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Is This Hell?

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posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by NJE777
It has been a while since I read a post and smiiled.

Yes, we are in prison. This is hell and perhaps one day we might be allowed out. When I first realised it, I laughed so much watching everyone driving their fancy cars, having their tertiary education and the nice house. "I did all this stuff when I was dead...cos I thought I was alive"...

I have my own theory on death and birth. I think we are all reincarnated over and over again until we get something right...I also feel thats why depression is such a big thang today...everyone is soooo tired.

I have had two dreams where this person I know (but I don't) is really pissed at me but lets me out of prison. I walk out and then look around and look bak through the gates and I can see Earth. Quite funny really. But, I woke up thinking who was that and why was he so pissed!!? lol hmm must have done something wrong... Maybe it means that I am being let out? lol

Dear NJE777,

When I read your post, I litterally got verklempt! LOL!!

Spirit recognizes spirit across the ages of time, the internet, and even in this hell. I can assure you that the prison gates are wide open for you my friend, because you know.

Knowing, is the key to unlocking to cage.

And yes, our dark brothers hate losing a single spirit - a single source of light energy.

The rescue mission is in full swing. For now, we need to kick some dark brother behind, and lend a helping hand to those who still have the light of our Mother/Father God in them.

Peace, Light, and Love Divine

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by SatansQue

Those who suffer the most on this planet, are typically the stubborn spirits who refuse to give up their light. So they are put in horrible circumstances, designed to break them. When that body stops working, back you go to the astral plan, where they remind you of the horrors of the last life, and threaten to return you to more of the same. Many spirits can't take it, and plead for a better situation. To get the better situation, you have to give up the light.

OMG... I have dreams regularly where I a person approaches me and hugs me very tight and then I say, wtf? then whoever says "I am taking your light" Everytime I poke them in the eyes and get away.

They might even send you to Saturn

hmm *urgh..could you tell me what Saturn is about? I have had something regarding this and would like to know. Um... I said 'No thank you' because I knew (somehow) that the only thing keeping us in this dome is the Sun...and everything in this solar system is 'locked' in by the gravity of the Sun. And that is what traps us. (I believe)

So to answer your question, no, we don't get what we deserve in this Hell created by our dark brothers. The whole concept of karma was created by them, to fool us into believing that if we act a certain way, we achieve a certain result. But it's all BS because they controll what's going on here, for their own personal gain.

Yes again... free will is only within the confines of the dark brothers.

Meanwhile in the spiritual realm, hundreds of thousands of years, equals a day or less, because there is no time in the spiritual realm. And ever since the dark brothers did their thing, our Mother/Father God has been working to rescue those spirits who have not given up their light to evil.

I have just had an orgasm...
and farout, its been so long since I have read anything that has had that effect

Many beings have been sent directly from the spirit realm here, to warn us about becoming too attached to this world, and to prepare for leaving. The design of this material universe is very complicated. It was crated using the energy dirived from God. That's why many can't remember their true home, or that they are even spirit beings. Even our spiritual brothers of the light, still in the spiritual realm, this creation by evil was difficult to figure out - to find a way to destroy it.

I can't trim the quote...its too good. Multi orgasm... umbelievable...
Sorry, to gatecrash your convo but just couldn't help myself. lol

So this material universe is running out of time. And our dark brothers are beginning to panic. The Christ is here, right now, and spirit beings are escaping, breaking through the astral plan, as we speak. Soon, all that will be left are those spirits who gave up their light to our dark brothers. It will get really ugly. But everything, and everyone non-spirit, will just simply cease to exist.

I always see myself in dreams 'sweeping' the astral plane with this big broom, like cleaning it in someway.
Yanno, my biggest fear is when I die, those astral energies will 'touch' me and I will get knicked that way. What a funny thing to think, eh?

anyway...thanks for the stimulation!!

