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Ahmadinejad: World Will Witness the Destruction of Israel Soon

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posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Are you going to claim now that every Muslim extremist who has bombed Israelis were "Israelis dressed as Arabs"?....

BTW, i don't condone what the Israeli extremist groups did, but I find it ironic that you like to cherry pick these, and ignore the "Islamic extremists groups" who keep bombing Israel and keep killing not only Israeli military, but Israeli civilians also....

Cherry pick what exactly? Do you still have your rose colored lenses on? Where did you learn to read? He said that Brittain gave them the land...I replied with maybe the attacks were the reason why they pulled out. What does that have anything to do with Cherry picking? So you are under the impression that the Zionists had nothing to do with Brittain pulling up stakes and leaving? I guess you dont remember they were on the verge of a revolt due to Balfours promise not being kept. Stern/Irgun/Hagannah were attacking not only Palestinian arabs but British as well and they even attacked their own ships carrying Jewish refugees coming from Europe since the Brits were turning them away and disallowing immigrants from coming in. They bombed the ships in order to disable them and leave the brits no choice but to allow them to leave the boats and go ashore. The Arabs did not want the surge of immigrants from europe there. The Zionists wanted everyone out and they wanted control of Israel. The very same people still want the same thing even today.

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Just for the exagerations and lies you keep spreading pieman, i will be buying more "Israeli Goods"....

Israel is a small nation surrounded by nations that just want to destroy them, and have tried several times...but i guess that doesn't count according to you... those other nations have a right to go after Israel, but if Israel defends itself....

^^ once again yet more posts ignoring what has been put to you so you can further you own judeofacist agenda

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Harlequin

Originally posted by Muaddib
Just for the exagerations and lies you keep spreading pieman, i will be buying more "Israeli Goods"....

Israel is a small nation surrounded by nations that just want to destroy them, and have tried several times...but i guess that doesn't count according to you... those other nations have a right to go after Israel, but if Israel defends itself....

^^ once again yet more posts ignoring what has been put to you so you can further you own judeofacist agenda

harlequinn , you are wasting time , you and i both know that muaddib is denying facts as stated by pieman

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 04:01 PM
It gets pointless arguing with ideologically hidebound fanatics.
You might as well try to debate Osama Bin Laden... no matter what arguments or facts you come up with, it doesn't matter, because their ideological biases have become a core element of their identity.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:54 PM
Iran will never destroy Israel. Nobody but Israel can do that. Lets just say for the hell of it several arab countries hit Israel again and start to win.

Israel would launch my guess 300 plus nukes at every muslim country within reach. A final f you all from Gods "people"...Cant blame em...Iran is no threat.....Unless you are a 16yr old girl they want to hang for flirting.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 02:10 AM

Think BIG.

Buy Israeli Goods. Look for the "729" on the barcode ThePieMan so graciously pointed out for us.

The ugly fat PIG in his avatar seems ironically fitting.

[edit on 6-26-2007 by forsakenwayfarer]

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Kacen

Originally posted by Fowl Play
Ahmadinejad is the new Mussolini.

How dare you compare Il Duce to that Persian idiot!

He is nothing like Mussolini; Mussolini was completely secular, among other things.

Anyway, it seems we need to stop biding our time and take the initiative; we can't just assume that he is all talk.

If someone verbally threatens to kill someone, you arrest them, even though you do not know if they meant it or not; you cannot take that chance.

And for those of you who support the destruction of Israel: You would have very different opinions if you had friends that lived there (I do.).

[edit on 6/3/2007 by Kacen]

And if he is all talk to make himself look "powerful" for his "voters" what then. Do you pat yourself on the back for killing millions of innocent Iranians. Do you justify the killing of all those men women and children as being nothing more than evil scum not worthy of living. Or do you say oops sorry fell for the rhetoric, silly me, still they weren't white, christian or jewish so no real harm done.

Honestly! You wonder why the world is in a mess....look in a mirror!

Isreal shouldn't exist but reality is that it does. Had the US not supported the flooding of jews into palestine 50 years ago Isreal would not exist. If the US had not supprted Isreal over the past 50 years it would not exist. There are people alive today who remember that the land where Isreal is used to be called Palestine occupied by Palestinians ...funnily enough! Do you think they all shrug their shoulders and say. Oh well they knicked the land so let's just get on with it? Please get real there will be anti Isreal sentiment for centuries. What we have to do is to try and persuade a people and their supporters that despite the fact that their land was stolen with the help of the US there is now an established country and a compromise has to be found. This impossible to do with a weapons.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer

Think BIG.

Buy Israeli Goods. Look for the "729" on the barcode ThePieMan so graciously pointed out for us.

