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Alleged spacecraft/objects on moon

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posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by LibBLVRdoc

This is a Link With great "Mars Anomolies included&other Good Photos Links&stuff...I hope there is education, and an enjoyment of this input!
If The Above Link Doesn't GEt It There; Just go to www.Checkthe

Thanks, I always did like the Martian Epcot Center...

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:46 PM
Well, it does seem rather odd that he's being completely deleted from all the forums he's posting in but there could be a few explanations:

1. He's been deleted so as not to affiliate the website with a hoaxer or even just a "ufo nut".

2. Lenard seems a bit spooked and maybe he deleted them all himself for fear of "hackers" and people watching him.

3. There's some conspiracy involved in suppressing his evidence

I'm not buying into the third one. I think I'm going with the second one, I believe Lenard is spooked because he wasn't counting on such speculative and persistently investigative attention as he is now receiving thanks to ATS

I think Lenard got spooked that someone would find out that his photos are of familiar terrestrial originating objects. This would lead to him being called a hoaxer which would in turn ruin the premier of Escamilla's new movie which would mean no money for Lenard.

I have a feeling that Lenard might have underestimated the UFO community.

I find it very suspect that he gave a vague story about hackers and is cutting off communication.

Edit: Missed a few words lol

[edit on 15-6-2007 by Shadowflux]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:55 PM
Ok, I found Chris's email address. So screw creating an account

[email protected]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Well, it does seem rather odd that he's being completely deleted from all the forums he's posting in but there could be a few explanations:

1. He's been deleted so as not to affiliate the website with a hoaxer or even just a "ufo nut".

2. Lenard seems a bit spooked and maybe he deleted them all himself for fear of "hackers" and people watching him.

3. There's some conspiracy involved in suppressing his evidence

I'm not buying into the third one. I think I'm going with the second one, I believe Lenard is spooked because he wasn't counting on such speculative and persistently investigative attention as he is now receiving thanks to ATS

I think Lenard got spooked that someone would find out that his photos are of familiar terrestrial originating objects. This would lead to him being called a hoaxer which would in turn ruin the premier of Escamilla's new movie which would mean no money for Lenard.

I have a feeling that Lenard might have underestimated the UFO community.

I find it very suspect that he gave a vague story about hackers and is cutting off communication.

Edit: Missed a few words lol

[edit on 15-6-2007 by Shadowflux]

Wow, a site where you can edit your posts after 5 months, OUTSTANDING!
Sorry, not buying it.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Stale Cracker

1. How exactly was that thread "going off topic" and why was it rapidly locked after John started posting his pics ?
2. Why were John Lenard's pics removed from his posts?
3. Why were John Lenard's posts DELETED as of today?

4. What pictures did he show?

I checked the forum before and his posts where there before and now Johns posts are gone. They forgot to remove a reply to John.Why would they remove the postings after a few months? Weird stuff

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Cygnific

Originally posted by Stale Cracker

1. How exactly was that thread "going off topic" and why was it rapidly locked after John started posting his pics ?
2. Why were John Lenard's pics removed from his posts?
3. Why were John Lenard's posts DELETED as of today?

4. What pictures did he show?

I checked the forum before and his posts where there before and now Johns posts are gone. They forgot to remove a reply to John.Why would they remove the postings after a few months? Weird stuff

bingo. I was ready to dismiss this whole thing until his posts disappeard from the forum altogether.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:15 PM
I dont think you can delete your own posts on any forum without admin rights and i doubt the nasa forum has that option as user rights. The funny thing is that now after all these months when trafic went to the particular topic it is removed by somebody.

Edit: Forgot to add, is UFORC a respected UFO analising website? Since they seem to confirm the 'portal' between Arcturus and Muphrid story and here

[edit on 15/6/2007 by Cygnific]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:31 PM
Some sites prune (cleanup posts/topics/attachments) after so many days/weeks/months automatically.

What is the oldest topic on their forums you can find? If it is older than
the date posted for John his topics then they were intentionally deleted
by moderators or admins O_o

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:48 PM
Well, if he didn't delete them himself then perhaps someone from either ATS or another site tipped off the various mods that this guy was a hoaxer and possibly connected with Escamilla. The mods would've definitely deleted him and his posts to avoid ridicule, especially if the site is about "legitimate" astronomy and science. Not to mention that the mods would be angry that they were used for cheap publicity.