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by NJE777
hmm *urgh..could you tell me what Saturn is about? I have had something regarding this and would like to know. Um... I said 'No thank you' because I knew (somehow) that the only thing keeping us in this dome is the Sun...and everything in this solar system is 'locked' in by the gravity of the Sun. And that is what traps us. (I believe)

Saturn is the planet of the occult, hidden knowledge, worshipped by Freemasons, and others. It represents bondage, entrappment, etc., a bunch of really negative stuff. Just recently we got a really great look at an unusual phenomenon, which has been happening on Saturn for quite some time, thanks to modern technology.

It's important that you check out these links before I get into the explanation of how the planet Saturn is being used by our dark brothers.

[edit on 9-6-2007 by SatansQue]

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 09:14 AM
Oh thanks for the info

I have added it to my fav's and will check it out in depth later. Had a quick read but not informed enough as yet to contribute re feedback.

I also have my thoughts regarding sound waves...very loud thoughts
insomuch that our thoughts travel... so will be interesting if this info confirms my thoughts.

hey thankyou for sharing!

I will u2u you some info that I read.

[edit on 9-6-2007 by NJE777]

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 09:49 AM
I think you bring up some good points, but couldn't your take on the whole spiritual battle going on between the dark brothers and those trying to keep there light be a take on revelations???

Also do you think Jesus was the son of god???

Also a question for NJE777 how is free will only in the confines of the dark brothers, the way i understood the bible is it was a god given right, i would think the dark brothers would be the ones trying to take it away from us, please explain.

Also i have heard many theories on sound waves (the most commen one being of illuminati nature), and yes i have heard such also.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Also a question for NJE777 how is free will only in the confines of the dark brothers, the way i understood the bible is it was a god given right, i would think the dark brothers would be the ones trying to take it away from us, please explain.

I will do my best... I also don't want to take the thread off topic and some of what I believe may not be the same as SatanQue's understanding.

I believe that the person the world calls God as in the God of the Bible is in fact the dark brothers. Now, Christ, Buddha, Hiawatha, Lord Vishnu, Confucious etc were all very enlightened beings all entered Earth within about 500 years or so of each as for universal time, seconds apart. I refer to them as avatars of light. They all came from outside of this solar system to 'enlighten' us to help us to regain consciousness and thus, to free us from this reality. Much of their messages and works were corrupted by the ones in control to keep us heavy. Sin keeps us heavy by way of guilt etc. Suppression of being in a natural state builds up to a point of extremity and people act in extreme ways...

The messages have been corrupted and used by them to suit their agenda, to keep us materially heavy and spiritually dead and hence, they continue to have the control. So you must understand that our dark brothers were in control to start with and have manipulated absolutely everything to keep it that way. But, as SatanQue stated, they have lost, the moment Christ and others 'died' for us.

So, free will because they have the control is only within their confines.
Isn't it amazing that JC advocated vegetarianism and yet in the bible, it states 'eat whatever you want'... when we eat another life force, it makes us heavy... and it is another factor that keeps us where they want us.

Anyway, these are my beliefs, thoughts and I am constantly learning.


[edit on 9-6-2007 by NJE777]

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 11:22 AM
Ok here's a question for both SatansQue and NJE777, putting religion aside for a moment what is both your takes on the use of magic either being of white or black origin, the reason i ask is because i think someone tried to give me a so called awakening.

Now i objected to this for two reasons, number one i didn't ask for it but even if i were to keep a open mind for a different view the use of magic i think might of had a part in it, so i'm curious on what your take on the use of magic is.

Also trying to keep a open mind, because we all have the freedom to express our views i must ask myself why was this so called awakening done with such malice in some regards, it makes it hard to figure out who the so called good guys and bad guys are, before i didn't hear any sound wave stuff and now i do, wasn't i better off before???

Also when you break it down like this i really had no choice but to be forced to have these experiences while on the other hand no one forced me to read the bible, i'll be the first one to say my life on this planet hasn't always been great (far from it some times), but is that what i needed???

I know some of these questions neither of you can answer because you weren't there for the so called awakening that i had, but yes i do think both of you bring up some good points that i can't deny have a ring of truth to them.