The ugly fat PIG in his avatar seems ironically fitting.

Oh someone is a bit upset Israel is being Boycotted. Are you upset at the fact that they aren't going to have their Eretz Israel or is it that you are mad that people are beginning to stand up and say they can't kill Palestinians anymore? In either event Im glad you are upset and Im glad you won't get your way. I realize living so close to Chernobyl has affected you but try to use your remaining brain cells for something worthwhile rather then acting like a mutant.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 07:19 PM
Enough with personal attacks.

Please keep the discussion civil.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 12:18 AM
When is the war starting does anybody know? I mean they have been desperate to lash out at Iran now for some time and soon congress will shut off the gravy pipeline to Iraq. So we need annother war and especially one which puts billions into the pockets of the people that need it least in the world.

Rah Rah!

I'm starting to think that Ahmadinejad like Hitler is just a Zionist creation.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 02:53 PM
Ahmadinejad is only desperate for attention, thats all. In that way he is similar to Bush. I always find it amusing how similar two sides accusing each other are.

Bush will not go to war on Iran because he is out of money and the Europeans, Russians and Chinese are fed up with him.

We need to start inhabiting other planets where we can leave jews, christians and muslims behind us to wage their childish "I am right, you are wrong" games.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:32 PM
to xmemotex

It gets pointless arguing with ideologically hidebound fanatics.
You might as well try to debate Osama Bin Laden... no matter what arguments or facts you come up with, it doesn't matter, because their ideological biases have become a core element of their identity.


And, in terms of Israel . . . I love how God seems to be suckering all kinds of enemies into a trap.

It's exceedingly clear repeatedly in Scripture that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who hurt, curse Israel will be hurt, cursed.

I suspect that Israel may be shaken within an inch of it's life the next war. But God WILL STILL preserve Israel and likely in a more supernaturally dramatic way this next time.

There have been a number of supermatural aspect accounts in each of the wars that have been fought by Israel for her preservation to date. I think the ante will be upped the next time.

It should be exciting.

The propaganda against Israel is a few galactic clusters the other side of clueless, to me.

It neither takes into account the history nor logic. Of course it doesn't take into account ALMIGHTY GOD'S perspective . . . but that's a given in this day and age . . . especially from the liberals who think that the "Enlightenment" killed God.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:36 PM
to forsakenwayfarer


Which reminds me . . . given looming traumas such as Jihadi nukes coming to a city near you . . .

the Israeli's have a new fantastic bandage made with shrimp chiten sp? or some such which massively halts bleeding in it's tracks--even serious gushing bleeding.

Anyone have a link to that company?

Perhaps we should start a thread of Israeli products useful to the most members. Many are cutting edge.

Which reminds me . . . I've been looking for a link to the study that demonstrated that what . . . some 75% of Nobel Laureates, more famous scientists, medical experts etc. have been Jewish over the last 100 years or so. Wayyyyyy out of proportion to their percentage of the world population, anyway. Anyone have that link?

I guess we should thank the folks hostile to Israel for motivating such. And, given Almighty God's attitude toward such . . . thanks may be some of the last positive strokes they get.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
Which reminds me . . . I've been looking for a link to the study that demonstrated that what . . . some 75% of Nobel Laureates, more famous scientists, medical experts etc. have been Jewish over the last 100 years or so. Wayyyyyy out of proportion to their percentage of the world population, anyway. Anyone have that link?

I guess we should thank the folks hostile to Israel for motivating such. And, given Almighty God's attitude toward such . . . thanks may be some of the last positive strokes they get.

Utter bull poo.

I think you'll find the number is closer to 20%.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 01:27 PM

I think you'll find the number is closer to 20%.

I think you're quite wrong.

However, even THAT would be WAYYYYYYYYYYYY BEYOND their proportional part of the world's population.

Difficult to explain in terms of natural causes.

But I don't expect your biased perspective to be altered by the facts in the least.

Nor, do I expect you to research such issues with the least bit of a fair-minded attitude.

For some reason, I just don't expect such.

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:09 PM

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:22 PM
Maybe if the Iranians and Israeli's kill each other, I won't be bothered by hearing about the middle east every single day. I don't care what happens there, as long as everyone dies. That way we can just siphon their oil and nobody will complain. Lets arm the living heck out of all sides, and let them have a giant bloodbath. Oh wait we already did. This should be fun to watch!

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 03:53 PM
This post is really pushing people's buttons, as all the stars popping up all over attest, but really, I think most have been caught up in the Iran hysteria. Let's calm down a bit, he's not Hitler goading on the West to Armageddon.

Put away your Bible prophecies and take your finger away from the Button. Take a deep breathe and let your body go limp. Again. Imagine a summer day in a forest. Breathe deeply. Now, everybody feel a little bit better?