I'm not trying to argue, I'm willing to be wrong and in this case me being wrong could possibly be a good thing. I just feel that there is probably a more mundane explanation for the post deletions.

I mean, if he was being watched by some agency or group of people then wouldn't they have known about the posts months ago? Why would they not have done anything then?

I'm looking forward to hearing the response to the e-mail

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by zren
Some sites prune (cleanup posts/topics/attachments) after so many days/weeks/months automatically.

You dont seem to understand what happend. His pictures where allready removed (unknown when they where removed) Since the link came up to the Nasaforum (maybe heavy outiside link trafic) they removed all his posts but left the other replies and posts intact. So they 'cleaned' him up so to speak after months of his posts being there.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Well, if he didn't delete them himself then perhaps someone from either ATS or another site tipped off the various mods that this guy was a hoaxer and possibly connected with Escamilla.

Ok, so somebody there replies "Amazing images John, especialy the first one that clearly shows Discovery docked" and now is he a hoaxer?
So he has legitimate pictures and they are not there anymore.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Well, if he didn't delete them himself then perhaps someone from either ATS or another site tipped off the various mods that this guy was a hoaxer and possibly connected with Escamilla. The mods would've definitely deleted him and his posts to avoid ridicule, especially if the site is about "legitimate" astronomy and science. Not to mention that the mods would be angry that they were used for cheap publicity.

I'm not trying to argue, I'm willing to be wrong and in this case me being wrong could possibly be a good thing. I just feel that there is probably a more mundane explanation for the post deletions.

I mean, if he was being watched by some agency or group of people then wouldn't they have known about the posts months ago? Why would they not have done anything then?

I'm looking forward to hearing the response to the e-mail

First off, Stale Cracker you are absolutley doing a great job IMHO. Regardless of what the objects turn out to be, you have gone above and beyond the call of duty and you efforts are much appreciated.

Shadowflux I am interested in your motives. Everything that is coming from you seems to be an effort to downplay anything outside the "norm". I don't get it. I have a hard time believing that John's posts were on that NASA forum for months and suddenly when they start getting attention BOOM they're gone. That is beyond strange. It's been five months, 2 days since the last post of his I saw on that site (1/14/07). That equates to 3,672 hours. So of the 3,672 hours (+/-) since his last post it just so happens that he gets "scrubbed" out of there when attention is drawn to it? C'mon man "Deny Ignorance", you know like it says in Your Avatar!

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Cygnific

Ok, so somebody there replies "Amazing images John, especially the first one that clearly shows Discovery docked" and now is he a hoaxer?
So he has legitimate pictures and they are not there anymore.

Exactly, he's posted legit pictures before, he can identify the ISS with his telescope, he even named the image file name as such. However, this thread was started because he's trying to pass them off as Alien Space Cruisers, hence the "hoax" name I've given it.

It's my theory that he's somehow connected to Jose Escamilla because JE's new movie is directly related to the subject of Lenard's photos. The movie is about alien space cruisers that're up there in the sky blah blah blah.

Listen, it's not like I'm not a believer, I'm just not a believer in this one.

Look at the evidence posted throughout this thread and see for yourself.

If these photos show anything out of the ordinary it wold be some kind of classified spacecraft, satellite, or space station. In which case it would hardly be very secret since they're VERY visible even without proper equipment.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Moserious

Shadowflux I am interested in your motives. ............ C'mon man "Deny Ignorance", you know like it says in Your Avatar!

My "motives" are to deny ignorance and not see my fellow ATSers get taken for a ride by a bunch of hoaxers and scam artists.

I really think there is a mundane explanation for the post deletions, there're any number of reasons for which and methods by which the posts were deleted. Lenard seemed spooked enough to cut off communication so maybe he e-mailed the mods and asked to have it deleted. We also don't have any idea if the traffic we've given these threads are even significant.

I've simply made a logical decision based off the available evidence and my decision is that it's a hoax, or at the very least bad astronomy. I had hoped only to keep my fellow ATSers from being swindled and to preserve the credibility of ATS as a whole.

I have no motives.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux

Exactly, he's posted legit pictures before, he can identify the ISS with his telescope, he even named the image file name as such. However, this thread was started because he's trying to pass them off as Alien Space Cruisers, hence the "hoax" name I've given it.

