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If you think you saw a UFO...

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posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 03:48 PM

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by damajikninja

It's great to see someone that has a little common sense with their belief in extraterrestrials. I've been saying it for years; just because there is something flying in the sky that is unidentifiable, doesn't mean it's alien.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 11:22 AM

I actually saw this too. When I first noticed this I thought it was a planet as it appeared as a stationary light while I was walking next door to my brother's house to check the mail. (I use his mailbox)
The object appeared to move in a north-east direction slowly and it started emitting sparks and kind of swerved erratic. My dad was outside and I told him to look at this.
I yelled at my mom to get my camera but she didn't understand what I was talking about and kind of disregarded me. It sped up on it's path and vanished over the trees.

What is really interesting if one looks around further there are reports of similar objects on or near the same day around the Myrtle Beach South Carolina area. One report reads that it came out from the ocean inland.
There is also another report of several people seeing this same object in
Hickory, North Carolina.

The date on my entry on this next site is wrong. I requested a couple of times for it to be edited but it never happened.

My somewhat Southern Redneck discussion with my dad are documented here (Date is wrong)

The other people's report

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:05 PM
I'm just wondering if meteors or other flying space debris leaves a laser looking after trail that last for a few seconds. I've seen a blue light kinda slowly fly into my vision as I was looking in the sky. The blue light slowly flew for a brief second before shooting off like a shooting star and leaving a laser beam looking blue trail behind. I've seen these recently in Yuma Arizona sorta near YPG so I don't rule out it being a test aircraft by the military. When I was 13 I saw something similar close to the same area as I seen the blue light. My friend and I were playing laser tag at night in a field full of broken and working tractors near my friends house. I look into the sky and I see this orange light just shoot into the night sky. I freak out being 13 and told my friend to look. He saw what I saw and after watching it slowly move it stopped and shot off like a shooting star. The site was spectacular being 13 and my friend got scared and started running home. I just stood there looking in the sky to see if I would see another one. I'm telling everyone here because I don't know what they are and I'm wondering if anyone has seen something similar. My friend recently caught a pic of the blue light and I posted it on a separate thread. I would like every to know that I am not lying and thanks to my friends recent sighting he now knows I wasn't fabricating my story about the orange light or the blue light I seen lie 2 months ago.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 07:13 PM
here is the pic I was talking about. I encourage people to analyze this photo and give your opinions on what it maybe or what it is if it's natural phenomena.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Kacen
This should help a lot of people.

Hopefully we won't be getting as many threads about things that are obviously aircraft/whatever.

I wish. Unfortunately, I think that these threads are ignored due to laziness and ignorance.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 01:11 PM
I have seen four Alien Space Craft, very up close, one of which I could have hugged. So, I don't believe these crafts exists, I know they do. And weather balloons, swamp gas, and rays from Venus do not follow traffic through curvy roads for 30 minutes in broad daylight or move of their own accord. Use the muscle that really counts, think for yourself. Also, Airplanes traditionally have wings, rudders, engines, lights, make noise, and leave a Jet trail. Nor do they hover 3ft above your car matching speed and coarse, then shooting towards space faster than your brain can process it.

[edit on 30-9-2007 by zero_xavier]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by damajikninja

Heck, they were right, it was just a weather baloon....RATS!

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:00 PM
I love the fact that we are still getting sightings reports in this thread, but I am discouraged that not many people have given any response, including myself. There are just so many that I can't respond to them all, and it seems no one else has the time to do it either.

Such is life on ATS sometimes. Old threads tend to get pushed under the rug. It just happens.
But threads often get revived, too! So let's hope for that!

I really wish we had a few more members surfing through this thread to help us analyze these sightings. I also wish that more people would post examples of things that are commonly known to be mistaken for UFOs, as was the original purpose of this thread.

In the spirit of Denying Ignorance, I would love for this thread to become a meeting grounds for people with sightings, and the first-round debunkers that can help us quickly see if it is just a common mistaken sighting. I do not want people with sightings to think that this is just a place for your experience to be shot down. Rather, this thread should serve to help you better understand what you saw - maybe it was a mistaken sighting, and maybe it was convincingly legit! By it's own name, a UFO is unknown, so post the event here and we will try to determine what you could have seen.

Those who will facilitate the role of a debunker or analyst, please maintain a non-hostile and cheerful disposition as you interact with our UFO spotters. Picking apart a story to ascertain its authenticity and viability often leads to "stepping on toes", so just be aware of that and be nice.
We want our friends to continue posting about what they've seen!

So to those of you with sightings, pics, and videos - Keep Posting Them Here! I will try to give more attention to this thread and start sifting back through all the recent posts. With any luck, maybe we'll get some other members in here to help me sort everything out.