Also one more question NJE777 (then i'll stay on topic i promise) you say that you do believe Jesus died for our sins but you don't believe the bible then are you saying that you didn't believe Jesus wise men?

I too for the record am still learning but i'll say this, alot of different views seem to have rings of truth to them.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
I think you bring up some good points, but couldn't your take on the whole spiritual battle going on between the dark brothers and those trying to keep there light be a take on revelations???

Oh my gosh no. Te vision of st. John the divine, was hi-jacked and perverted by our dark brothers shortly after it appeared in this world. There is no beast with the number 666, that's a joke by your evil dark brothers to screw with your heads. In fact, the only reason Revelations was included in the Bible was to keep the consistant theme they had going to slander God, as a vengfull, angry, murderous deity.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Also do you think Jesus was the son of god???

Was? The spirit of the Christ Jesus appeared many times over the course of the world's linier history. As Thoth, Zorasthura, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Budda, Mirra, Mother Teresa, etc.

This Spirit is what is referred to as the Holy Spirit - the spirit of wisdom and truth - the Holy breath of Life. We are all the sons and daughters, in spirit, of the living God. The spirit of Jesus the man, had traversed the ages as we all did, but his identity was sheilded by the Mother/Father God energy until he arrived at the appropriate time to begin the dismantling of the material universe created by our dark brothers. Then his spirit was swapped with the Holy spirit while in Mary's womb.

Of course the dark brothers sensed the change in the energy of the universe, but didn't exactly understand what was about to happen. Now, Jesus did not come here to die for humankind, the Christ jesus was here to LIVE for humankind, and to spread the message of the Love of God, of neighbor, and of self in service to each other. The Christ Teresa, further demonstrated this through the perfect application of this Christ Love in the world.

A lot of Christian reject Teresa, because she wasn't preaching and trying to convert the Hindis over to Christianity. But in the Eyes of our Father/Mother God she was perfect. If the entire world followed just one 10th of what she did, there would be peace on this earth.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Also a question for NJE777 how is free will only in the confines of the dark brothers, the way i understood the bible is it was a god given right, i would think the dark brothers would be the ones trying to take it away from us, please explain.

I know you directed this to NJE77, but the true application of freewill pretty much stopped at the entrance to this material universe. Once trapped inside of it, we only have two choices, keep your light and the memory of our true home burning brightly in our hearts, or succum to the BS here, and hand it over willingly to our dark brothers.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Ok here's a question for both SatansQue and NJE777, putting religion aside for a moment what is both your takes on the use of magic either being of white or black origin, the reason i ask is because i think someone tried to give me a so called awakening.

In your true spiritual home, the is no such a thing as magic. It isn't necessary because what we think, we experience. In the spirit realm, our thoughts are perfectly aligned with the will of our creator.

Here, in this material universe, magic is used to trick weak minds into believing in the power of men/women. Various beings are capable of transforming matter, moving it, etc., because matter is just that, maleable. White magic, dark magic - the actual process by which energy is directed toward affecting the ethers, it's all the same really, just the intent is different.

If you want to really connect to our Mother/Father God, follow the example set by the Christ Teresa.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
it makes it hard to figure out who the so called good guys and bad guys are...

The good guys are all about the Love of God, of neighbor, and of self through the practical application of God's love in service to others, and nothing more.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Also when you break it down like this i really had no choice but to be forced to have these experiences while on the other hand no one forced me to read the bible, i'll be the first one to say my life on this planet hasn't always been great (far from it some times), but is that what i needed???

And empty vessel will eventually be filled with something, once the top comes off. You weren't forced to have the experience, you were open to it, even though you didn't actually ask for it, because you had nothing else. Picking up the Bible is a start, but it's certainly not the end. Not until you understand the Love, and then put it into practice everyday of your life in service to others.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Also one more question NJE777 (then i'll stay on topic i promise) you say that you do believe Jesus died for our sins but you don't believe the bible then are you saying that you didn't believe Jesus wise men?