Nowhere did he name it "Alien space crafts" they are called "space crafts" on Maybe they are satelites, but are unknown satelites and he wants to know which they are. They are interesting non the less. The only problem i have is the organic looking tower thing on the moon picture without any more data written at it.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Cygnific

Nowhere did he name it "Alien space crafts" they are called "space crafts" on

I didn't say that, I said that he labeled the photos as the ISS, he was posting in a forum and saying his photos are of the ISS and Shuttle. Here's a qoute I stole from Greatlakes' post two pages back:

Interesting iss and photo my name is john and have some photos and film of the iss and shuttle that i would like some professional opinons on hope you can help thanks regards john my email is [email protected]

my film is of the bag that was near the shuttle that made a bit of stir in the nasa camp and on the shuttle.

Notice the photo is labeled "ISS AND SHUTTLE FRAME A.jpg

He obviously knows what he's looking at when he's using his telescope.

Edit: typo

[edit on 15-6-2007 by Shadowflux]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux

Originally posted by Moserious

Shadowflux I am interested in your motives. ............ C'mon man "Deny Ignorance", you know like it says in Your Avatar!

My "motives" are to deny ignorance and not see my fellow ATSers get taken for a ride by a bunch of hoaxers and scam artists.

I really think there is a mundane explanation for the post deletions, there're any number of reasons for which and methods by which the posts were deleted. Lenard seemed spooked enough to cut off communication so maybe he e-mailed the mods and asked to have it deleted. We also don't have any idea if the traffic we've given these threads are even significant.

I've simply made a logical decision based off the available evidence and my decision is that it's a hoax, or at the very least bad astronomy. I had hoped only to keep my fellow ATSers from being swindled and to preserve the credibility of ATS as a whole.

I have no motives.

I respect your opinion and you are obviously entitled to it but for me it is not "case closed" in either respect. You may be right in the end but at this time I find it hard to believe that everything is as easily written off as you believe. Some of those pics are like nothing I have ever seen and I am very familiar with satellites being captured by telescope. That's what intrigues me, some of those objects are very interesting and I want to find out what they are. Add the part about Mr. Lenard getting "scrubbed" and it gets more interesting to me not less.

I am open minded and I don't get "taken for rides" and if you noticed I never once said those are ET crafts. I think it is a very interesting thread and I think it is far from resolved. For now let's agree to disagree and move on.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
Notice the photo is labeled "ISS AND SHUTTLE FRAM A.jpg

He obviously knows what he's looking at when he's using his telescope.

If he had pictures of the ISS and Discovery then he obviously could verify that with the many pictures on the web. Now the other pictures he has, he seems to have NO clue at what satelites or spacecrafts they are. So what should he name it then? Or do you have satelite pictures we can use to check against his 'unknown' crafts?

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
I've simply made a logical decision based off the available evidence and my decision is that it's a hoax, or at the very least bad astronomy.

I'm inclined to agree. However:

Originally posted by Shadowflux
He obviously knows what he's looking at when he's using his telescope.

Does this not mean that he can eliminate the possibility of these pictures being the ISS? I would have thought that if he knew what the ISS looks like, he would also know what satellites in orbit look like. Perhaps that is why he is excited about these pictures. He knows the ISS, he knows satellites, and these are not them.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 09:42 PM
Hey all, great job on following up on the items from my last post, all of the nasa forum stuff.

Its odd that his (John Lenard, JL) forum posts were deleted and its odd that his attachment images were deleted as well as I noted, but they could have deleted them for a few reasons, such as:

  • One of JL's images had some *crazytalk* text overlayed onto it...perhaps the last one or many of them, prompting the mods there to say, ok...delete. Here at ATS they have a delete all posts button, if a person is banned, spammer etc...

  • Perhaps he did have several clear images of some secret classified object up there in orbit, offered it for comments, and folks at Nasa took it down immediately, and erased all traces of the bad photo...

    I really wish we could get the image archive of the images from his posts. Is there any way to get these images? I dont know, its too bad that comms have broken up with JL, perhaps re-initiate, try to get these images, more information regardless of JL's concerns about IP snooping etc...?

    Also interesting is in the initial email to stale cracker, he seemed coherent and unworried and made a normal communication. Now with some of his work in question, he goes into paranoid *I have evidence and they're watching me* mode....Hmmmm.

    [edit on 6/15/2007 by greatlakes]

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