-Ninja Out

[edit on 10/2/2007 by damajikninja]

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 01:38 AM
Before I start, I'll explain my father was involved in rocketry, and worked in a rocket manufacturing plant located about 40 miles from my home in a rural area of the Canadian praries. Because of this I was quite familiar with seeing man-made aircraft including millitary aircraft etc. And I knew what they looked like at night. One of the advantages I guess of having a father who worked in the "millitary/industrial complex" as it were I guess, is you have exposure and access to a lot of pictures, booklets, were taken to airshows etc.

When I was young, about 14 or maybe 15, so this would be in the late 70s, my brothers and I were allowed to stay up late as my aunt and her daughters were over for a barbeque. It was a perfectly clear evening, but as it got later there wasn't much in particular for me (and the other kids who were "played out" and tired) to do. So I began staring at the stars. While looking Northward about oh say 35/40 degrees up from the horizon, I noticed a funny star... and when I looked closer it was actually 3 stars in the form of a triangle. Only... it quickly dawned on me these weren't 3 separate stars these were all part of one object that was rotating... the lights at the corners of the triangle rotated in a counter-clockwise direction, fairly slowly, and the object itself moved slowly left and then slowly right. Then astonishingly - the ship zipped off - it crossed a good portion of the night sky in only a heartbeat - it was absolutely incredible speed - unbelievable speed - judging from the height of the object that would have been a huge distance to move. But I still managed to follow the movement (with some difficulty) and saw the object (still slowly rotating counter-clockwize). The object stood stationary for a few moments then woosh - went back to the relative position I had originally viewed it at. At this point I knew it was something not-of-this-earth and pushed my younger brother to go get the binoculars while I kept watch of the object. By the time my brother got back the object had made a few shorter distance "hops" and by the time I put the binoculars in hand I just caught a new arrival - another object - a second set of triangle lights that came in (from nowhere it appeared?) and slowly joined the original. Through the weak binoculars you could clearly see 3 distinct lights in the form of a triangle, and from time to time in the counter-clockwise rotation a light that seemed to come into view on top of the object (this was without a doubt a 3-dimensional object). Both craft continued to come very close to one another. My mother at this time finally was curious as to what we were doing and came over to see what the fuss was. She looked in the area of the sky my brother and I witnessed the objects in but she didn't seem to see what we were trying to show her. Although I think she saw more than she let on, but wanted to not scare us - or she may have not caught a glimpse of the two objects spinning in the night sky - she had been drinking most of the evening. At that point she decided we needed to call it an evening and get to bed. So we left the backyard and our vigil and did as we were told.

Anyways, it was that evening I knew, without a doubt that there is intelligent life outside of our little ball of dirt, and that they were visiting us. I have continued to watch the skies, and continue to catch glimpses now and then of things I can't easily explain.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by ir0nguts]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:39 AM
I think maybe i could of seen a UFO,a long time ago myself and my Sister were out playing.

Fast forward ten years,my Brother was talking to his friends about UFO's and he called me over and said you saw a UFO didnt you "Franky",i said did i

Then an image of a flying saucer poped into my head that was above a railway bridge near where i lived,i asked my Brother where did i say i saw it,he said above the railway bridge.

Now im not saying i did see a UFO because like a lot of kids i told a few tales,but the picture was vivd

I made this id just for this topic i am a member but id rather keep the two apart


if ive broken any rules by haveing two ids delete this one please

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by damajikninja

Doing a Oct. 12th bump, and wanting to know how you are doing my friend? All is well I sincerly hope? I would be very interested to talk about dusting this thread off and redirecting it more towards what your original idea was

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Just thought I'd throw this in for a mistaken ufo. This guy has fooled people at Laguna Beach for awhile now. Here's a video of it from Youtube.

It's also being talked about in this thread.
UFO Baffles Orange County California

Just makes me wonder how many other people have done this same thing and with larger foam flyers.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 10:57 PM
Wow I think that people today are so gulable that they will beleive anything the hear on the radio, read in the papers, and see on teleivison. People need to understand that not every twinkle or spark in the sky isnt a ufo or some spaceship. I mean the pictures that were shown at the begginging of this thread were beyond obvious that they where either shooting stars, planes, or military aircraft. Honestly people dont jump to conclusions so fast; just because you want to beleive its real doesnt mean it is real.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:23 AM
About one year ago my son (18 years old) and myself where walking in the woods behind our house, it was around noon time on a very clear day, there is a lot of trees, but not so many that it's a problem, we where coming back to the house and for some reason we turned around and there was a pale blue ball of light about 25 feet behind us, it was 2 1/2 feet in diameter and about eye level, we froze and it darted to our right about thirty feet behind a tree that was about a foot wide at the trunk, I stayed in place and my son went over to the tree but there was nothing there, it was wider than the tree but it never protruded out the opposite side, it wasn't frightening or anything but it did seem to be aware of us, that's just the impresion that we had, later we couldn't remember exactly why we stopped and turned around, we got a pretty good look at it, it reminded me fo one of those"Tesla" balls that have the electricity coming from the electrode jumping out to the glass but more solid, more electricity so that it was a solid ball of light blue plasma, there was no sound coming from it, no light beneath it and no shadow, I really don't think it was a "ball lightening" it seemed to be suprised when we turned around, again that's just the impresion we got, We had no "comunication" from it, well, that we remember nor any missing time, it was amazing, what ever it was it seemed that it was alive or thinking. (excuse my spelling.)