Jesus specifically told his desciples not to write anything down, or to bother rehursing what they would say, because the Spirit of Truth, which is the Holy Spirit, would bring everything into rememberance. Jesus did not create Christianity, and christianity is not based on the Life, and spirit of the Christ Jesus.

And Paul, according to the christ, came in his own name, and wrote numerous letters that formed the basis of the structure, which we see today, and is an abomination to God.

Christianity is a construct designed by men, with the help of agents loyal to our dark brothers, specifically for the purpose of perverting the effects of the Christ in this world. The so-called Church of God, is actually the temple of Satan. The voice of the Bible, is the voice of various dark brothers pretenting to be God.

Perfect example is the overt consentration upon the murder of Jesus on the cross. While the cross opened the pathway for our escape from this Hell, it is the Life, of the Christ in this world, who puts us on the ship ready to sail.

If the Bible was the actual word of God, there wouldn't be Catholics, Baptists, Born Agains, Lutherans, Methodists, etc., it's all a big mess, and none of it has anything to do with the true message of the Christ. There are bits and pieces of truth, but the slander, and outright lies attributed to God, are completely outrageous, rendering it completely useless, to a certain degree.

Not that you can't take away a couple jems amidst the mess, but the Holy Spirit is always, and in every way ready to give you the truth in your heart. If your heart is open to the love of God, of neighbor, and self, through service to others.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 05:24 AM
Again you do bring up some really good points but you say if the bible was the actual word of God, there wouldn't be Catholics, Baptists, Born Agains,Lutherans, Methodists, etc., But what if through the annals of time different meanings and sayings that are in the bible meant something different to various factions and they splintered off to fourm groups that believed there take on the words??

I mean i'll be the first to say i don't understand every exact quote from the good book and i'm sure there are others who believe in god and don't either.

I do agree there are others that think there god but that various from person to person on what they mean by saying such a statement.

I too much like NJE777 had a strange dream were i heard someone say they were going to break me, i took it with a grain of salt.

Also i feel that others who weren't even close to the moral code that both Jesus and Teresa were made similar sacrifices like Jesus did, and altho i wouldn't consider these people god in the same sence that Jesus was i don't over look what they did because i feel no mater what they were good people.

Also i want your take on the Illuminati, my feeling is the symbolism that this secret society has is obviously all over the place and while it's true some of it is just cowincidence there's just way to much of it for it all to be.

Plus you were saying about magic not really having a so called color but you sort of alluded to different peoples intentions so are you saying that people could use it for bad???

One final thing, the commen denominator in both beliefs persay is the battle of good vs evil the battle for your mind body and soul, so for the sake of argument lets say that both the beast and the dark brothers were two separate evil things (remember in clash of the titans there were the Kraken, Calibos and a whole host of other baddies and yea i know it's just a movie) but my point is really how would i go about in beating the dark brothers is what i'm getting at????

Thanks for your time.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Again you do bring up some really good points but you say if the bible was the actual word of God, there wouldn't be Catholics, Baptists, Born Agains,Lutherans, Methodists, etc., But what if through the annals of time different meanings and sayings that are in the bible meant something different to various factions and they splintered off to fourm groups that believed there take on the words??

There is no duality in God. Therefore, that which is wrtten to be the so-called "Word of God" must not be full of duplicity, which the Bible is. And for something to be considered from God, it must actually come directly from the hands of God, untouched by human hands, which the Bible is clearly not.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
I mean i'll be the first to say i don't understand every exact quote from the good book and i'm sure there are others who believe in god and don't either.

And this is why earth is Hell.

Because in Hell, the prisoners want to believe that they actually have a clue about anything, without actually having to understand what they believe in. Which is why they have turned the God of the Bible into a war mongering, evil, murderous, vengfull, angry deity, who has nothing else better to do than to plot killing off His creation, and allowing devils to influence the lives of those He's supposed to love.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
I too much like NJE777 had a strange dream were i heard someone say they were going to break me, i took it with a grain of salt.