Ok, now read the quotes--even from Fox news--Ahmadinejad specifically said, three times, the Israeli "regime." That is another word for the government. Not one with terribly nice connotations, but nonetheless it describes a government. He is not suggesting Israel itself be annihilated. He said that the war in Lebanon showed Israel's weaknesses, and that he could thus foresee "the destruction of the corrupt occupier regime."

Well, wishful thinking, and the hope of many in Israel's immediate vicinity. And spoken upon the 18th anniversary of the Ayatollah Khomeini's death. So basically feel-good propaganda and tough talk for the home audience. And let's all remember, this is the Middle East, where grudges are carried for centuries. And he certainly had one eye out for sticking it to the West in the eye. That too scores points at home. And he is a politician, and also is by far not the real center of power in the country, as he is beholden to the ayatollahs, who like this sort of confrontational, feel-good rhetoric on these occasions.

But this is not reason to become unhinged. It's cheap propaganda and an even cheaper provocation, certainly, but just another day's foment in that wonderful spot we all know as the Middle East.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by gottago
Let's calm down a bit, he's not . . . goading on the West to Armageddon.

He and Islamic prophecy and history fiercely indicate otherwise.

HE WANTS to cause chaos, mayhem, war, bloodshed etc. as he feels that's the only way for the Islamic messiah to be brought onto the scene to destroy all NONMuslims and establish a totally Muslim world. He's said such repatedly as do the Imams around him etc. This is the belief of the Jihadi's and at least 20% of all Muslims. Saying otherwise is simply NOT ACCURATE and represents the opposite of DENY IGNORANCE.

Ok, now read the quotes--even from Fox news--Ahmadinejad specifically said, three times, the Israeli "regime." That is another word for the government. Not one with terribly nice connotations, but nonetheless it describes a government. He is not suggesting Israel itself be annihilated. He said that the war in Lebanon showed Israel's weaknesses, and that he could thus foresee "the destruction of the corrupt occupier regime."

HELLO? It's in the founding document 100's of times. All nonmuslims (as well as Muslims who disagree with them) are to be EXTERMINATED or converted! Jihadi's have been proving their belief in such by suicidal bombing missions for years.





The rabid idiot declares something repeatedly based on 100's of verses in the founding document saying essentially the same thing. He works hard to build up his nation's weapons of mass destruction toward triggering another world war which he believes will bring on the Muslim Messiah and succeed in conquering whatever's left of the world.

This is common knowledge. This is consistent with a certain historical thread in Islam. This is consistent with Bin Laden's pontifications. This is consistent with Kohmaini's pontifications and resime before this one. This is consistent with tons of captured Jihadi publications, plans, pronouncements--that they have matched with their blood repeatedly.





But this is not reason to become unhinged. It's cheap propaganda and an even cheaper provocation, certainly, but just another day's foment in that wonderful spot we all know as the Middle East.

How often have you been there? How much time have you spent there?

How many Middle Easterners have you known closely over a long period of time?

This is far more than idle propaganda.

It's true that they tend to stand nose to nose yelling at each other appearing ready to slit each others' throats and they are mildly discussing the weather.

But their passions are deeply felt and very intensely felt and acted on quite fiercely.

Blindly ignoring the persistent advancement of the ruthlessness--the bloody acting out of their philosophy by the Jihadi's . . . is foolhardy to the max.

And, to me, unbelievably naive.

posted on Aug, 7 2007 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by rockieboy
I'm not supporting this guy at all, but Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying the countdown to the destruction of the Zionist regime, not the destruction of Israel. Hasn't the US openly stated their desire of regime change in a few other countries? I see this as more of a political threat, not a physical threat.

I completely echo this statement. This seems to me to be just like the whole Israel should be "wiped off the map" remark. Just like in that instance, he was talking about what they consider to be an occupying regime. If anyone actually stopped to READ the Reuters article, it contradicts itself.

The very first statement in the article says, "Iran's president said on Sunday the Lebanese and the Palestinians had pressed a "countdown button" to bring an end to Israel."

Then the article goes on to quote Ahmadinejad and says, "With God's help, the countdown button for the destruction of the Zionist regime has been pushed by the hands of the children of Lebanon and Palestine,"

"By God's will, we will witness the destruction of this regime in the near future,"

In BOTH sentences he says REGIME, not Israel the country but the REGIME. There is a HUGE difference between the two. Just like the previous statements he is referring to regime change in Israel. This is no different than what the US has done many many times over the last several decades. So why is Iran so evil for doing the same thing? Didn't the US set the example? I'd be more than happy to admit I am wrong on this one, but every time I have researched the subject it seems to me that he is talking about regime change.

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