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:04 AM
Ok, Please if can and want go and check this 2 videos

and they tell me what you think.

the other video is

If you still have doubts, you have a problem


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:43 PM
I still want to know if anyone else has seen what I saw a few years back.
It's all in this thread:

I'm wondering if I'm the only one, or if others have seen something similar.

Happy hunting though.
This is a good thread.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:51 AM
I saw something I couldn't identity (making it a UFO!) on Friday night, so that would have been October 26th. I wish I could remember the exact time. I think it was between 9:00 PM and 10:00 PM. I had just stepped outside of my apartment to get something from my car.

Having heard a low flying propeller plane, I glanced up and watched it as I walked. That's when my attention was drawn to an unusually bright light in the clear sky. I was facing north at the time, and while the light was almost straight up, I was definitely looking slightly northeast at it.

Initially I suspected it might be another plane or possibly a jet, so I looked for the standard flashing colored lights but saw nothing. I also noticed that the thing did not seem to be moving.

I observed the bright light for perhaps 10 seconds, surprised by the intensity it had. In fact, it was the intensity of it that made me first wonder if it was a low flying aircraft. There was no flickering, no apparent movement, and it looked much bigger than a star. However, that size could have been the product of how bright it was and perhaps some sort of light disbursing effect from the atmosphere.

So, after that initial 10 or so seconds, the thing started to move in a northerly direction, very slowly. Now, I should probably state that prior to this I didn't not get the feeling that this thing was moving, but I could be mistaken. I wish I had been able to observe it longer in order to really get a good feel for any movement. Nevertheless, it was moving slowly and steadily north for a couple seconds before the intensity of the light quickly faded away to the point that this thing looked like nothing more than a star or a satellite. Finally, over the course of the next 10 or so seconds, it slowly continued to fade until it was gone completely.

I'm not sure what it was. I've watched many satellites, and am familiar with how bright they look and how they move. I would say that this was not a satellite, but because I wasn't able to have a longer period to watch this thing, I cannot say that with 100% certainty. I wonder if it could have been a meteorite falling down in my direction so that I couldn't see the typical streak that one sees when watching one from a side view. Or, as I have heard about since seeing this, I am wondering if it was this bright comet that was sighted over the weekend.

Okay, I just looked at some pictures of the comet I mentioned, Comet Holmes, and I am feeling pretty strongly that what I saw was something different.

I welcome any suggestions as to what it could have been or questions about what I saw.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:43 PM
OK, I'm flagging this puppy.

I've not seen this thread until now but are very interested in participating. I'm a MUFON member and many other things interesting to those here. I am also working on a project this thread would be great source for and give good resources to the people here. Can't talk yet, but I will announce it here too.

I have seen alien craft and UFOs, photographed and videoed them. I have friends who have been formally investigating UFOs for decades. I know people who I would trust with my life who have had significant experiences. I have observed as an amateur astronomer for 25 or more years, worked for NASA, SETI and some well known UFO experts, done some covers and illustrations for books on the subject and I am doing a documentary CGI project for my own encounter in 1992.

I lived on approach for a major metro airport when a kid, bedroom window facing, and now live in a place where air traffic for 3 international airports approach, so know aircraft well. My dad was a shuttle driver for McClellan Air Force Base when I was a kid and I saw all kinds of military aircraft, even saw the Flying Wing take off one day from the car cause my dad knew the flight schedule and took us to see. I can't even count all the other related experiences.

I've seen SR71s in the hangers in Landcaster and a good buddy was flight mechanic crew for them, so I get god intel. I even watched a U2 take off from NASA Ames, went into the data room and watched telemetry from multi-spectral cameras as it went out across Nevada and came back. I just saw the last Titan launch from Vandenberg last year and I photograph mistaken UFO and atmospheric phenomena and study effects. Very little gets by me, but I have seen what can only be explained as not our technology.

I'll be back with some interesting stuff and to read this great thread.

Hope it didn't die yet, (wimper, wimper)


posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 11:49 AM
Hi, most folks don;t want to hear about a sighting, at least in my area.

I witnessed the well documented UFO that flew over Dupot, Il.

I just stood there thinking what a quiet Stealth fighter at first, and as the size grew and no sound was heard, I froze. No pics or video, just a haunting memory. I did see an extremely bright beam of light flashing upon farm houses and whatnot- nothing in particular. I swear it was straight out of close encounters- but it was very real to me!

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