Of course you did, because you are a prisoner sentenced to death, and you don't even know it.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Also i feel that others who weren't even close to the moral code that both Jesus and Teresa were made similar sacrifices like Jesus did, and altho i wouldn't consider these people god in the same sence that Jesus was i don't over look what they did because i feel no mater what they were good people.

Again, of course you do, because you don't know God, and what is expected of you.

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Also i want your take on the Illuminati,

A waste of my time.

[edit on 10-6-2007 by SatansQue]

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:01 AM
Here's the thing and it could be a catch twenty two if i were to take the dream i had when someone said "i'm going to break you" and then try and not look at it with a grain of salt aren't i giving the dark brothers more power over me then i should???

Also what can be done to beat them, because i feel the reason that i would even hear such a thing is because i am trying to fight them and not sell out persay, i like to think i keep a open mind so i'm always up for learning.

[edit on 10-6-2007 by WhatIsWhat]

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Here's the thing and it could be a catch twenty two if i were to take the dream i had when someone said "i'm going to break you" and then try and not look at it with a grain of salt aren't i giving the dark brothers more power over me then i should???

Also what can be done to beat them, because i feel the reason that i would even hear such a thing is because i am trying to fight them and not sell out persay, i like to think i keep a open mind so i'm always up for learning.

You have to stop straddling the wall, and jump into the action. If you lived the rest of your life, trying to perfect just one thing, it is this:

The most precious gift in all creation, is that spark of the Light of God, in your heart. To make that light shine as brightly as you can, you must learn how to love.

Think about it: If light enters a pitch dark room, the entire room is touched by the light. On the other hand, if darkness enters a room filled with light, the darkness is confined to the place where it stands, and everyone in the light can see it clearly. That's why Darkness hates the Light.

So make your light, the brightest it can be, and the dark brothers will shun you. Sure, every now and then when you let your guard down, they'll be waiting just outside the door to your heart, trying to gain entrance, but if your will, to keep your light burning brightly is strong enough, they can't touch you.

And how do you keep your light burning brightest? By Loving God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind, and likewise, you express your love for God, by loving your neighbor as yourself. ALL, not some, not a little, not almost all, but ALL of your heart, soul and mind. The Christ Jesus said this was the most important thingto God.

Your love, may be the only Bible a man, woman or child may ever read. And Like the Christ Jesus, and the Christ Teresa, we love our neighbors through our service to their needs.

Love is an active energy. The minute you express it, it changes anyone who recieves it.

Once your heart is open to this kind of love, then the Holy Spirit of truth and understanding will be at your side. And you will understand everything you need to know to maintain this love in your heart.

We all have to serve someone. Our father/Mother God prefers that it be each other, through the Love of God. It's that simple.

[edit on 10-6-2007 by SatansQue]

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 01:26 PM
The thing is when i heard someone say "i will break you", i was in a state between being awake and being asleep, i heard a few other things also and not all bad i heard someone say be careful and some other good stuff also.

Most of this went down about two years ago, my dad was dying in the hospital (god rest his soul), and i was hit pretty hard on two message boards i went too, also around this time i must of saw about five to ten cars in my neighborhood just stop and stare me down or just watch me, at this point i was ready for anything also my skin started having rapid muscle spasms all over my body that still continues to this day, also spray paint started poping up with my initials or that of some of my friends, some had stars near them and then i started seeing a abnormal rate of shooting stars were i walk at night.

Some of the spray paint had some funny stuff attached to it that truth be told did have me laugh, but i was pretty confused, some of the stuff i saw didn't or wasn't angry or seem hostile but other things i saw did seem to be that way, this is around the same time i started hearing that cracking noise in my house, plus some of my friends didn't seem like themselfs, also i found that some of the words of the spray paint i saw were coming out of my friends mouths, like for instance someone spray painted the name Doug and then my one friend started calling my other friend Doug even tho that's not his name and he didn't even know about the spray paint because i didn't say anything about it.

