stale Cracker has offered a good lesson here - everyone from here on out should be diligent about saving/capturing stuf like this, because it can be gone in a flash.

Here is a LINK to the screenshot I took. You can also just Google "NASA Space Flight" and you'll see anomalous the listing.

Here is also the same LINK I posted above to the cached forums.

John Lenard is now not alone. Another amateur astronomer just captured video and photos of a strikingly similar object when he was trying to shoot Venus. The thread is called, "what the hell..... (pics)" and was opened by shearder yesterday, Wednesday, June 20, 2007.

Here is a LINK to the ATS thread opened on this incident. Here is a LINK to the pics and video at

I call this incident corroboration, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this.

There is another thread that was opened yesterday by yuefo called, "Weird Light in Saturn's Rings." Here is a LINK to that thread.

There is a site created by Riley Martin, who claims to have been abducted and brought to a mother ship between Saturn and one of its moons. He suggests that this could be the ship he was brought to. Here is his WEBSITE

Riley's site links to another site created by an individual calling himself Michael, who also claims to have been taken to a large craft near Saturn. Here is a LINK to Michael's site.

Michael has some audio shows on his website. There is one from April 2007 called, "Saturn Earth Connection" toward the top of that page in which he talks about this object...

Nobody told me there'd be days like these...

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
Hi, all!

I just went to look at the cached pages for forums via a Google search and the "Cached" pages option is now missing from Google.

I took a screenpic, but it seems all of the other site results have a "Cached" pages option EXCEPT this NASA forum.

This ATS thread is one of the only sources that may indicate that this occurred...Hopefully it will remain...I've saved these pages, and the cached and live NASA forum pages anyway, but Stale Cracker has offered a good lesson here - everyone from here on out should be diligent about saving/capturing stuf like this, because it can be gone in a flash.

Here is a LINK to the screenshot I took. You can also just Google "NASA Space Flight" and you'll see anomalous the listing.

Here is also the same LINK I posted above to the cached forums.

John Lenard is now not alone. Another amateur astronomer just captured video and photos of a strikingly similar object when he was trying to shoot Venus. The thread is called, "what the hell..... (pics)" and was opened by shearder yesterday, Wednesday, June 20, 2007.

Here is a LINK to the ATS thread opened on this incident. Here is a LINK to the pics and video at

I call this incident corroboration, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of this.

There is another thread that was opened yesterday by yuefo called, "Weird Light in Saturn's Rings." Here is a LINK to that thread.

There is a site created by Riley Martin, who claims to have been abducted and brought to a mother ship between Saturn and one of its moons. He suggests that this could be the ship he was brought to. Here is his WEBSITE

Riley's site links to another site created by an individual calling himself Michael, who also claims to have been taken to a large craft near Saturn. Here is a LINK to Michael's site.

Michael has some audio shows on his website. There is one from April 2007 called, "Saturn Earth Connection" toward the top of that page in which he talks about this object...

Nobody told me there'd be days like these...

Your last two posts have been outstanding. I have been following this thread from the beginning and I think there have been some really shady things going on. I am hoping that JL will give Stale the coordinates (but I am not getting my hopes up and also those "objects" obviously could have moved). This thread could really turn out to be a big deal of everyone plays their cards right. That "no cache option" is really interesting and too much of a cooincidence if you ask me. Keep it coming!

[edit on 21-6-2007 by Moserious]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 08:07 AM
As Alice said, "Curiouser and curiouser." It seems a stretch that Google would remove information at the same time as the NASA removal. Unless they were asked to do that.

Which begs the question of which exact "Who" did the asking?

Would NASA have control over what was listed by Google? Or does Google usually just list as they see fit? And if it was a request by NASA to have items removed, then they're taking this pretty serious, considering it's only some "nutty" poster's work that is in question.

And if NASA didn't have the items removed, then who else had the power to get Google to be so prompt? The answer to which makes this seem even more important.

Maybe JL had good reason to be a tad paranoid.

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