posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 06:59 AM
Oh, no. Not again! So poor poor Israel is going to be nuked, shelled, bombed, contaminated, reduced to ashes, and then burnt.... again. And then in
few weeks, here we go again.
Why do people constantly whine about Ahmadinejad telling he's gonna erase Israel from the map? He has allegedly said this so many times. He is often
being misinterpreted, and I dare to say - on purpose. Cause? Paving grounds to war with Iran. Iran's major sin is - wanting to be regional power.
It wants to manage their natural resources as they see fit, and in currency of their choosing. And that is not US$. THAT is the reason why US
administration wants to attack Iran. Nuclear program is only excuse.
And to be clear, I don't like Iranian president at all, but Bush isn't any better.
If US govt wants to target main source of radical islamism, they should blast the hell out of Saudi Arabia. For instance, remember those schoolbooks
inspiring hate against Jews and Christians alike? They were sponsored by king Fahd and his foundation. But nooooo, they're the allies!
Afraid of nuclear weapons? Turn your eyes to Pakistan. Their schools also push islamic radicalism, and actually allow Talibans to have bases on their
territory, and these are staging grounds for attacks in Afghanistan. I would also bet that Pakistani structures provide Talibans with weapons, ammo
and training. And, once again, they already have operational nuclear weapons.
So much hypocrisy and double standards that make me sick.
This thread is pathetic. And so are all 'Ahmadinejad says' threads. Just hot air blowing.