Now of course you weren't there to experience or see what i saw but i tried to give as a accurate description as possible and now i would like your honest opinion, do the things that i mention seem like the work of someone trying to help me or hurt me, or maybe there could of been two different people with different agendas????, I would deeply appcreate your take on what i described because i'v been racking my brian for this answer since it happen, the one thing i do know is a former friend (notice i said former) was on both message boards and put letters like this HOCWHNS and then he wrote for those in the know, know what it means...he didn't expect me to decipher his words...He Only Calls When He Needs Something, is what he was saying, but that's total bs i use to call this dude over my house all the time to watch wrestling pay per views that he never paid a dime for, now of course this guy seemed like he had something to do with it, but again none of my friends were actling like themselfs.
Again you bring up some really good points, i do try and help people out when i can, anytime a friend needed a place to stay there home was my home, as a mater of fact a buddy of mine lost his job a year ago and i'v been letting him crash at my house until he gets back on his feet, and i try and be as nice as i can to others (altho we know that can be hard at times.)

I'v always been a supporter of the underdog if you will and that same former friend was just that a underdog who i always pulled for, but he would start telling me storys about him and his other friends and how they would pick on this poor guy and he said he liked taking away his human rights and such, i laughed when he told me the story but i felt bad for the guy they were doing this too, so i did call him on the carpet about certin issues and he brought up a good point about how he's not perfect, which of course neither am i, if i were too write a list about all the bad stuff i did in the past we would be on page 30 by now, it's just it gos back to something you said and that is love, and yes even tho part of me wants to not stand this guy anymore i guess i know i should still show him love but that is hard, so it's not as easy it sounds but i know your right

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 01:32 PM
One final note on the story, when i was visting my dad in the hospital i saw a guy in the lobby who was having legal trouble at the time (for allegedly trying to pick up a underage kid), who i was talking about on the board now this guy had money and might want to keep someones mouth shut, now who knows he could of been set up with the underage kid thing because from what i understand he had alot of enemys but i do remember reading somewhere that this guy did some cruel stuff to poeple back in the day, but for all i know my frineds my former friend and this guy could of all been set up, it still dosn't explain the stars and the other stuff i mentioned, so i would like yout take on things.

Again thanks for your time i sincerely appcreate it.......Peace.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
so i would like your take on things.

Again thanks for your time i sincerely appcreate it.......Peace.

I really don't want to comment on those things. There is no way for me to have an opinion what-so-ever, because like you said, I wasn't there. Although it sounds like you have a lot to contemplate.

I'd rather leave it with my last comments to you concerning finding the Love in your heart, end this conversation, and get back on topic.

I pray for your success in finding peace

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 04:12 AM
SatansQue, i greatly respect what you bring forth to this board. i've had a genuine flame of love in me, but it has been greatly tarnished as i continue living.. but words of wisdom, even though i know the ultimate truth which is what you speak, don't allow that flame to rekindle unless i hear it again from someone else. shows in a sense how weak i am, but thank you for allowing me to recognize it again..

on that note, i have a couple questions, and i'll try to stay on topic.

this being a supposed hell, how come there are beautiful creations such as breath taking oceans, mountains, landscapes, intricate designs on plants, animals and love here on this planet in general.

i've done certain things in my past i am greatly ashamed of, and would not muster up the strength to admit such terrible acts. i feel like i am enveloped in guilt due to my past actions. do i simply forgive myself, move on and allow that light within me to burn as bright as possible?

also, i have done numerous drugs, from hallucinogens to who knows what. i have a very comfortable living condition, and often feel guilty that i take it for granted.. my mind has a tendacy to play tricks on me, i talk to myself a lot, but i do not know if it is myself saying these dark things or something that emmersed from my conscious due to my past guilt. i know deep down, i am a good person and that light is in me.. but the voice, or alter personality within my head makes me delusional.. (not to an extreme sense, i am able to maintain living)

but for instance, in the act of being giving. i believe this to the upmost, to serve one another, to love one another unconditionally.. and i get a great sense of joy when i serve someone in a genuine manner.. like giving a man in need of gas money that money for him to get home.. makes me feel good, but then this 'voice' comes in.. saying, is me serving another genuinely in itself a selfish act? do i do this simply to gain that satisfaction and good feeling? it's strange, i seem to want to be on good terms with everyone.. and wonder if that's my own selfish act and not the inner light i contain. but at the same time, i do genuinely want to help.

straying off topic a little bit, have you ever heard of situations where you go to sleep and wake up with scratches on your back? as if a cat left a minor, scabbed scratch. i wake up, take a shower, and only notice when the hot water hits my back and it arouses the burning sensation from a scratch i didnt even have the day before on my back.. i have short nails so i don't believe it's me in my sleep, and i do have pet cats, but keep my door locked and theres no way for them to get in.. this has happened randomly yet some what frequently through out my life.

and also, i had this dream.. i was on a basketball court situated on a high mountain top.. with a couple of friends, the stars were brighter, with more of them than i've ever seen before.. all the sudden i'm floating gently upwards, towards these certain set of unusual, brighter stars. i see my own body on the court as i go up, and thinking this is awesome.. all of the sudden my vision flashes red, i see this humongous demon who literally screams in this deep, terrifying voice.. "GET BACK DOWN THERE!" i woke up in a cold sweat, and to this day is one of my most horrifying dreams ever..

sorry for the long post, but i appreciate your insight on things because what you believe is what i consider the utter truth. and i feel like a lost, dimly lit flame strolling through darkness. thanks for your help, cheers.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 05:54 AM
One Hell of A Thread

Greetings, SatanQue. You have chosen a wonderfully provocative thread topic, presented it beautifully and done an exemplary job of keeping the thread going. ATS rarely produces discussion of such quality. I salute you.

I have a couple of questions, though.

Apart from your 'inner knowledge', which you say was vouchsafed to you at a moment of extreme stress, can you suggest any other ways of substantiating the following assertions?

1/ This is Hell

2/ God exists

3/ God is good

You have argued all three points very eloquently in the thread, but your arguments seems to be based largely on circumstantial evidence, or on personal experiences that others may not be able to share. I'd love to see something a bit more solid -- God's fingerprints, if you will -- or, at least, your take on why evidence is unnecessary.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 05:55 AM
This accidental double post, edited, gives me the opportunity to say that I have no intention of dragging this very interesting thread off course into the atheists vs. believers mire. I just want to know a bit more about where you're coming from.

[edit on 11-6-2007 by Astyanax]

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by WhatIsWhat
Ok here's a question for both SatansQue and NJE777, putting religion aside for a moment what is both your takes on the use of magic either being of white or black origin, the reason i ask is because i think someone tried to give me a so called awakening.

I believe majik is available to all. I am always careful of advocating anything to do with powers and external factors, only due to the fact that I can give you a gift but at what cost? If your considering anything supernatural, you need to be 100% sure of the source and there are too many readily available sources on the astral plane waiting to entertain your negatives.

To be very honest, on rare occasions I used to practice. (many eons ago) I have now stopped all forms of thought regarding that. Quite simply, when we dabble in the occult we know not the implications. I was very big on speeding up an individual's karma. But that is wrong for numerous reasons. I deluded myself into thinking it was ok to willfully bring about things based on my own perception of things, if something was right or wrong. We know not the life of another or even our own and to make a judgement and then act upon it is wrong. I don't need majik, I have the Holy Spirit.

If you feel that someone did something then I would go with that. Any kind of curse, manifestation is broken the moment you become aware of it. So, whatever the experience brought, know that it is over.

Now, back on topic... SatanQue mentioned the astral plane and the efforts to obtain someones light. I would like to touch upon this because I have a question regarding it. If for example, those people who have given up their light, can they get it back? I believe they can. Any thoughts on this, SatanQue?

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